EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


New Member
Meltie, I had pink discharge before my water bag burst.. Check and time your contractions aight..Jia you!!!


Congrats irah!!! Look forward to your birth story!!

Hmm any idea what is the intervals between contractions than urgent to admit? I just cannot think now...in pain now .. :( I am having more pink liquid discharge... v tired.. wondering if can sleep awhile till morning than see how... had a long day ...zzz


Yes its time.. i admitted liao.. labor nurse say i admit abit late .. 3-4 mins interval contractions.. :/ getting v pain.. now waiting for doc to arrive.. in pain now.. askin for gas!! :/


Active Member
Irah congrats!! :D

Meltie i was latching bb.. Anyway I think u should just go! Even if it's false alarm it's ok.. U r in pain, don't wait le.. Go let ur gynae hv a check.


Last night n this morning... Bb cried when latching... Didnt get to latch in e end... Sobz!!!! Boobs letting down.. She just refused to suckle... Whole breast pad soaked...

This morning mil can make a comment"she dun like e feeling la" wah lau eh.... How hurting that can be... Ytd afternoon bb still latching leh....

Dunno hw long I can tahan such remarks n bb's crying.... She cried till so fierce!!!

Mil says becoz i keep pumping... Thats y bb dun wanna suck....But i wanna try give bb as much bm as possible... Y cant they uds???

Am thinking of giving up on latching n do exclusive pumping... Dunno if i could haiz.... Anyone doing eping? Cant bear to hear bb cry all e time till voice hoarse...


Active Member
*hugs rodorsany* just keep trying!! I was devastated with the way she fusses and struggles and also cries till voice all hoarse when latching also but these two days slightly better she can latch on faster... So dun give up!! Now I pump once a day or not at all.. But bad thing is, not building up on my arsenal of bm! :p

I was whining in another thread I created under the breastfeeding mummies support group forum here... Someone mentioned could be nipple confusion n when I read up.. The symptoms r all so familiar! So I trying not to bottle feed her.. The most once a day let daddy bond w her a bit.. I hope she can associate daddy to bottle n mummy to breasts n not get confused anymore!!

Wow! Reading how determined u girls are with regards to breastfeeding makes me more motivated and continue to strive on.

I also had problems breastfeeding. Mother n mil not very supportive. Mil even worse, prefer to give FM.

And it doesnt help tat baby hasnt poop for abt 5 days nw. And he has lost his chubbiness comparing to day 1.

Im envious of mothers who can pump and get so much ebm. Mine is very pathetic. I barely get 10ml for each pumpin session. So i directly latch most of the time. Using medela swing to pump. Not sure if its me or perhaps i shld try another pump.


felicity:696675 said:
*hugs rodorsany* just keep trying!! I was devastated with the way she fusses and struggles and also cries till voice all hoarse when latching also but these two days slightly better she can latch on faster... So dun give up!! Now I pump once a day or not at all.. But bad thing is, not building up on my arsenal of bm! :p

I was whining in another thread I created under the breastfeeding mummies support group forum here... Someone mentioned could be nipple confusion n when I read up.. The symptoms r all so familiar! So I trying not to bottle feed her.. The most once a day let daddy bond w her a bit.. I hope she can associate daddy to bottle n mummy to breasts n not get confused anymore!!

I knew abt nipple confusion... Its really e crying that drives me nuts n e kinda attitude ils are giving me... Praying hard bb will b cooperative n dun stunt me....

Just thinking next alt best is ebm.. But this will in turn tired me out n zap me of e time i hv... My #1 is reacting by wanting my attn....

When only 1 is easier with 2 tough... I wonder how those mummies with many kids handle...ytd no one disturb bb can latch though fuss for a while... Hope later can la... Haiz... Damn stressed... No appetite to eat at all... Now eat to me is to produce milk


Active Member
Yup I really respect some of my colleagues with 4 kids and some age gap not even big, need to bf for both the bigger kid n the bb!! Salute!! Initially planned 2 years later another kid, now really dunno how to handle.. See how first ><

My ils haven't been commenting abt me bf bb so far ok.. But ytd bb shower our neighbor brought her 5 mth old bb up n mil asked her feed bm or fm.. She say fm.. Then mil was like wah drink fm so big n chubby ah, so cute.. I just keep quiet.. My bb also chubby wat, hummprf!

Mil just squeezed fresh orange juice for me using unchilled oranges.. Sometimes really appreciate her also.

But fil is the one will get on my nerves. We dun really talk and he is the type dun do anything nv help w hsework just slp or go downstairs drink beer type. Now one more task.. Carry my bb.. He pampers her.. But he always at home topless n sweating all over when carrying her :/ then he likes to make irritating noises to "pacify" or play with baby.. When bb poo he can say poot poot to her nonstop for like 5 min.. I dun like! I wan my gal first word to be mummy, not some irritating noises!! >< everytime mil told me to eat or watever just let fil carry.. I dun wan make noise so open one eye close one eye.. Most of the time bb cry only I say need to latch her n quickly go into my room n close door..


Active Member
Oh n ytd a friend who visited.. Her gal around 2 years old.. she said dun need be too persistent if need to feed a bit fm just feed.. She said she has been v persistent n hv to fight her mil (finally her own flat coming end of this year) who everytime hear bb cries say need to make fm for bb n my friend die die want tbf.. She said she had a hard time and v stressed n now looking back.. Maybe dun hv to be do hard on herself, n told me just relax, hv milk feed, not enough just supplement dun be so harsh on myself.. So just to share, from an experienced mummy.. Haha..


Rodorsany:696663 said:
Last night n this morning... Bb cried when latching... Didnt get to latch in e end... Sobz!!!! Boobs letting down.. She just refused to suckle... Whole breast pad soaked...

This morning mil can make a comment"she dun like e feeling la" wah lau eh.... How hurting that can be... Ytd afternoon bb still latching leh....

Dunno hw long I can tahan such remarks n bb's crying.... She cried till so fierce!!!

Mil says becoz i keep pumping... Thats y bb dun wanna suck....But i wanna try give bb as much bm as possible... Y cant they uds???

Am thinking of giving up on latching n do exclusive pumping... Dunno if i could haiz.... Anyone doing eping? Cant bear to hear bb cry all e time till voice hoarse...
Rodorsany.. Me having the same problem too! Initially I express milk out so that all e consistent pumping can help boost the milk supply.. Then now I'm like over-relying on EBM.. Also hate it wen my CL just waste my EBM.. Keep force-feeding my girl if she fuss.. Wen sometimes all she wans is to be carried.. So I wan to try to latch more now.. But bb keeps rejecting me.. We dun use to hav problems with latching de.. now she totally rejects my right nipple.. and I have to try for like 10min before she can latch onto my left nipple, provided I can tahan her screams and wails.. I can totally understand wen u say ur girl has fierce cries.. Mine do too! So most of the time I gave in to EBM cos I can't bear to see her wail like that..

Dunno wat I can do to make her accept me again.. It is depressing.. Last time we have no issues with latching de leh.. Sighz.. My mum say I Mus still continue with pumping so thay CL can help with feeding at night.. Else wat is e point of hiring a CL if I dun get rest..

Sighz.. I hope bb grows out of her fussy stage soon! :(


Active Member
sigh, i think the only way is to be able to tahan the fierce wailing and let baby try to latch until baby get used to it :/ i really try to stuff my aroela into her mouth while she wails... n she will bite n so painful n she cries n i cry too >< that time confinement both of us crying thru the night damn shag... now she latches on easier.. only when she's too tired yet refuse to sleep then will cry n fuss a lot at the breast. sometimes she will literally pause n freeze her actions, hands in mid air, eyes open, mouth open, motionless.. scare the hell out of me have to check her pulse make sure she's ok. she can stay motionless for a while then later "play" and continue.. think she too tired temporarily knock herself out.. anyone baby also like that?