EDD Sep 2010

BB Tigger

hey hey!!!!

Im finally back.... and 'connected'!!! hehehe

Our Princess has arrived!!! hahahaha... ya... it was on the day when I had a "show" already having contractions as I posted the post but it was very intense... so I thought maybe not.... who knows it gradually became more and more intense....

My birth plan didnt turn out as planned though... I wanted all natural... but I under estimated the level of intensity... hahahaha took epidural instead..

Anyway... Im home today from Thomson Medical Center... but baby still there... the usual thing... Jaundice... so need photo therapy....

Sob... miss her already..... :sayangbaby:

Hope she can come back home tomorow!!!
Congratulations, mrs_eg! :Dancing_wub:

My edd supposed to be Oct but gynae says likely baby will arrive by end Sep. Hope baby comes out this weekend coz my baby already 3kg at 37th week. He has put on almost 700gms within a period of 2 wks! :eek:15:


Active Member
Thanx claralicious n christina wong...
Baby tigger, its great news to hear that ur baby might come sooner isnt it? Im sure u will b so eager to see ur baby!!!!


Hubby went hospital to see her... He aske the nurses about her feedings and all cos we want to knw how much formula they top up w... They say my girl is feeding well...

Anyway ive been reading the chart they record (hanging on the baby's hospital cot) from the start...

Baby was given 20 ml glucose on the first day when i dont even have any colostrum to squeeze out n they scared baby dehydrate...

When i finally has a tiny bit of colostrum baby still seem to be constantly hungry... So they suggested top up w glucose... Partly so that she wil have energy to suckle more to stimulate my milk production...
I read from their record they increase to 30 ml of glucose

By yesterday nite... Total feeding each time were 40-45 ml of EBM n formula
ohh i see. but when baby is under phototherapy, they get really thirsty and the nurses will feed them a larger volume of milk than what they usually require to prevent dehydration. so i guess you cant really compare the amt they take in during phototherapy to the amt your body is producing.

cont latching your baby to get the demand-and-supply going. im sure everything will be fine soon!:001_302:


Trying not to think but quite hard since there is nothing much to do but wait...

Seems like most mummys end up taking epidural, hopefully I can tahan...

btw if ctg is not showing any signs of contractions, this means baby is not ready to come out anytime soon?
hehh i get what you mean. when i went into my 38th and 39th week gestation, every day i sat at home wondering why im STILL at home. hahaha.

hopefully you can tahan too! mind over body! but of cos you must know your limits too la. =)

im not too sure abt the ctg, but it not showing any signs of contraction this moment doesnt mean there wont be any signs at the next moment!


you could shower with the contraction pains?! i didnt have the guts to do that. haha. btw how do you pronounce your girl's name? looks cool! :eek:
Hee hee I've no idea how I did it either!

My girl's name is pronounced 'shy-anne'. :D Thanks~ we like it too!

The mommies who are still waiting... the day will come soon! Agree with mommymin that you'd never know - one moment my cervix was shut tight and the very next morning it shot to 4cm dilation in 4 hours!

Enjoy your pregnancy and the pampering - it's the final lap! Jia you orh! :p
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Did smone mention that Thomson Medical Center busy tis month?? Ya.. Lucky we manage to upgrade just a little .. Frm single to premium single... Hehe...

Chose not to stay in.. Cos already stayed 3 nights before baby is diagnosed w jaundice... So no choice have to pump EBM and the rest top up w formula....

Got a little issue w bfing initially.. Got bleeding... Got me so scared... Now getting better with the help of good lactation consultants.. Seeing sm progress did boost my spirit up a little... Otherwise initially i was all teary n emo n tensed ( tats y stayed the 3rd nite).... Anyway

Congrats to all who had just given birth and jia you to all those still waiting!!! Its gona be soon!!!!

Congratulations Mrs_eg! I've been following your thread all these while and finally you get to meet your princess...it's just so exciting, isn't it! I can't wait to see mine...one more week to go 

I'm also giving birth at Thomson Medical Center and hope I get upgraded room too...my gynae was telling me that the rooms are very full recently. Btw you mentioned problems about bleeding during breastfeeding..is it cos baby latched on too hard or there is no milk coming out? It really seems to me bfeeding is very tough...I sure hope I can provide my baby with enough milk as I really dont't want to start baby off with formula milk. Is your lactation consultant mrs wong boi boh? Also is your paediatrician good? Can recommend his/her name?


Hihi LittleWorm and gnaf21! Welcome to the Sept mummies thread! :) (though there is a slight chance you ladies might become October mummies hee hee - okay I shall stop scaring you!)

Contraction pains are definitely a nice sign that things are warming up a little - I also read that some mummies get a little dose of diarrhoea before labour, it's like nature's way of clearing your bowels - although the nurses at the hospital will do that for you very efficiently too (enema). Look out for other signs too - like mucus and a show of blood etc. All are signs of labour. :)

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy while you wait! :D

Thanks nightingale n congrats to your newborn n thanks too for sharing your experience with us!

So far no further signs of labour yet...no mucus nor bloody show, only Braxton hicks contractions n it's keeping me up for hours at night for more than a week already...wonder how long more need I wait....sigh...

