EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Oh yea, bring ur cam, phone, cam charger, phone charger etc... V impt!! Haha..

My gg home clothes I also last min grab one cos I didn't packed b4 hand as was working n need the clothes. Bought a few maternity wear w nursing access which I hv been wearing for work also... So wore one to hospital, brought one to wear back but end up wear back what I wore to TMC as I was told to change outta it immediately upon arrival...

My mum says she was shivering.. She didn't take epi, only a shot on her thigh I think.. But she says overdosed >< cos her to have rashes for days after..

felicity, by right single room should have bathroom inside right? I'm going for my check up tml and was thinking to straight away book single room. last time i booked 4 bedder coz the clinic staffs said that i can just get upgrade last min.. now kinda scared might not have room..

btw, my principal is to just bring every possible thing that i might wear/need together with hubby n baby one.. If not using just dump it in the car, not so big deal.. I was thinking better to just bring all rather than having hubby to go back n forth to our house to take things.. So for those who wants it compact, i really wont be much help.. lolz


I think for those who sweating like mad, if i remember correctly, felicity and nlipeng, u guys didnt use epidural right?

From what i heard from other mummies, they will shiver one after delivery. they said it's from the side effects of epidural or if you have c sect and they use epi or spinal during your op..

My bag is half packed now, left with my going home clothes, cardigan, iphone charger n few tiny bits items which i purposely dun wanna put in, kinda scared that baby will sense that i'm ready and come out faster.. hahhaha..

It's finally sept!!!! Last 2-3 weeks!!! *gulp* suddenly anxiety attack..
I didnt go for epi but i shivered :( it last like 4 or 5 hours couldnt remember...


Oh, I didn't asked that... But he didn't set appointment for me to remove the strings also... My next appointment is only on oct... So I guess the string he used is the dissolvable ones...maybe u could ask him when it's yr turn.. Should be standard in KK hosp


Active Member
The shivering really depends on individual one I guess..

Hmmm, I guess now all doc use dissolvable for episiotomy stitching?


Just wondering those mummies who r doing breastfeeding.. How r ur milk flow? My breastmilk came in only on e 5th day after i delivered. So on e 1st day of e flow i managed to pump 30ml. 2nd day 90ml. 3rd day bout 120ml. 4th day bout 150ml... My boy seems to get soo comfy after 12mins of sucking. But once I put him down to slp his mouth starts doing e sucking action again.. Tried waking him but he's like so unpredictable!

Wish I could do exclusive breastfeeding but by 1am I am sooo tired I just concuss... (that's like 6hours of no pump n breastfeeding) only by 7am I'll wake up automatically cos my breast feels hard like a rock.... So during e time I sleep confinement lady will feed him with formula (cos my reserves only managed to provide 1 feeding session)...

Althou tired I m really enjoying motherhood but really feels fortunate becos hubby has been so supportive n caring towards baby n me... Think I wouldn't b able to handle alone...

Also can I chk with u gals whether the kodomo baby detergent can b used for e front load washing machine? There's no instruction on e bottle.


Just wondering those mummies who r doing breastfeeding.. How r ur milk flow? My breastmilk came in only on e 5th day after i delivered. So on e 1st day of e flow i managed to pump 30ml. 2nd day 90ml. 3rd day bout 120ml. 4th day bout 150ml... My boy seems to get soo comfy after 12mins of sucking. But once I put him down to slp his mouth starts doing e sucking action again.. Tried waking him but he's like so unpredictable!

Wish I could do exclusive breastfeeding but by 1am I am sooo tired I just concuss... (that's like 6hours of no pump n breastfeeding) only by 7am I'll wake up automatically cos my breast feels hard like a rock.... So during e time I sleep confinement lady will feed him with formula (cos my reserves only managed to provide 1 feeding session)...

Althou tired I m really enjoying motherhood but really feels fortunate becos hubby has been so supportive n caring towards baby n me... Think I wouldn't b able to handle alone...

Also can I chk with u gals whether the kodomo baby detergent can b used for e front load washing machine? There's no instruction on e bottle.
Wah u got quite a good flow! Jiayou press on! its not easy to do exclusive bf.. it will take a while to understand bb's pattern. I din managed to full bf only partial fo my #1.

Btw for bb clothes, I handwashed.. and at most tumble dry


Active Member
Eeneyminey yup single room has own attached bathroom.. Hubby n I also packed like everything.. Except milk bag... That's why my list has all the "brought but nv used" items lol... In fact, we even brought sleeping bag ok!! XD

Piglim that's v good flow!! Mine now 11 days.. Max at 110ml so far... I take care of bb myself so exclusive bm... At night i pump n feed her ebm in bottle cos faster i can quickly go back to slp. Ur flow is fast, is good! I'm tired now cos just latched bb for like 2 hours?! Dunno is flow too slow or just comfort latching... Sigh... Shag!!
Eeneyminey yup single room has own attached bathroom.. Hubby n I also packed like everything.. Except milk bag... That's why my list has all the "brought but nv used" items lol... In fact, we even brought sleeping bag ok!! XD

Piglim that's v good flow!! Mine now 11 days.. Max at 110ml so far... I take care of bb myself so exclusive bm... At night i pump n feed her ebm in bottle cos faster i can quickly go back to slp. Ur flow is fast, is good! I'm tired now cos just latched bb for like 2 hours?! Dunno is flow too slow or just comfort latching... Sigh... Shag!!

