EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Mummies, what car seats are you all using??
My gf pass me a maxi cosi bucket for babies but I find that my girl seem very uncomfortable in it... Plus the bucket can't be used after she reaches past 4-5 mths...
Any recommendations?


bucket? I use maxi cosi cabriofix. yeah my baby isn't exactly loving it either, but the point is to prevent whiplash in an accident, hence the baby's chin is kind of tucked into her chest.


Hey rodarsany, i canMt let my bb slp on breast leh. she sure latch.. thats why i scared overfeed.. yesterday she latched while in colic pain for hours on-off.. today she seems to be 'addicted' liao.. super fussy, keep wanting to latch.. fed her 30mins on right side, she still fuss and cry.. end up offering left side and she drank for another 15mins...den she fuss again! Like no end .. bo bian had to get hubby to bring her away and try to coax her..

now sweating buckets, just wiped her body and fed her all the medicine.. she gag n choke and cry and squirm.. super cranky.. sighh :( already feed her slowly liao... she just hates all the funny taste... actually her expression is super funny n cute.. haha so bad of me..

Hey keatbear, my car seat is Britax Safe & Sound , Recline & relax .. its suitable for 0-4yrs old.. i add an infant neck support and a snuzzler.. the car seat has some safety crash test , side crash safety rating, cushions impact and also supports the neck.. after bb turns 10kg, can put to forward facing.. i bought it at taka's britax sale.. $200+.. initially was thinking of buying travel systems, but those bucket car seat though it seems convenient, but its heavy to bring around.. so in the end i did not buy... chose the cheaper and more practical option.. lol


Reiann.. tmr I'm gg to try to bring bb out aft his full mth..hopefully can get thru n nt heading to nursing rm always...Cos he drinks n falls asleep..

Mreow Mreow

Sorry meltie. Bad news.

My hubby is in Germany Munich now so he's supposed To get it for me but The Manduca shop is closed!!! :(

1 forum mummy stumbled unto another mummy doing mass order for Manduca & told me about it.
She started a thread at the bulk purchase corner in this forum!!
Go check it out?
Price is $190-$210


I have not decided if I wanna join the mass order or wait...


New Member
Lizzy, my boy also quite big. His birth wt was 3.58 now 7wks old 5+. so I dunno if still need the insert? How many wks and how heavy is your baby?


Active Member
Last night bb cranky again... :( At 9pm I latched her then hubby came back n we played w her a bit, she still seems quite good mood, then suddenly started wailing again. Then mil sees bb crying so bad quickly take over bb from me... Then when I go near mil I see bb kept looking at me n wailing I just feel like bb wanting me, then tell mil nvm I carry... But she keep "nvm nvm u go do other things eat something drink something I carry can"... Then bb kept wailing... Sigh... Then later on I finally persuaded mil to give bb to me... Then she quietened down a bit n started wailing again... I sang n walk n rock her n in the end played the "Mozart for my baby" YouTube clip on my phone as last resort... It worked again, for the third time!! Either that or bb already tired, wailing reduced to just sobbing n eventually fell aslp... But when I tried to carry her till she sleep deeper then put her down, she opened her eyes again >< this time she just quietly look around, looks v alert n awake, I was like omg. Put her in bed then she was quiet then ok.. Suddenly cry again >< is the wants latching cry (that is the only cry I can tell) so I latch her.. Then latch already she stil eyes big big >< hubby came n volunteer to carry her... Phew, finally! :) then he carried her till she's finally asleep... Around midnight.

