EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Kary: if it's any consolation, my baby has vomit three times in huge, huge amounts. Last might she did it again. It's partially not burping enough, possibly an air pocket trapped by more milk, or she just wayyyy over ate. The baby is fine. I cleaned up and then when she's hungry again ( v soon) I will feed her again. If no more bm I'll take out my reserve supply in fridge.

Don't worry too much. Just burp more often and be patient abt it. My babe is a true spitter too...


Help help ! Every morning after bathing bb it seems to kick start his day. His eyes will be wide open doesn't want to slp. When its time he will cry for feeding. Feed already kind if nap for 15 min then wake up. Ty again want ti be cuddled and carry. Pat pat him n put him back to slp he cry again 15 min later. They cycle just goes on and on till later afternoon. Every 15 min wake up to cry I simply no time for myself. Scared pat hin too much becomes a habit want him to slp by himself.


Oh I don't bathe my babe often cos I read that it's v drying for baby's skin. Her skin on Hans and feet were peeling first few weeks. Now better but still.. Also, unlike most Chinese babies that get wrapped and bundled up, I hardly wrap up baby. Usually just leave her only with diapers. When I turn on AC, which is v often, I'll put her in just one layer of long onesie. In AC she peob doesn't perspire as much?

Do your babies have baby acne? I find that there are spots on my babe's chest and jaw area where we have lots of contact when we burp her. Argh!!

And those whose babies are already 1 month old. What did you give for man yue?


Indeed bb peels off skin... I will apply bb lotion n massage bb... Keke

For relatives we gave std cakes with red eggs n ang ku kueh... Friends i gave cookies lol coz most got kids:)

Ahwang is it bb too warm?? Diaper wet??


Think babies are very pampered. Thinking of installing air con in the room. Yesterday at the clinic, she slept so well in the airCon, even finishing her milk slowly and properly. But hubby not very supportive or installing air-con, he scared baby will easily get running nose or develop cough. Will they? But, I'll be sending her to infant care, which is also air-con. Later baby use to it and refuse to sleep over the night.

As for the first month, I'm ordering cakes from sweetest moments for my Chinese relatives. Malay relatives will be handled by hubby.

Ah wang, don't stressed. This morning, my gal also refused to sleep, after bathing and feeding. I cuddled her and walked around the house till her next feeding time. She drank her milk and refused to sleep again, crying. In the end, when I open up the diaper, she immediately poo. Realized my mil tied the diaper too tight, her gas and poo can't come out freely. After that, I rocked her to sleep finally. But was quite stressful when doing all these alone, as mil went out. For a moment, I cried coz I was having headache and Dunno what the baby want. SMS hubby but realized i should learn to manage and handle all these myself, and become better. So, ah wang, be positive!! You can do it!!!

Felicity, ur hubby taking part time degree too? My hubby too, and can understand their assignments are indeed crazy. Ever since the gal is out, he skipped all the classes, but just do all the assignments.


Kary, my bb puke milk too! I tink it's fairly common? Once she even had milk coming out of her nose! Last night I woke up in the middle of the night cos she's grunting as usual.. And saw dried milk on top of her lips and beside her nostrils.. Sighz.. Dunno issit she puke milk and it flowed into the nose or milk came out of her nose again.. Even if I manage to burp her, she will still puke milk.. Feel quite helpless too.. Hope her tummy muscles will grow stronger soon to retain the milk!


Lingz and Kary: we're all on the same boat. I envy those mums with babies who can burp on their own! like Roo. hmphf! yes I just hope the muscles will grow stronger so spit up will be less.

erlina: good positive thinking. yes. being alone with baby means you're forced to read your baby's signs and cues better.. learn from the baby.. don't keep relying on others!

as for air con - rubbish lah. what runny nose and all that. my baby sleeps much better in air con. I turn it on just for her.. no choice. our electricity bill will be horrendous the next few months but it's a price I'm willing to pay. my babe's been sleeping in air conditioned room for past 3+ weeks and she's fine.

when are you sending your baby to infant care? I'm also seriously considering.. probably in mid-January!

any mummies here use cocoonababy for their babies?


Thanks for sharing the tricks Keatbear! Will definitely try out after my CL leaves!

Yesterday night and today my bb oso can't burp,end up spit out lot, esp while sleeping.. after latching her, she slept so soundly.. cannot burp.. put her down to sleep just now.. she had a huge puddle .. sigh

Oh ya i read up about burping.. got these tricks that someone shared :
Overfeeding? Burping Up? Hiccups? - Circle of Moms
I think sitting bb up straight helps.. and seems like some CLs do suspend bb's legs like pendulum to let air come out.. i am still trying to make bb burp but doesn't work.. maybe my bb still slouching. whole body like jelly lol..

Hmm i have not planned for the full month! Wanted to book function rm , 28th is the hest date but taken, so i'm pushing back 1 week to 4th Nov. Hubby wanted 21st oct, but it's next week! Confinement only ending on 23rd.. i still dunno if i can handle bb all alone.. I'm thinking of catering food from Xin Yi Ping (tgey have got cute cupcakes! ) and as for those relatives n colleagues who are not invited, i'll do the usual like my ither colleagues, give Bengawan Solo cake redemption vouchers. I fnd it convenient, as theycan redemn at tgeir own convenience and up to 1 yr expiry.. initially oso thinking of getting Famous Amos vouchers, they do a baby bear tin with 80g of cookies i think.. quite cute.

Hey mreow mreow and Lingz, my friend has passed me the webby for tingkat, i've called them up, seems quite ok.. they deliver to doir step, no msg added. Got 10 days trial @ $70 before gat, or can order 20days cycle @ $140 before gst. Rice is additional $0.50. This is only for 1 mea, 1 paxl (lunch or dinner). Menu is fixed or whole month, can request or no chilli, no curry, no seafood..
Chek them out at tingkatdelivery.sg . Anyone got other contacts?

hmm today i find that my breastfeedingduraion has shortened alot! Seems like bb got a better latch and feedig faster! Used to feed 1 hr plus, but today got less than 20mins! Den my bb shuts mouth and shuts down.. but of coz she wakes up every 2 hrs.. or sometimes 1.5hrs.. currently this feed is coming to 3 hrs.. glad my latching efforts are paying off..

Hmm this morning CL n hubby needed to go market, so CL asked me to bottle feed bb.. usually i dun bottlefeed so that bb recognise me as the one who offers the breast.. but today since they rush i fed loh.. end up bb finished the milk still dun want to slp! She must have smelled me and he was starung at me in a weird way.. like why am i gibing her bottle when my breast is uust beside? lol am i thinking too much? But after bottlefeed, she cried and attacked my breast.. ended up latching her to slp... zz anyone got experience this?


Hey mummies, urgent! My CL just told me she received a call from home that her dad is very sock and she needs to go back m'sia b tomorrow! I still have 12 more days of confinement!! Anyone got good CL to recommend for stand in? Need her in in next 2 days ! I really dunno hiw to handle!!


Hey yeoymp, is your CL good? ur confinement ending in 2 days? Will ur CL be free atter that come help me out? sighhh



Active Member
erlina yup my hubby also taking part time degree and he's always busy with assignments and stuff... lessons really depends, but if he skip is more because he has to work late etc. but he did skip lesson when i was still in tmc after delivering lol... these days he's been v busy, i see him so poor thing also dun wan to disturb him, but secretly hope he gets to bond w bb more.

we didn't on aircon for bb, i worry will spoil her like his nephews, no aircon cannot slp! anyway, aircon spoil :( wanna on also cannot... like when downstairs playground the kids v noisy, i hope to close all the windows to shut out the noise but aircon not working, sigh.

talking abt the playground, i almost wanna go down spank the kids with a frying pan or anything i can get my hands on. why must they be screaming and shrieking at the top of their voice, and so shrill... bb was falling asleep but was startled so badly by the super piercing screams from the kids downstairs and cried at my boob for an hour!! finally managed to pacify her and latched her to slp... sigh. why is there a playground just below my window?! *boohoo*

ermmm my bb skin peel... i just remove... i nv put baby lotion. is it necessary? i didn't buy but i do hv some sample size bottles lying around.

meltie oh dear :( hope u can get someone to help u when ur CL leaves! anyway many thanks for the link, it's very helpful!! and great that ur bb is latching well now and reduced latching time.

reiann, i don't use cocoonababy but i just read some reviews, all not bad. if now look for infant care still hv space? i heard this year v hot waiting list all v long!! i am taking unpaid leave until she's 9 mths old, was thinking to send bb to infant care after that but my friends all say too late already bb will hv a hard time adapting :( and i a bit regret taking the leave cos now the money i saved up for the unpaid period already depleting very fast! omg whyyyy money flows away so fast?! can flow into my bank acct or not?! anyway take unpaid leave cos wanna bond more with bb (dun wanna bb bond more with pil :x) hope my unpaid leave is worth it...


Phew! After all the mess.. my hubby & my hp totally no starhub network for whole day, just now wanna call n find CL cannot call or receive calls.. now still got prob w network.. managed to dig out house phone to use...

I managed to get a CL to come in on sat. She just happen to be on a break.. referred by my fren's CL.. hmm just did some handover w my CL... zz so tired.. after the news of my CL leaving, it was feeding time and fed bb in a mess! I think i was latching n trying to get network on phone.. whatsapping ard.. in the end i think poor latch n bb suckled till my nipples more sore n took abt an hour! Longest for today liao! :/ ouch!

Anyway, just now bb had her ebm.. and we gave her 80ml, she finished it and wanted somemore.. so i topped up w latching.. took another half hr! Hmm wondering if i've been latching her in the day for past few days such that she still wants my breast during feeding time? Bottle feed already should be full, but she just wanna suckle.. hope for the night bottle feeds she wun cry for latch on so much.. or else i wun be able to rest! Super tiring day for me... hope my new CL is good and able to teach me tips on handling bb... wah my life really interesting.... so much things happen after bb came into this world...

I approached 2 infant care centres near my house, Cherie hearts and Learning vision about 3 mths ago.. they already fully booked till next june and waiting list is super long too.. i wonder how man.. maybe quit my job or find a baby sitter?? my mil and mum cannot take care.. mil encourage me to quit... :/ she says no one can ever replace the mum to take care of bb.... i am still taking these 4 mths maternity to decide..


sigh.... At least you gals can have the option to quit your job or take long unpaid leave... Actually if I could I would too but it's tough cos I m in family biz. ;( which is y I cld only take 2 mths of ML n start work next month... Sounds so fast huh? Really wish I can bond with baby.. But you know our parent generation.. All dont really bother or care or believe in bonding... ;(

Looks like 6 yrs later we may all have prob enrollin our child to a preferred primary sch!

anw Hehz... Just to share abit here... When I was 1 month hubby n I tried making love but it was so painful I think my stitches bled again? It was unsuccessful cos I was going ouch ouch ouch stop! ;( last night (at week 6+) tried again with the help of lubricant... Sigh same thing... It's like sooooooooooo super tight down there n it's hurting me like crazy... End up unsuccessful again... ;( haizz dont know if the gynae stitched it super small or what.. It really hurts alot! Now sex hurts. N if you gals think its gonna b a virgin makeover.. It's definitely not. The feeling I totally different. No.. Its not even sex cos e attempts were unsuccessful... Feel so upset. dont know if it's gonna take mths... Or it's gonna b like that?!?


Is anyone else not able to get into the forum app on your phone? I'm not able to get into Facebook or the Mummysg app, idk if its my phone or some problem with the apps.

Anyways I had a really difficult evening yday, had a really bad cold and cough and my baby decided to be very cranky the entire evening :( she kept latching from 7:30 till about 11 giving me a break of 10- 15 mins every 45 mins.. Finally at 11 I got so fed up with her I told my hubby to make formula, and she was so hungry that despite all the latching she drank about 75 ml of fm. And hubby burped her and kept holding her upwards so it all stayed inside, and then she slept at 12.. Didn't sleep with my baby and had some real good sleep, without listening to her grunting.

I went to my pd yday and he said that babies vomiting is very normal, big sigh of relief.. I was worried cos I thought she vomited cos I either over fed her, or took some tablet that I was not supposed to take while bf. He also gave me some pro biotic drops for my baby to help her, cos sometimes she's just so uncomfortable, and it breaks my heart to see her like that..


