EDD Sep 2010


Sometime is not the baby may not want the pacifier. Babies are like adults learn thru trying, so give them some time to manage the pacifier in their mouth.

I dont face much problem remove the pacifier from my kid when she is 1 year plus. She always bite the pacifier until the silicone break due to teething (molar teeth). I changed a few pacifiers for her until 1 days she can break 3 pacifier. I was so pissed off and scolded her, since then she dont want pacifier anymore. hahaha
HAHAHAHA...indeed a fierce mother. What my friend did, was to cut off the silicone, and pacifier was left with the stopper. Poor kid.


Hmmm i dont see any greenish poo... Mime always curdy mustard color...

We dont intend to rely on pacifier... I rather baby suckle on my nipple ... BUT.... now .... Im not sure when i will give in... Cos treating my nipple as a pacifier certainly is not a good habit either!!! -_-
hi mrs eg
i read from book that greenish poo is due to intake of foremilk and lack of hindmilk from the breast. This could result in baby getting too less calories and make them cranky also. One way is to feed on one breast fully before offering the next. For me , usually i will feed twice on one breast before switching to ensure that baby get enough hindmilk...


Did you mummies try squeezing your breast during pumping? Sometimes when it seems that the milk has run out, I will try squeezing the breast (especially from the bottom), I will get significantly more milk out.
I have been using hand to pump out the milk. compare with electric pump, i find it movtivate me more to continue squeezing the milk and it less painful...i use to get about 50 ml from electric pump..but with hand..i could get an average of 100ml per session:)

Delvy..what i do is that i rest for a while before resuming the squeezing when i find that the milk has run out :) u will be surprise that the milk will come.

Currently, i only express milk once a day to start storing the milk in preparation for work in 4 months time. I hope to build enough reserve for my baby..:)


I have been using hand to pump out the milk. compare with electric pump, i find it movtivate me more to continue squeezing the milk and it less painful...i use to get about 50 ml from electric pump..but with hand..i could get an average of 100ml per session:)
Thanks for the tip, happybaby. May I ask which manual pump you are using? Don't mind giving it a try. Isn't it tiring though~ how long do you pump each breast per session?


Active Member
Thanks for the tip, happybaby. May I ask which manual pump you are using? dont't mind giving it a try. Isn't it tiring though~ how long do you pump each breast per session?

You can try using avent manual pump, i used from start after i discharged from hospital. I dun find it tiring at allz, pretty easy to express the milk. I spent total 30mins for both breast and manage to express abt 300ml avent bottle if i did not latch. I always expressed all the milk out, so that the body is set to reproduce the same amt of milk.
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Active Member
Mrs_eg, I know what you mean! My girl is on partial formula and EBM - I feed her on the average around 3 hours. But recently whenever she wakes she cries and fusses more frequently, and not always during feeding time - change diaper, pat, carry also cannot stop her crying. Sometimes I will prepare milk for her but she stops sucking after a short while, so I know she isn't crying because of hunger. At first it looked like she was having nightmares - also her poopoo is slightly greenish these past 2 days - old folks say it's due to fright. I'm also not sure what is causing her to fuss so much - at night also will sleep for an hour, then cry for a while, sometimes stay awake for an hour or two before falling back to sleep again. Maybe trying to adjust to the day and night timings? Hopefully this is just a passing phase!

Do you give your babies the pacifier? Does it work for you?

If the baby got a fright, you can try giving her some jin fong san with pearl powder.
For my kids, since new born i start using jin fond san to clean the gum and tongue. And whenever they fuss, i will feed them abit of the pearl powder - it works.

When my gal is abt 2 mths old, she kept crying in the nite. basically i hv to carried her till she deep sleep then put her to the cot. Slept for abt an hour or two, she starts crying again. Consulted the elderly and suggested me to feed pearl powder, if dun work then try using sarong. Fed pearl powder for a few days still the same, in the end i tried out sarong and its works. My gal wants ppl to carry her that she felt secure in our arms (like in our stomach).

So sometime, you hv to try out different things to search what the baby wants.

Hey! BTW, your confinement shd end if i am not wrong and hv your CL left? Could it be your gal looking for the CL?


