EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


hi felicity,

I've been using the stroller (with detachable car seat) going out. using the car with my husband or sis is ok, as two adults to tend to one baby is manageable. I once used stroller on my own, took MRT. it wasn't easy. had to look for lifts, ramps, etc... and my baby wasn't sleeping so she was fussing and crying :(

then I once used my Manduca carrier which I only just bought, and tried going out alone with it yesterday for a short trip out. it was easier walking and taking the MRT that way, though it gets very warm if not in an air conditioned room. warm for the baby! and she will start waking up.

actually, putting baby in carrier and wheeling the stroller out is not a bad idea! that way, if baby is in deep sleep, can put her in the stroller, then can eat easily. or, if carrying her, can dump diaper bag and shopping etc in the stroller! ha!

I'm going out for nice lunch tomorrow with husband. I intended to do both - carry baby in carrier and also wheel stroller out. will let you know how it goes..

any mums here sending babies to infant care?


hey mummies, i went for my PD & Gynae appt just know.. bb is fine.. and my gynae say my stitches look ok.. she say can start 'exercise' if i want... hmm i feel abit swell pain there.. think won't try uet.. anyway also can't get into the mood .. so many things happening..

Now at home w just bb, hubby n me.. cane home bb was super hingry as we didn't wanna feed in car, so dragged abit, she was wailing all the way.. the last time we went see pd and cane back w me feeding her in the car, she seemed to have car sixk and puked out alot.. now still ok... from 3.30pm still now have fed twice.. bb still cranky.. maybe just now cry till v traumatic.. :/ heartache...

Hmm i really hope she slp more tonight and be more consistent... i pushed her cot into my room liao.. but not enough space to walk.. gotta access cot from sitting on bed... if not the only soace is direct under aircon which sure super cold.... hmm wish me all the best to tonight!


Confinement is officially over yesterday (though I'm still nt supposed to eat seafood yet)! Yeah! Anyway, my mum just called and asked me if I'm bringing bb out to meet her and my grandma tmr.. I used to go out with them every Sat before delivery.. I said I'm nt confident handling bb in public leh.. Sighz.. I have got a bb carrier second hand from SIL but it can onli be used wen bb is more than 5kg.. And I dun have a bb sling.. If go out with stroller oso v bulky leh.. Carry oso arms ache.. :(

Btw.. Mummies bringing bb out.. How do u all bring ebm out? Do I have to bring ebm out in cooler bag and then warm it with hot water wen required? If I bring the ebm out in cooler bag but bb din drink, how long can it last? Can I still put it back in the fridge wen I go home? Then wen mus it be consumed by? Hee.. Paiseh, so many questions.. :D

Anyway, meltie, good to hear that Charlotte is fine! And good luck tonight! U can do it! :D


Active Member
alamak the app is driving me mad... just typed a long entry and it shut down ><

anyway reiann, thanks for sharing and the suggestion! my ergo is more troublesome, need to put bb into infant insert and then put bb w insert into the carrier... but if i'm gg out maybe will try bringing both stroller and carrier for alternatives... :)

meltie, glad that both bb n u r all fine!! did bb manage to slp through last night in ur room?

lingz, can ur mum n grandma help too since u r gg out with them? i think if u r bringing ebm out in cooler perhaps better to use stroller, can put everything into the compartment underneath... but better to plan a route to avoid steps and stairs... not sure abt how long ebm can last in cooler bag though, haven't tried.

last night bb woke up at midnight for milk, n hubby volunteered to feed her ebm n i pumped. after drinking she started getting cranky again, perhaps too tired. since hubby wanna help i just let him and lie in bed after pumping. also was super terribly tired. hubby carried her a bit then put her back in the cot to wail and said "let u cry until tired u will slp" but later picked her up again and walked around in the living room. he smacked her backside >< and even gleefully tell me she stopped crying when he did so. i think she's just too shocked!! >< wanted to 'monitor' and wait until he put bb back into cot, but i was just too tired and concussed b4 he come back from the 'walk in the living room'... guess waking up several times in the night n no nap in the day really knocked me out... subsequently bb woke up at 4am and 7am... now she's up n mil bathing her, i'm up with a headache, n hubby still fast aslp ><


Hi mummies.. my new CL just came.. not an auntie, but a young lady, in her late twenties like me? Hmm she is quite confident and got her own method of doing things.. she came n bathe baby, washed bb clothes liao.. quite fast..

