EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
No wonder people bring their baby to shave at fourth month. you mean mothers will drop hair too, sounds scary!

Ya my Hubby against to cut botak cos not nice. He want to keep till after new year.
Yes, some mother may even start dropping hair on the 3rd mth; depends on individual. So its good to start looking ard for hair loss shampoo and hair tonic to minimise the hair loss. I think less than 1% mothers will not drop hair, so far i only saw 1 case which is my gf, the rest all drop like no body biz (be mentally prepare).


Nope! its nonsense some shaved when changing hair still dropped until here 1 patch, there 1 patch... Yes, at abt 4 mths they will start chaning hair and that is the time you starts to drop hair too. So now is the best time for you to look ard for hair loss shampoo and hair tonic for yourself.

shave the baby hair: -
1. wanna use the hair to make a brush
2. to hair is not nice or little, shaved off to let it grow evenly and nice. (But some elder believe cannot shave all, must left abit of hair on the centre of the head to protect the brain).

I also never shave coz my MIL believes the old folks tale. Its so ugly for a gal to left a patch of hair on the centre of the head.
Thanks Lekdao!! Great, I will just leave her hair be 

So, at 4 months baby will start changing hair...will her hair look patchy when it starts dropping?? What hair loss shampoo n tonic you were using then...can recommend? So if now I'm only one month after delivery, is it advisable if I want to do any rebonding or colouring?? My hair looks a mess 


Hi ppl,
Anyone knw when shld we stop swaddling and stop wearing mittens? And when can we start using shampoo??
Not sure when should actually stop swaddling baby but I have already stopped (my baby now 1 month old) cos my baby will be so grouchy when she is too warm so now just cover her with a blanket with a beanie pillow on her tummy so she will feel secure.

As for mittens, learnt from antenatal class that should stop wearing mittens after your baby is 6 wks old as wearing mittens will affect her motor development...

Hee...I used shampoo long ago....did not follow confinement rules n bathed daily during confinement period though for hair, I washed every 2-3 days  just can't stand the heat n sweaty body


Active Member
Not sure when should actually stop swaddling baby but I have already stopped (my baby now 1 month old) cos my baby will be so grouchy when she is too warm so now just cover her with a blanket with a beanie pillow on her tummy so she will feel secure.

As for mittens, learnt from antenatal class that should stop wearing mittens after your baby is 6 wks old as wearing mittens will affect her motor development...

Hee...I used shampoo long ago....did not follow confinement rules n bathed daily during confinement period though for hair, I washed every 2-3 days  just can't stand the heat n sweaty body

Im still swaddling at night... Seems bettet for my gal... As for mittens, thanx for the info!!!

Actually I meant, when can baby start using shampoo.. Bcos at ante classes they say dun use shampoo on baby first cos their scalp too delicate... But i forgot when shld i start??



Im still swaddling at night... Seems bettet for my gal... As for mittens, thanx for the info!!!

Actually I meant, when can baby start using shampoo.. Bcos at ante classes they say dont use shampoo on baby first cos their scalp too delicate... But i forgot when shld i start??
I've stopped swaddling Cheyenne because she didn't seem to like it anymore - kept getting agitated and trying to struggle free. Also it gets a bit warm in a swaddle.. but because we sleep in aircon i'll let her wear the long sleepsuits from Mothercare because she would kick off any blankets we use on her!

Yes, read about the mittens - babies need to learn about their fingers and grasping so should stop wearing soon. However once I tried leaving them off and my dear girl grabbed her own hair - not intentionally! Of course, it hurt and she cried in surprise hahaha! Poor thing!

I think there is no hard and fast rule with shampoo~ just start with tiny amounts and check for any reaction like redness on the scalp or flaking, I guess? I've been using a 2-in-1 wash for baby since after full month, love to use a little shampoo on her hair because it makes her smell sooo nice after her bath (I like to put my nose to her head and sniff haha). So far my girl has been okay with it~ so long as we use those made for babies which are milder anyway.
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My baby is coming 4 weeks old but she drinks 120ml every 3-4 hours. I always think it's too much but my baby can finish it and fast too! However the formula milk recommended feeding chart states 3 weeks old babies should drink 120ml, do we follow or not?
I was also wondering about the quantity of milk - my baby is 6 weeks yet each feeding she takes only around 90ml. Occasionally she will take in more, but most of the time she would stop at 90ml. We're feeding about once every 3 hrs. Wondering whether she is getting enough?

