EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hey mummies! I've been busy trying to clear my work and do handover .. finally finished my last day of work and my leave starts tomorrow! EDD 24th Sept ..38weeks and 1 day now.. but i hope i'll carry my girl awhile longer... Tomorrow is my gynae appt, shall check with her if baby is engaged. I'm super tired and have not been sleeping enough ..just cannot lie down without pain on the abdominal area, pelvic area and eveywhere ! I think i subconciously scratched my whole waist, back, tummy, butt and thighs wholenight ! The itch is unbearable.. :(

As i mentioned earlier that i hope to carry beyond 40 weeks is coz i just got news frm my confinement lady last weekend that she just started a job with another family... can only make it end of the month.. if i pop early, she'll send her friend as replacement first then she'll come later.. i don't really feel good having a change of hands in between.. so i feel if i can wait, i should just tahan till end of month..

Recently for the past week is the normal loose stools and some really uncomfortable kicking from baby.. feel this pain on the bladder that is really straining at times.. pain till need to clench my feet! Anyone experiencing same kind of pain in the bladder-vaginal area? Hmm i also had some menses cramp too.. so worried can pop anytime.. lol


Omg eeneyminey my hubby says he bought nuk silicon pacifier >< I tot I read newborn better use latex, later can use silicon.. He said he saw both but decided to get silicon..

Oh when I just woke up n started having contraction it felt like mild menstrual cramps with poo poo feeling, keep gg to toilet until getting more frequent (every 10 min or less?) n getting painful then realized is contractions... From 7+ to 8am, all within an hour! Thinking maybe I slept thru the mildest part of contractions...
try MAM or gum drop by first years they're so soft like nipple :D playtex pinky also nice too!


erlina040:690874 said:
Hi erlina n memory... im having lotsa diahrrea too.. dr says its cos baby is pressing onto our intestine causing us to excrete more frequently... as for cramps i hav constant pain in my pelvis area.. do u all hav that? Gng to see gynae today... hope he has news as to when baby comes out... he is quite big now... abt 3.3kg at least.....
Hi Sapphire, when is your edd? I do have constant pain in my pelvis area,especially, standing up after sitting or lying down. Sometimes, I also have sharp pain that shot all the way down. On top of that, it's the constant menstrual like cramp that we have not experienced for the past 9 months. haha.. You are seeing gynae today, mayb, can ask whether is that the symptom? =)
Hi erlina, memory... yep according ty o gynae its cos baby is slowly easing thru the birth canal n so will hav the pain.. my edd 26 sept....


So excited to know that bb is making her way down!!! So, how's ur bb's weight after today's checkup? Did ur gynae check any of cervix dilation? I'm hoping that my gynae will not check that before delivery, quite scare of it.. Think Muz be super uncomfortable..


erlina040:691157 said:
So excited to know that bb is making her way down!!! So, how's ur bb's weight after today's checkup? Did ur gynae check any of cervix dilation? I'm hoping that my gynae will not check that before delivery, quite scare of it.. Think Muz be super uncomfortable..
Bb's weight today est. 3.5kg, dr says on birth shd b ard 3.3 to 3.5kg.... tats a scary thing cos doc says to prepare labour will b slightly tedious..... but he doesn't want to do any cervix dilation test nor induction cos he says for first baby its best to let him come naturally... all's well after today's appt... will hav to continue to wait......................


Ya, heard checking of cervix dilation is quite uncomfortable and painful. Understand not all gynae will check.. Some will wait till real symptoms kick in. Seems like our baby is getting ready to come out so we shall patient for the actual day.


Active Member
try MAM or gum drop by first years they're so soft like nipple :D playtex pinky also nice too!
Thanks lizzy!!

Yup my gynae nv check for dilation also.. I also nv ask so dunno the reason. I hv friend telling me 37th week onwards will check. My last check was 38wk2days.. Only say bb head v low almost engaged n if in a week's time at next appt if she over 3.5kg will induce. Bb delivered 2 days later..


Wow! I think bloody show need to go soon as contractions will
come right after.. so excited or you!!! Keep us posted! Jiayou jiayou!!
Omg eeneyminey my hubby says he bought nuk silicon pacifier >< I tot I read newborn better use latex, later can use silicon.. He said he saw both but decided to get silicon..

Oh when I just woke up n started having contraction it felt like mild menstrual cramps with poo poo feeling, keep gg to toilet until getting more frequent (every 10 min or less?) n getting painful then realized is contractions... From 7+ to 8am, all within an hour! Thinking maybe I slept thru the mildest part of contractions...

Lolz.. maybe can try first see if ur baby can accept? Yaa i also heard that latex one better for newborn because softer.. but who knows.. maybe ur baby is okay with this one too..
Ya, heard checking of cervix dilation is quite uncomfortable and painful. Understand not all gynae will check.. Some will wait till real symptoms kick in. Seems like our baby is getting ready to come out so we shall patient for the actual day.

My friend just had her VE check last week because suspected to have preterm labour sympthoms, she said she screamed when the doc checked her. the doc immediately said that she better take epi during labour if this kind of pain also screamed.. hahahhaa.. she then told me if during labour need to check like this for so many times she might kick the nurse in the face accidentally.. lol i can just laugh listening to her.. super funny..


Originally Posted by Memory
Ya, heard checking of cervix dilation is quite uncomfortable and painful. Understand not all gynae will check.. Some will wait till real symptoms kick in. Seems like our baby is getting ready to come out so we shall patient for the actual day.

My friend just had her VE check last week because suspected to have preterm labour sympthoms, she said she screamed when the doc checked her. the doc immediately said that she better take epi during labour if this kind of pain also screamed.. hahahhaa.. she then told me if during labour need to check like this for so many times she might kick the nurse in the face accidentally.. lol i can just laugh listening to her.. super funny..
Doctor VE me when i had my check up with him cos I complained about pelvic pain and frequent braxton hicks I was 1cm dilated and baby's head still high and not yet engaged after 2 days I had my mucus plug broke an dwent hospital, nurse found out i am indeed 5cm dilated but no contraction yet, I can't even go home cos baby might pop out anytime and I was only 36 weeks that time.. SO doing VE can trigger dilation!!!


That sounds scary! By performing the VE might loosen the cervix and causing the mucus plug to fall off. I think I'm very fearful of such thingy.. The last time gynae perform transvaginal scan at week 5 of my pregnancy, I almost fainted. Coz it's so so much discomfort and pain, but luckily, he's very assuring and fast..
Waiting game can be tiring..


Is dere anything to do to bring on labor apart from walking et all? I'm getting really impatient and wanna see my baby fast.. I've read that drinking castor oil helps but the thought of that makes me sick..


Me too, Kary2500.. Hubby was still joking this morning wether any chance for her to come out today so that he can skip ippt.. Haha..
The menstrual cramp that I felt for the past few days have disappeared, so, think chances for her to come out seem even slimmer. I'm starting to drink coconuts. Not sure will help..


Yea ... Me too the campy feelings I had last week r no longer there this week.. Jus getting really uncomfortable. I've been drinking coconut since the start of August one or two a week.. That is just to cool the body..


I m in week 38 nw, waiting anxiously dunno when will b e day . Go out oso abit scare that water bag might burst anytime .. :eek: