EDD Oct 2013

hi nat!
no la.. i no obstracize kkh. but tts the bad reviews many saying. of cos, same like tmc, and all other hosp, ultimately its who we end up with . its luck lo.

like i go tmc my sonographer very nice to me, but same lady super fierce to my fren. she totally dun dare talk to the sonographer after tio whack twice. LOl

for all mummies, can always get one more scan/ opinion one.
there are always gd and bad results from fa scans. but only when bb out then we will truly know the condition.
e.g my fren colleague was told her bb healthy all along. until delivered then know got illness/ down syndromes.
and of cos most cases, the mummies go home with healthy happy babies!
no la..i never say you obstracize KKH :)...sometimes you would meet with 1 who can clique with you, sometimes you dont lor..same for gynae also..all depends on luck.


Hmm.. For both my 2d n fa, it was super fast. I didn't c my girl one legs or wad. But all instant say GIRL!

I saw her features via 2d rather than fa. (screen far maybe lol).

N the sonog say features before week 28 are hollow not accurate.

To see her features closest to delivery would b 4d scan after 28 weeks.


New Member
Hi Mummies!

Me went for my 21week scan at KKH on last Fri...

The result was real bad..

they detect either me or baby might have mild heart prob. but its jus a suspicion. n they cannot confirm till 7th mth.but like tat. the baby is too big.. cannot do anyg.. n they cannot gimme a definite answer for any of my qns.. me n my husb got so upset n fed up with them..the doc say.. mayb bcoz the scanning center was too crowded.. so the lady did it in a rush.. not to worry.. 7th mth scan they will do throughly.. still can tell me.. dun worry so much.. firstly its juz a suspicion.. 2ndly there are many ppl who has tis prob n still living fine.. 3rdly.. dunno if its u or the baby.. so ntg to worry so much. .juz wait till 7th mth.. n then if its again detected.. ask the lady who did the scan to explain.. they say.. all perfect... all formed.. kidneys, brain, heart n all.. the skull all ok.. baby is well and fine.. all the 3 cord vessels are normal.. all ok.. baby developement n growth all ok.. baby breathing all good.. but got mild heart prob detected.. oni a suspicion.. n dunno if its for me or the baby coz the report not indicated.. they say mus wait till 7th mth cannot scan earlier..coz by then baby fully developed n can see everything clearly.. which is exactly my point.. once baby is fully developed.. then i cannot do anyg.. i gotta juz live with it.. good or bad wat?

Hence, family decided to get 2nd opinion.. Any good gynae to recommend?

Help mummy in distress... Been crying over the whole weekend.. First baby and got result like this. I jus find that their answers were unprofessional and they are irresponsible.. Its like they faster faster want to chase me out of the doctors room. Haizzz...


Hi PrincessIrsh,
I have a similar experience with you. During my Oscar, my blood test results was pretty bad (1:100) for downs. But we opted out of Amnio test and waited one month to do the FA test to see our baby's features are anything like a Downs baby, thankfully the FA scan showed the baby's features (neck, head size, nasal bone etc) are not likely to be a Downs. But the FA scan also found some irregularity in my baby's heart, the pulmonary artery was bigger than the aorta, which is different from other babies and they are not sure whether it will be any problem or not cos they have not seen this before. So my gynae sent us to a paediatric cardiologist for a second opinion. Just went to the paediatric cardiologist today, everything turned out to be normal. If you want the contact of the doctor, I can pm you. The doctor only sees children's heart and nothing else. He is not cheap also, consultation+scan with him today was $380. But it was worth it when he told us that our baby is okay.
Hi princess - I did my detailed scan with dr tc Chang at tmc. He is not my doc but he was recommended by my gynae to do my scan.

You may wanna consider him.
Hi littlej - How much did he charge u? would u be visiting him again? Can help me ask if he is avail on weekends? the gynaes at TMC are mostly booked till Aug.. Am mos probably planning to do walk in.. Unfortunately.. Haizzz...


