EDD Sep 2010


same thoughts.....
not only that, I have "linea negra" kind of line up both my legs... and heavily darkened armpits... sobs...:err:
Same here too....but noticed it's slowly fading off as compared to pregnancy days. Don't think it will stay too long on your body...dun worry give it some time 


Hi Mummies,

I am finally back. Gosh it has been a really hectic week for me. Baby refused to come out and need to be induced. Went hosp at 12am on 6th Oct. Put 2 tablets and only 3cm dilated. Doc burst water bag after 3cm and put me on drip. I tahan the pain for 4 hrs till it got intense and doc then tell me no improvement. Had a mental breakdown and cannot tahan anymore and asked for epi. Thought all will be well but by 10pm, I was still 5cm. In the end had emergency c-sect instead as doc say no point waiting. I was devastated. Perhaps if I had taken the epi when waterbag burst, I will have at least 4 hrs more to buy. Very depressed about it. Was wondering why the doc never let me wait somemore as I see pple continue to wait for 3 more hrs then can improve from 5cm to 10cm. I will never know I guess...

But after that gynae told me my pelvic is high and baby quite hard to get out during c-sect so even if natural, might have problem getting baby out. Not sure if true anot but I guess at least baby is healthy and fine so that was most impt.

However it is really tiring with the c-sect. 5th and 6th day baby keep crying and I am lacking of milk. My nipples are sore and my wound in pain. Feel so useless as I cannot do much as baby super hungry and dehydrated. I thought I was feeding him enough but seems not. I ended up feeding him water and he felt much better. The weather is really very hot!

I am so tempted to switch to formula milk so I do not have to latch him on and alleviate my wound. Still trying hard with bf and hopefully I will not give up yet. I am seeing mature milk today and better flow so I guess it is a good encouragement!
Congrats gnat_21 on the arrival of your little one!! Finally hear your good news... The delivery process may not have been what you want but more imptly your baby is healthy and sound!

Don't give up on BF! I faced lots of difficulty too but am still perservering on. You must do the same too okay... Let's jiayou together
me too, so sad !! i keep apply the stretchmark cream & it still there!!!! :wong7:
Hi all
My massage lady ask me to use nivea whitening for underarm and lotion for the dark patches.
Will try after my confinement ends this fri.

Regarding the full month caterer, I be using four seasons cos they have the full month menu which I have signed up during mother fair. I have been using them for my wedding and housewarming so I'm still sticking to them. My baby full month is this sat and will give review on the food after that. This means my confinement gg to end soon!

Did anyone use friso gold for formula? My boy just drank and vomitted out cos this is his first time drinking this mil
Hi all
My massage lady ask me to use nivea whitening for underarm and lotion for the dark patches.
Will try after my confinement ends this fri.

Regarding the full month caterer, I be using four seasons cos they have the full month menu which I have signed up during mother fair. I have been using them for my wedding and housewarming so I'm still sticking to them. My baby full month is this sat and will give review on the food after that. This means my confinement gg to end soon!

Did anyone use friso gold for formula? My boy just drank and vomitted out cos this is his first time drinking this mother in law
Oops I mean first time drinking this milk.
Do not know if I should change brand cos would like to feed formula at night to last him longer


I still pump every 3 hours but I realised that my milk supply like getting lesser!! I wonder why? Are clues?
Two other important 'ingredients': ample rest and drink lots of fluids! I find that when I don't have enough rest or sleep, my milk supply gets affected; similarly, if I don't drink enough, there is also very little milk. My GP friend (and mother of 5 kids!) tells me to drink at least 3 litres of fluids per day, which includes all the red date tea, soups etc. Just drink anything, whenever you can! Input = output!

that time, my massage lady said continue to apply the tummy cream for it to go away. i am not sure if it works. my problem is that when i was expecting my girl, tiny hair grew on my tummy and it's still there....my tummy looks like a kiwi!
Hahhaa LittleLady you are so funny! Aiya I also have hairs on my tummy but not like a kiwi.. more like individual hairs haha. Goodness this is so unglam hahahah~! Sorry ah I'm feeling very high today - it's my last day of confinement! Am a bit fearful of doing night duty for the first time tonight on our own... keeping fingers crossed. My girl appears to be a nocturnal tigress - has been staying awake from midnight to 3am crying! Wish us luck! *prays*

Talking about 1st month celebration, care to share which caterer are you mummies using? Anyone tried Neo Garden or Four Seasons? How's the food and service?

Nightingale, how many guests did you invite and how many pax did you catered for?? Is the food enough?

For those guests who came for baby shower, do you still give cake vouchers or gifts to them? Who do you normally give for cake vouchers?
Sorry missed your questions earlier - I had my 1st month celebration on Sunday and we ordered from http://www.mannapot.com.sg/. First time trying this caterer - food was not too bad, quantity was just right with some leftovers - we ordered for 60 pax for around 60 people (includes kids) - $10 per pax. Service is not bad, set up buffet table looks pretty. Let me know if you're ordering from this, I can give you feedback on some of the items on the menu. :) We ordered for 2 batches (30pax for first session at 11am, 30pax for second session at 1pm), they delivered twice.

Have tried Neo Garden before, I like the food and quantity, not too bad also. I think quite value for money since they're quite an established company.

