EDD October

i heard their charather is set even when they are in our womb. I ever talked to a mother, she say her boy is so active when in her tummy, move so much till her colleagues are shock too. in the end, baby born also very active. mine is also always moving so i guess my boy will be very active too.
*faint* like that I can forget about having good rest. Haha.. I like to watch how my tummy move when she's dancing inside. Her movement is like having sea waves and non-stop. Sometimes the movement is gentle and sometimes jerky. Looking at me and my HB, I think it's normal for her to be active. Both of us can't sit still type :p
Under observation, heard that she got contraction since 20 weeks but didnt realise that it's important.. might have pre-mature baby. She gained 13 kgs so far.. as for my case, I gained about 5 kgs (27 weeks) I dunno what is the feeling of having contraction eh...
Stephy, you only gained 5kg so far??
i've been having abit of contractions. but i've been dismissing it off as braxton hicks cuz it's not so frequent yet.
but i was in alot of pain the past 3 days cuz i had high fever. can't lie on my back neither can i sleep on my side.
Oh dear. Better see your gynae. When I had fever last week, the GP said that after 3 days if I still have fever gotta see my gynae already. It feels yucky to be sick during pregnancy. I hope you'll feel better soon!


Active Member
Under observation, heard that she got contraction since 20 weeks but didnt realise that it's important.. might have pre-mature baby. She gained 13 kgs so far.. as for my case, I gained about 5 kgs (27 weeks) I dunno what is the feeling of having contraction eh...
5kgs? *Envious*
Neither do I know how does contraction feel like even though I have given birth before >.<"


Better keep your gynae posted on your condiition... my colleague did not pay attention to her condition and that's why she's under hospitalization now. The baby is not ready and if she deliver by now.. she have to pay SGD1000/day for the pre mature baby as the baby's lung is not well formed for the time being...
my next appointment is mid august. so i guess i can only inform the gynae then. but i was thinking if i should call the nurse helpline and inform them instead.


Oh dear. Better see your gynae. When I had fever last week, the GP said that after 3 days if I still have fever gotta see my gynae already. It feels yucky to be sick during pregnancy. I hope you'll feel better soon!
i'm still aching all over today. had fever for 3 days. Recovered from the fever on the 4th day. yah, it's just like being sick during menstruation. thx fernleafify! :)


Braxton Hicks contractions | BabyCenter
Better check and see if it's braxton hicks or contractions... Inform your gynae if you are having contractions.
it's not that frequent, so i guess it's not? But I do get abdominal pains. there was once i mentioned about it and the gynae put her whole hand into my vagina to check if my cervix has dilated. it was still tightly shut then. probably it was pain from carrying too many heavy items.


Active Member
it's not that frequent, so i guess it's not? But I do get abdominal pains. there was once i mentioned about it and the gynae put her whole hand into my vagina to check if my cervix has dilated. it was still tightly shut then. probably it was pain from carrying too many heavy items.
Maybe cause I do get abdominal pains too when I carry my daughter too much.
However the pain should subside shouldn't last too long like a whole day or something, it should subside as time passes by.
You monitor first, don't think the nurse can help much.... If need just call and arrange to see your gynae earlier okay?


Active Member
I weight again last night after meal, I gained about 5.5kg so far.. I am a big built mama, so got to control my weight gain..
I try to avoid the weighing machine -.-"
I can't stop eating!!!! To me I guess thats the only good thing about being preggy.... I dont need to hide my tummy LOL!


I've gained 4.5kg at 27 weeks into my pregnancy and baby is now at a healthy weight of 1kg! :)
I signed up for the parentcraft workshop at Mt Alvernia and realized that Christy Chung also gave birth there, and attended parent craft! They proudly put up her picture at the centre. Her son is Indian and Chinese mixed parentage which means her hubby is Indian. Perhaps a Singaporean? Hehe so gossipy...


Me gained 6kg so far. Gynae said big built mummy should not put on more then 8kg. Oops I hope me
Don't exceed that cause i've another 10wks to go. How far along are you Stephy?


Me gained 6kg so far. Gynae said big built mummy should not put on more then 8kg. Oops I hope me
Don't exceed that cause i've another 10wks to go. How far along are you Stephy?
Another 11 weeks for me. Will go for my regular checkup this Saturday.. Hope I dont put on too much :p


I'm seeing my Gynae on Sat. too. Cross fingers. My edd is 7 oct but he thinks will most probably deliver in Sept. Cant believe it's so close. I'm
Currently bugged by backache. So difficult to sleep can't lie flat, can't lie on right or left. Urghhh!