EDD Sep 2010

Dear mummies, I'm so happy to announce the arrival of my darling little girl, Cheyenne Tang :D Delivered at 9.30pm @ Mt Alvernia at a weight of 3.34kg, hehe. Now resting at my room. Will tell you ladies more soon~ but now need to regain some energy!
Congrats Nightingale!Finally!! U have a good rest:Dancing_wub: later will be my turn hehe checking in at midnight n c sect 730am! GanJiong! Jiayou all mummies!:red:
Congratulations Nightingale! We made it!
Hi mummies, I am also proud to announce the arrival of my little prince on 11 Sep, 4.55am @ Thomson Medical Center. He weighs 2.94kg at birth. My boy is still in the hospital under photolight therapy for jaundice and we have not named him yet.
Congrats Delvy! Nice bb weight! Rest well:tlaugh:


New Member
ooooo congrats to mummy DELvy Nightingale and also Pinkmummy. so exciting..



New Member
congrats to nightingale and delvy!

pinkymummy, may you have a smooth delivery!

so excited for you guys, i can't wait to pop too. went for check-up on monday, lost weight and was monitored for contractions and baby's movements. i was having mild contractions already and now it's gotten more intense. waiting for my turn!

jia you all mommies!


Congrats to Nightingale and DELvy!!!

Wish pinkymummy a smooth delivery!!!

Back from today's appoinment, the fluid level is running low and cervix has dilated a little. So I will be induced tml at KKH. so nervous now.


New Member
im also a september baby :D YAY!!!
anyway, i guess mummies know abt cordblood banking right??
if yes, i have a question.
anyone know about what cordlife talking abt aabb accreditation??
cause i seriously dont understand.
haha!! can someone help with it?? :D
thanks ladies! Im proud to announce the arrival of my little prince on16sep 0746hrs via c-sect. Weight 2.95kg.Was so nervous i cried in operating table! so malu:shyxxx:- Baby doing very well so far . TMC is so packed this month n all single bedders are occupied(as expected) n gotta upgrade to deluxe premier room instead. Very cozy n nice room like having a short getaway!

Hope to be discharged tomoro n here comes the sleepless nites!


Could be since her bloody show started ... heehee

All mummies JIA YOU!!!

Hi Sep mummies,

Congrats to those who have given birth smoothly...I'm new to this forum n due on 27 Sep, n looking forward to meet my little princess soon, now very gan chong period for me.

Just had contraction pains n diahorrea this morning...is this one of the signs that delivery is coming soon?


New Member
congrats pinkymummy! yes, the sleepless nights are coming, rest well now while you can!

ohhh this forum is so busy this month! hehe...


thanks ladies! Im proud to announce the arrival of my little prince on16sep 0746hrs via c-sect. Weight 2.95kg.Was so nervous i cried in operating table! so malu:shyxxx:- Baby doing very well so far . Thomson Medical Center is so packed this month n all single bedders are occupied(as expected) n gotta upgrade to deluxe premier room instead. Very cozy n nice room like having a short getaway!

Hope to be discharged tomoro n here comes the sleepless nites!
Gong Xi Gong Xi. No need to malu lah. We cried because we know we are so GREAT!


New Member
Congrats to all the mummies who have delivered the angels! I'm still waiting to pop! It's been very tiring with pelvic pain and gestational diabetes. Gynae said it's a matter of time now. Do pray for patience! Otherwise, I think I'll go nuts waiting! :p


still in my 1st week of confinement but i hardly got to rest! baby's feedings & misc stuff kept me busy for the 1st few days.

den she had to be admitted on wed for phototherapy for jaundice. i wanted to admit myself with my baby so that i can cont latching her on during feedings. but due to some miscommunication with the staff from Mt A, i was told that baby MUST be under the photolight ALL the time. even if feeding, they will be bottle-fed with formula, or EBM if you provide them with it. but they will not be allowed to leave the photolight to latch on. therefore i didnt admit myself.

but when i dropped by Mt A ystd to bring EBM for my baby, i bumped into my lactation consultant. i told her my issue and she was so surprised that i was stopped from latching on, and said baby under photolight can still be latched on if i wanted to. that miscommunication issue got me pretty pissed. grrr~

anyway, ystd i hung arnd Mt A to latch her on for her feedings, and today i have to repeat it all over too. it was real draining for me but i wanted to do it cos i quite reject the idea of feeding her formula. =(

so for the new moms from Mt A, IF (choy la) your baby needs phototherapy and you intend to admit yourself to cont latching, do know that you can do that! in case you meet the same irritating staff that i did who insisted that you cant. =(