Speaking of growing babies, have you all noticed how much your babies have grown? :D First thing is that she is starting to 'fill up' the 0-3mth rompers nicely - used to hang loosely on her - and also there is more 'bah' (肉) to grab haha! Getting more and more huggable! :wong19:

LittleWorm, the picture of little Janelle in your profile looks like she has got thick curly hair! Nice! :)
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Active Member
Thanks Lekdao!! Great, I will just leave her hair be 

So, at 4 months baby will start changing hair...will her hair look patchy when it starts dropping?? What hair loss shampoo n tonic you were using then...can recommend? So if now I'm only one month after delivery, is it advisable if I want to do any rebonding or colouring?? My hair looks a mess 

My gal's hair look fine, some baby hair will look patchy when starts dropping, some will not. I'm using the Kanz Keratin Hair Loss Shampoo and Richenna Hair Tonic, richenna also comes with hair loss shampoo and conditioner. Yes, u can do rebonding and coloring if you can. If u r worry, choose those that is herbal base rebonding, heard pregnant also can do it.


Yes, you can do rebonding and coloring if you can. If you r worry, choose those that is herbal base rebonding, heard pregnant also can do it.
During pregnancy, and also after birth because of breastfeeding, I would request for non ammonia-based hair colour at the salon - this should be quite safe to use.


Active Member
During pregnancy, and also after birth because of breastfeeding, I would request for non ammonia-based hair colour at the salon - this should be quite safe to use.

During pregnancy I totally avoid rebonding, coloring or any hair treatment, just go for hair cut only. 6mths after birth then i start to rebond my hair and used the herbs base which is more safe.


New Member
Actually I stopped swaddling her when she was a week old, coz she hated it and would always struggle!

As for daytime naps vs night, my baby sleeps on our bed all the time, and now she seems to be able to tell the diff herself as she's starting to sleep thru e night i.e. Last feed at 11 and she'll only wake at 5am. Whereas daytime she naps for half an hour to 2 hours. She will only sleep on her tummy thou, never sleeps for long on her back or side. Did check with the pd who says it's safe coz her head is quite strong now.

Feeding wise I do think she's drinking alot, now 130ml formula milk every 1.5 to 3 hours, and she's starting to cry for more! But I guess it's no major concern coz we're not forcing her to drink, but she wants more. Went for her first month visit to the pd and she's now 4.735kg! Birth weight was 3.355.

Poor thing has quite bad reflex thou, pd says she has gastric like me :( so she's on some medication now, and she hates it! Hoping her condition will improve gradually.

Btw think I've not added some mommies on fb yet, so do add me alright? Hazelkoosf@gmail.com


My gal's hair look fine, some baby hair will look patchy when starts dropping, some will not. I'm using the Kanz Keratin Hair Loss Shampoo and Richenna Hair Tonic, richenna also comes with hair loss shampoo and conditioner. Yes, u can do rebonding and coloring if you can. If u r worry, choose those that is herbal base rebonding, heard pregnant also can do it.
Sure hope my baby's hair will look fine n not patchy when she starts to drop hair...

Btw where to get the shampoo n tonic brand that you are recommending...is it available in Guardian or Watsons or perhaps in Ocean at Chinatown?

Din koe rebonding has herbal based one...good shall go check it out!! Actually my main concern whether to do rebonding is worrying abt dropping hair after rebonding...which it normally does. I remembered seeing my sister in law has lots of hair loss esp ard the hair parting area after she gave birth 1-2 mths later n she has to go to those hair loss centre to remedy...spent alot of $$

Btw anyone knows quick way to get bk into shape? After giving birth n bk home, I've only managed to lose ard 5kg....what abt other mummies?


Sure hope my baby's hair will look fine n not patchy when she starts to drop hair...

Btw where to get the shampoo n tonic brand that you are recommending...is it available in Guardian or Watsons or perhaps in Ocean at Chinatown?

did not koe rebonding has herbal based one...good shall go check it out!! Actually my main concern whether to do rebonding is worrying about dropping hair after rebonding...which it normally does. I remembered seeing my sister in law has lots of hair loss esp around the hair parting area after she gave birth 1-2 mths later n she has to go to those hair loss centre to remedy...spent alot of $$

Btw anyone knows quick way to get back into shape? After giving birth n back home, I've only managed to lose around 5kg....what about other mummies?

i also think of do rebonding + coloring :001_302:
breast feed will help to lose weight??
i have lose 10.5kg....3 more kg to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :Dancing_tongue:jiayou!!!!



Im still swaddling at night... Seems bettet for my gal... As for mittens, thanx for the info!!!