I heard that normally if you invite guests to buffet, there is no need to distribute cakes to them (e.g. I didn't invite my work colleagues but I will be distributing cakes in return for their gifts.) But we also ordered for our 长辈 relatives which we distributed during the party. We ordered gift boxes from http://www.sweetestmoments.com.sg/ - love their personalised babycard and boxes and the presentation looks good. :) In addition, we made a tray of our own red eggs for all guests. Some people might also wish to order a tray of glutinous rice and ang ku kueh - these three items are the traditional full month must-haves according to my mum.
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New Member
Happyqueen, my girl is drinking friso gold, so far so good. It's what she was given in the hospital so I continued and her poo looks ok. Maybe ur little one is not used to formula milk yet? Coz I believe it's much thicker than breast milk. Maybe u try using less powder e.g. instead of 2 scoops to 60ml of water u can add just 1.5 scoops. And ensure that the powder is fully dissolved.. If doesn't work then u might have to try another brand.
Happyqueen, my girl is drinking friso gold, so far so good. It's what she was given in the hospital so I continued and her poo looks ok. Maybe your little one is not used to formula milk yet? Coz I believe it's much thicker than breast milk. Maybe you try using less powder e.g. instead of 2 scoops to 60ml of water you can add just 1.5 scoops. And ensure that the powder is fully dissolved.. If doesn't work then you might have to try another brand.
Thanks! He tried the friso normal which was given to us and we later realized is for kids who got diarrhea . So we bought friso gold and he vomitted all the first time drink. Do u stir the milk to ensure it was fully dissolved or just shake the bottle will do?


me too, so sad !! i keep apply the stretchmark cream & it still there!!!! :wong7:
Wow..disappear? Dfficult. But it will ligten (siler line) as time goes. So cant really see. One thing for sure, we must do lot of tummy firming exercise, if not it will be very loose.


New Member
Thanks! He tried the friso normal which was given to us and we later realized is for kids who got diarrhea . So we bought friso gold and he vomitted all the first time drink. Do you stir the milk to ensure it was fully dissolved or just shake the bottle will do?
Maybe u wanna try give him 30ml to try first? I don't stir, i just swirl the bottle in a circular motion. Was told not to shake in up-down motion as that will produce a lot of bubbles, might introduce wind into baby's stomach.
Maybe you wanna try give him 30ml to try first? I dont't stir, i just swirl the bottle in a circular motion. Was told not to shake in up-down motion as that will produce a lot of bubbles, might introduce wind into baby's stomach.
Thanks we tried giving hin some and he was crying when drinking . Think he is not getting used to it and had green stool now. My mother in law wants to shake up and down but I see a lot of bubbles which I thought there will be too much wind as well. Thanks anyway!


Active Member
To all breastfeeding mothers...

I heard that breastfeeding mothers shld avoid liver, apparently my fren's fren ate too much liver during confinemnt n her milk flow stopped... (duno hw true tis is) ... And a thai friend also told me, tat in thailand, they avoid eating mushrooms & its variety when breastfeeding...

Welll i tot i jus share wat i came acrosss :)


Active Member
To all breastfeeding mothers...

I heard that breastfeeding mothers shld avoid liver, apparently my friend's friend ate too much liver during confinemnt n her milk flow stopped... (dont know hw true tis is) ... And a thai friend also told me, that in thailand, they avoid eating mushrooms & its variety when breastfeeding...

Welll i thought i just share what i came acrosss :)

Yes, my CL ever told me too and thru out my breastfeeding i did not eat liver. I also avioded crabs, scare baby will hv allergic to the crabs. I ate mushrooms during my confinement, CL cooked stew chicken with mushrooms and golden mushrooms. *drools*

And also dun eat yam for 100 days (from the day u hv stitched), yam will cause your wound to itch even thou is healed.
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To all breastfeeding mothers...

I heard that breastfeeding mothers shld avoid liver, apparently my friend's friend ate too much liver during confinemnt n her milk flow stopped... (dont know hw true tis is) ... And a thai friend also told me, that in thailand, they avoid eating mushrooms & its variety when breastfeeding...

Welll i thought i just share what i came acrosss :)
the pork seller in the market also told my mom that pig liver will stop breastmilk production. but ive been eating alot of mushrooms. =(


New Member
Hmm, if your boy's stool is green and different from his normal stool then I guess friso gold is not suitable, u'll have to experiment with other brands. I have a friend who tried 4 brands before she finally found a suitable one for her boy. Good luck! :)


Active Member
Yes, my CL ever told me too and thru out my breastfeeding i did not eat liver. I also avioded crabs, scare baby will have allergic to the crabs. I ate mushrooms during my confinement, CL cooked stew chicken with mushrooms and golden mushrooms. *drools*

And also dont eat yam for 100 days (from the day you have stitched), yam will cause your wound to itch even thou is healed.
I was thinking i forgot to mention one thing.. And it is yam!!! Avoid yam!!! Thanx !!


the pork seller in the market also told my mom that pig liver will stop breastmilk production. but ive been eating alot of mushrooms. =(
Pig liver is sinseh view = , and I was told 1 drop milk = 1 drop blood. That's why when we r bleeding, our supply drop too. Maybe that why cant eat pork liver.
Hmm, if your boy's stool is green and different from his normal stool then I guess friso gold is not suitable, you'll have to experiment with other brands. I have a friend who tried 4 brands before she finally found a suitable one for her boy. Good luck! :)
Ok thanks! Oh I thought green is ok , will have to try other brands and continue to pump very hard cos milk supply becoming lower!


Hi mummies,
Who will be taking care of your baby when you go back to work?
What if baby cry and refuse to sleep in midnight and still need to wake up early for work, tiring :nah:
Hi mummies,
Who will be taking care of your baby when you go back to work?
What if baby cry and refuse to sleep in midnight and still need to wake up early for work, tiring :nah:
My parents in law should be taking care of bb. I guess can try breastfeeding bb to sleep usulally they like to latch on and suck to sleep. And try to play with them more in theday so they gettired at night. There is a newspaper articles saying we just breastfeed the bb once they cry ot make a fuss for first 6 months when they are still unstablebut I scare it will become an habit to them.