EDD October


yay!! i got it on the signature :D
you just have to paste the image link and upload the signature image, then insert signature image and save the signature :)

Still dun understand. can you show it step by step? Is it i have to go the settings and do it?


Hi Stephy, hope you're doing well :) I feel so lousy, caught a cold and I dislike to go to the doctor. Drinking some vitamin drink that my mom gave me and hope I'll be fit soonest!
Get well soon Fern!! The weather is unpredictable lately.. Do take good care of yourself!!
Get well soon Fern!! The weather is unpredictable lately.. Do take good care of yourself!!
Thank you Stephy! You too, stay fit.

Since you're also going for natural delivery, I thought I will share this with you. I was advised to walk more and my sister's friend even take the stairs everyday. She lives on the third floor so she uses the stairs going to work and coming home from work instead, until her gynae told her to stop. She delivered her baby in matter of only a couple of hours, according to my sis. Another colleague of mine also told me that there's this lady, where she helped out at her brother's small cafe. She only did light work, like serving the customers and clearing the table. She delivered her baby in 2 hours.

What I did for myself is I walk with my dogs every night, together with my HB, at the park and do stretches to open up the hip. If you know about this already then it's good! :) Hope we'll have a smooth and easy delivery when the time comes :)


Active Member
Oh dear, hope you get well soon, Alisa. I feel much better today. I was half dead yesterday and after I got slight fever I had no choice but to see a doc and popped 2 paracetamol.
Thanks Fernleafify, im better le. now already back to work liao.. so sian.. hee... u too must take care.


Thank you Stephy! You too, stay fit.

Since you're also going for natural delivery, I thought I will share this with you. I was advised to walk more and my sister's friend even take the stairs everyday. She lives on the third floor so she uses the stairs going to work and coming home from work instead, until her gynae told her to stop. She delivered her baby in matter of only a couple of hours, according to my sis. Another colleague of mine also told me that there's this lady, where she helped out at her brother's small cafe. She only did light work, like serving the customers and clearing the table. She delivered her baby in 2 hours.

What I did for myself is I walk with my dogs every night, together with my HB, at the park and do stretches to open up the hip. If you know about this already then it's good! :) Hope we'll have a smooth and easy delivery when the time comes :)
Thanks for the sharing fern!! I do walk alot as I am a sales personnel, on and off I have to visit my clients at Tuas. On top of that, my gynae advise me to go swimming as that helps to reduce backache. Am going for my check up again this Saturday, hope my baby is healthy as usual as I just got back from Ipoh by Coach (7 hours coach ride) :p


Active Member
I am seeing my gynae this Thursday.
Baby has been extremely active recently, sleep is disturbed by his frequent movements. Daughter has also been very clingy, I guess carrying her has also contributed to my backache and tummy pain...

Counting down to my maternity leave on 12 Sept! So so tired :(


I am seeing my gynae this Thursday.
Baby has been extremely active recently, sleep is disturbed by his frequent movements. Daughter has also been very clingy, I guess carrying her has also contributed to my backache and tummy pain...

Counting down to my maternity leave on 12 Sept! So so tired :(
My baby is also very active, especially at night. Still not sleeping at 2 am.

I'm wondering if I should take my maternity leave on 12/9 or 19/9 cuz my edd's 3 oct.


Active Member
My baby is also very active, especially at night. Still not sleeping at 2 am.

I'm wondering if I should take my maternity leave on 12/9 or 19/9 cuz my edd's 3 oct.
My edd is 1 day earlier than yours.
Are you going for natural birth or c sect?

I think it all depends on how comfortable are you feeling. For myself, I am drained from lack of proper rest, taking care of daughter, work and so on... To prepare myself for child birth I give myself almost 3 weeks rest (since 37 weeks onward is considered full term). Secondly, I also intend to start preparing my coming baby's stuffs during my maternity leave. Like cleaning the cot, washing and packing the clothes, last minute shopping etc. It kinda make me happy doing those hehehe....

I also intend to take 16 weeks straight cause I want to focus on breastfeeding. If I start my maternity on 12 Sept, by date I should return to work on 1 Jan 2011 but 1 Jan is a public holiday while 2 Jan is a replacement holiday so I am only going back on the 3 Jan =P


My baby is also very active, especially at night. Still not sleeping at 2 am.

I'm wondering if I should take my maternity leave on 12/9 or 19/9 cuz my edd's 3 oct.
My baby is active in the morning and night time around 9pm to 11pm. My EDD is 16 Oct.. am thinking to take my maternity leave 1 week earlier, just in case my baby cant wait to see the world :)



My baby also active especially after meal and there is music on, my EDD is 29 Oct. I'm still thinking how to plan my maternity leave. am thinking taking 1 week before i start my maternity leave on 24 Oct. :)
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Active Member
1 week is good if you feel comfortable enough.
I have a strong feelings that I shall also give birth earlier this time since my daughter is born 8 days before my previous EDD.

Just make sure you have sufficient rest, you will need those energy to push lolz


My edd is 1 day earlier than yours.
Are you going for natural birth or c sect?

I think it all depends on how comfortable are you feeling. For myself, I am drained from lack of proper rest, taking care of daughter, work and so on... To prepare myself for child birth I give myself almost 3 weeks rest (since 37 weeks onward is considered full term). Secondly, I also intend to start preparing my coming baby's stuffs during my maternity leave. Like cleaning the cot, washing and packing the clothes, last minute shopping etc. It kinda make me happy doing those hehehe....

I also intend to take 16 weeks straight cause I want to focus on breastfeeding. If I start my maternity on 12 Sept, by date I should return to work on 1 Jan 2011 but 1 Jan is a public holiday while 2 Jan is a replacement holiday so I am only going back on the 3 Jan =P
I'm going for natural birth :) if possible without epidural

I've gotten most of my bb stuff cuz 50% of them are from my cousin. Just need to get a few more things, wash the clothes and clean the items, setting up the nursery area n clear the mess in the room. I get a nice feeling from it too :) guess it's a nesting instinct.. :D

I'm also taking 16 weeks straight so that I can spend more time with my bb. Am also going on full breastfeeding :) was thinking of taking at least 2 weeks before as I have this feeling she might come out earlier


Heard my friends mentioned that baby gals will be earlier than EDD date whereas for baby boy will be delayed by at least 1 to 2 weeks.. dunno how true it is thou..


Heard my friends mentioned that baby gals will be earlier than EDD date whereas for baby boy will be delayed by at least 1 to 2 weeks.. dunno how true it is thou..
Hi Stephy,

Oh isit? So you are expecting girl or boy? Mine is girl but i'm going for c-section.