EDD Oct 2013


Hello, welcome and congraaaatsss winkle!^_^ :cool: I think paranoia will stick to us till we give birth..but I guess that's a norm, just try to distract yourself by thinking of happier stuffs like baby's name, face etc..hehe..

But it's easier said than done right..coz I panic every other moment too..:D
OCt mummies

you all can try to get this baby library package

Public Libraries Singapore

i think it is quite nice..... u can collect from your nearest library
but i am not too sure if you can collect before birth of the child...

To promote reading as a child-bonding activity for parents with children 0-6 years, care packs were given to expectant parents containing:

  • Baby Journal (Journaled milestones & 25-page information guide)
  • Baby's First CD (for foetus to enjoy; parents to learn to tell stories, nursery rhymes and lullabies)
  • Baby's Height Chart (indicate baby's developmental milestones and appropriate reading)
What is BFP? I just tested using clearblu and I got 2 lines!Downloaded a pregnancy app, and yes, am curious why the date is calculated from 1st day of last menses.. So strange.

Booked Dr. Jocelyn Wong but she's only free 2 weeks after. Super gan cheong to find out if i have an heartbeat! Coz i was totally doing rubbish like drink wine and party in the initial 4 weeks not knowing I'm preggy:embarrassed:


New Member
Hi~ My edd is mid to end of Oct! Went for a scan ytd and the doctor let us hear the heartbeat and I couldn't stop laughing, I'm 6 weeks n 4 days ^^ I went to Dr Paul Tseng from TMC, I read up on him in a few forums and seems a pretty nice guy :)


Hi all, Im new to this forum and also a first time mum! Found out I was preggy last week and currently at the beginning of Week 5.
Jus wondering, I made a gynae appt next Sat (at week 6), is it too early to go for a scan? Been taking folic acid as advised by frens..was thinking if i shd push my appt to week 7 instead cos i heard that if we cant hear bb's heartbeat, we'd hv to come bk in a week time. Each visit costs 200+!!

Any advise??


Congrads Joyfulmum, you can hear the bb heartbeat at week 6 onwards. But your counting is based on ur LMP? cos is not 100% accurate. im week 9 if count by LMP, but according to scan, im only 8 weeks.

it depends how anxious u are to see your scan, normally they will advise u go at week 7/8 for first scan. if u dun have any pain, issue tt concern u, or pre existing medical condition, is ok to wait till week 7/8. but most ppl like me cannot wait hahaa i rather pay to get a peace of mind


Hi huiqi83,

i calculated my no. Of weeks based on first day of last menses as well as the apps avaliable. When did u first see ur gyane and when is the next appt set?

Wat r the medicines that was prescribed?
Haha sorry for so many questions, first time mum very curious!


I find that counting from LMP always gives you way too headstart....if you go for actual scan, you could be one week behind instead...so if you are counting from your LMP, you should minus about a week off.

you can start to see your gynae now so that he/she can advise you what supps to take or to prescribe you medications to support your pregnancy while waiting for the first heartbeat scan. I was prescribed folic acid, iron and duphaston when I went to my gynae when I first found out I'm pregnant.
Hi mummies to be, was wondering if anybody experience alteration in taste or losing of taste? Just the other day I was eating vanilla ice cream and all I can taste is the coldness of the ice cream.. No vanilla... Arg... Food taste bland except for saltiness.


Me too...everything tastes v bland...kinda lost appetite after a few mouthfuls...

I also have this terrible ulcer right now which I read is common in pregnancy. It's hurting pretty bad...anyone has this? There are many over the counter remedies that aren't suitable for pregnant ladies and to have to queue at the doc just for an ulcer seems pretty waste of time


Thv, i also have an irritating ulcer! But i didnt know pregnancy could be the cost of it. and yes.. blander taste and salty food cravings!!! Ate so much twister fries haha


I was also prescribed Duphaston and as usual folic acid. But I have been taking e former for e past 6mths prior to conception. And like huiqin, I also chose to see e gynae asap coz so that baby's progress can be monitored..=)

Lately, my wisdom tooth has been giving me major headaches but I read that we can't have extraction during the 1st trimester coz higher risk of miscarriage. Arghh, means it will be so jia lat for me....=,(

But on a happier note, I will be 10weeks next Tues and appt on Thurs! Wootzz..!!^_^


Just had my scan, I'm 8w and can see the head of my baby!! Was so happy to see the progress =) Dr want me continue eat duphastan pill cos still got some black shadow at the side. Pray is not bleeding. I ask for a jab just for security. He also gave me a lot more other vitamin today like fish oil, calcium, dha n some other stuff. Now I have total 7types of medic to eat every day . Bill is also very big today =(

Am schedule for Oscar scan on my next appt,, pray scan all ok!!
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hi Ladies, i been having morning sickness from morning waking up till before i sleep. for ladies who experience morning sickness ( gag or slight vomit of gas) , can i ask roughly how many times you visit toilet? im like... a total of 6 - 7 times throughout the day, n increasing!

fyi im also having ulcer for frm week 6 onwards n till now. water is best to reduce heatiness i believe.
For bland taste and increase saliva in the mouth, i also experience it. so far i just keep trying to munch crackers n eat fruits little by little, sip lemon honey tea, milo, cereal oats flavored. orange juice makes the best remedy for me.
Hi, I jz like to share with those who want alleviation to morning sickness. There's a wrist band to help with MS, available in Guardian abt 13 SGD. the brand is SEA-BAND. so far it helps alot in my nausea n vomitting. today's my first day using it.