Active Member
still in my 1st week of confinement but i hardly got to rest! baby's feedings & misc stuff kept me busy for the 1st few days.

then she had to be admitted on wed for phototherapy for jaundice. i wanted to admit myself with my baby so that i can cont latching her on during feedings. but due to some miscommunication with the staff from Mt A, i was told that baby MUST be under the photolight ALL the time. even if feeding, they will be bottle-fed with formula, or EBM if you provide them with it. but they will not be allowed to leave the photolight to latch on. therefore i didnt admit myself.

but when i dropped by Mt A ystd to bring EBM for my baby, i bumped into my lactation consultant. i told her my issue and she was so surprised that i was stopped from latching on, and said baby under photolight [you]can still be latched on[/you] if i wanted to. that miscommunication issue got me pretty pissed. grrr~

anyway, ystd i hung arnd Mt A to latch her on for her feedings, and today i have to repeat it all over too. it was real draining for me but i wanted to do it cos i quite reject the idea of feeding her formula. =(

so for the new moms from Mt A, IF (choy ) your baby needs phototherapy and you intend to admit yourself to cont latching, do know that you [you]can[/you] do that! in case you meet the same irritating staff that i did who insisted that you cant. =(

I latached my kid when she was under phototherapy. The nurse will pushed the baby to me when feeding time. After fed they pushed her back immediately to continue the phototherapy.

Feedback to their CS on what you are not happy, this is what i did when i delivered my 2nd kid (2009) @ Parkway East (East Shore).

The service was not as good as my 1st delivery. I requested some biscuits at 2am++, only delivered to me at 5am++ after requested from the nurse again. I feedback to the CS consultant when they visited me on the day i discharge, and i also told them that the food served is warm enuff for me as we need to take warm food. All these was spreaded to the LC, she apologised to me and will look into it. ... this mummy lekdao is very good at feedback. LOL


I latached my kid when she was under phototherapy. The nurse will pushed the baby to me when feeding time. After fed they pushed her back immediately to continue the phototherapy.

Feedback to their CS on what you are not happy, this is what i did when i delivered my 2nd kid (2009) @ Parkway East (East Shore).

The service was not as good as my 1st delivery. I requested some biscuits at 2am++, only delivered to me at 5am++ after requested from the nurse again. I feedback to the CS consultant when they visited me on the day i discharge, and i also told them that the food served is warm enuff for me as we need to take warm food. All these was spreaded to the LC, she apologised to me and will look into it. ... this mummy lekdao is very good at feedback. LOL

yup i wanted to, but i dont know the names of those ppl who gave me the wrong info, so i werent able to pinpoint anyone. hopefully it's just an one-off issue.

but something nice to note, was that my LC called me this morn to follow-up on the issue and asked if my baby had any probs latching on after she was bottle-fed a couple of times during the phototherapy, or if i met with any other problems with regards to BF-ing. it was really nice of her. =)


Active Member
yup i wanted to, but i dont know the names of those ppl who gave me the wrong info, so i werent able to pinpoint anyone. hopefully it's just an one-off issue.

but something nice to note, was that my LC called me this morn to follow-up on the issue and asked if my baby had any probs latching on after she was bottle-fed a couple of times during the phototherapy, or if i met with any other problems with regards to BF-ing. it was really nice of her. =)

I think all the LC are very nice ppl, they handle both mummy and baby very gently. They not only help in latching issue but also attended to other issue too.

To all mummies, if you have any other issue then bf-ing can always approach the LC.
thanks ladies! Im proud to announce the arrival of my little prince on16sep 0746hrs via c-sect. Weight 2.95kg.Was so nervous i cried in operating table! so malu:shyxxx:- Baby doing very well so far . Thomson Medical Center is so packed this month n all single bedders are occupied(as expected) n gotta upgrade to deluxe premier room instead. Very cozy n nice room like having a short getaway!

Hope to be discharged tomoro n here comes the sleepless nites!
Congrats~!! :Dancing_wub: