EDD Sep 2010

You used those nail clipper cutter? Try using those round tips sisscors nail cutter. You can get it from any baby store like kiddy palace, isetan, takashimaya, NTUC etc.

And in the future, if anyone want to trim your baby hair, consider to get a pair of round tips sisscors.
thank you for yr advice. i bought the nail clipper for baby (pigeon), guess i made the wrong choice should have gotten the scissors instead.


Thanks for the replies and sharing, mummies. :) Wah just had our one-month celebration today so I'm getting pretty excited about looking after baby on our own (after confinement nanny goes home) - so used to having someone around to attend to baby's needs, I hope it will not come as too much of a shock to me! Those of you who had confinement nannies, did you have trouble adjusting to not having one initially?

Am also excited about bringing baby out! hehe! Those of you who have already started going out shopping with your little ones - any useful tips to share? What essential items must you have in your diaper bag?

Also, do any of you stay over at your parents' place sometimes? Before baby's arrival we would go over to my mum's every weekend to stay overnight; am planning to do the same with baby. Not sure whether feasible or not - also hoping that baby will not have difficulty sleeping at night when she's over there!


Active Member
She sleeping lesser now... she has developed a partern... her last feed at night will be around 10-11pm dan she will sleep till 3am for a feed dan at 5.30am i will start to breastfeed her on demand. She will dose in and out during feed... dan i will pompom her at 10am dan I will give her formula at 11am (now she taking 110ml) If we are going gaigai, my appt. are fix after 11am and I will take a 3hours guide line for the next feed but if we are home, i will BF for half hour dan top up with formula, usually at 3pm and 7pm. Her naps are very short now and I will say she is more aware of wats going around so kind of tough putting her down to rest. Sometimes I can tell she's real tired but refuse to sleep... eyes closing dan force them wide open again. In the day, from 5.30am, no more bed or cot for naps... I will have to carry her. I will leave her on top of my breastfriend support pillow if she dose off straight after feeding... but if she need to be coax to sleep, I will have to walk and rock her at the same time!!! Sometimes my parents will help to coax but once she start to fuss, they will "ka nan ka bok"! hahaha... can be a very funny scenario.
Things are getting better now comparing to the first month... everyone will go through it. I get to know her better and her responds are clearer to me. ^^

Formula last long cos thicker dan breast milk and lots of my breastfeeding mummy friends gave formula for night feed for baby to sleep longer or throught the night.

I started trimming her after 1 month. I tried both cutter and scissors but I prefer scissors. I do it after bath cos the nails will be even softer.

The last time Maegan got blocked nose, her pediatrician recommended Sinomarin Monodose hypertonic sea water solution to soften the boogie and use infant nasal aspirator to suck it out... can be a little uncomfortable. But for visuable boogie I will just use the infant pincer or Boogie wipes to take it out.
Thanx alot for spending time sharing ur experience with us... Really appreciate it!!!
I certainly hope I can soon grasp my baby's pattern!!!

U were mentioning boogie wipes... There is literallu wipes for tat??? Where to get them?


Active Member
yes i used to total breastfeed my girl but realised that it is never enough and she does not sleep soundly and tend to wake up every half to 1 hour. so...i introduce formula then it got better.
i will pump out my milk and give her if she do not cry for more i leave it...if she cries for more i will top up with little formula. at night, i will give her total formula so that she can sleep longer. no choice...
she used to want my nipples all the time and i could not take it coz it hurts my nipples a lot.
So giving formula does the trick...

Haiz... Honestly inquite reluctant to introduce formula when i put in so much effort to make sure i have a good amt of breast milk...guess i will enduree a little longer and see how.......... :)


Active Member
thank you for yr advice. i bought the nail clipper for baby (pigeon), guess i made the wrong choice should have gotten the scissors instead.

No problem.
When i'm 1st time mummy, also like you bought the nail clipper. After explore thru shopping and sharing with friends i tried out and learnt.

if you wanna get comb for your baby, can consider safety 1st. The brush is very soft and will not hurt the baby.

BTW, what kinda of baby wipes you ladies using? if J&J, can consider head down to People's park market (Chinatown, just next/opposite OG), selling at $9.90 per pack (3 packs; each pack 80 wipes). They also hv pureen and pigeon brand. you can also get milk bottles detergent, laundry detergent etc from there.