Wow... latching for 2 hours?? omg.. will feel sore or not after latching for so long like that?

talking about sleeping bag, hubby also mentioned wanna bring that.. lolz..
Nope I didn't attend the prenatal classes.. My work schedule didn't allow me too. So I had to do as much reading as possible when I had the time. :)

Oh how's Dr Kang? I initially saw Dr Kang for my first two checkups but I switched to C H Koh because I found him friendlier. Haha!

Did you go for the maternity tour at Mount A? Have you reserved your ward yet? ;)
camcam, if u want, i can scan some of the prenatal class notes for u... may help a bit, coz the information is directly from Mt A... let me know! :)


Oh u mean that's good flow? (the amt I state is the total amt I pump in a day Le....) Felicity I rem reading one of ur post that second day of ur delivery u had 90ml alrdy... I try to latch baby as much as i can... Read some blogs that there r some mums who can hv tons of milk storage bag... initially everyone was so discouraging (except hubby) keep saying I no milk dun waste time.. Plus my breasts not big (now only a small B) cannot hope for much.... ;(((( Only hope that e amt will keep increasing...

My boy has been passing motion like 5 times a day.. Heard that breastfeeding can help baby rid e jaundice thru e motion..which is gd. I m still sunning my boy everyday... When he discharge his jaundice level was 8.1.. Then 5 days later pd check was 7.1... So hopefully by now is much lower... (wat is the normal level?)

As for e hospital admission list... Actually a lot of things no need to bring.. I stayed in a single bed ward.. No need pyjamas (cos every 3-4 hrs u need to breast feed n e nurse will teach u if u hv prob with it... N they normally ask u to remove n bare both sides of ur breasts... So might as well just wear their gown. I din change e disposable undies cos wasn't soiled but kept changin e pads. (n I used my own pads after finishing e hospital ones) no need to bring toiletries.. Toothbrushes provided (for u n hubby) but unless ur hubby is gonna shower then u need to bring ur own shampoo n soap. No need for room slippers they hv also...

I think e only thing I use is
-hp charger
-small towel to support my hands when breastfeeding
-windbreaker (I wasn't cold but mum made me wrap myself like a mummified mummy)
-cordlife box
-clothes to wear back (btw they hv bath towels provided)

Ya think that's all.

In total my bill was $2400 (cash).

I was also shivering before e epidural.. The shivering started when I was at HM having contractions... The shivering actually looks like Pakistan disease kind teeth cluttering, legs, hands n body shaking...n u can't control at all.. But like what some mummies.. It depends on e individual... I din shake after i took e epi though...

Btw I just called up kodomo... So for some who are curious like me... The salesperson says.. If u r using front load washing machine.. It's not advisable,,, but can be used for top load. Otherwise hand wash is recommended.


Mummies who delivered at TMC.. can I ask wat kind of pads do TMC provide? The loop ones? Or normal adhesive ones? I bought adhesive ones cos I tink looped ones like v insecure leh..

And also I realise u all mention jus bring going home clothes.. But during the stay in TMC, I suppose u all went for those breastfeeding or childcare classes right? U all wear the hospital gowns to those classes? Or pyjames? Yest I was tinking whether need bring clothes to go for those classes not.. Haha.. Oh, btw, are those classes free? Good? :D
I think for those who sweating like mad, if i remember correctly, felicity and nlipeng, u guys didnt use epidural right?

From what i heard from other mummies, they will shiver one after delivery. they said it's from the side effects of epidural or if you have c sect and they use epi or spinal during your op..

My bag is half packed now, left with my going home clothes, cardigan, iphone charger n few tiny bits items which i purposely dun wanna put in, kinda scared that baby will sense that i'm ready and come out faster.. hahhaha..

It's finally sept!!!! Last 2-3 weeks!!! *gulp* suddenly anxiety attack..
OH MY! I thought I was the only one. Haha! I haven't fully packed my bag yet cause I'm afraid baby will come out early. :cool:


OH MY! I thought I was the only one. Haha! I haven't fully packed my bag yet cause I'm afraid baby will come out early. :cool:
I have not packed too, cos I feel baby will think I'm ready and just come out, and I want her to cook some more and then come out ;) Everything is outside and ready to be grabbed and placed in a bag just in case :D

Have set up the baby's side of my bedroom today with all the things required for changing, massage, sleeping etc., Now only the bed has to be placed into our room from the baby's room... And hubby will have to move that, plus he wants to arrange everything else so he's doing his part too :)
By the way Mummies, did all of you prepare a complete birth plan printed out to take to the hospital? I've read a lot about birth plans but I'm wondering if it is really necessary to do so?
Nope I didn't attend the prenatal classes.. My work schedule didn't allow me too. So I had to do as much reading as possible when I had the time. :)

Oh how's Dr Kang? I initially saw Dr Kang for my first two checkups but I switched to C H Koh because I found him friendlier. Haha!

Did you go for the maternity tour at Mount A? Have you reserved your ward yet? ;)
camcam, if u want, i can scan some of the prenatal class notes for u... may help a bit, coz the information is directly from Mt A... let me know! :)
That's really sweet! I'd actually love that if it isn't too inconvenient or you. :rolleyes: