EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


felicity, pglim, and those other already mothers: what diapers are you using for your babies? disposable or cloth? if disposable, what brand for your newborns? which are good? thanks!
Im using disposable Goo.N it's bettar than pampers and huggies which i tried so far.


Sapphire - I'm really serious.. It's soo depressing to keep waking up every hour and I check the time and realize that I woke up just one hour back each time.. I told my hubby to but it for me, though i dont know if he will.. Lol.. Yea these r the sacrifices we hav to make.. Everyone still keeps saying sleep well now, and yea I know once baby comes it will be baby being cranky and crying loud and me being cranky cos of no sleep.. I think both of us will keep crying the whole time. Just have to endure few more weeks...

Eeneyminey - hugs to you.. I'm so nervous about my appointment today, last time baby was jus 2.3kgs... Just hoping she is born at a little over 3 kgs cos I know they lose weight in the first few days after birth. With your c section and normal, if I were you I would go with the c section only cos I found out the date and your gynac is also pushing for that.. Because later if something goes wrong I may just keep regretting... Speak to ur hubby, if he supports whatever decision u take then u will atleast know that no matter what u always have his support.. That's more important. While its just you with the baby inside you, don't stress to take all these decisions on your own.. Im not a very strong believer in astrology, but sometimes just tend to follow some things especially when I know.. If I don't know I don't bother, cos what has to happen will always find a way.


felicity, pglim, and those other already mothers: what diapers are you using for your babies? disposable or cloth? if disposable, what brand for your newborns? which are good? thanks!
Im using disposable Goo.N it's bettar than pampers and huggies which i tried so far.
Lizzy - in what way is goon better? I bought just pampers and Huggies and got quite a lot of it already... I just hope my baby's bum adjusts to what I have. Anyways approx how many times in a day do u end up changing the baby's diapers? So I atleast know how long my stock will last..


Sighz.. i feel so upset..

Just had my check up yesterday and i feel kinda sad coz baby seems really tiny.. I was 36wk 3d yesterday and baby weigh 2.5kg only while i was kinda hoping she will be 2.7kg. Lots of mummies in my fb group said that their baby alrd weigh 2.7kg (some even heavier than that) during their 36th week check up..

I also still confused whether still wanna try to deliver normal or just go for c sect (since i have the good date and time alrd) while gynae yesterday also still ask me if i still wanna try normal. She said if baby around 2.8kg, got chance to deliver normal, but if baby around 3kg and above, she still can try to go for normal delivery if i still keen, but she said higher chance will have to go to emergency c sect.

And then when i was trying to schedule out my next appt with the staffs, i feel upset again coz the dates are all full and i have to push my next appt until i'm 37wk 6d.. I have to do VE n swap test by then, and it takes like 2-3 days to get the swap test result and wouldnt it be too late for medication?? By the time i get the result i will be 38wk alrd.. Then i asked them about it, they said no need to take the antibiotics, will only give meds during labour. I thought if we detected positive for the virus, we have to take 1 week course of antibiotics??!!

Sighz.. maybe it's hormonal, but i really feel upset thinking about it. I wanna do the next check up earlier so that i can know how big the baby will be, and maybe i can decide whether to go for c sect or normal.. If i were to c sect, my chosen date will be on 20th but how to book the gynae if my next appt date will only be on the 14th?!?!!!

Arghhhhhhhhh.. i feel so angryy!!
I don't understand. what's wrong with your baby weighing at 2.5kg at 36 weeks?? mine was about 2.6kg and I wish she was slightly smaller, ha. I'm now at 38 weeks, check up tomorrow, but last week she was about 2.8kg. small is good too - probably easier to deliver! and ok - very silly - but she can fit into all those super cute newborn baby clothes! I'm afraid my baby will be so large that all the NB clothes I bought wouldn't fit her :( haha trivial I know, but as long as your baby is healthy, what's the deal with weight? :)

why can't you deliver normally if baby is more than 3kg?
Sapphire - I'm really serious.. It's soo depressing to keep waking up every hour and I check the time and realize that I woke up just one hour back each time.. I told my hubby to but it for me, though i dont know if he will.. Lol.. Yea these r the sacrifices we hav to make.. Everyone still keeps saying sleep well now, and yea I know once baby comes it will be baby being cranky and crying loud and me being cranky cos of no sleep.. I think both of us will keep crying the whole time. Just have to endure few more weeks...