Wah i'm super tired.. last night bb was v cranky and gassy.. of all nights she had to choos yesterday night to be v cranky , don't want to slp.. it was non stop crying, fidgeting, want to be carried, hungry, dozed off, put down cry again.. from 12plus to 4plus in the morning! my hubby and i was super super clueleas and helpless.. hubby carried her around living room, she slept in his arms, come back to room put in cot, leas den 2 mins she cry.. i fed den she alept, den put down cry.. it was a nightmare.. den hubby knocked out after 4am.. i was in and out of slp trying to coax her in her cot.. she finally slept for 1-2 hrs.. den this morning 6plus she cried for milk again.. fed her ebm, it was so hard with one han carrying, the other hand pouring and dispensing hot water.. after drinking, she puked and cannot burp.. end up woke up super active again... and the cycle begins today.... just fed her ebm 80ml, she only finished 60ml... waste my milk again...

Sorry for ranting.. super tired..hope my CL can do something about her feeding cycles! haa


felicity: so, baby was happy in carrier - slept most of it, didn't fuss much. wanted to put her down in stroller when at restaurant but she started waking up and fussed so I put her back in the carrier. sigh!

meltie: sorry to hear. my baby was a nightmare yesterday but after hearing your story I think yours is worse! mine just kept wanting to be fed and fussing from 9.30pm till she finally fell asleep at 2am. I was damn tired! but thereafter she slept till about 7.30am (though she woke me up with her grunting several times).


Hmm today my bb still quite cranky.. feeding her hourly from 12plus to 4plus.. now finally aslp .. my new CL keep asking me to rest and don't worry abt bb.. oh ya she's in mid thirties.. her kid is already teenager! Hmm she is quite straight forward, easy to talk to and quite fast in things that she do.. this morn she bathed bb, bb only cried abit.. change diapers nv cry.. i came into the room she changed finish liao.. well, she's just super helpful, want me to rest as much...

Just now i dozed at 2plus woke by bb's crying she told me not to worry, she already prepare ebm for my bb... i was abit shocked co i wanted to latch in the day.. o i think she jump the gun abit.. but i let her b coz i oso v v tired liao.. bb could not finish the feed and she say can keep for next feed.. i was wondering if it'll still be drinkable.. she say its ok.. but i always throw away my ebm when bb don't finish... how do you mums handle the ebm?

Also, she say we can prepare and heat up the milk in advance so bb wun need to wait too long.. told her my bb is not fixed in feeding time, she say the ebm can last out for afew hrs.. so no need to worry.. i am not sure to follow the strict guidelines or her method.. also, she believe in letting bb cry abit and dun pick up so fast .. unless bb wail non stop ... she got her own way of handling.. she don't carry bb to slp den put down.. she just put bb down and let her play on her own and slp.. surprisingly today bb quite guai towards her.. did not fuss when put down.. but soon oso fuss and wants to be carried...

My CL explained to me why bb is in erratic cycles.. she say at this period bb wants comfort suckling and when we feed them on their crying cue, we may overfeed thats why will puke? Hmm not v sure if its scientifically proven.. there're docs that encourage feeding on demand right...? So my CL is quite pro-pacifier, she say bb just needs a nipple to suckle on when they are insecure , i.e being put into bed, so giving them during these short periods will calm them down and they will naturally push out the pacifier once they slp.... personally my hubby n i not really into giving pacifier.. heard abt how it affects latching n teeth development... but my CL say through her experience with alot of mummies, she see them manage bb better and happier with help of a pacifier, bb gets into proper feeding cycles and feel more secure , doesn't fuss much... what are your opinions?


I agree with ur CL. I gave pacifier to my baby after she reach one month old. Before I gave her and want to put her to sleep, she was crying non-stop, end up I gave pacifier to her. She slowly clam down and slowly closed her eyes and sleep. After she was in deep sleep, her pacifier is been pushed out and left beside her cheek.

At first I also afraid it might affect her teeth development. But my mum told me that, she also gave mi when I was a baby and it does not affect my teeth.


Meltie i gave my son pacifier since discharge in hospital :p try giving gumdrop pacifier, i just bought one in robinsons earlier.. My son using all MAM, avent, tommi tippie and gumdrop lol! Dont worry bout the crooked teeth thingy it is not true, 2 sons all nice teeth, i think its only marketing strategy for them to make diff kinds of pacifier lol ;)


Ya, gave my girl pacifier since week 1. She don't really like it but it does calm her down, when I knew she had drink quite a bit. She spit it out the moment she fell into sleep. Till now, gg to 3 weeks, she only use it like 2 or 3 times when she gets super cranky.


Active Member
Reiann thanks for updating! That's what I worry about... Like when I wanna sit down n hv a meal but bb doesn't want to lie in the stroller herself... End up can't eat in peace also... So I'm still gutless about bringing her out!

Meltie, at least this CL is of much better help with the bb? Hope u get some much needed rest!

Initially I'm also skeptical after reading abt pacifier but when she latches nonstop I was despo n tried.. She rejected though n so far unsuccessful in giving her pacifier... :/ btw I used pacifier too n I love my teeth ^^

Just as I tot my lochia is clearing up there's more spotting again... It's over 7 weeks!! When is it gg to end?!


hey mummies, thanks for sharing abt pacifiers! Hmm i'll discuss wuth my hubby about it.. and see how..

My new CL is much yoynger, got her own views, she can be stubborn at times... my hubby n i are more on cleaniliness, hence we really emphasize on cleaning hands and bottles, teats, pumps to be sterilised.. yesterday we suspect she hasn't learn how to use steriliser and she gave ebm in a bottle unsterilised.. my hubby went to ask her.. and also about reheating unfinished ebm after feeding.. she left it for more than an hr outside and say can re-feed bb.. my hubby n i not comfy about it though...

She was bottlefeeding bb n my hubby saw bb tilting head outwards (not facing upwards to drink), CL continue feeding sideways.. den say her.. she was not v happy.... den she say my hubby like v kan cheong...
she just now told me that there was a previous customer that made her feel inreasonable and she left after afew days.. she wants to do things her way and don't want us to worry and stare at her do things...

Oh well, no one is perfect.. she ons the tap at full blast to wash one small thing.. bb's bed is in a mess with alot of cloth lying around.. she swaddles bb on her bed.... hmm i'm wondering if i shkd clamp down on that.. she sure v unhappy one..


Active Member
Oh.. Maybe after she feed n wash the bottle u can volunteer to sterilize the bottle... On her bed, if the bedsheet is clean n she is a hygienic person I also can close one eye.. In fact my bb always in my bed or pil's bed.. But after bb comes back mil changes the bedsheet more frequently..

The worst thing I think is a lot of cloth on bb's bed.. Should keep the bed clear to avoid suffocation etc...

Ytd whole day bb refuse to slp n wants to be carried.. I carry her whole day until arms are painful.. At night she still cranky from too tired n I carry her till arms really sore so asked hubby to carry. Then he carry to mil's room n throw to pil. I told him now I give u chance to bond w bb u dun wan.. I carry bb whole day n ur parents get to bathe bb n play w bb everyday.. Only u hardly in contact with her now give u chance to bond u throw to ur parents. Then later his parents carry bb walked out n passed back to him.. Then tell him dun be so rough to bb. Then I just say softly need to be gentle, he throw tantrum n say he nv rough to bb wat! In a v irritated tone. Then I'm also v hot, tell him just saying that is why his parents say dun be rough, I was talking so gently not saying him, if not happy gimme bb back dun carry.. Then he black face but dun wan give back n I felt so frustrated.. I carry whole day so tired n arms so pain, say one line only u throw tantrum at me... so I went to wash bottle n cry :( anyway bb refuse the bottle, still full of fm. Then last night until now he sleeping n nv wake up at all for the few times that bb cry.. So I hv to go to his side to carry bb back to my side :/ cos cot is next to him... Urgh. He like that I dun want second one already!!!
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Felicity - Awww I was very irritated too with my hubby earlier in the week, cos he took leave for one week to help me with the baby since my parent went back and he kept playing hos FIFA the whole time.. Even when I giv him baby to keep he continues playin with her on his lap.. Then I told him on Monday that he took leave to bond with hos doter n help me so after that without me askin he started doing things which was a good thing :) ... But now I'm feeling a little irritated again cos my mil came in yday and I closed the door when feeding my baby and she just opened the door and came inside... Dont ppl realize that the door is closed for a reason.. Sigh my boobs are gone public now :( plus i don't like the way she carries my baby.. I didn't like the way my dad carried my baby and I told him how I wanted him to carry her.. Now with my mil I hv to just shut up.. I don't know when I'm gonna explode to hubby..


Hmmm... Couldnt post!!!!

Meltie am glad u got a new cl.. Prob can talk to her lay some rules???