Doc told me to use nipple cream from now to prepare for bf as well as to start stimulating contractions to start soon...my hubby so excited he can't wait for our angel to come out hee hee...

Anyway shall keep you gals posted....cheers


Active Member
CONGRATULATION to all mummies who has given birth.
How's the contraction? Do you ladies enjoy it? LOL

Take care & Rest well.


Active Member
Congratulations Mrs_eg! I've been following your thread all these while and finally you get to meet your princess...it's just so exciting, isn't it! I can't wait to see mine...one more week to go 

I'm also giving birth at Thomson Medical Center and hope I get upgraded room too...my gynae was telling me that the rooms are very full recently. Btw you mentioned problems about bleeding during breastfeeding..is it cos baby latched on too hard or there is no milk coming out? It really seems to me bfeeding is very tough...I sure hope I can provide my baby with enough milk as I really dont't want to start baby off with formula milk. Is your lactation consultant mrs wong boi boh? Also is your paediatrician good? Can recommend his/her name?
Hey thanx!!!

Yup tmc has been full the only place available will probably be the thomson suite!!! Anyway my upgrade is not free upgrade leh dun mistaken!!! :) but at least we only top up like a hundred plus to get the nxt level... Not a big jump of sum to geta single bed rm...

Ya... Bleeding in one nipple... Maybe nipple new n tender... And also no colostrum too... Nthing... The LC says i didnt massage tats why... My LC nt mrs wong... Lilian came to help me teach me how to massage.... Finally can see sm progress... N paediatrician is dr ang ai tin... So far so good... Though she seem to be those very very busy n popular sort...
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Active Member
Congrats to all mummies who have given birth!
Take care and rest well k! :001_302:
How's you guy's confinement?
I'm done with my confinement! but still i have to eat confinement food and bath with herbal water still till 40th day! >.<
Raine..... Everyday weather very very hot leh.... Eat the food... Nice la bt so hot even in air con rm also sweating!!! This is only my 5 th day!!! Gosh!!!!


Active Member
Raine..... Everyday weather very very hot .... Eat the food... Nice bt so hot even in air con rm also sweating!!! This is only my 5 th day!!! Gosh!!!!

Welcome to the Motherhood!!!

Just carry hanky with you. When hving meals, put a face towel at your back (inside) your clothing to aborsb the sweat and u will feel better.

Its still early to say nice. after 2 weeks, u will start to get sick of the food unless your confinement lady (if hving one) can change your menu for u. That is why alot of ppl said giving birth is nothing, the worst part is confinement, alot of restriction. This sept weather is better then last sep 09, super hot.

Try to lie on bed (rest your back) more, to recuperate your back during ur pregnancy.

Rest Well & Take care.


Active Member
Welcome to the Motherhood!!!

Just carry hanky with you. When hving meals, put a face towel at your back (inside) your clothing to aborsb the sweat and you will feel better.

Its still early to say nice. after 2 weeks, you will start to get sick of the food unless your confinement lady (if hving one) can change your menu for you. That is why alot of ppl said giving birth is nothing, the worst part is confinement, alot of restriction. This sept weather is better then last sep 09, super hot.

Try to lie on bed (rest your back) more, to recuperate your back during your pregnancy.

Rest Well & Take care.
Ya... Thanx for the advice!!! Ya lying on my back is shiok... After not able to lie on back during pregnancy....


Active Member
mrs_eg: heehee. yea i truely agree with lekdao. i also did that when i'm having my meals and latching on time too. cuz cant bloe direct fan and my room's aircon spoilt so no choice blow fan to the wall to ventilate the room then i myself always cleaning with a towel. >.< i can hot until i change at least 6 tops a day! lol. Jia you oh! you can do it . ^^
I wished i had stock up on more front opening clothes!!! N long pants... I am not allowed to wear shorts....:( well its ok im sure time flies!!! ( trying hard to think +ve!)


New Member
jiayou to all mommies in confinement! yes the weather is horrible these days. and during my first tri i was still thinking confinement should be ok coz near end year. but who knew! haha...

congrats mrs eg, being the latest one to pop! reading your stories make me a little bit panicky, haha... trying not to think too much about when i will deliver and how it will be like, for now i am trying to satisfy whatever cravings i have since confinement will be strict :p

will be going for check-up later today, and shall see what doc says. EDD is this sat!

jiayou to all mommies waiting to pop too! we are almost there :)


Hee hee I've no idea how I did it either!

My girl's name is pronounced 'shy-anne'. :D Thanks~ we like it too!

The mommies who are still waiting... the day will come soon! Agree with mommymin that you'd never know - one moment my cervix was shut tight and the very next morning it shot to 4cm dilation in 4 hours!

Enjoy your pregnancy and the pampering - it's the final lap! Jia you orh! :p
oops. i would have pronounced it as sher-yan if im her teacher or sth. hahaha. nice name though! :tlaugh:

yep, i was still posting here saying that i doubt i will ever give birth, then contractions came hard & fast 3 hours later, without ANY other signs prior to that. babies just love to spring a surprise on their mommies!