Hey felicity, my bb oso peeled alot of skin.. according to CL shedding of skin is normal? I not very sure.. but since i got Johnson's baby lotion (from NICU discharge), i just use it.. they used it to clean her butt coz of nappy rash.. den doc oso say i can use it on a little birth mark on my bb's hand.. i also use it to apply to her hands and feet since they were super dry.. now after applying for afew days after bath, her hands and feet got no peeling liao....

Sigh, today is gonna be a big challenge! CL going back at noon, now i'm up preparing for PD and gynae appts later! 11.30am PD appt, 2.15pm gynae appt. BB is gonna be out so long! Gotta pack my diaper bag! Bringing CL along so they can pick her up from hosp to go back m'sia... with such timings, we're eating lunch at 10plus am! Asking CL to cook soup for dinner, so we can come home to heat up.. afternn onwards will be just my hubby and me coping with the bb... wonder how am i gonna get through the night..

Currently bb is slping in another room (tog with CL). I am wondering if i can hear her cries from my room at night.. dunno shld push her cot over to my room, haven't arranged the bed so that she can be away from AC.. currently the only space is directly opp. aircon... or maybe just for tonight i move over and slp with her? This morning, i was so tired that even my C: knock door call me, i for quite long, then i woke up to heat up EBM for my bb... i did not even hear bb cry! Gosh.. am i too tired? It better not happen tonight...

I managed to find a CL last min that will come only tomorrow noon time... hope she's God-sent and better than my current one! Sigh, it's all over again... pray that she'll be able to put everything into place!!


meltie: you will hear your baby's cries if she's in your room, trust me! as long as you're not sharing a bed, it's fine.. if your babe wakes up regularly at a certain time at night then you can leave her in a separate room. I wish I can do that but my baby still wakes up inconsistently.

kary: I'm envious! who took care of your baby then when you had good uninterrupted sleep?? and did your baby sleep through the night after all that feeding?

my baby was difficult last night too. kept feeding and feeding.. more or less on my breasts from 8.30 till 12, with some burping and fussing in between. but.. the magic! she slept till 5.30am. she used to do this more often but she's getting inconsistent these days. I hope she gets into a schedule soon.. sigh.


felicity: yes I use the cocoonababy but I find that my baby makes a lot of grunting noises in it. but once she is in deep sleep, she sleeps long hours on it.

piglim:eek:h no now I'm so scared of having sex! wahh. has your gynae given you the go ahead to have sex? I asked mine 2 weeks ago but she said wait some more till the next appt. so I'm waiting.. hm.


Hey yeoymp, is your CL good? ur confinement ending in 2 days? Will ur CL be free atter that come help me out? sighhh

Meltie, My CL leaving on coming sunday. But my CL was engaged through agency which she can't take outside job. When is your CL leaving? How many days you still need ? Can help u to find other CL if u want


felicity: yes I use the cocoonababy but I find that my baby makes a lot of grunting noises in it. but once she is in deep sleep, she sleeps long hours on it.

piglim:eek:h no now I'm so scared of having sex! wahh. has your gynae given you the go ahead to have sex? I asked mine 2 weeks ago but she said wait some more till the next appt. so I'm waiting.. hm.

Gynae said after one mth can hv sex which is y we tried... She also said my stitches have healed (then) but now after 6wks... still not successful. Guess gotta keep trying but really painful like hell-burning sensation... But u all can try mayb it's my gynae, sew until so tight?


Active Member
I typed a respond n the app shut down.. Urgh.

Anyway I tried also 2 nights ago n stopped cos too painful n tight n dry. Hubby said "like a virgin" >< n told him to check out the stitches, he only said "got blood". It's 7 weeks already n the discharge is not cleared yet!! Still got spotting everyday.. :/

Mummies who brought bb out.. Did you use pram/stroller, sling, carrier or carry in your arms? I realized if use carrier go out alone to meet ppl for lunch, difficult to hv a good meal cos bb will be in the way n can't put her down cos she can't sit yet... But she doesnt like to lie down on her own so I worry if I use stroller, will end up having to carry her AND push stroller which will be very difficult to manage when alone!! :/