EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
How much was your jab? Total cost? Did you take pneumoccal together or seperate. Anyone know why polyclinic needs to take hepb 2nd dose even though already taking 6 in 1. pediatrician no need. Does this mean pediatrician dosage is lesser? Less protection? Rotavirus is oral in pediatrician but injection in poly.

So many variations. Confused!

Rotavirus is injection in my PD and gynae clinic, cost $100++. If wanna take, please check with your GP/PD when to take coz there is a time frame to complete all the 2/3 jabs.
Hey ask you mummies something: how often does your baby nap in the day? Mine sometimes naps in the morning after her feed and bath, but the whole afternoon she doesn't seem to be able to fall asleep for too long - wakes every 5 or 10 minutes and then fusses unless she is carried. At night around 10pm onwards also very fussy - last night fell asleep only at 2+ am and woke at around 6 am. Not sure if this is normal?
my daughter will sleep abt 30min to 45min after her bath n milk. Then, after that she will sleep on off for 5min to 10min. Then at night will finally sleep at 10.30pm to 11pm....
Thanks for asking! :) Just took her 6-in-1 this morning - aiyo so heartpain for mummy haha - now monitoring her, hopefully she will not develop a fever. Is it 37.5 degrees and above for babies, same as adults? Forgot to ask my doctor just now. How did your little girl do?

Oh ya decided to get the jab at the pediatrician's afterall.. I enquired at the polyclinic and found that there was not much difference in the cost; also prefer the more personalised attention at the pediatrician's cos she also did her routine check for Cheyenne as well, not just administer the jab. Good to know that baby's doing ok in terms of her growth, average percentile compared to her peers. :) Nearly 5kg! As heavy as a bag of rice haha!
Fever will be anything above 36.9 degrees right? My girl was ok on the first day, 2nd day developed fever, temp went up to 37.8 degree.
How much did you pay for your jab package?
My daughter weighs 6.25kg. Our babies are growing, so cute right.


Hey dl28, don't feel bad about it or blame yourself, we all never intend for baby to be misdiagnosed. Daddy and mummy will naturally feel gan cheong when baby is not well, and sometimes we meet with doctors who prescribe the wrong thing.. just don't go back there again!! And the good thing is that you have found a good pediatrician so from now on, you can go to someone you know you can trust. :) How's your little girl now, getting better?


Fever will be anything above 36.9 degrees right? My girl was ok on the first day, 2nd day developed fever, temp went up to 37.8 degree.
How much did you pay for your jab package?
My daughter weighs 6.25kg. Our babies are growing, so cute right.
Wah 6.25kg - what you feeding her with? hehehe! Mine's nearly 5kg only leh.. recently her appetite seems to have gone down slightly, wonder why?

My 6-in-1 yesterday including consultation etc was $130. This includes the Hep B 2nd jab. The next round will be 5-in-1 at 4 mths old (will be around $110) + rotavirus (oral), and then Hep B 3rd jab at 6 mths old. How much did you guys pay - should be around the same? I asked at the polyclinic, 6-in-1 package is around $360, but I'm not sure what it includes.


New Member
dont pat... Such rythmic patting will activate his snooze button... Massage will b better... Though it dont 100% work...

She drinks both breast within 30mins - 40mins... As they grow older they will bcome more efficient in drawing out milk frm mother's breasts.... I once read in somewhere... Babies sucking more than 40mins isnt really feeding anymore... They are sucking for comfort... Too long on the breasts also not good.... Will get sore nipple...

Not continuous latching on... But frequent latch on will stimulate more milk production.... Try not to give formula if you can...
Are you able to squeeze out milk after feeding your baby? If so then you still hav milk!!! :)
I did try squeezing out before and yes there's milk!! haha..thank goodness..especially when he get frustrated, I will try squeezing and wonder y he get fed up when there's still milk available..

I do wonder if the pores could be block. Do you hav any idea how to determine if the pores are block?? Whenever I pump, the flows are not continuous..


New Member
Hi dl28, how is ur bb? Is she getting better?

My bb fall sick last wk too, gt cold and phlegm. It has Bren almost 1wk and he has yet to recover from the cold and keep having mucus. Only nose drop given but doesn't seems to help much. Will the cold affect bb in anyway?? Thinking of bringing him to see doc again if he doesn't get well within these few days.


I did try squeezing out before and yes there's milk!! haha..thank goodness..especially when he get frustrated, I will try squeezing and wonder y he get fed up when there's still milk available..

I do wonder if the pores could be block. Do you hav any idea how to determine if the pores are block?? Whenever I pump, the flows are not continuous..
You can feel it if your milk ducts are blocked; try feeling around your breast with your hand for any hard areas, if there are blocked ducts, massage those areas while pumping, they will be gone after a few minutes once your milk empties and the blocked ducts are cleared. :)


New Member
You can feel it if your milk ducts are blocked; try feeling around your breast with your hand for any hard areas, if there are blocked ducts, massage those areas while pumping, they will be gone after a few minutes once your milk empties and the blocked ducts are cleared. :)
Recently I will feel pain on the breasts but there is no hard areas. Do you hav any idea y there will be pain?


Recently I will feel pain on the breasts but there is no hard areas. Do you hav any idea y there will be pain?
You mean an achy kind of pain? I sometimes feel that too - could just be our milk ducts being hard at work. Also experience the aching pain during 'let down', especially whenever I carry my baby when she cries. I think it should be normal? Just massage your breasts or perhaps use a warm compress or hot towel, it should soothe the aches somewhat. :)


my daughter will sleep about 30min to 45min after her bath n milk. Then, after that she will sleep on off for 5min to 10min. Then at night will finally sleep at 10.30pm to 11pm....
my boy sleep 3 to 4 hours after his bath & milk. He only wake up when he feels hungry & crying for milk. lols :001_302: after feeding him he will fall asleep again. he just love to sleep in the rocker. his last feed at 12am or 1am sleep at 2+am & wake up at 7+am but today he wake up at 8+am nearly 9am. lols...


my daughter will sleep about 30min to 45min after her bath n milk. Then, after that she will sleep on off for 5min to 10min. Then at night will finally sleep at 10.30pm to 11pm....
Sounds very similar to my girl's routine! How old is your girl now?


