EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
hey hey!!!!

Im finally back.... and 'connected'!!! hehehe

Our Princess has arrived!!! hahahaha... ya... it was on the day when I had a "show" already having contractions as I posted the post but it was very intense... so I thought maybe not.... who knows it gradually became more and more intense....

My birth plan didnt turn out as planned though... I wanted all natural... but I under estimated the level of intensity... hahahaha took epidural instead..

Anyway... Im home today from TMC... but baby still there... the usual thing... Jaundice... so need photo therapy....

Sob... miss her already..... :sayangbaby:

Hope she can come back home tomorow!!!


hey hey!!!!

Im finally back.... and 'connected'!!! hehehe

Our Princess has arrived!!! hahahaha... ya... it was on the day when I had a "show" already having contractions as I posted the post but it was very intense... so I thought maybe not.... who knows it gradually became more and more intense....

My birth plan didnt turn out as planned though... I wanted all natural... but I under estimated the level of intensity... hahahaha took epidural instead..

Anyway... Im home today from Thomson Medical Center... but baby still there... the usual thing... Jaundice... so need photo therapy....

Sob... miss her already..... :sayangbaby:

Hope she can come back home tomorow!!!
woo, congrats on the arrival of your princess! :Dancing_tongue:

you didnt use laughing gas? hope the epidural didnt give you real bad side effects like the vomiting & shivering.

do rest well at home & hope your princess get well soon!


Active Member
Did smone mention that TMC busy tis mth?? Ya.. Lucky we manage to upgrade jus a little .. Frm single to premium single... Hehe...

Chose not to stay in.. Cos already stayed 3 nights b4 baby is diagnosed w jaundice... So no choice have to pump EBM and the rest top up w formula....

Got a little issue w bfing initially.. Got bleeding... Got me so scared... Now getting better with the help of good lactation consultants.. Seeing sm progress did boost my spirit up a little... Otherwise initially i was all teary n emo n tensed ( tats y stayed the 3rd nite).... Anyway

Congrats to all who had jus given birth and jia you to all those still waiting!!! Its gona be soon!!!!
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Did smone mention that Thomson Medical Center busy tis month?? Ya.. Lucky we manage to upgrade just a little .. Frm single to premium single... Hehe...

Chose not to stay in.. Cos already stayed 3 nights before baby is diagnosed w jaundice... So no choice have to pump EBM and the rest top up w formula....

Got a little issue w bfing initially.. Got bleeding... Got me so scared... Now getting better with the help of good lactation consultants.. Seeing sm progress did boost my spirit up a little... Otherwise initially i was all teary n emo n tensed ( tats y stayed the 3rd nite).... Anyway

Congrats to all who had just given birth and jia you to all those still waiting!!! Its gona be soon!!!!

Congrats to mrs eg!!!! :Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue:
btw, how many mummies are still waiting?? :err:


Active Member
woo, congrats on the arrival of your princess! :Dancing_tongue:

you didnt use laughing gas? hope the epidural didnt give you real bad side effects like the vomiting & shivering.

do rest well at home & hope your princess get well soon!
Thanx thanx..Ya.... Laughing gas yes.... But maybe i duno how to catch the correct time to breathe it in b4 each contraction... Even if i did... I became too high to remember to breathe in another breath for the next contraction...

. No vomiting but shivering yes.... All the way until delivery but it subsides pretty soon
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I am new. My baby is due 29th Sept, wonder if he will come out early anot. Starting my maternity leave next week.

It is interesting reading the posts by other Mummys here :D

Congrats Mrs Eg!


Hey all! Wow it's been a rollercoaster ride the past few days haha! Now feeling more 'normal' and doing 'normal' things like check facebook and mummy forum! Anxious to see who else has popped - congrats Mrs eg!!
My birth story is quite simple - on the day after EDD (monday) my Gynae checked my cervix and confirmed no dilation yet, although I had a bloody show about 3 days before. So he suggested that we admit into hospital at midnight of Wednesday to induce labour. Was quite worried about that at first, then guess what? On Tuesday morning the contractions came hard and fast at 8am! Every 5mins, painful cramping like never before. Was afraid it was a false alarm so told hubby to go to work... But at 9 plus it was quite regular so called hubby to come home haha! We took our time, showered, packed last minute stuff into our bags and reached Mt A at around 11 plus. Checked into a delivery suite where the nurse checked that I was 4-5cm dilated! She was amazed that I could still than the pain haha- I actually considered whether to go without epidural! But the contractions started to get more intense then so I requested for it- by the time the anesthetist did his job I was glad we called for it. Then it got nice and comfortable.. Watching the contractions going off the charts and not feeling much! Then at one point around 4 plus, the epidural didn't seem to work.. I couldn't feel anything in the pelvic area but the abdominal pains during contractions were killing me! Called the nurse who called the doctor.. Turns out that it was because I wasn't lying flat so the medication didn't flow upwards to the abdominal area. So once I readjusted my sleeping position, the pain slowly subsided. But I had a taste of how it is like without epi - and I really salute all those mummies who went without it!!
Anyway the rest was quite simple - at around 8 the midwife started asking me to push to let baby slide down the vagina - then Gynae came and we pushed for another half hour... And baby Cheyenne was born at 9.28pm :)


Hi Sep mummies,

Congrats to those who have given birth smoothly...I'm new to this forum n due on 27 Sep, n looking forward to meet my little princess soon, now very gan chong period for me.

