EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Reiann: ur bb last feed at 9pm and how many ml u give for dream feed? My gal last feed ard 9-10plus and for past few days she always wake up at 2 or 3am then 6 or 7am. nite feeding i give her fm.
How to train her to Skip the 2am feeding??? Need advice pls..


I try. If its like 20 mins before her next feed obviously I'll just feed. But less than 3 hours I'll do anything to distract her. Swaddle. Carry. Shush pat her. Pacifier. Somehow she isn't that bad in the day. I Think it's also impt to differentiate her cries. Most of the time it's just gas or reflux or wet diaper cry not hunger.

I just want the 5am feed pushed to 7am


When u mommies say that you dream feed do you feed your baby in the lying down position or sittin up? I've tried doing this, but lately I've always been feeding sitting down and my baby wakes up most of the time. I don't lie down n feed anymore cos she jus keeps bringing out so much milk..


Ahwang: my baby has her moments, trust me. She's almost 6 weeks.

She grunts a lot at night, waking me multiple times. And bcos I've been wanting her to wake at 7am to feed, I have to stay up when she's up at 5 to shush her, etc. I'm exhausted :(


Reiann u haf such high perseverance. Mine will cry at the top of his lungs until face almost going to burst with redness and voice hoarse. And he doesn't like pacifier. Always spit out when he suck and realise no milk. So I ended up having to give in and failed to let him last longer. Also he seems to have prob falling asleep wheb wide awake. I have to carry him, shh pat for hours before he can slp.


My gal too refuses pacifier.. When she cries she really will wake up everyone in the house.. Let me try tonite see can skip the 3am feeding. My gal is exactly 4th week today..


My girl does not want the pacifier too. I've only tried to give it t her once.. When she realizes there is no milk, she cries and spits out the pacifier.

justamom, I was at vivo today and tried the nursing room.. All was well, until I saw a little cockroach in the room! I have great fear of these creatures, so I was staring at the roach the whole time, making sure it doesn't come near me! I was also looking around to make sure the mummy roach isn't nearby! Halfway through, I decided to leave the nursing room, and continued to feed bb using the public seating area, with the help of my nursing cover.

reiann, didn't know the nursing apron is so ex, but so far, it's served me well.. So I think it's money we'll spent if it does the job for you too. I don't think I'll be able to latch baby in public without this nursing apron, since I'm not so pro at latching by yet.


Justamom, have u tried pumping to see if you have milk? Or do pumping after breastfeeding to induce more milk supply? Hang in there, breastfeeding can be a huge challenge for many ladies.. Of course at the end of the day it's a personal decision and if formula is the way to go for you, don't let anyone tell U otherwise..


Yuen...I was at vivo today too! Terrible! I was literally running to find nursing rm! Was feeding outside like at least 5 times for period of 5hrs..changed three diapers! Lifespan for feed is very very short..couldn't even shop at all..bb cry n feed again Cos fell asleep half way latching ! What an experience... Sweat ..nt Sure hw to go out again nx time...


I used to pump previously when bb is being fed fm at night.. nw I directly latch..n afraid if I pump there will b low supply n nt enough for him to drink when he wants it....duno hw long can I last...


Justamom - Wow, sounds like a siong outing for you. Were u alone? Maybe next time u can ask someone to go with u. When baby does not need to feed, then your companion can carry baby so that u can shop? Good thing I had my mum with me today, so she was helping me a lot, and I could do some shopping. Otherwise it wld be tough as my baby did not want to sleep nor sit in the pram and had to be carried most of the time.

seems like ur baby really doesn't drink well and keeps falling asleep.. How many weeks is he?


My girl's feeding pretty routine... Every 4hrly... N i pump every 3hrly latch at night.... Alt bet fm n ebm...

Tough but worth it... Usually last feed abt 9pm then will last her till ard 2~3am.. I will latch n it will last her 2 hrs as usually she only latch 1 side.. Then 5+latch again till e next btl feed...

Super shag...


So envious.. Wen my girl latches, she doesnt drink enuff to last her tat long.. usually 1hr later she will cry for milk again, sometimes less.. Wen she snoozes on my breast after 10min, I tried stroking her cheeks, tickling her feet, patting her buttocks and try to shove my boobs back into her mouth and she will just purse her lips real tight.. Hourly latching is just too tiring so I always succumbed to feeding her EBM.. 20min feeding EBM from the bottle and it will last her almost 3hrs.. If she can latch enuff to last her tat long, I prefer latching too.. Wash less bottles and pump parts ma.. :(


Yuen..Ya hubby was w me today.. but still hectic..always rushing to nursing rm Change diapers or feed somewhere..still cannot master feeding outside using nursing cover..have to check bb's latch n whether he can latch well nt..sweat...my bb is 4wks old..


My girl's feeding pretty routine... Every 4hrly... N i pump every 3hrly latch at night.... Alt bet fm n ebm...

Tough but worth it... Usually last feed abt 9pm then will last her till ard 2~3am.. I will latch n it will last her 2 hrs as usually she only latch 1 side.. Then 5+latch again till e next btl feed...

Super shag...
hmm u might wanna move bb's last feed to 11pm so she can last to 5am? My bb's last feed is 11+ (6oz) and can last him till 5am/6am.. Even i change diaper in between he's still asleep ;)


u ladies r perfect trainers .. :) even I on Fm .. my bb still wakes every 3 hrs for milk .. Hw to drag e time when babies actually crying for milk in e wee hrs ??


If any one of u r starting work then I think it's more xiong then ever.. After 1 mth confinement I alrdy thought I din hv ample slp cod mil n I take turn to tk care of bb... But now that I hv started work (since monday) I literally have only 3-4 hrs of slp a day.work from 9-730pm reach hm 8. Shower hv dinner then latch bb at 10. Coax bb n rest with bb for 1-2hrs (cos i take over the night shift to tk care of bb so that mil can hv some rest) then bottle feed him at 12. He finished his milk after 45mins then burp him. Now pumping.. Later still hv to wash all the bottles n parts... By then 3am. Have to wake up at 630 to pump first before work...

My eyebags r getting wort then ever.. I try to latch at least once co I dun wan bb to forget mummy's smell! I dun intend to stop n feeding breastmilk too althou it's really disruptive at work (hv to pump twice-one at 12noon another at 5pm) carrying the pump bag also no joke. So heavy ( I m using the medela advance,maybe shld hv invested in freestyle-lighter)

Bet u gals all start work only next yr? So Gd.. Wish I can take fil 4mths ML.
Really exhausted. Got once even feel like Fainting.. Think not enuff slp....