EDD Sep 2010


For the shampoo u can get it from ocean, the hair tonic i got it from ubi. When u r in ocean, u can get the sales ppl to recommend you good hair tonic. Go hair loss centre may help but u must continue their package to maintain it if not will drop hair again. yes, hair loss centre the basic already cost 4 figures, then they wiill says need this and that, in the end super costly.

For the 1st delivery is easy to lose weight. You can try wearing lanaform slimming pant. find out more info from the following link:

Effective and Clinically Proven Slimming Pant and Slimming Undergarment.

Yes! breastfeeding can help to lose weight, baby is sucking the fats from mummy. If wanna lose weight fast, breastfeed you baby.

Can express breastmilk also help to lose weight? Baby difficult to latch on my nipple for my case plus too little milk supply.

Thanks for recommending the lanaform slimming pants. I've checked out their website n it seems to be a good product. Currently I'm using an abdominal binder but this pants can help substitute that.

Have you also bought one yourself...if so, is it really so effective? They have a new Lipo Contour Elite slimming pants...does anyone u know bought n tried tat yet? I like that the hours to wear them are short but it's quite expensive


I lost 11.5 kg, 2 kg more to go! Din know that If Breastfeed got to eat more. No wonder I feel hungry easily.

I'll express my milk so that someone can feed her when I return to work.
Wow...looks like all of you lose weight fast...I've gotta buck up. Let's jiayou together!!


Active Member
Can express breastmilk also help to lose weight? Baby difficult to latch on my nipple for my case plus too little milk supply.

Thanks for recommending the lanaform slimming pants. I've checked out their website n it seems to be a good product. Currently I'm using an abdominal binder but this pants can help substitute that.

Have you also bought one yourself...if so, is it really so effective? They have a new Lipo Contour Elite slimming pants...does anyone you know bought n tried that yet? I like that the hours to wear them are short but it's quite expensive

Expressed milk also can help to lose weight.

If you wanna get the lanaform slimming pants, you can use the pant in the day and abdominal binder in the night. In between (late afternoon to late evening) let your abdominal rest/breath.

Yes i hv bought one for myself too, i got the Lana Body-Upper Waist to Lower Thigh. i dun use it very frequently so the effect is not so good but there is still effect after using for some time. My sister paid $300+ for 1 pair similar slimming pant from Theresa, and the price is much more cheaper then you got to slimming centre.


Expressed milk also can help to lose weight.

If you wanna get the lanaform slimming pants, you can use the pant in the day and abdominal binder in the night. In between (late afternoon to late evening) let your abdominal rest/breath.

Yes i hv bought one for myself too, i got the Lana Body-Upper Waist to Lower Thigh. i dun use it very frequently so the effect is not so good but there is still effect after using for some time. My sister paid $300+ for 1 pair similar slimming pant from Theresa, and the price is much more cheaper then you got to slimming centre.
Thks alot...think I will buy the Lipo Elite online 


Active Member
Thks alot...think I will buy the Lipo Elite online 

I dun suggest you get online, the measrement u take may/may not accurate and the size may/may not fix u.

I went to the shop after they took the measurement, let me try the size according to measurement they took. Its lose and i showed them to confirm, i tried 1 size smaller and every this fine.
Hi mummies,

Did anyone get the electric Yao LAN? I'm now using the manual one and I'm so tempted to get the electronic one when I saw it in kiddy palace. Any review on it?
I was also wondering about the quantity of milk - my baby is 6 weeks yet each feeding she takes only around 90ml. Occasionally she will take in more, but most of the time she would stop at 90ml. We're feeding about once every 3 hours. Wondering whether she is getting enough?

Speaking of growing babies, have you all noticed how much your babies have grown? :D First thing is that she is starting to 'fill up' the 0-3mth rompers nicely - used to hang loosely on her - and also there is more 'bah' (肉) to grab haha! Getting more and more huggable! :wong19:

LittleWorm, the picture of little Janelle in your profile looks like she has got thick curly hair! Nice! :)
Hi Nightingale,
Yes, our babies are sure growing. My girl is wearing 3-6mths clothing now. My daughter drinks quite a bit, the least is 120ml the most is 180ml. Not sure if she is taking too much but pedi said let her drink as long as she ask for it. My daughter is 7.5 weeks old.


Active Member
Hi mummies,

Did anyone get the electric Yao LAN? I'm now using the manual one and I'm so tempted to get the electronic one when I saw it in kiddy palace. Any review on it?

I dun strongly recommend using electric yao lan coz if the motor is spoil in the nite. then u hv a big problem, coz baby is used to the force (the way the motor work) suddenly u use manual she will make alot of noise. Its more idea u use both manual and electric.


LittleLady, how you give your girl more milk? I giving mine EBM, usually just warm up the 85mls for her if she finish and still wants more i'll top it up wit water. Not very sure how to go by her cues. Give her 100 mls one shot?
LittleLady, how you give your girl more milk? I giving mine EBM, usually just warm up the 85mls for her if she finish and still wants more i'll top it up wit water. Not very sure how to go by her cues. Give her 100 mls one shot?
usually i will give 120ml first but she takes a while to finish. then after a while if she cries for more then i give another 60ml. your baby drink how much milk? and yes, i usually give EBM then i will know how much she drinks. what is your rationale of topping up with water?


Active Member
Sorry ladies.... I have a question... All of you are using medela????? Seems that it is a fine n popular pdt...

sigh, I am sick n on medication.... Am told to stop feeding breastmilk to my baby until I finish my medication... Sobs sobs.... Super demoralising...

