EDD Sep 2010

My girl is also 5 weeks old. But drinking about 75 mls every 2 to 3 hours. Sometimes did not even finish then k.o .

She already shaved botak at full month.
Ok I thought my boy drinks too little . He likes to doze off while drinking and it takes one hour plus to finish the milk!
Oh where did u shave her hair. I'm trying to find shop to shave my bb hair.

Btw, what brand of car seats did u all get for your babies? My sis in law pass me one car seat but it was upright. Hence, my boy cannot sit on it yet cos no support .


Active Member
Ok I thought my boy drinks too little . He likes to doze off while drinking and it takes one hour plus to finish the milk!
Oh where did you shave her hair. I'm trying to find shop to shave my baby hair.

Btw, what brand of car seats did you all get for your babies? My sis in law pass me one car seat but it was upright. Hence, my boy cannot sit on it yet cos no support .

You wanna shave on the full month? or normal shave?
If full month you can try your residential area get the hair stylist to visit your hse to shave.
If normal shave you can bring him to those shop that specialise in cutting baby hair. there is one at Parkway Parade $20, one at Plaza singapura (dunno how much)

For car seat using combi, anti shock version, for new born up to age 7.
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Btw, what brand of car seats did you all get for your babies? My sis in law pass me one car seat but it was upright. Hence, my boy cannot sit on it yet cos no support .
I'm using the MaxiCosi cabriofix. But infant car seats can only be used up to 9 months or a year depending on your baby's size - so maybe no need to get an expensive one.

Does anyone know whether it is okay to carry baby in a baby carrier while seated inside the car?


Active Member
I'm using the MaxiCosi cabriofix. But infant car seats can only be used up to 9 months or a year depending on your baby's size - so maybe no need to get an expensive one.

Does anyone know whether it is okay to carry baby in a baby carrier while seated inside the car?

Its shd be okie to use baby carrier, pls sit at the rare seat, but dun let TP catch you are not using car seats.
I ever kena caught by TP for not using car seat, but luckily the TP did not issue us a summon and demerit point. We gave TP the excuse that the seats is in our boot and we are abt to stop over after crossing the traffic to put in the car seats.

AA Singapore Community


You wanna shave on the full month? or normal shave?
If full month you can try your residential area get the hair stylist to visit your hse to shave.
If normal shave you can bring him to those shop that specialise in cutting baby hair. there is one at Parkway Parade $20, one at Plaza singapura (dunno how much)

For car seat using combi, anti shock version, for new born up to age 7.
I did not shave my baby's hair at full month. Is it true that shave is better so that new hair will grow better? I heard current infant hair will all drop off anyway, true?? Actually what's the reason for shaving baby's hair at full month?

My baby has lots of hair n hairline shape is nice so I didn't really want to shave it off n let her look botak. I'm worried shaving may cause her lesser hair growth haha...

I'm also using combi car seat...not bad!!!


Ok I thought my boy drinks too little . He likes to doze off while drinking and it takes one hour plus to finish the milk!
Oh where did u shave her hair. I'm trying to find shop to shave my bb hair.

Btw, what brand of car seats did u all get for your babies? My sis in law pass me one car seat but it was upright. Hence, my boy cannot sit on it yet cos no support .
My baby is coming 4 weeks old but she drinks 120ml every 3-4 hrs. I always think it's too much but my baby can finish it and fast too! However the formula milk recommended feeding chart states 3 weeks old babies should drink 120ml, do we follow or not?


Nightingale, just had my full month celebration n thanks to your recommendation, the food catered by manna pot was great n feel it taste better than Neo garden which we also catered as the first session.

The only thing unsatisfactory was they arrived late for setup (came at the time I invited my guests). Luckily my guests didn't arrive on the dot!!

Anyway thanks again!


Ok I thought my boy drinks too little . He likes to doze off while drinking and it takes one hour plus to finish the milk!
Oh where did you shave her hair. I'm trying to find shop to shave my baby hair.

Btw, what brand of car seats did you all get for your babies? My sis in law pass me one car seat but it was upright. Hence, my boy cannot sit on it yet cos no support .
I tot mine drinks too little also. Seems like it's ok. My girl will doze off as well, will try to disturb her before she drifts off.

My hus brought her to e barber he frequent to shave her. Don really like it cos they don specialise in shaving babies and mine ended up having hair all over her.


Active Member
I did not shave my baby's hair at full month. Is it true that shave is better so that new hair will grow better? I heard current infant hair will all drop off anyway, true?? Actually what's the reason for shaving baby's hair at full month?

My baby has lots of hair n hairline shape is nice so I didn't really want to shave it off n let her look botak. I'm worried shaving may cause her lesser hair growth haha...

I'm also using combi car seat...not bad!!!

Nope! its nonsense some shaved when changing hair still dropped until here 1 patch, there 1 patch... Yes, at abt 4 mths they will start chaning hair and that is the time you starts to drop hair too. So now is the best time for you to look ard for hair loss shampoo and hair tonic for yourself.

shave the baby hair: -
1. wanna use the hair to make a brush
2. to hair is not nice or little, shaved off to let it grow evenly and nice. (But some elder believe cannot shave all, must left abit of hair on the centre of the head to protect the brain).

I also never shave coz my MIL believes the old folks tale. Its so ugly for a gal to left a patch of hair on the centre of the head.
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I'm using the MaxiCosi cabriofix. But infant car seats can only be used up to 9 months or a year depending on your baby's size - so maybe no need to get an expensive one.

Does anyone know whether it is okay to carry baby in a baby carrier while seated inside the car?
I actually did that but i think it is not advisable..cos i think is quite dangerous
Nope! its nonsense some shaved when changing hair still dropped until here 1 patch, there 1 patch... Yes, at about 4 mths they will start chaning hair and that is the time you starts to drop hair too. So now is the best time for you to look around for hair loss shampoo and hair tonic for yourself.

shave the baby hair: -
1. wanna use the hair to make a brush
2. to hair is not nice or little, shaved off to let it grow evenly and nice. (But some elder believe cannot shave all, must left abit of hair on the centre of the head to protect the brain).

I also never shave coz my mother in law believes the old folks tale. Its so ugly for a gal to left a patch of hair on the centre of the head.
My mum told me new born hair is kind of "dirty hair" so ask me to shave off..though im satisfied with what he has now..
so dunknow if i should shave off his hair and regrow new ones
i see from forum that we either shave on the first or fourth month.,,,


Active Member
My mum told me new born hair is kind of "dirty hair" so ask me to shave off..though im satisfied with what he has now..
so dunknow if i should shave off his hair and regrow new ones
i see from forum that we either shave on the first or fourth month.,,,

On the fourth mth coz they are changing hair, so some ppl will just shave off (save the hassle of cleaning up the cot) and regrow new hair. I ever see ppl shave coz the baby hair texture is not good. After shave apply olive oil on the scrap and baby hair will be good, how true i dunno. hahaha

I never shave the hair, on the full mth i just get ppl come to my hse to trim a bit only.


On the fourth month coz they are changing hair, so some ppl will just shave off (save the hassle of cleaning up the cot) and regrow new hair. I ever see ppl shave coz the baby hair texture is not good. After shave apply olive oil on the scrap and baby hair will be good, how true i dont know. hahaha

I never shave the hair, on the full month i just get ppl come to my house to trim a bit only.
We trim his hair by our own :001_302: cut a bit only cos i don't think botak is nice haha...
We trim his hair by our own :001_302: cut a bit only cos i dont't think botak is nice haha...
No wonder people bring their bb to shave at fourth month. U mean mothers will drop hair too, sounds scary!

Ya my Hubby against to cut botak cos not nice. He wana keep till after new year.
You wanna shave on the full month? or normal shave?
If full month you can try your residential area get the hair stylist to visit your house to shave.
If normal shave you can bring him to those shop that specialise in cutting baby hair. there is one at Parkway Parade $20, one at Plaza singapura (dont know how much)

For car seat using combi, anti shock version, for new born up to age 7.
How much is the combi car seat u bought? Isst good cos can use from infant to 7 years old


Ya.. My daughter always squirms as if constipated... But aome forumers told me it is bcos of wind churnning in their stomach tats y they are uncomfy...
mrs eg, regarding ur greenish poo, i found this :
What causes green poop in babies? - Yahoo! Answers

my baby have it again, i am also quite confused as i was careful already to feed him hindmilk. i had iron tablets from gynae, wonder if it could be the cause...


Active Member
Hi ppl,
Anyone knw when shld we stop swaddling and stop wearing mittens? And when can we start using shampoo??


Active Member
How much is the combi car seat you bought? Isst good cos can use from infant to 7 years old

Bought the Combi Prim Long at Yr 2008, original cost is $700 but i bought it at a super good price $500++ if not wrong. Yes it is good coz i dun need to change the car seat, after change the car seat, it will become an white elephant lying inside your store room.