EDD Oct 2013


Thanks PrincessIrsh
I am feeling nausea on and off have to take sour food to make it go away. I shall try butter crackers.
In fact, last month i went for a facial without knowing i was pregnant!haha
Hi Meowmummy

Congratz to u... I heard they say when we are having the gas/burping problems, we should not take sour food and plums.. It will create more gas and queasiness in the stomach.. Try alternating it with butter crackers.. They help.. I have been doing so for the past 1 week and feel abit relieved frm the gas issues..
Hi huiqin,
I still go for my facial as usual unless I am so unwell. For my first pregnancy, I continue with facial till I gave birth.
For me, I told my facial auntie I am preggie and she w stop using machines for any sort of treatments and any massages. She simply clean and maintain.


I also have super oily skin after I preg. I see all ppl ard me are not having such probs and I realised only I have such prob. Everyone also noticed my face full of pimples. So demoralizing and upset.

I also had probs with my stomach as I prone to wind. I will feel nausea when I hungry, and also when I ate a lot. So I really dono what my stomach wants. I just keep telling my little one to absorb all nutrients from my food lo. Don make me uncomfortable and hope little one grows well and healthy.



I discovered that I do not feel nausea if I take smaller meals the whole day,like5-6 meals. anyone has milky discharge? i read im having more of this as there is an increase of estrogen level, i hope i means that my pregnancy is going well


New Member
Hi mummies, i'm likely in my 10th week now and like most of the posts here, the nausea is bad, i've literally been throwing up everyday after every meal. developing gastric too as it seems my food gets digested really quickly... i have heard stories that as nausea gets better it could potentially mean its a miscarriage... so i'm getting worried now that i am throwing up less... any of you experienced / heard such stories? also, is there a way to check if baby is fine without literally going to do an ultrasound? my next visit is the oscar scan in 2 weeks.. and i'm not sure if my worries can tahan till then... :07:


ive heard that pregnancy symptoms can start to reduce starting on 9weeks, and it is depending on how your body is reacting to the pregnancy hormones. ive seen someone who have been throwing up from the first tri. so bad that she cant come to work, by second tri, she is perfectly well and gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
I think it really depends on individual whether the MS will ends after 1st Tri or continue till 2nd Tri. I'm in my 10wks now, MS still persist, always feel nausea without vomitting before and after meal, but no apetite to eat or only can eat small meal. Milk, crackers, cucumber, doesn't help much. Hope this will end soon....
Hi all, I heard from my gynae normally e morning sickness will get better when proceed into second tri. Is also cos the hormones level starts to slow down.
But again there is still a small grp of mummies who continue to have morning sickness all the way up to 14th weeks or till birth. It really depends on individuals.
As for the milky discharge, I hav not encounter before. Maybe is better to check w gynae ba.


New Member
Hi, just joined this forum. EDD: 7 Oct, currently 10 weeks pregnant.
Saw someone mention about the sea-band in the earlier posts. Any advice where to get them? My nausea + giddiness is really bad, have lost more than 2 kg in 2 weeks. Will it affect the growth of the baby??


New Member

ive lost 4 kg in the first trimester too but my gynae say its normal to lose weight. Baby needs little nutrients in first trimester, we should be able to catch up on nutrients for the baby when it gets bigger in 2nd tri.:)



Like mentioned, some mummies feel better twds e end of e first trimester; as in not so nauseous while some dun feel nauseous at all. It doesn't necessarily mean a miscarriage is gonna occur..dun worry ok!;)

I'm 11wks2days and still feel nauseous, in fact I'm even starting to gag; which I hope will stop after 12-13wks! I think e only way U can tell whether everythg is fine is by ur tummy cramps coz I assume the uterus constantly gets bigger and we should be feelg e mild cramps once in awhile?

Other than that perhaps, watch out for other symptoms like back aches, breakouts etc tt start only after U conceive?


New Member
Hi all..

Just joined this forum since my friend recommended it.. :)

First time mom here, very excited and worried and everything! Jumbled emotions haha.

Am now overseas for holiday and saw gynae here since only gonna be back in April.. My EDD is mid Oct~ Anyone of you seeing Dr Adrian Woodsworth (forgot if this is correct name) or have any gynae in the west to recommend? :))

Have been suffering from total loss of appetite and severe nausea.. I have not eaten much for a month now (I probably ate more in 3 days than in my pregnancy mth) and so i've lost quite a bit of weight but the gynae keeps saying it's normal and i just need to live with it. :(



Hi all mummies,

I'm 8 weeks pregnant now. For the past two days, I felt my bloatedness of tummy and tenderness of breast getting mild compared to previous week. I'm kinda worried why does these symptom happen. Anyone can give me advice? Or should I go to see my gynae? My mood is swinging because of this, not sure what will happen to my BB.


Hi all mummies,

I'm 8 weeks pregnant now. For the past two days, I felt my bloatedness of tummy and tenderness of breast getting mild compared to previous week. I'm kinda worried why does these symptom happen. Anyone can give me advice? Or should I go to see my gynae? My mood is swinging because of this, not sure what will happen to my BB.
For my case, i had a MC last year and the first sign was spotting, then over time the symptoms reduce and disappear, if you are on progesterone tablet, the symptoms will linger longer as your body will still tink that you are preggy.

Im around 6-7weeks now and my symptoms keep changing, some days i will feel my breast being very sore, some days its ok, but it is still tender, my symptoms changed too now im getting more nausea.

Every pregnancy is different but when i had my MC previously there was this gut feel that the bb is not there anymore


I've read people who have motion sickness are prone to morning sickness....don't know how true?
but i guess the symptoms shd start easing once u move into your 2nd trimester....

i'm also having queasiness on and off...some days i'm ok...some days i'm not....and i get hungry very easily.....i need food all the time...but i'm starting to feel my queasiness easing up a bit...