Felicity dun b sad... Vent it out here

Ytd brought bb out fm 10am till 3pm... She din really sleep... So alert came home still alert... Omg!!... Carry slp put dwn wake up.... My arms ache like nv.... Only sleep at 8pm... At least only wake up for milk 1+ & 5+ phew shag... I brought carrier n stroller... But my mil keep saying carier not suitable coz spine not steady yet... Now gg to was my sling n try.... Hope bb likes sling


Wa.. Suddenly so many posts! Haha..

Meltie, I oso skeptical about pacifier.. Trying not to let bb use as far as possible.. So far so good.. As for ebm, once warmed before, I will throw the balance if bb can't finish.. But if I jus take it out from the fridge and let it std at room temperature, I will let it std up to 4hrs and warm it wen bb needs.. And ya, as for the new CL, if can close one eye jiu close la.. But cleanliness is realli impt so Mus say her.. Cot full of cloth oso is a hazard.. Mus oso say.. Lay down the ground rules ba..

Felicity and Kary, it's ok, vent here.. We are here to listen.. :D

Oh ya.. Last night I woke up to bb usual grunts and cries.. To my horror, her bean pillow is covering her face! Cos I pinned her hands down with the pillow.. Tink in the middle of the night she managed to raise her hands and push the pillow up to her face.. Couldn't imagine wat will happen if I slept thru her cries.. Feel like a bad mummy.. :( Hubby told me nt to let bb use bean pillow oredi.. But she startle easily leh.. Sighz..


Hmm i tried saying her.. hubby too.. she abit black face leh.. she told me she worked for one previous couple before, they were unreasonable to her and she just left after 3-4days.. hmm she seems to want to do things her own way... not v open to listen.. esp from clueless 1st timers like my hubby n i.. she keep saying she has done alot of confinement and herself is a mother too.. tell me not to worry and let her handle.. but i still just cannot be at rest coz really hygiene is the utmost impt, but she quite swift, fast and abit slip shot....

Just now hubby n CL went market, i latch bb to feed.. bb pooed twice.. 2nd time was a long and explosive one.. suddenly i felt its smelly and warm.. the poop leaked out of her thighs and to her whole booties! i went to clean her up.. supposedly her diapers shld have been changed early morn .. but i found alot of dried hard dark brown poop sticking to the upper side of her butt... seems like maybe CL only clean below, nv clean the lower back area... sigh coz 4am this morn she did not want to on light to change diaper, just rely on abit of light.. she changed in lightning speed.. dunno got clean properly or not...

Oh ya my bb has a small sore or lesion or blister looking spot near her anus.. wondering if its diaper rash.. CL say its just peeling of skin.. but it is reddish and looks like sore.. i'm monitoring and see how.. if it clears will be gd.. if not, i think i'll call up pd and check tomorrow...


Meltie, how many more days the new CL need to be around? If not, really have to close one eye, coz to handle baby on ur own is also quite a challenge. Just have to keep an eye. As for sterilizing bottles, I used to do it after every feed, now, hardly had time, ESP when baby refuse to sleep and cranky till her next feed, I sterilize once a day. But before I pour milk in, I'll pour some hot water into the bottle, hoping that will sterilize it as well. Think no matter what, getting either CL or in law help is always quite a challenge, coz usually, they have their own style and have their own set of belief. As for ebm, I've no idea how it should be handled, though, I also throw away if she can't finish. Hope some mothers can enlighten us on how long it can last if it's warmed alr, or can it be continuously warmed?

Felicity, don't be upset. Just vent it here and feel better. Sometimes hubby is really insensitive, I think really depends on their moon as well. As hubby is also a teacher, he's not so stress this term beside having all the part time degree assignment, he tried to help out over weekend which I'm very grateful. At least he helped out in the last feed before bb sleep and attempt to coax her to sleep last night. Was so touched. Told him directly that I really appreciate all these small small help, and that make him happy. Bathed baby for the 2nd time, not sure she enjoyed it but at least she didn't cry, which make me feel more assured.

Lingz, there was once the bean bag also fell onto baby's face, scared me to hell. Her hands were swaddled at that time. Now I'll free her hands on top of the bean bag.

Kary, haha.. Ever since birth of child, boobs seem to be on exhibition, from hospital till home. My mil also just walk in like that to some extent, if no guys at home, I'll just pump milk without closing door. Don't see the point..


when my bb cries, I try to calm him down by giving pacifier.. but he jus refused to suck .. how to train them fr having it . keep training n training ??