If the baby got a fright, you can try giving her some jin fong san with pearl powder.
For my kids, since new born i start using jin fond san to clean the gum and tongue. And whenever they fuss, i will feed them abit of the pearl powder - it works.

When my gal is about 2 mths old, she kept crying in the nite. basically i have to carried her till she deep sleep then put her to the cot. Slept for about an hour or two, she starts crying again. Consulted the elderly and suggested me to feed pearl powder, if dont work then try using sarong. Fed pearl powder for a few days still the same, in the end i tried out sarong and its works. My gal wants ppl to carry her that she felt secure in our arms (like in our stomach).

So sometime, you have to try out different things to search what the baby wants.

Hey! BTW, your confinement should end if i am not wrong and have your CL left? Could it be your gal looking for the CL?
My confinement lady is still here, last day on Wednesday. Baby is still so young - can start recognising people and places already? Now she is sleeping in the study with my CL; after CL leaves we will be letting her sleep in her cot in our bedroom. I'm hoping that the transition will not be too traumatic for her!

My aunt did suggest the pearl powder but I have not tried it... afraid to feed baby strange things lah. But I think we all grew up getting fed with all these anyway, and we've turned out okay haha!

I'm still considering whether to buy a sarong - we will need a standing one because my bedroom has a false ceiling - afraid that it would become a white elephant. Heard from some friends that not all their babies like the sarong - which surprises me actually, I thought the rocking motion should be something that all babies will find familiar.


New Member
Thank you all ladies....
So far seem that everyone having similar experience

Regurgitate milk once in a while - normal
Sleep for a while - normal?
Hungry in approx every 2 hours - normal

I wonder when they can start napping (sleep) longer?
At least easier to manage our time (i think), better to go out shopping with too!!!

Mecolemummy, urs 8weeks already... The more "advanced" among us all... Hows your baby's sleeping and feeding pattern like??? Still feeding at close intervals?

And also... For mums who feed both formula n breastmilk, isit true that after feeding formula baby can "sustain" hunger longer and can sleep longer?

@.bee: i think growth spurts are normal... I think i did experience once a few days ago...

Btw, i was told to start trimming nails only until baby is one month old... In the meantime i use mittens... :)
And gosh use cotton bud for nose cleaning??? Not dangerous??? Use cotton wool n twist it into thin strip safer right?? Think the nasal spray sounds even more easier :)
She sleeping lesser now... she has developed a partern... her last feed at night will be around 10-11pm dan she will sleep till 3am for a feed dan at 5.30am i will start to breastfeed her on demand. She will dose in and out during feed... dan i will pompom her at 10am dan I will give her formula at 11am (now she taking 110ml) If we are going gaigai, my appt. are fix after 11am and I will take a 3hours guide line for the next feed but if we are home, i will BF for half hour dan top up with formula, usually at 3pm and 7pm. Her naps are very short now and I will say she is more aware of wats going around so kind of tough putting her down to rest. Sometimes I can tell she's real tired but refuse to sleep... eyes closing dan force them wide open again. In the day, from 5.30am, no more bed or cot for naps... I will have to carry her. I will leave her on top of my breastfriend support pillow if she dose off straight after feeding... but if she need to be coax to sleep, I will have to walk and rock her at the same time!!! Sometimes my parents will help to coax but once she start to fuss, they will "ka nan ka bok"! hahaha... can be a very funny scenario.
Things are getting better now comparing to the first month... everyone will go through it. I get to know her better and her responds are clearer to me. ^^

Formula last long cos thicker dan breast milk and lots of my breastfeeding mummy friends gave formula for night feed for baby to sleep longer or throught the night.

I started trimming her after 1 month. I tried both cutter and scissors but I prefer scissors. I do it after bath cos the nails will be even softer.

The last time Maegan got blocked nose, her pediatrician recommended Sinomarin Monodose hypertonic sea water solution to soften the boogie and use infant nasal aspirator to suck it out... can be a little uncomfortable. But for visuable boogie I will just use the infant pincer or Boogie wipes to take it out.


New Member
Manual pump sounds quite tiring - now that I am using the mini pump, I can massage my breast while pumping at the same time - was not able to do so with the Freestyle doublepump. Already I am finding this tiring~ manual pump will be even more siong right? How long do you pump at each breast with your manual?