Active Member
So giving formula does the trick...

sigh... Honestly inquite reluctant to introduce formula when i put in so much effort to make sure i have a good amt of breast milk...guess i will enduree a little longer and see how.......... :)

You can consider and try to express the breast milk and bottle feed her for the night feed. Express out in the day and store it in the fridge, warm it up to feed. With this she can has full feed and last longer, but it cannot last the same long hrs like formula milk.


Active Member
You can consider and try to express the breast milk and bottle feed her for the night feed. Express out in the day and store it in the fridge, warm it up to feed. With this she can has full feed and last longer, but it cannot last the same long hours like formula milk.
U mean latch on wont b a full feed? But bottle feeding ebm will?? Why is tis so? In fact i feel that my girl not as satisfied when use the bottle.. Milk leak frm the corners of her lips as she drinks... And ive used the teats wif slowest milk flow!


you mean latch on wont b a full feed? But bottle feeding ebm will?? Why is tis so? In fact i feel that my girl not as satisfied when use the bottle.. Milk leak frm the corners of her lips as she drinks... And ive used the teats with slowest milk flow!
I also did the same thing. I will give about 60-70ml EBM, then allow her to latch on. Since she always fallen asleep when latching on, but due to the earlier EBM, I guess she got enough and also sleep longer like 2-3hrs. No matter what is still better then she woke up houry looking for her milk.


Thanks for the replies and sharing, mummies. :) Wah just had our one-month celebration today so I'm getting pretty excited about looking after baby on our own (after confinement nanny goes home) - so used to having someone around to attend to baby's needs, I hope it will not come as too much of a shock to me! Those of you who had confinement nannies, did you have trouble adjusting to not having one initially?

Am also excited about bringing baby out! hehe! Those of you who have already started going out shopping with your little ones - any useful tips to share? What essential items must you have in your diaper bag?

Also, do any of you stay over at your parents' place sometimes? Before baby's arrival we would go over to my mum's every weekend to stay overnight; am planning to do the same with baby. Not sure whether feasible or not - also hoping that baby will not have difficulty sleeping at night when she's over there!

That's what in my diaper bag:
1) Diaper - 5pcs (depend on the no.of hr hanging out)
2) Two sets of clothing
3) Baby Wipe (travel pack)
4) Dettol Gel

If your baby can sleep during the day at your parent place, they usually wont have problem to sleep over. Unless the condition is different (for.eg, Aircon or Yao Lan etc)

My nanny is going back this Sunday, and I will be left along with my 5 yrs old and Baby, also hoping everything will be smooth, cos I will need to fetch my gal from school, marketing, cooking etc. Cant image.


Oh yes before I forget, I have a quick question: after the first immunisation jabs at the hospital at birth, when did you next bring your babies for the next round? 4 weeks?

Fiona: you use the Dettol Gel together with the wet wipes?


Active Member
you mean latch on wont b a full feed? But bottle feeding ebm will?? Why is tis so? In fact i feel that my girl not as satisfied when use the bottle.. Milk leak frm the corners of her lips as she drinks... And ive used the teats with slowest milk flow!

Sometime it wont be full feed coz u dun know how she drink. bottle feeding ebm we know how much to feed and how long it last. if using bottle it leaks means the teats dun suit her, u gotta change and try out which suit her. What brand teats u using?


New Member
Thanks to all mommies for sharing. Huh that means my girl may be drinking more than she should? Birth weight 3.355kg, now 18 days old, drinking 2-3 hourly formula milk 100ml! And she finishes every drop too! Hmm..


Oh yes before I forget, I have a quick question: after the first immunisation jabs at the hospital at birth, when did you next bring your babies for the next round? 4 weeks?

Fiona: you use the Dettol Gel together with the wet wipes?
No, dettol gel is for me before I reach out baby.

My gal next jab is 2mth (6 in 1 + (one more I forgotten)).
No problem.
When i'm 1st time mummy, also like you bought the nail clipper. After explore thru shopping and sharing with friends i tried out and learnt.

if you wanna get comb for your baby, can consider safety 1st. The brush is very soft and will not hurt the baby.

