EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Anyone here will do 4D scan or tried it? It's best taken at 26 weeks and up. Please do let me know where and how much the cost for it, im interested to do it when i reach the right weeks, thank you!


today on my way home... took the lrt... it's full of pregnant women... i mean i'm literally standing in a sea of pregnant women! (of course, myself inclusive ><) now i'm very stressed! 7 years later sure very difficult to get a place in pri sch one! i mean... ya it's too soon to think about that. maybe i'll become one of those super kiasu parents... maybe i should make my hubby go do volunteer work already... haha... *kidding* :p
Ya.. Me too! See so many pregnant women around.. I dont even dare think about what happens 7yrs later.. Haha.. Shall take one step at a time.. :D


Well-Known Member
Anyone here will do 4D scan or tried it? It's best taken at 26 weeks and up. Please do let me know where and how much the cost for it, im interested to do it when i reach the right weeks, thank you!
I wanted to do for Iggy, but his position wasn't right, so gave up. LOL!


hey purpur,

I have been experiencing diarrhoea & constipation throughout..from 6 weeks till now week 10. I've been taking MC when it comes to me early in the morning.. i'll have afew episodes of diarrhoea, followed by 2-3 days of constipation , and back to diarrhoea and stomachaches again. :( I heard this is part of mirnibg sickness.. hope it goes away..

Today i just cam back from work and suddenly was under the attack of serious nausea, bloatedness, cramps, stomachache, body aches, etc.. still lying on bed, sick like a dog.. super giddy.. felt v breathless when i answered a call.. I just wish all these goes away asap!! Maybe its the week 10-12 worsening of MS! urgh..
Hi Meltie,

10 weeks nw, Me 2, taking MC for 5 - 6 days for Feb.. I either vomit or having diarrhoea.
I cant even slp well at night .. stomachache on & off .. so shag each day ..!!


Active Member
get well soon felicity :)
thanks! today it got worse :( but when i knock off the clinic near my place is closed already... i totally cannot even manage a croak, not to say talking... and my eczema is all over me... sigh. will cope and get over it! feeding on honey and porridge...

anyone gg for the baby seminar at ntuc auditorium tomorrow? and anyone blogging about your pregnancy journey?


Active Member
Ohhh.... *envies* I'm throwing up like no one's biz. There's always a 1st time for everything they say.. This is my 1st.. Boo!!! :S
hope u r feeling better already!! fortunately for me... i threw up but not very much. my body seems to be tuned to my working hours... so usually i threw up in late afternoon or on weekends... which is also quite frustrating!!

today sore throat and was coughing a lot, and ab does feel kinda crampy... i hope it's ok and just uterus expanding... mummies darlings, are your bumps showing already? i think i better get more clothes before i run out of things to wear as my pants and skirts are getting tight!



thanks! today it got worse :( but when i knock off the clinic near my place is closed already... i totally cannot even manage a croak, not to say talking... and my eczema is all over me... sigh. will cope and get over it! feeding on honey and porridge...

anyone gg for the baby seminar at ntuc auditorium tomorrow? and anyone blogging about your pregnancy journey?
i have not heard about that seminar thingy and yay i have doc appointment tomorrow!!! drink juice rich in vitamin c and drink plenty of fluids instead, i think we ca have 1 strepsil once a day so it will help you a bit with your sore throat.. talcum powder/baby powder helps with itchiness for your eczema.. get well soon!


Active Member
i have not heard about that seminar thingy and yay i have doc appointment tomorrow!!! drink juice rich in vitamin c and drink plenty of fluids instead, i think we ca have 1 strepsil once a day so it will help you a bit with your sore throat.. talcum powder/baby powder helps with itchiness for your eczema.. get well soon!
thank u lizzy!

it's this one... Young Parents Baby Parenting Seminar 2012 | Young Parents - The valuable and trusted resource for young parents
i itchy finger go sign up... now hubby flying overseas in 3 days and will be away till end of march... made him v rush and he's already v busy so i think he wasn't really happy cos one whole saturday gone like that =/ and i'll be on my own (with PILs but most of the time they gg over to SIL's place cos SIL's hubby also travelling for work and she needs help with her 3 sons) for the next 3 weeks when hubby not around. gotta wake up at 5:30am to go to work early each day cos hubby not around to send me.


thank u lizzy!

it's this one... Young Parents Baby Parenting Seminar 2012 | Young Parents - The valuable and trusted resource for young parents
i itchy finger go sign up... now hubby flying overseas in 3 days and will be away till end of march... made him v rush and he's already v busy so i think he wasn't really happy cos one whole saturday gone like that =/ and i'll be on my own (with PILs but most of the time they gg over to SIL's place cos SIL's hubby also travelling for work and she needs help with her 3 sons) for the next 3 weeks when hubby not around. gotta wake up at 5:30am to go to work early each day cos hubby not around to send me.
aww that sucks, hope you can cope up with it then!


Hi Piglim, just asking if yours an ivf bb? Sometimes gynae do prescribe asiprin to thin down blood, nothing to be alarm. My gynae didn't prescribe folic acid (5mg) to me as I have lots left which was bought previously from Unity pharmacy. He told me can stop once reach 2nd tri.
Hi minakochang n all e ladies out there who replied my qns...
apparently I found out I m eating e cardio ribs as I had a miscarriage previously... ;(

Havent had time or mood to write in this thread cos I hvnt been feeling Gd. Thursday vomitted 5 times... N nowadays... My vomit is accompanied with more watery blood... Previously I had told my gynae bout this but she says it's normal... But u know it just completely freaks u out-fancy vomiting blood??!?
however yesterday (Friday) din vomit at all... Also dunno when e ms will stop. In fact I was telling hubby I had forgotten how it's like to be "normal"... ;(

Yeah! I will b getting my dreamgenii next wkend! Really hope it can help me with e sound slp n aches.

Will b meetin my gynae next thurs! Can't wait to see e progress of my baby! Everyone's so excited ESP my close friends after I made e announcement on mon ;)

Hv a great wkend ahead ladies! Jiayou!!!


Active Member
Piglim! hope ur MS completely goes away~ no more vomiting... vomiting blood is really terrifying! *big hugs* do feedback on ur dreamgenii after u've used it! ^^

everyone around me are so excited too... my next appt is 16 march, still a long way to go!

just went to see doc.. asked doc if my vigorous coughing will affect baby... she said 13 weeks already bb should be quite stable... really scared cos been coughing all day and night until whole body aching, including tummy. doc says i cannot talk in these few days, cos i hv a voice box infection which resulted in me totally losing my voice. also took some cream for my eczema which is flaring up at full strength. guess will be resting at home, so not going for the seminar anymore :( have paid for it and was looking forward to it...

lizzy thanks... i hope i can cope too... the next thing i need is to get a dinner kaki every night for the days my hubby's not around... otherwise just tabao home... really depends on my appetite also. these days i love to eat fish soup beehoon, pasta or sandwiches...