EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Okay thanks alot! I guess I'll just stick on with normal pads, I cannot stand thick pads also! Thanks for the well wishing, hope every mummies here have a nice day! :)


Just a mom: I find it easier in early days of going out to nurse in nursing rooms. So plan where you want to go and make sure the mall or whatever place you're going has a nursing room. Then time your activity there... Yeah my baby is v easy to handle and bf when out. Feeds quickly and easily sleepy when out.


New Member
Okay thanks alot! I guess I'll just stick on with normal pads, I cannot stand thick pads also! Thanks for the well wishing, hope every mummies here have a nice day! :)

hi heartmich, i delivered natural w/o epi. i bought kotex adhesive maternity pads & Poise pads (thick and very long).
personally i find them good cos it actually cushions the wound cos of the thickness, and first few days is really heavy, especially after and the next day.. i even stained the hosp bed bcos i kept turning, sit up and lie down and the waterproof mat doesnt position below my butt all the time..
so i think u shld get a pack of those thick ones. the pack from hosp was not enough to last me a day, cos after delivered, nurse straight away attached 3pads to my undies... =) hope this helps


Meltie and Reiann - thanks !!

Meltie - I know what ur talking about with drops.. It's so important that it stays inside and it's so difficult to do that. When i gave my baby the probiotic drops she made a funny face but she always swallowed it, but now i think because of the quantity and number of different syrups she has, its really difficult to give it to her. I tried the medicine dropper it didn't work for me, and just use the spoon now, I've got a medicine spoon where you can measure the quantity and then give it. The spoon helps for me cos my daughter is a big spitter, so everytime she spits it out I have the spoon to push it back in her mouth. And now she's becoming smart everytime anything goes near here nose or lips (apart from my nipple) she just puts her hand over her nose.

Felicity - I'm gonna try ur way of using the syringe later today.

I have nursed in public twice so far lol, once in the cab cos my baby would just not stop crying, and once in ikea in the customer service area with a lot of people around. I wanted to use the nursing room, but I read that there's only one room dere and its not well maintained. So jus took out the nursing cover and fed her. Lol.. And my baby also sleeps really well outside, she just needs to get into the car seat or the stroller and in five to ten mins she falls asleep. I guess it's cos I always feed her before going out so her stomach is full n that helps..


Kary, hope ur bb recovers soon! Meltie, hope ur bb get better soon too! Wen the bbs get less cranky, maybe we should have a meet-up session for all Sept bbs and their mummies! :D

Reiann, I haven given u a review of my manduca carrier.. My girl dun like it.. Sighz.. She's terribly fussy wen she's hot and I tink she's really hot in the carrier.. And due to the closeness, she's snug against my chest, the close proximity to my nipples just made her wan to latch even though it's nt quite feeding time.. Then she will try to latch (though I'm wearing clothes).. She noes the nipple is there but she can't access so she got terribly cranky and start wailing.. Then hubby kept saying she's so cramp in there and told me to stop torturing baby.. Sighz.. So din realli try the carrier with bb often to get her used to it.. :(

Yuen and Felicity, me too! My fussy baby likes to be carried! And even if I carry her sitting down, she dun like.. I Mus carry her and walk around the house and rock her gently oso.. Sometimes I try sitting down and rocking her but she jus wun buy it.. I especially hate it wen she does this at night, refusing to sleep after feed.. I once carried her and paced the house for an hr, singing to her softly before she settled down to sleep.. Sighz..


Active Member
Haha yup kary when feeding her the probiotics I just use the bottle n not syringe so she likes to push out w her tongue.. Just now I fed her when she's in good mood, she just stun a while maybe cos the drops r cold, then chew chew a bit to taste, then push a bit but push out only like one drop so I'm happy cos I think when she chew chew she swallow most le haha.. N she nv struggle, only made a funny face :D I tried the probiotics b4 I gave her for the first time :p it's like no taste one but bb maybe more sensitive, anything that doesn't taste like milk they will give a funny face lol... Hope ur bb gets better soon!!

Heartsmich yup wish u smooth delivery!! :)

reiann that's good :) my bb so far when we bring her out w stroller she will stay inside but after a while wants to be carried.. So far she doesn't fall aslp in it :/


Felicity: use your ergo! Yup my baby doesn't stay aasleep long in the stroller but that's why I always bring my Manduca along. Plop her in it and she will quieten!

Kary: your klittle one is hilarious!!

Lingz: sorry to hear :( wwhy not use the Manduca in mall or very cold areas? I also try to wear v thin clothing when using Manduca...


Thanks Lingz and reiann! i'm trying my best to cope! hope bb's better from now on! I already cut back on alot of sensitive food, eat simple.. just steamed fish... hmm just fed bb all the medicine just now after bathing her.. puke alot of the gripe water out.. and motilium seems to taste the most awful... :/

Yup we sept mummies shall arrange for a gathering! Haha

Hey, my baby only wants to be carried with walking.. sometimes must rock harder.. i dance waltz with her.. sigh when all else fails, u try everything to soothe haha.. i think her colic makes her dependent on movements to soothe.. now normal fussiness oso nee to rock ...


I got an ergo as gift but no insert... Guess i'll stick to sling.... My girl usually falls alseep in it...

btw when my girl gets fussy n cranky sometimes instead of latching non stop i let her sleep on my breast... This is wat e lc tot me... N this works for me la.. At least i dun overfeed her


I got an ergo as gift but no insert... Guess i'll stick to sling.... My girl usually falls alseep in it...

btw when my girl gets fussy n cranky sometimes instead of latching non stop i let her sleep on my breast... This is wat e lc tot me... N this works for me la.. At least i dun overfeed her
i bought insert but baby too big for it already, maybe can sell you for half price if you're interesred, i never used it just try and bavy too long for the thing


Rodorsany, u let bb sleep on breast she wun wan to latch meh? Mine does even though nt feeding time.. It's like she can smell milk and just cannot leave the milk there, must latch (even though I hav my clothes on)..


Thanks lizzy.. I was thinking here very hot... N my girl scare hot one.... Thus hb n myself decided not to buy.. Will use sling then when she grew bigger will.use it.. Anw she's 4.5 kg since last check.. ;-)

I do let her latch but awhile after she stops suckle or fell asleep.. I gently pull out n let her sleep on my breast... Skin to skin works best... For my case cox bb can.latch forever n choking then spit.. Which is heartbreaking... So i do it gently.. Now somehow if she cranky.. She suck say 5mins then i let her sleep on my breast... Left side better i assume due to my heartbeat which is something very familiar to her


Rodorsany, looks like Chicco only can be used when baby grows up..

Yesterday we went out with bb using quinny buzz, but she refuses to sleep in it, she even spit out milk as she just finish drinking. End up carrying her..


Active Member
I got an ergo as gift but no insert... Guess i'll stick to sling.... My girl usually falls alseep in it...

btw when my girl gets fussy n cranky sometimes instead of latching non stop i let her sleep on my breast... This is wat e lc tot me... N this works for me la.. At least i dun overfeed her
The last I use ergo w insert... Now bb over 5kg le but I feel like using it until her neck more stable... However I really seldom use it... Maybe when I try to go out alone then use it...

My girl also loves to latch till doze off n use my breast as her pillow... Hee..