But in the mean time I hav to pump out my milk to maintain supply...... The thing is my tommee tippee dont seem to be able to draw milk out of me... It takes me an hr to squeeze out a pathetic 50ml n my nipples sore after that.....

I am thinking if my pump isnt good enuf... Maybe bcos it is relatvly cheaper compared to a more expensive brand... But I dont wish to buy a pump ... (hate using pump but ive no choice) ..... I only hav 5 more days of medication before I can resume my normal routine... Any idea where I can rent one?

Double *sighs*
It took me lots of effort to build a good supply.... I am very scared my supply will turn low again, worse still if my supply never return to its prime state...


usually i will give 120ml first but she takes a while to finish. then after a while if she cries for more then i give another 60ml. your baby drink how much milk? and yes, i usually give EBM then i will know how much she drinks. what is your rationale of topping up with water?
Mine drink 85 mls every 3 hrs, in btw still got drink water sometimes. Cos at nite she drinks formula milk, more heaty so gave her some water and it's now like a habit le. Sometimes she will fall asleep den don wanna suck anymore so I think she had enough but awhile later she woke up and cries. Not sure if she still want milk or just want to suck. Den I just fed her wit her e left over milk and water.


Active Member
Sorry ladies.... I have a question... All of you are using medela????? Seems that it is a fine n popular pdt...

sigh, I am sick n on medication.... Am told to stop feeding breastmilk to my baby until I finish my medication... Sobs sobs.... Super demoralising...

But in the mean time I hav to pump out my milk to maintain supply...... The thing is my tommee tippee dont seem to be able to draw milk out of me... It takes me an hr to squeeze out a pathetic 50ml n my nipples sore after that.....

I am thinking if my pump isnt good enuf... Maybe bcos it is relatvly cheaper compared to a more expensive brand... But I dont wish to buy a pump ... (hate using pump but ive no choice) ..... I only hav 5 more days of medication before I can resume my normal routine... Any idea where I can rent one?

Double *sighs*
It took me lots of effort to build a good supply.... I am very scared my supply will turn low again, worse still if my supply never return to its prime state...

U r looking for electric or manual pump? i got 1 avent manual pump, if u dun mind i can lend it to u.


Hi mummies,

Did anyone get the electric Yao LAN? I'm now using the manual one and I'm so tempted to get the electronic one when I saw it in kiddy palace. Any review on it?
I'm using an electric one (Little Star), bought from another mummy (who bought it at Kiddy Palace). I find it useful when you need to walk away for a while to do something else~ and also at night when she wakes. But we try not to leave it on for the entire night so normally when baby has fallen asleep we would turn it off. It would be great if it came with a remote control haha~ still need to get out of bed to turn it on/off!


Hi mummies,
how long can EBM stand at room temperature? if store in refrigerator which is the faster way to warm up the milk??
do you keep EBM in storage bag or bottle??
how long should i pump at each session??
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Active Member
Hi mummies,
how long can EBM stand at room temperature?
1 Hour

if store in refrigerator which is the faster way to warm up the milk??
warm up in a vaccum flask

do you keep EBM in storage bag or bottle??
both in bottle and milk bag when bottle is used up

how long should i pump at each session??
Should clear all milk in the breast

Replied in blue.



Active Member
you r looking for electric or manual pump? i got 1 avent manual pump, if you dont mind i can lend it to you.
Hey Lekdao,

Thanx for offering!
I jus managed to pump a 100ml in 25mins... I am still figuring out wat I did tat is different... Will monitor again... Maybe no need to borrow le...

I'm using an electric one (Little Star), bought from another mummy (who bought it at Kiddy Palace). I find it useful when you need to walk away for a while to do something else~ and also at night when she wakes. But we try not to leave it on for the entire night so normally when baby has fallen asleep we would turn it off. It would be great if it came with a remote control haha~ still need to get out of bed to turn it on/off!
Thanks! I cannot resist and went to get one from kiddy palace. I got the sunflower brand one . This comes with timer but I have not figured out how it works yet. It is really a heaven by using the electric one . Save time and energy and I can pump milk at the sane time which watching the Yao LAN is moving. Haha
Yes I agree they should have remote control and I think it will be a best seller product haha.
Now I need to find how to fit his pacifier in his mouth without it keep coming out. Then I be more free.
Hey Lekdao,

Thanx for offering!
I just managed to pump a 100ml in 25mins... I am still figuring out what I did that is different... Will monitor again... Maybe no need to borrow ...

Hey mrs eg, I got medela swing and recently I think the suction power has detoriated. I figure out is the sheild that gives the problem. However, we are not able to but the soft shield unless we buy obe whole set. So I decide to get the manual medela harmony. I'm now expressing more milk that the electric one. Initially I was quite upset when I got low supply of milk. After changing to the manual one I could get more milk so I deduce is the pump problem haha


Active Member
Hey mrs eg, I got medela swing and recently I think the suction power has detoriated. I figure out is the sheild that gives the problem. However, we are not able to but the soft shield unless we buy obe whole set. So I decide to get the manual medela harmony. I'm now expressing more milk that the electric one. Initially I was quite upset when I got low supply of milk. After changing to the manual one I could get more milk so I deduce is the pump problem haha
Ya.... I figured that buy pump tat suits u is impt...

But then again... Such things cannot try b4 buying... Haiz