Wah 6.25kg - what you feeding her with? hehehe! Mine's nearly 5kg only .. recently her appetite seems to have gone down slightly, wonder why?

My 6-in-1 yesterday including consultation etc was $130. This includes the Hep B 2nd jab. The next round will be 5-in-1 at 4 mths old (will be around $110) + rotavirus (oral), and then Hep B 3rd jab at 6 mths old. How much did you guys pay - should be around the same? I asked at the polyclinic, 6-in-1 package is around $360, but I'm not sure what it includes.
Thanks Nightingale. I called up Poly today. Very friendly customer service. This is the info I got for sharing:

NHG Polyclinics offers the 6-in-1 vaccination package at $360

Package includes:
3rd month DPT+Polio+HIB
4th month DPT+Polio+HIB
5th month DPT+Polio+HIB+ Hep B (3rd dose)
18th month DPT+Polio+HIB => this is booster, I wonder why PD do not have or maybe they will charge later. Might need to check with PD again to confirm this.

* 2nd dose Hep B to be taken at 1st month as a separate jab. The cost is S$22.00

5-in-1 vaccination package is priced at $290.40

Package includes:
3rd month DPT+Polio+HIB
4th month DPT+Polio+HIB
5th month DPT+Polio+HIB
18th month DPT+Polio+HIB

* The package does not include 2nd and 3rd dose of Hep B, which should be taken separately 1st and 6th month as seperate jab. $22 for each jab.

Rotavirus ($90 per dose, 2 dose) To take 6th wk and 1 mth later.

Pneumoccal ($160 per jab, 3 dose at 3rd (with 6 in 1), 5th and 15th (with MMR) mth).

Rota and Pneu is optional.

Developmental assessment by doc free of charge at 3rd and 18th mth.


New Member
You mean an achy kind of pain? I sometimes feel that too - could just be our milk ducts being hard at work. Also experience the aching pain during 'let down', especially whenever I carry my baby when she cries. I think it should be normal? Just massage your breasts or perhaps use a warm compress or hot towel, it should soothe the aches somewhat. :)
The pain is like needle poking. I did try massaging too..sometime if I am outside n my hubby is beside me, I will squeeze his
hand instead..haha.. :p


The pain is like needle poking. I did try massaging too..sometime if I am outside n my hubby is beside me, I will squeeze his
hand instead..haha.. :p
Not sure about pain like needle-pokes, you might want to ask your gynae or GP for a review?

And yes, hubbies are good for such things! The last time I squeezed his hand was during my contraction pains in the delivery suite, hee hee!


New Member
Dl28, dun be too hard on urself, just dun go to that gp anymore. Is ur little one ok now?

Nightingale, can share ur pd's contact and address? I'm thinking of changing pd, my current one is at paragon, she's good but I feel it's a little costly after seeing your pd's charges. My pd charges $150 for each 6-in-1 jab, not inclusive of consultation which is $60. Thus each visit will set me back by $210 already! Furthermore cannot claim medisave/cda. So I'm considering whether to bring my girl back at 2 months.

How are all ur little darlings doing? My girl at 1 month already 4.875kg, now when we go out me and her daddy have to take turns carrying her, cannot take it! Haha..

Btw any mommies who are giving ur babies fm only? My girl at 7 weeks is drinking 170ml every 2 hours, it seems like a lot to me..


New Member
My girl can poop up to 4 or 5 times a day, maybe it's coz she's drinking alot? Sometimes she only poops once a day, but the quantity is like, woah! Super alot, clean till 手软 haha.

Anyway I read that bf babies can poop a few times a day, while fm babies may only poop once in 3 days. So I guess once a day is perfectly normal.


Nightingale, can share your pediatrician's contact and address? I'm thinking of changing pediatrician, my current one is at paragon, she's good but I feel it's a little costly after seeing your pediatrician's charges. My pediatrician charges $150 for each 6-in-1 jab, not inclusive of consultation which is $60. Thus each visit will set me back by $210 already! Furthermore cannot claim medisave/cda. So I'm considering whether to bring my girl back at 2 months.

How are all your little darlings doing? My girl at 1 month already 4.875kg, now when we go out me and her daddy have to take turns carrying her, cannot take it! Haha..

Btw any mommies who are giving your babies fm only? My girl at 7 weeks is drinking 170ml every 2 hours, it seems like a lot to me..
I see you're staying in the west? So am I! My pediatrician is Dr Anne Chong of Anne's Baby & Child Clinic. Address is 214 Jurong East St 21 #01-433, 600214, Singapore. Tel: 65667216. Been to her 3 times so far, she isn't the PR type who will chit-chat, but if you go with questions she will answer them. Her checks are rather thorough as well. What I like is that it's easy to find parking there - right at the clinic's doorstep. You can use the CDA at her clinic.

Wow, 170ml every 2 hrs! Mine seems to be cutting back on her appetite a bit, still taking around 120ml every 3-4 hrs. My girl is on about half formula, half ebm (alternate feeds). She poops around once a day, but yes, the quantity is quite massive haha! Sometimes almost afraid of bringing her out if she hasn't pooped for the day, lol!

By the way, have you started bringing your little ones out to shopping malls etc? How's the experience so far? :D
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