BTW, what kinda of baby wipes you ladies using? if J&J, can consider head down to People's park market (Chinatown, just next/opposite OG), selling at $9.90 per pack (3 packs; each pack 80 wipes). They also have pureen and pigeon brand. you can also get milk bottles detergent, laundry detergent etc from there.
thank you for your information. the shop you talking about isit upstairs the hawker centre? if it is i always go there and buy my toiletries. hee. you stay around there?
you mean latch on wont b a full feed? But bottle feeding ebm will?? Why is tis so? In fact i feel that my girl not as satisfied when use the bottle.. Milk leak frm the corners of her lips as she drinks... And ive used the teats with slowest milk flow!
for my girl, when she latch on, i do not know if she fully empty both breast because sometimes she will fall asleep then when i put her down she will cry for more milk. so i will express my milk n let her drink, this manneri will know if she drinks enough.
i guess different baby react differently, maybe your is better with latching on.
So giving formula does the trick...

sigh... Honestly inquite reluctant to introduce formula when i put in so much effort to make sure i have a good amt of breast milk...guess i will enduree a little longer and see how.......... :)
same here, i did not want to touch formula but then to keep us sane, i had to...
Thanks to all mommies for sharing. Huh that means my girl may be drinking more than she should? Birth weight 3.355kg, now 18 days old, drinking 2-3 hourly formula milk 100ml! And she finishes every drop too! Hmm..
dont worry, your girl is not the only one. mine feeds a lot too. initially when she came home, she looks tiny, now she has so many folds of skins...hahah. my aunt said if they can drink then let them...i also scare i am over-feeding but my girl wants what can i do?


Thanks for the encouraging words, MummyK and LittleWorm, and all other mummies for sharing your experiences!
My baby is also not really sleeping as much as we think she should - sometimes after her meal she would sleep for 2-3 hours, sometimes she would stay awake for 2-3hrs then sleep - day or night.

Speaking of which, how many of you are using the sarong/yao lan? I'm wondering whether to get one, it's the only thing we have not't tried so far in our sleep routine haha! Where do your little princes and princesses sleep most of the time, day as well as night?

My girl is on formula (we're using Similac) most of the time, about 90ml per feeding, (once every 3 hours or so). Will give slightly less if she fusses less than 3 hours after the previous feed. When accumulated enough breastmilk for. one feed we would replace the formula for the next feed. I pump for about 20 minutes for each session (both breasts at the same time). How about. you? And other mummies?

My milk supply has not shown much improvement, sigh. In the past few weeks I'd only managed to pump 120ml once! (even took a picture of the filled bottle, haha I was so happy) - but other than that it has been around 20ml on the average. Very sad ahh. When I was on the doctor's prescribed medication for increasing milk flow, I could get 50ml thereabouts. But after I completed the course, the milk went down back to 20ml, but I think it could also be due to my longer pumping hours (I did lapse into a 4 hourly pump in the last week). So now I'm trying to kickstart it again with 2 hourly pumps - will take a few days to see the effects, my friend said. Now thinking whether to go back to my gynae to get more of the medicine.
Sorry Nightingale for not replying as have been very busy.

Wow...you must have been very happy to reach 120ml...these few days my milk supply has went up little tiny bit from 10ml to 20ml...tomorrow I will go back to gynae to get medication to increase milk supply...

Share with you advice from my massage lady...try latching on baby to increase milk supply...just pumping alone is not good enough to stimulate your brain to increase more milkflow. In the beginning was tough to latch her on, she will cry like I'm abusing her but after 2 days she's used to it...it's your will against your baby's will...see who's stronger haha perhaps you can give it a try n see if your milk supply can be improved. Ohh also if you have not yet tried lactating mum's milk, try n see if it works too!!

Now I'm pumping 20-25 mins on each breast (swing only has single pump so very tiring for me). I think time may not be so impt, more impt is to empty each breast right??


When Maegan was admitted to the hospital... the doc told me by taking the baby's weight, multiple by 150, that will be the amount of milk to be fed per day and divert it with the amount of times of feeds per day to get the amount to fed per feed. for eg. Maegan weight 4.2kgx150= 630ml (per day) 630 divert by 6 feeds= 105ml (per feed)
So your feed increase with weight of your baby not the age.
Woo~~Tats a very useful information...now can better gauge if my baby is drinking too much or too little!! Thanks mecolemummy!!!