Eeneyminey - hugs to you.. I'm so nervous about my appointment today, last time baby was jus 2.3kgs... Just hoping she is born at a little over 3 kgs cos I know they lose weight in the first few days after birth. With your c section and normal, if I were you I would go with the c section only cos I found out the date and your gynac is also pushing for that.. Because later if something goes wrong I may just keep regretting... Speak to ur hubby, if he supports whatever decision u take then u will atleast know that no matter what u always have his support.. That's more important. While its just you with the baby inside you, don't stress to take all these decisions on your own.. Im not a very strong believer in astrology, but sometimes just tend to follow some things especially when I know.. If I don't know I don't bother, cos what has to happen will always find a way.

Thanks kary, sighz i kinda scared i will have to go emergency c sect too in the end if i were to insist on normal delivery.. I asked hubby, and hubby seems okay with whatever choice i choose. He used to be quite supportive on trying normal, but now that we both know a good date and time, i feel that he is kinda swayed to the idea of c sect might be a good option too. due to my uber small size and the baby seems like an average baby weight and size.. His logic is like, if the baby is average size but mommy is small, for sure it's harder for me to deliver as compared to normal size mommy..
I don't understand. what's wrong with your baby weighing at 2.5kg at 36 weeks?? mine was about 2.6kg and I wish she was slightly smaller, ha. I'm now at 38 weeks, check up tomorrow, but last week she was about 2.8kg. small is good too - probably easier to deliver! and ok - very silly - but she can fit into all those super cute newborn baby clothes! I'm afraid my baby will be so large that all the NB clothes I bought wouldn't fit her :( haha trivial I know, but as long as your baby is healthy, what's the deal with weight? :)

why can't you deliver normally if baby is more than 3kg?

Because i'm very small size.. I'm 142cm and i was 37kg prepreg. On my first time visit to the gynae, when gynae asked what kind of delivery method i prefers, and when i said normal, her eyes open so big and she looked at me upside down saying that my size is very small, but if i really keen on trying, we can just monitor the baby's progress until full term. But if the baby is big, she said normal delivery is like a long shot for me.. Even wbb commented the same thing to me.. haihhhh...

With the rate that my baby is growing now, around 400grs in less than 2 weeks, i think she will be around 2.9kg during my next check up.. sighz.. dilema dilemaaaaa..
Lizzy - in what way is goon better? I bought just pampers and Huggies and got quite a lot of it already... I just hope my baby's bum adjusts to what I have. Anyways approx how many times in a day do u end up changing the baby's diapers? So I atleast know how long my stock will last..

My colleague highly recommended goon too.. she said wayy softer and the holding power quite good too.. but for NB size i bought mamypoko and huggies. For S size diapers, i bought goon.. alrd have 4 big packs waiting in my store room..


Active Member
I use cloth nappies in the day n goo.n too at night... Yea some nb clothes already seems small on my bb!

Mummies who hv delivered, how many pd appts do ur bb hv? I had one last tues, then jaundice high went TMC.. Upon discharge last thurs, TMC staff told me if I dunno next appt yet clinic likely will call me. The massage lady also asking me when is bb's next appt... But dun hv leh, clinic nv call me wor...


New Member
Hi Camcam and Sapphire

Thanks for the information :) last night just went to buy nursing bra and disposable panties, think it will stained if need to wash and i can't "touch" cold water after deliver, so better to get the disposable panties.

I also having sleep quality , very tired but keep awake due to keep want to pee and baby kick my tummy very hard until i awake...hmm, i also can't find a good position , have to keep changing. But heard from exprerience mummy said sleep at left side is better for baby, i also not sure....

O ya, is there any one got drink red rasberry leaf tea? i try to find from ntuc last night , but i could't find, think have to look for it from Cold Storage.


Hi mummies, just got back from 38 wk appt.. as usual, bb is very small at 2.36kg only.. and the bad news is water level is getting pretty low.. Gynae said it is likely due to bb not absorbing much so not urinating as much oredi..

so I'm supposed to go back this Sat to check e water level.. if it is critically low (which gynae say is likely as water level usually go down and not up), I will b induced on Sat.. she said she dun wan to wait till water is all dry cos bb will get distressed and start shitting and we dun wan bb to eat her own shit (yucky!).. she did mention being induced will b way more painful though.. sighz..

Oh she did cervix check for me todae too.. 0.5cm dilated only.. the check is super uncomfortable and a teeny bit painful.. :(

Bb's head is very low now.. I jus hope she choose to come naturally before I gonna get induced on Sat..