Just had contraction pains n diahorrea this morning...is this one of the signs that delivery is coming soon?
Hihi LittleWorm and gnaf21! Welcome to the Sept mummies thread! :) (though there is a slight chance you ladies might become October mummies hee hee - okay I shall stop scaring you!)

Contraction pains are definitely a nice sign that things are warming up a little - I also read that some mummies get a little dose of diarrhoea before labour, it's like nature's way of clearing your bowels - although the nurses at the hospital will do that for you very efficiently too (enema). Look out for other signs too - like mucus and a show of blood etc. All are signs of labour. :)

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy while you wait! :D


Thanx thanx..Ya.... Laughing gas yes.... But maybe i dont know how to catch the correct time to breathe it in before each contraction... Even if i did... I became too high to remember to breathe in another breath for the next contraction...

. No vomiting but shivering yes.... All the way until delivery but it subsides pretty soon
So excited for you too mrs_eg! How's the little one doing - when will you be able to bring baby home?

Yes I did experience some shivering after taking the epidural but I realised that if you shift your position you may be able to find one that minimises the shivering somewhat, so mummies still waiting, can try that. I didn't experience any vomiting as well, thank heavens. :)


Active Member
So excited for you too mrs_eg! How's the little one doing - when will you be able to bring baby home?

Yes I did experience some shivering after taking the epidural but I realised that if you shift your position you may be able to find one that minimises the shivering somewhat, so mummies still waiting, can try that. I didn't experience any vomiting as well, thank heavens. :)
Hahaa nice story... By 4 cm i already cannot endure the intensity.. But u were right, at least we feel what and how intense it is... Those who went w/o epi are really goddeses!!!

Baby is all well.. Hopefully can come back tomorow after paediatrician check her in the morning...

My hubby went to see her jus nw to pass the nurses some EBM... But i only have little to offer... Cos cant pump too long becos of my sore nipple...

Anybody pumping??? How long did u all pump and whats the end amt??? My girl day 3 and now she is feeding on 45ml each feed... But the most i can only pump abt 25 ml.... When the nipple starts to turn red... And i had to stop....

Took like 1 hr for 25 ml... Normal anot ah??? I tot pumping shld be almost like milking... Each suction shldnt be jus a 0.5cm (diameter) drop rite?? Or isit that i have to give myself some time for the flow to reach its optimum???

Gosh!!! I hope i will have time for more reading in between all the rest and taking care of my princess....!!!
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Thanx thanx..Ya.... Laughing gas yes.... But maybe i dont know how to catch the correct time to breathe it in before each contraction... Even if i did... I became too high to remember to breathe in another breath for the next contraction...

. No vomiting but shivering yes.... All the way until delivery but it subsides pretty soon
luckily you're not too sensitive to the epidural effects!

the nurse told me to use the laughing gas before the contractions come in, but when i felt the pain and picked up the mask it's always too late, and i end up groaning and sucking in the laughing gas for dear life. :shyxxx:

so i asked my guy to tell me from the monitor when a contraction is coming. now to think of it, how come i need someone else to tell me when it gets painful? dont sound logical. hahaha.



I am new. My baby is due 29th Sept, wonder if he will come out early anot. Starting my maternity leave next week.

It is interesting reading the posts by other Mummys here :D

Congrats Mrs Eg!
welcome! :001_302:

i realised dont think too much about when your baby will be arriving, cos it makes the days seem longer. hahaha. he will be here to meet you when it's THE time! just be prepared can le. =)
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Hey all! Wow it's been a rollercoaster ride the past few days haha! Now feeling more 'normal' and doing 'normal' things like check facebook and mummy forum! Anxious to see who else has popped - congrats Mrs eg!!
My birth story is quite simple - on the day after EDD (monday) my Gynae checked my cervix and confirmed no dilation yet, although I had a bloody show about 3 days before. So he suggested that we admit into hospital at midnight of Wednesday to induce labour. Was quite worried about that at first, then guess what? On Tuesday morning the contractions came hard and fast at 8am! Every 5mins, painful cramping like never before. Was afraid it was a false alarm so told hubby to go to work... But at 9 plus it was quite regular so called hubby to come home haha! We took our time, showered, packed last minute stuff into our bags and reached Mt A at around 11 plus. Checked into a delivery suite where the nurse checked that I was 4-5cm dilated! She was amazed that I could still than the pain haha- I actually considered whether to go without epidural! But the contractions started to get more intense then so I requested for it- by the time the anesthetist did his job I was glad we called for it. Then it got nice and comfortable.. Watching the contractions going off the charts and not feeling much! Then at one point around 4 plus, the epidural didn't seem to work.. I couldn't feel anything in the pelvic area but the abdominal pains during contractions were killing me! Called the nurse who called the doctor.. Turns out that it was because I wasn't lying flat so the medication didn't flow upwards to the abdominal area. So once I readjusted my sleeping position, the pain slowly subsided. But I had a taste of how it is like without epi - and I really salute all those mummies who went without it!!
Anyway the rest was quite simple - at around 8 the midwife started asking me to push to let baby slide down the vagina - then Gynae came and we pushed for another half hour... And baby Cheyenne was born at 9.28pm :)
you could shower with the contraction pains?! i didnt have the guts to do that. haha. btw how do you pronounce your girl's name? looks cool! :eek:


Hahaa nice story... By 4 cm i already cannot endure the intensity.. But you were right, at least we feel what and how intense it is... Those who went w/o epi are really goddeses!!!

Baby is all well.. Hopefully can come back tomorow after paediatrician check her in the morning...

My hubby went to see her just now to pass the nurses some EBM... But i only have little to offer... Cos cant pump too long becos of my sore nipple...

Anybody pumping??? How long did you all pump and whats the end amt??? My girl day 3 and now she is feeding on 45ml each feed... But the most i can only pump about 25 ml.... When the nipple starts to turn red... And i had to stop....

Took like 1 hr for 25 ml... Normal anot ??? I thought pumping shld be almost like milking... Each suction shldnt be just a 0.5cm (diameter) drop rite?? Or isit that i have to give myself some time for the flow to reach its optimum???

Gosh!!! I hope i will have time for more reading in between all the rest and taking care of my princess....!!!
i pumped away for the 3 days when my baby was at the hospital for phototherapy. initially i was just like you, pumping for a holy hour! and i was staring so hard at the output that my neck almost snapped. but that's very wrong. i mentioned it to my LC. her advice was to keep the pumping to max 10 mins, and massaging your breasts before and during pumping. but that's for dual pump. im not sure the recommended time for single pump though. another thing is to not press on the funnel too hard, which i did. :shyxxx:

your baby is only a few days old, so she dont need that much milk. dont get disheartened when you see the small vol of milk expressed. if that's the amt your body produces, it's enough for your little one. =)

btw how do you know how much your girl is feeding? as in the 45ml.


Active Member
luckily you're not too sensitive to the epidural effects!

the nurse told me to use the laughing gas before the contractions come in, but when i felt the pain and picked up the mask it's always too late, and i end up groaning and sucking in the laughing gas for dear life. :shyxxx:

so i asked my guy to tell me from the monitor when a contraction is coming. now to think of it, how come i need someone else to tell me when it gets painful? dont sound logical. hahaha.
Ya.... I totally knw wat u mean..... Cant ask the nurses or midwives too cos they got their things to do... Other than monitoring me...


Active Member
i pumped away for the 3 days when my baby was at the hospital for phototherapy. initially i was just like you, pumping for a holy hour! and i was staring so hard at the output that my neck almost snapped. but that's very wrong. i mentioned it to my LC. her advice was to keep the pumping to max 10 mins, and massaging your breasts before and during pumping. but that's for dual pump. im not sure the recommended time for single pump though. another thing is to not press on the funnel too hard, which i did. :shyxxx:

your baby is only a few days old, so she dont need that much milk. dont get disheartened when you see the small vol of milk expressed. if that's the amt your body produces, it's enough for your little one. =)

btw how do you know how much your girl is feeding? as in the 45ml.
Hubby went hospital to see her... He aske the nurses abt her feedings and all cos we wana knw how much formula they top up w... They say my girl is feeding well...

Anyway ive been reading the chart they record (hanging on the baby's hospital cot) from the start...

Baby was given 20 ml glucose on the first day when i dun even have any colostrum to squeeze out n they scared baby dehydrate...

When i finally has a tiny bit of colostrum baby still seem to be constantly hungry... So they suggested top up w glucose... Partly so tat she wil have energy to suckle more to stimulate my milk production...
I read from their record they increase to 30 ml of glucose

By yesterday nite... Total feeding each time were 40-45 ml of EBM n formula
hey hey!!!!

Im finally back.... and 'connected'!!! hehehe

Our Princess has arrived!!! hahahaha... ya... it was on the day when I had a "show" already having contractions as I posted the post but it was very intense... so I thought maybe not.... who knows it gradually became more and more intense....

My birth plan didnt turn out as planned though... I wanted all natural... but I under estimated the level of intensity... hahahaha took epidural instead..

Anyway... Im home today from Thomson Medical Center... but baby still there... the usual thing... Jaundice... so need photo therapy....

Sob... miss her already..... :sayangbaby:

Hope she can come back home tomorow!!!
Congrats, mrs_eg~!! :Dancing_wub:


welcome! :001_302:

i realised dont think too much about when your baby will be arriving, cos it makes the days seem longer. hahaha. he will be here to meet you when it's THE time! just be prepared can . =)
Trying not to think but quite hard since there is nothing much to do but wait...

Seems like most mummys end up taking epidural, hopefully I can tahan...

btw if ctg is not showing any signs of contractions, this means baby is not ready to come out anytime soon?