My confinement lady said for first month, can use a needle to pull off the nail~ sounds so scary! I think I will try and trim with baby nail cutter when she's asleep or something.

Are you all cutting / shaving your baby's hair for full month?

Mecole: would love to meet up but still feeling quite clumsy with bringing baby out~ have not't tried it yet haha! You had a month's headstart with baby Maegan ! I think another week or two - need to develop some confidence handling baby on my own before I can feel safe about bringing the little one to go gai gai. Hee hee!

hmmm... how abt meeting up in Nov when everyone done with confinement and a little more confident?


New Member
Oh yah mine also 1 soiled per day. Oh so it's normal. Do you let yr darling drink water? Mummies... My daughter has this funny dots on her face like pimple, ped said it's normal but a lot. Do you all experience this?
yeah... 1 soil is normal... baby can go without poo for 4-5 days. jus make sure bb is not having bloated tummy.

I started giving Maegan some bailey water after 1 month... i will put 20ml in her juice bottle and feed her alittle through the day... twice a week.

Maegan has pimple like dots on her face too. I will use boiled cool down water to clean her face after feed and apply Dr Atopeace intensive care cream (got tis from her PD). And apply Physiogel cream on her chest and back after shower if i see some red dots. I only use boiled water for her face... no tap water. maybe can try on ur sweetheart. Off the counter, Avent magic cream is very good too.


New Member
.bee, my boy also can drink up to 1 litre of milk per day. He feeds on EBM, and we have a paper to record his every feeding. From a book, the guideline to formula feeding goes like this:
0-1 week: 30-60ml, 7-8 feeds per day
1-2 weeks: 60-90ml, 6-7 feeds per day
2-4 weeks: 90-120ml, 5-6 feeds per day
1-2 months: 120-150ml, 5 feeds per day
2-3 months: 180ml, 5 feeds per day

So I think if we calculate base on the higher side, your girl should be doing fine.
When Maegan was admitted to the hospital... the doc told me by taking the baby's weight, multiple by 150, that will be the amount of milk to be fed per day and divert it with the amount of times of feeds per day to get the amount to fed per feed. for eg. Maegan weight 4.2kgx150= 630ml (per day) 630 divert by 6 feeds= 105ml (per feed)
So your feed increase with weight of your baby not the age.


New Member
My aunt did suggest the pearl powder but I have not tried it... afraid to feed baby strange things . But I think we all grew up getting fed with all these anyway, and we've turned out okay haha!

I'm still considering whether to buy a sarong - we will need a standing one because my bedroom has a false ceiling - afraid that it would become a white elephant. Heard from some friends that not all their babies like the sarong - which surprises me actually, I thought the rocking motion should be something that all babies will find familiar.
I fed Maegan the pearl powder too! Out of desperation... I did it! It worked! She quite a scaredy cat... jump quite abit. So now and dan I give her abit on her pacifer to calm her down. I still remember being fed tis by my grands... so guess its alrite :p

Sarong works like wonders too! hahahaa... she enjoy so much and slept so soundly when she over at my sister's place. Bringing it over to my new place once it's ready! hehe ^^

And I started feeding Maegan Gripe water too! She was having some colic problem... crying nonstop and burping her was hell to us. Her PD gave her Dentinox colic drops but it din help much so I try the gripe water and she burped! Now I feed her twice daily and its so cute watching her enjoying it from the syringe.
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Active Member
My confinement lady is still here, last day on Wednesday. Baby is still so young - can start recognising people and places already? Now she is sleeping in the study with my CL; after CL leaves we will be letting her sleep in her cot in our bedroom. I'm hoping that the transition will not be too traumatic for her!

My aunt did suggest the pearl powder but I have not tried it... afraid to feed baby strange things . But I think we all grew up getting fed with all these anyway, and we've turned out okay haha!

I'm still considering whether to buy a sarong - we will need a standing one because my bedroom has a false ceiling - afraid that it would become a white elephant. Heard from some friends that not all their babies like the sarong - which surprises me actually, I thought the rocking motion should be something that all babies will find familiar.

You will be surprise that they able to recongise ppl and places at such young age. Its okie to feed pearl powder but not everyday.

You can consider to get a 2nd hand portable sarong, and get a new net for her. I bought a 2nd hand at $20 or $25 at pretty good condition for my new hse.

