EDD Sep 2010

it's normal... formula gives lesser poo. i'm giving both too... as they grow older the lesser the diaper change... i only have 1 soil diaper per day now but make sure you still have 6-8 wet diaper.

shall we plan for a meet up soon? really like to meet you all...
Oh yah mine also 1 soiled per day. Oh so it's normal. Do u let yr darling drink water? Mummies... My daughter has this funny dots on her face like pimple, ped said it's normal but a lot. Do u all experience this?


it's normal... formula gives lesser poo. i'm giving both too... as they grow older the lesser the diaper change... i only have 1 soil diaper per day now but make sure you still have 6-8 wet diaper.

shall we plan for a meet up soon? really like to meet you all...
Mecole, I dont think I can handle my boy on my own yet. Maybe we got to wait till Nov since some mummies only gave birth towards the end of Sep.


Hey LittleLady, today I tried my friend's Mini Electric and hey, I seem to get more milk from it than from my Freestyle! I think the shape of the funnel and the pumping motion sucks out more milk, not sure why. But it sure is very noisy! Then again I'm not sure if the increase in milk supply is also due to the other things I'm doing - like drinking 3 litres of fluids each day, fenugreek, gynae's prescription - will continue with the Mini Electric for a while and maybe switch back to my Freestyle and see if the supply maintains. Or maybe I should borrow a manual pump and try it too - could be that different breast shapes have a different fit with the different pump models. Aiya - whatever works!! Just hoping to see continued improvement!
Nightingale, it's excellent to hear that your supply has increased! I am gonna try mini electric again. My supply now can hardly keep up with my boy's demand.
Manual pump sounds quite tiring - now that I am using the mini pump, I can massage my breast while pumping at the same time - was not able to do so with the Freestyle doublepump. Already I am finding this tiring~ manual pump will be even more siong right? How long do you pump at each breast with your manual?

My confinement lady said for first month, can use a needle to pull off the nail~ sounds so scary! I think I will try and trim with baby nail cutter when she's asleep or something.

Are you all cutting / shaving your baby's hair for full month?

Oh I never go time how much time I pump. As long as my breast looks feels empty then I stop lor. So I estimate in all about 15mins?
Huh? How to use needle to cut nails?
My daughter's 1 mth over, I want tgo wait till her head more steady then shave off once. Hahaha. What do you intend to do?


hi mummies,
how do you clean your baby's nose? i have tried using the bulb syringe but it doesn't seems working and my baby end up have a big cry!!! what about trimming the nails? what type/brand of nail cutter you all using?
I too heard that baby's nail before 1 month old is better to be left alone with mittens. For the baby's nose, I was told by his PD to use a flab of cotton wool, wet it and roll it before putting it in to clean the nose, as cotton bud may be dangerous if the baby suddenly sneeze and the bud poke into his nostril.



Been too long since I down in... really glad to see all mommies doing well, coping with difficulties and staying strong!

My princess is 4.055kg now (8weeks old)! She's still facing feeding problem thought... her reflux is my biggest headach... she spit-up on every feed. :( pediatrician say it will improve by age... but it kiils me seeing her throw up all the time. i'm giving her breast milk and Enfalac AR... she latch on most of the time, maybe every other hour and if i'm tired, i will feed her formula. how much are you ladies feeding?

oh, my princess is a crying machine too! hahaha... she cries for everything... hungry cry, finished drinking cry, wake up cry, wanna sleep cry, fart cry, wanna bao bao cry... only pompom she's all relax kicking water. she love to sleep on the chest... if i try to put her down, the cry alarm will go off! but when night time she's fine with the bed. who say baby dont know anything??? they know who to bully and at what time too!!! hahaha... i call her my devil angel ^^
Your princess Maegan is sooo cute! :tlaugh:I love her eyes!


also i have a question - any mommies experiencing growth spurts? my girl just hit the 2-week mark today. last few days she's been drinking 600+ ml of milk per day, but today she's been crying every 2 hours (or less!) for milk, and as of 10pm she has taken a total of 900ml today! i'm not sure if she's taking too much for a 2-week old...

sigh, drink too much stress, drink too little also stress! my goodness...
.bee, my boy also can drink up to 1 litre of milk per day. He feeds on EBM, and we have a paper to record his every feeding. From a book, the guideline to formula feeding goes like this:
0-1 week: 30-60ml, 7-8 feeds per day
1-2 weeks: 60-90ml, 6-7 feeds per day
2-4 weeks: 90-120ml, 5-6 feeds per day
1-2 months: 120-150ml, 5 feeds per day
2-3 months: 180ml, 5 feeds per day

So I think if we calculate base on the higher side, your girl should be doing fine.


Active Member
Nightingale, you very funny!You can try manual pump, like I said my manual is better than the mini. Wow, you really drink a lot of water!! You know when my daughter 1 month I cut her nail n accidently cut her flesh, she screamed so hard. So mummies pls be careful when you cut their nails. Sigh

You used those nail clipper cutter? Try using those round tips sisscors nail cutter. You can get it from any baby store like kiddy palace, isetan, takashimaya, NTUC etc.

And in the future, if anyone want to trim your baby hair, consider to get a pair of round tips sisscors.


You used those nail clipper cutter? Try using those round tips sisscors nail cutter. You can get it from any baby store like kiddy palace, isetan, takashimaya, NTUC etc.

And in the future, if anyone want to trim your baby hair, consider to get a pair of round tips sisscors.
Can the nail sisscors be used to cut hair too if I am just gonna cut a symbolic little bit ?


Active Member
Can the nail sisscors be used to cut hair too if I am just gonna cut a symbolic little bit ?

Pigeon there are 2 types - one with the shorter blade, 1 with longer blade. I think the longer blade can use to trim hair.