Actually I meant, when can baby start using shampoo.. Bcos at ante classes they say dont use shampoo on baby first cos their scalp too delicate... But i forgot when shld i start??
Hee hee hee sorry...did also came across my mind if you were asking about the shampoo for our babies... I did not know about not able to use shampoo until a certain period...in fact I used for baby few days after came back from hospital n she's fine until now. In fact she pretty enjoy washing hair...it's so enjoyable to watch their different expressions esp during bathing...:wong19:


I was also wondering about the quantity of milk - my baby is 6 weeks yet each feeding she takes only around 90ml. Occasionally she will take in more, but most of the time she would stop at 90ml. We're feeding about once every 3 hrs. Wondering whether she is getting enough?

Speaking of growing babies, have you all noticed how much your babies have grown? :D First thing is that she is starting to 'fill up' the 0-3mth rompers nicely - used to hang loosely on her - and also there is more 'bah' (肉) to grab haha! Getting more and more huggable! :wong19:

LittleWorm, the picture of little Janelle in your profile looks like she has got thick curly hair! Nice! :)
I think ur baby's milk intake is okay...cos she stops taking when she's full. Sometimes during their growth spurt they will b grouchy, u can then add on 10-20ml more on her night feed so she can sleep through longer...

Totally agree abt the more "bah" on them now, they grow so fast now! I always relook at the pics I took of her at the hospital n now, so happy to see them grow n the changes now n before :)

Hee actually little Janelle doesn't hv thick curly hair, she has thick straight hair n lots of it ...tats the first comment given by everyone who looks at her! I like the pic u put of Cheyenne...u are gd to catch tat pic of her...her big smile is so infectious...makes me wanna cuddle her tight 


i also think of do rebonding + coloring :001_302:
breast feed will help to lose weight??
i have lose 10.5kg....3 more kg to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :Dancing_tongue:jiayou!!!!
Wow~~tats fast...just only through breastfeeding?? 10.5kg includes baby??? I gained total of 15kg n if u compare against pre-pregnancy weight, I still have 6 kg to go...these 6kg are just so stubborn to go...sadz...


Wow~~tats fast...just only through breastfeeding?? 10.5kg includes baby??? I gained total of 15kg n if you compare against pre-pregnancy weight, I still have 6 kg to go...these 6kg are just so stubborn to go...sadz...
ya i gained total of 13.5kg includes baby.


Active Member
Sure hope my baby's hair will look fine n not patchy when she starts to drop hair...

Btw where to get the shampoo n tonic brand that you are recommending...is it available in Guardian or Watsons or perhaps in Ocean at Chinatown?

did not koe rebonding has herbal based one...good shall go check it out!! Actually my main concern whether to do rebonding is worrying about dropping hair after rebonding...which it normally does. I remembered seeing my sister in law has lots of hair loss esp around the hair parting area after she gave birth 1-2 mths later n she has to go to those hair loss centre to remedy...spent alot of $$

Btw anyone knows quick way to get back into shape? After giving birth n back home, I've only managed to lose around 5kg....what about other mummies?

For the shampoo u can get it from ocean, the hair tonic i got it from ubi. When u r in ocean, u can get the sales ppl to recommend you good hair tonic. Go hair loss centre may help but u must continue their package to maintain it if not will drop hair again. yes, hair loss centre the basic already cost 4 figures, then they wiill says need this and that, in the end super costly.

For the 1st delivery is easy to lose weight. You can try wearing lanaform slimming pant. find out more info from the following link:

Effective and Clinically Proven Slimming Pant and Slimming Undergarment.

Yes! breastfeeding can help to lose weight, baby is sucking the fats from mummy. If wanna lose weight fast, breastfeed you baby.

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Wow~~tats fast...just only through breastfeeding?? 10.5kg includes baby??? I gained total of 15kg n if you compare against pre-pregnancy weight, I still have 6 kg to go...these 6kg are just so stubborn to go...sadz...
I gained about 18kg! And now I lost only 10 to 11 kg. Still have more to lose but have to eat more meals when on bredtfeeding so not a good time to lose weight yet.
Btw, are you all continuing to breastfeed when going back to work and who take care of your bb when gg back to work?


Nightingale, my girl also drinks very little like 80 mls of EBM every 3 hrs.

Lol. They seems to be able to kick really well, blanket wont stay on them long. Perhaps they like legs exercise. Thinking of bringing her to baby spa one day to let her have a good kick.


I gained about 18kg! And now I lost only 10 to 11 kg. Still have more to lose but have to eat more meals when on bredtfeeding so not a good time to lose weight yet.
Btw, are you all continuing to breastfeed when going back to work and who take care of your baby when gg back to work?
I lost 11.5 kg, 2 kg more to go! Din know that If Breastfeed got to eat more. No wonder I feel hungry easily.

I'll express my milk so that someone can feed her when I return to work.