Yes, not all babies like sarorong. My elder gal looked for it but not my younger gal. Confirmed sleeping in sarong their head is more rounded and nice. If you are scare the sarong is bad for their spine. You can fold a pice of cloth (cooling cloth) put inside the sarong b4 putting her in. And i got no problem bringing my gal out, i just need to carry her to deep sleep and put her on the stroller.
When Maegan was admitted to the hospital... the doc told me by taking the baby's weight, multiple by 150, that will be the amount of milk to be fed per day and divert it with the amount of times of feeds per day to get the amount to fed per feed. for eg. Maegan weight 4.2kgx150= 630ml (per day) 630 divert by 6 feeds= 105ml (per feed)
So your feed increase with weight of your baby not the age.[/QUOTE

Wow! Thank you for the valuable information. Now I understand why my daughter requires so much milk.


When Maegan was admitted to the hospital... the doc told me by taking the baby's weight, multiple by 150, that will be the amount of milk to be fed per day and divert it with the amount of times of feeds per day to get the amount to fed per feed. for eg. Maegan weight 4.2kgx150= 630ml (per day) 630 divert by 6 feeds= 105ml (per feed)
So your feed increase with weight of your baby not the age.
wow ..factor of 150 even make it easier for us to remember :Dancing_wub:
yeah... 1 soil is normal... baby can go without poo for 4-5 days. just make sure baby is not having bloated tummy.

I started giving Maegan some bailey water after 1 month... i will put 20ml in her juice bottle and feed her alittle through the day... twice a week.

Maegan has pimple like dots on her face too. I will use boiled cool down water to clean her face after feed and apply Dr Atopeace intensive care cream (got tis from her pediatrician). And apply Physiogel cream on her chest and back after shower if i see some red dots. I only use boiled water for her face... no tap water. maybe can try on your sweetheart. Off the counter, Avent magic cream is very good too.
hi mecolemummy,
my daughter go without for a day and i start to worry, with what you have shared i think i worry for nothing.
now that you mentioned barley, i remember that i gave that to my elder son too. i guess i forgot many things even though i had my son like 3 years ago. haha.
wednesday will be going to pedi for check so will ask her if she has any cream for my girl.
thank you so much!
Becos initially i didnt have enuf breast milk so fed baby with some formula and she can sleep really soundly for longer time...

But nowadays she is on total breast feeding but she sleep for one hr (if she can fall asleep) and wake up crying and wailing and sometimes shrieking... Hungry again???

I hav come to a point whereby i can no longer differentiate which are the sincere cries of hunger and which are not....
Cos now it seems that no matter what, want attention? Nightmares? Hungry? want to sleep?? Thirsty??? want to stop crying??? Alll the above need only one thing... My nipple.... If dont give... Plus she knw im the one carryiing her... She wil scream until lik i abuse her... Sobs... sigh really dont know how ?!?!?!?!
yes i used to total breastfeed my girl but realised that it is never enough and she does not sleep soundly and tend to wake up every half to 1 hour. so...i introduce formula then it got better.
i will pump out my milk and give her if she do not cry for more i leave it...if she cries for more i will top up with little formula. at night, i will give her total formula so that she can sleep longer. no choice...
she used to want my nipples all the time and i could not take it coz it hurts my nipples a lot.
Mrs_eg, I know what you mean! My girl is on partial formula and EBM - I feed her on the average around 3 hours. But recently whenever she wakes she cries and fusses more frequently, and not always during feeding time - change diaper, pat, carry also cannot stop her crying. Sometimes I will prepare milk for her but she stops sucking after a short while, so I know she isn't crying because of hunger. At first it looked like she was having nightmares - also her poopoo is slightly greenish these past 2 days - old folks say it's due to fright. I'm also not sure what is causing her to fuss so much - at night also will sleep for an hour, then cry for a while, sometimes stay awake for an hour or two before falling back to sleep again. Maybe trying to adjust to the day and night timings? Hopefully this is just a passing phase!

Do you give your babies the pacifier? Does it work for you?
yes i do give pacifier because my daughter so dependent on my nipple but after she sleeps she will spit it out. sometimes she gets piss because she knows its not the real thing but no choice.