But I personally feels that longer blade is harder to control when trimming the nails. So i bought the shorter blade for nails, and bought the normal manicare round tips sicssors to trim the hair.


I too heard that baby's nail before 1 month old is better to be left alone with mittens. For the baby's nose, I was told by his pediatrician to use a flab of cotton wool, wet it and roll it before putting it in to clean the nose, as cotton bud may be dangerous if the baby suddenly sneeze and the bud poke into his nostril.

oh dear i just trim his nails on today morning cos his nails are really long and sharp.. :nah: OMG!


I think it's ok. Main reason why not to cut their nails before 1 month is because the nails are still very soft and fragile.
My boy just regurgitated out all his milk, and some came out through his nose! Luckily my hubby was with him cos he was like having problem breathing ;(


Active Member
yes, with formula, my daughter sleeps longer. why do you ask?
Becos initially i didnt have enuf breast milk so fed bb with some formula and she can sleep really soundly for longer time...

But nowadays she is on total breast feeding but she sleep for one hr (if she can fall asleep) and wake up crying and wailing and sometimes shrieking... Hungry again???

I hav come to a point whereby i can no longer differentiate which are the sincere cries of hunger and which are not....
Cos nw it seems that no matter wat, want attention? Nightmares? Hungry? Wana sleep?? Thirsty??? Wan to stop crying??? Alll the above need only one thing... My nipple.... If dun give... Plus she knw im the one carryiing her... She wil scream until lik i abuse her... Sobs... Haiz really duno how ?!?!?!?!
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Becos initially i didnt have enuf breast milk so fed baby with some formula and she can sleep really soundly for longer time...

But nowadays she is on total breast feeding but she sleep for one hr (if she can fall asleep) and wake up crying and wailing and sometimes shrieking... Hungry again???

I hav come to a point whereby i can no longer differentiate which are the sincere cries of hunger and which are not....
Cos now it seems that no matter what, want attention? Nightmares? Hungry? want to sleep?? Thirsty??? want to stop crying??? Alll the above need only one thing... My nipple.... If dont give... Plus she knw im the one carryiing her... She wil scream until lik i abuse her... Sobs... sigh really dont know how ?!?!?!?!
Mrs_eg, I know what you mean! My girl is on partial formula and EBM - I feed her on the average around 3 hrs. But recently whenever she wakes she cries and fusses more frequently, and not always during feeding time - change diaper, pat, carry also cannot stop her crying. Sometimes I will prepare milk for her but she stops sucking after a short while, so I know she isn't crying because of hunger. At first it looked like she was having nightmares - also her poopoo is slightly greenish these past 2 days - old folks say it's due to fright. I'm also not sure what is causing her to fuss so much - at night also will sleep for an hour, then cry for a while, sometimes stay awake for an hour or two before falling back to sleep again. Maybe trying to adjust to the day and night timings? Hopefully this is just a passing phase!

Do you give your babies the pacifier? Does it work for you?


Active Member
Mrs_eg, I know what you mean! My girl is on partial formula and EBM - I feed her on the average around 3 hours. But recently whenever she wakes she cries and fusses more frequently, and not always during feeding time - change diaper, pat, carry also cannot stop her crying. Sometimes I will prepare milk for her but she stops sucking after a short while, so I know she isn't crying because of hunger. At first it looked like she was having nightmares - also her poopoo is slightly greenish these past 2 days - old folks say it's due to fright. I'm also not sure what is causing her to fuss so much - at night also will sleep for an hour, then cry for a while, sometimes stay awake for an hour or two before falling back to sleep again. Maybe trying to adjust to the day and night timings? Hopefully this is just a passing phase!

Do you give your babies the pacifier? Does it work for you?
Hmmm i dun see any greenish poo... Mime always curdy mustard color...

We dun intend to rely on pacifier... I rather baby suckle on my nipple ... BUT.... now .... Im not sure when i will giv in... Cos treating my nipple as a pacifier certainly is not a good habit either!!! -_-


.bee, my boy also can drink up to 1 litre of milk per day. He feeds on EBM, and we have a paper to record his every feeding. From a book, the guideline to formula feeding goes like this:
0-1 week: 30-60ml, 7-8 feeds per day
1-2 weeks: 60-90ml, 6-7 feeds per day
2-4 weeks: 90-120ml, 5-6 feeds per day
1-2 months: 120-150ml, 5 feeds per day
2-3 months: 180ml, 5 feeds per day

So I think if we calculate base on the higher side, your girl should be doing fine.

good information


Active Member
Hmmm i dont see any greenish poo... Mime always curdy mustard color...

We dont intend to rely on pacifier... I rather baby suckle on my nipple ... BUT.... now .... Im not sure when i will give in... Cos treating my nipple as a pacifier certainly is not a good habit either!!! -_-

You can try out the pacifier, when she is in deep sleep take it away.


Many times, I almost reach out for pacifier. Bt in the end my nipple always in her mouth. Pacifier? To give or not? Very uncertain. Even you give, she may not want it. Like my gal. But one thing for sure, pacifier can not be use after 1yr old, by then we might have problem remove it from her. Haiz.


Active Member
Many times, I almost reach out for pacifier. Bt in the end my nipple always in her mouth. Pacifier? To give or not? Very uncertain. Even you give, she may not want it. Like my gal. But one thing for sure, pacifier can not be use after 1yr old, by then we might have problem remove it from her. sigh.

Sometime is not the baby may not want the pacifier. Babies are like adults learn thru trying, so give them some time to manage the pacifier in their mouth.

I dun face much problem remove the pacifier from my kid when she is 1 year plus. She always bite the pacifier until the silicone break due to teething (molar teeth). I changed a few pacifiers for her until 1 days she can break 3 pacifier. I was so pissed off and scolded her, since then she dun wan pacifier anymore. hahaha