Nevertheless.. still v excited.. I'm finally gonna see my bb soon! :D


so nice, Lingz! I mean, not good that fluid is low and baby is gaining weight slowly, but at least the end is near! you can see your little one so soon! I wonder when I get to see my babe. hm.


Hi mummies, just got back from 38 wk appt.. as usual, bb is very small at 2.36kg only.. and the bad news is water level is getting pretty low.. Gynae said it is likely due to bb not absorbing much so not urinating as much oredi..

so I'm supposed to go back this Sat to check e water level.. if it is critically low (which gynae say is likely as water level usually go down and not up), I will b induced on Sat.. she said she dun wan to wait till water is all dry cos bb will get distressed and start shitting and we dun wan bb to eat her own shit (yucky!).. she did mention being induced will b way more painful though.. sighz..

Oh she did cervix check for me todae too.. 0.5cm dilated only.. the check is super uncomfortable and a teeny bit painful.. :(

Bb's head is very low now.. I jus hope she choose to come naturally before I gonna get induced on Sat..

Nevertheless.. still v excited.. I'm finally gonna see my bb soon! :D
Hi Lingz,

I also just got back from gynae's appt at 37W+3D. BB weight at 2.7kgs. Water level still low at 5.4cm. Appt next week again and possible to induce as well next week or the following week. I am hoping bb will comes out naturally next week. I dont want to go through induction as well. :-( . My gynae did not do any cervix check, so not sure about dilation.


Pinky32:689027 said:
Hi Lingz,

I also just got back from gynae's appt at 37W+3D. BB weight at 2.7kgs. Water level still low at 5.4cm. Appt next week again and possible to induce as well next week or the following week. I am hoping bb will comes out naturally next week. I dont want to go through induction as well. :-( . My gynae did not do any cervix check, so not sure about dilation.
Oh, ur water level is 5.4cm? Mine is 6.8cm and gynae oredi wan to induce me in a few days.. I guess maybe cos my bb hasn't been growing much these past few weeks.. Let's all jia you! Hope bb comes out naturally! :D


Oh, ur water level is 5.4cm? Mine is 6.8cm and gynae oredi wan to induce me in a few days.. I guess maybe cos my bb hasn't been growing much these past few weeks.. Let's all jia you! Hope bb comes out naturally! :D
Yes, have been in this level since 3 weeks ago and doing CTG weekly. Are you doing CTG as well?
So far weekly CTG results are good and gynae asked me to monitor bb's movement daily. Bb still gaining weight about 200gm per week. If reduce movement observed, then go back clinic for check-up again.

Let's JY together and pray for each other. :)


Pinky32:689065 said:
Yes, have been in this level since 3 weeks ago and doing CTG weekly. Are you doing CTG as well?
So far weekly CTG results are good and gynae asked me to monitor bb's movement daily. Bb still gaining weight about 200gm per week. If reduce movement observed, then go back clinic for check-up again.

Let's JY together and pray for each other. :)
Nope, I din do CTG.. My water level has always been good until todae.. My sole problem was bb gaining v little weight.. Also told to monitor bb movement everyday.. Seems ok so far as bb is moving regularly.. Pregnancy is so stressful in this final lap.. Yeah, let's jia you jia you! :D


Lizzy - in what way is goon better? I bought just pampers and Huggies and got quite a lot of it already... I just hope my baby's bum adjusts to what I have. Anyways approx how many times in a day do u end up changing the baby's diapers? So I atleast know how long my stock will last..
it's way more softer than the other brand, so even it will rub on baby's thighs he/she wont get rashes plus i find it more absorbent without bulky gel when wet.


I m also using goon... But bought this brand cos alot of ppl in this mummysg forum review it's e best...
but I use e diapers only at night.. Day time use cloth diapers. More environmentally n cost friendly ;)

Got alot of samples during those motherhood fair.. So far used huggies (TMC using that) n dryers (sample) seems quite ok...
my 1 bag of NB goon can only last 1week cos baby keeps passing motion! But that's a Gd thing la.

Mummies who r tested positive for e swap time dun hv to worry k? I was tested positive too though doc says its slight infection. Gynae says 80% of mummies hv it... N all u need to do is remind n show e admission form to e nurse that u need e antibiotics... Then they'll put that into ur drip... Throughtout ur delivery... This is to prevent e baby from getting infected... N tgey'll test on e baby after tat... No mediation before ur delivery. So dun worry ya.