New Member
Hi littlej - How much did he charge u? would u be visiting him again? Can help me ask if he is avail on weekends? the gynaes at TMC are mostly booked till Aug.. Am mos probably planning to do walk in.. Unfortunately.. Haizzz...
babe, i think dont just walk in. best is to schedule an appt during weekdays. i think the doctor will be able to give u a medical certificate if u ask for it..


New Member
I was scanned by Dr TC Chang too, recommended by my gynae .. I think he is only available on certain days of the week. So it's better to call and make appointment.

I was not scanned in detail by Dr Chang himself, it's another sonographer, then towards the end, Dr Chang just came in to confirm the sonographer 's scans and gave a brief explanation.. he was gone in less than 10 mins..


Why don't u try NUH also? I found that they are professional enough though waiting time can take about an hr. My gynae was at glene but I was referred to NUH for the major scans. I was also scanned by a sonographer and results confirmed by a professor before I was released. I just finished my scan there in fact. Only cost $160.


Active Member
Hi princess. Dr Chang is not my gynae - I was referred to him to do the scan and he did for me personally and explained the results too. $321 incl gst.

Maybe you can google and call the number? Ya docs can give mc.


U call Tmc just ask for appy for fa scan cannot? Cos my doc just call for me n I just walk in also. Seems the dr chang v Gd. U can try!
Hey Mummies,

Jus called TMC, they do not take in walk in.. They referred me to Dr TC Chang, I managed to get an appt with him on Thurs 13/06.. Hopefully all goes fine... I just want to get this done with. Please all pray for me!!!


New Member
Hey Mummies,

Jus called TMC, they do not take in walk in.. They referred me to Dr TC Chang, I managed to get an appt with him on Thurs 13/06.. Hopefully all goes fine... I just want to get this done with. Please all pray for me!!!
great! dont worry now dear. wait and see what dr Chang says ok...


Good luck!!!! As bb n u grow bigger, scans clearer with high accuracy too! I might do again too when bb bigger. Cos I did at 19th week.

We await ur Gd news!!


New Member
PrincessIrsh:795171 said:
Hey Mummies,

Jus called TMC, they do not take in walk in.. They referred me to Dr TC Chang, I managed to get an appt with him on Thurs 13/06.. Hopefully all goes fine... I just want to get this done with. Please all pray for me!!!
All the best!!


New Member
Hey Mummies,

just called Thomson Medical Center, they do not take in walk in.. They referred me to Dr TC Chang, I managed to get an appt with him on Thurs 13/06.. Hopefully all goes fine... I just want to get this done with. Please all pray for me!!!

All the best to you and your bb, princess.


Active Member
Hi princess - great that you got the appt with dr tc Chang. hope it all works out well. He is very nice and professional. If I could, I would change gynae to him! Hee hee - maybe second kid =p


Princess, meanwhile stay optimistic & cheerful.

you can try talking to your baby and tell your baby to be healthy. read on book this works.
which totally work for me -.-
told my baby my tummy too small, no one can tell i am pregnant.
end up, i am week 19 but all say my tummy look big -.-
hello MTBs, i was quietly reading ur posts since i last posted my maldives holidaying here.

heres my update to share, ytd detailed scan confirm its a boy! n i bought 1k worth of stuff from d expo motherhood fair. 11am till 9pm! shiong shopping. e.g disposable breast pads, maternity pads, moomookow washable diapers, 300 worth of nursing bra & tops n dresses, liquid detergents, rash cream, thermometer, nipple cream, wipes, baby carrier, pillow n so on. filled d car boot entirely. last but not least me n baby's first prudential saving policy.

i hope to get everything else at d nx fair for after ppl passed me d hand downs.
i've gain 10kg since n doc tell me to eat lesser carbos. :eek:
now then i announce to my frens im preggy. am i late? lol.

and MTBs, besides stroller, breast pump, baby clothing, baby cot, sterliser, warmer, feeding bottles, any impt crucial items i have missed out so far?

edd 19 Oct!! :D