My friend shared this with me so just to share :)
http://Mother-2-mother.com/pillowtalk.htm it says bb should not be trained to slp?! But fortunately my bb does follow her sleeping hours, at least at night she does. Phew~


At 4wks plus my boy still has no fixed routine. Although we more or less know his pattern like he Start his dat ard 530-630am and have a 4hr long slp everyday ard late evening time. However his feeding demand is horrible. At night can feed every hourly. Day time 2hourly for 110 ebm. But sometimes he can go up to 4 hrs with also 110ebm. So doesnt seems that the more Hr eats the longer he slps? Also any advice on how to train baby to shift his 4 hrs long slp at late evening to night time? And extend his feeding interval? Cos I tried to feed him abit more up to 140edm still wakes up 2 hrs later to feed. He hardly last for 3 hrs. And I not intending to increase his milk as most of the times with 110ml he can't finish all and fall back to slp. Tried to pacify him and coax him even offer pacifier to extend his feeding time but all don't work! Driving me nuts! And he always need to be carried pat and shh to slp. Read the baby whispere book that shh and pat is not a slp association? But rather to tell baby its time for slp.


Lizzy, my boy also quite big. His birth wt was 3.58 now 7wks old 5+. so I dunno if still need the insert? How many wks and how heavy is your baby?
my boy quite small as premmie only 2.8 when born last week 8 weeks @ 5.5 idk the current weight but he cant fit in the insert anymore :D
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Last night after bb 7pm feed, I noe she will cry for milk sometime around 9plus before gg to bed.. But she started crying for milk ard 8, so latched her.. She latched 5min and refused to suckle anymore.. Then 830pm another time, oso 5min.. Finally at 950pm, I decided to just give her EBM to knock her out.. After onli 30ml she refused to drink so I took bottle out of her mouth and she did a projectile vomit! I was in shock! It is realli a whole stream of milk coming out of her mouth, reminding me of the merlion.. And then she gave a realli priceless smile.. Poor baby! Hubby said I overfed her.. But I din force feed her, onli feed wen she demand ma.. Now feed her oso scared.. Scared she pull the stunt again.. :(


Yuen..I'm gg vivo later! Let's c n review.. nearly went berserk last night..bb cranky don't wana zzz n kept crying..don't wana latch on..makes me feel that I'm dry..no milk for him..cried this morning thinking that feeding fm could b more manageable In Terms of anyone anywhere can feed...but lack of LO bonding w me...am nt Sure what to do nw....depressed..


Lingz: yup that Merlion vomit is something my baby has done about 6 times to date. It's over feeding. I feed her exclusive bm and sometimes at night she still seems fussy and I let her latch and feed. Mistake. I'm now slightly better at recognizing when she's over full. I won't let her suckle on my
b but give her pacifier or just swaddle her and put her to sleep. And yes usually after the vomit she feels better haha. Poor girl.

Ahwang: stick to 3 hours first. 4 hourly feedin is kind of ambitious. I'm now doing 3.5 hourly feed in the day and she's doing fine with it. At night after her last feed at 9pm ill give her a dream feed at 11pm. She's been sleeping till about 5 am past two nights but in trying to get her to hold it off till 7am. So I just swaddle her and give her pacifier till she dozes and then I'll wake her up at 7am to feed. I'm soooo tired but will persevere. Sigh. Hope it works by tomorrow or Thursday.


Reiann, ur bb wun be fussy? Wen mine cries for milk, she wun be soothed no matter wat I do until I stuff my boobs or the bottle of EBM in her mouth.. If not she usually will cry the house down and scream till she got no voice.. Sighz.. Even my hubby call her xiao ba wang.. :(


Hi reiann, it hard to make him last for 3 hrs. As he wakes up 2 hourly... And can't coax him to wait for another hour. I also give him a dream feed (he automatically wakes up for one ) between I go to bed but he still doesbt slp longer than 2 hrs so envious urs can slp up to 5am... Mine wakes up ard that time and start his day


Active Member
vern im giving bb 100% fm now, i already stop bm cos im drying up plus stressful past few days, its been 5 days since i stop ebm.
icic... bb getting lots of nutrients from ebm n then fm! ^^ i'm sure the weight gain is all mummy's effort~ fm or bm still good, as long as bb healthy n happy!! :)


Sweat.. My gal has been cranky since this morning, refuses to sleep despite she is feeling sleepy.. Always wan to be carried. Now I am trying to play Mozart for babies, hopefully it works for her...