EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


done with my test and phewww cant belive they took so many blood off me lol! my NT scan was fast cos baby is in good position but i might go back for scan again cos baby still small and they couldnt get right measurement. gonna wait for th edoctor decision and blood test, if blood test is fie i might not have to :D


Active Member
hi Juan and lizzy!

i also dunno why oscar test will false alarm =/ but just happy that mine is low risk. but just now the gynae i see ask me abt detailed result i not sure, cos they only called and say low risk, i'm seeing Dr Tham only next Friday to go thru the results.

spent $178++ to have a peace of mind... went to a nearby gynae, Dr Chen Chern Yi, to hv a scan done. bb is well and quite active, she says bb is dancing... keke... now 10.8cm already. she gave me more lozenges, more cough syrup, vit C pills and 3 more days of MC cos i still cannot talk and should rest more. but i think i will go back to sch, tmr got other programme so not teaching, so should be ok, not strenuous. already on 2 days MC lor... dun want to skip work so much =/


New Member
Hi Felicity, looks like you are constantly having quite a tough time. Hope you get well soon and stay healthy once you recover.
Hi Lizzy, 28 should still be in the ideal age category. dont't worry too much. Remember Happy Mummy, Happy Baby.

I just acompanied my wife for the Oscar scan at Thomson Medical Center. Oh my, we waited like 3 hours for our turn. I almost flared up.
However upon seeing the ultrasound scan of my child everything was at peace. He/She has 1 hand behind the head and the other was rubbing his/her nose during the scan. His/Her feet slightly crossed in a very relaxed manner, "Kiao Ka" - in Hokkien. Like a image of someone lying on the beach relaxing. Sure knows how to enjoy himself/herself hur. :001_302:
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Hi Felicity, looks like you are constantly having quite a tough time. Hope you get well soon and stay healthy once you recover.
Hi Lizzy, 28 should still be in the ideal age category. dont't worry too much. Remember Happy Mummy, Happy Baby.

I just acompanied my wife for the Oscar scan at Thomson Medical Center. Oh my, we waited like 3 hours for our turn. I almost flared up.
However upon seeing the ultrasound scan of my child everything was at peace. He/She has 1 hand behind the head and the other was rubbing his/her nose during the scan. His/Her feet slightly crossed in a very relaxed manner, "Kiao Ka" - in Hokkien. Like a image of someone lying on the beach relaxing. Sure knows how to enjoy himself/herself hur. :001_302:
Thanks Radical, to be honest im a bit worried cos baby small for his/her weeks. They didnt tell me but i understood what theyre talking about cos they were talking in a diff language lol! But comparing the pics with the scan i saw earlier its normal, its just my baby is small for the measurement, anyway they let the doctor decide if ill come back for another scan, said if blood test is fine the scan shld be fine too :) and i have to be confident that my baby is fine! Cheers!


Hi all!

I just went for my gynae appt yesterday! BB very active, dancing inside.. now 5cm @ 11 weeks! So happy to see such a cute little bean! Hmm did some assessment and also they drew afew tubes of blood from me for tests. The bill together with the multivits, calcium and fish oil amounted to $500+! Big hole in pocket! Had to console myself that it's all for my bb.

I have been having stomachache every few days .. and stitches when i walk. On sun night i had stitches even when i was trying to sleep on bed, had to hold my left side of abdomen to sleep. Even breathing causes the stitch to hurt.. Wonder if these stitches are common...

I'm still getting nausea and it comes in an instant! Suddenly choked as i walked to the car or choke when driving halfway...gynae told me mine may last till 14 weeks... i hope morning sickness will leave me asap!

Jiayou all mums! We'll press through together!


Active Member
Thanks Radical! doc says when pregnant women fall sick, take longer to get well... i'm having a hard to to recover now. =/ do take good care of your wife! well i'm sure u will =) my hubby this mth away for work so i'll be on my own totally. next week my cousin will accompany me for gynae check.

i keep coughing until i will choke and gag and want to vomit. sigh. really having a hard time and it's not because of the baby! and i guess maybe cos of i'm sick, totally no appetite for anything in these 2 days. i've been surviving on wholemeal bread with cheese all day and night... i can finish one loaf in a day now ><


Hi Mummies.. have not been logging in recently cos been busy with work.. Seems like everyone has gone for their Oscar test already.. It's gonna be my turn this Friday but hubby's not going with me cos he can't take time off.. Boo.. :( Hope the test will go ok this Friday! :D

My nausea been getting worse these few days too.. Sobz.. Isn't it supposed to get better? And constipation is killing me too.. Anybody has any remedy?


I hope you guys will feel good after 16 weeks so we can enjoy our 2nd trimester!!! Done with OSCAR, Anomaly Scan next teehee!!!


New Member
My nausea been getting worse these few days too.. Sobz.. Isn't it supposed to get better? And constipation is killing me too.. Anybody has any remedy?
Try milk. The "output" may watery but it is better then being constipated.

Hey Felicity, hope you enjoy your dreamgenii. My wife likes it on the whole minus the part where you cannot turn over to the other side in the middle of your sleep.


Active Member

I am expecting the 2nd baby, totally different with the 1st baby.

Maybe because I am 33 now...

My mense is not regular and when I visit my gynae 3 weeks ago it can only see the sac, too early to visit. =p

Guess my baby should be around 10 weeks now, it only can be confirm when I visit my gynae this Saturday...


Active Member
Try milk. The "output" may watery but it is better then being constipated.

Hey Felicity, hope you enjoy your dreamgenii. My wife likes it on the whole minus the part where you cannot turn over to the other side in the middle of your sleep.
same sentiments as ur wife! i turn around a lot in my slp, now i dun hv the freedom to do it anymore, feel so restricted! once i turn i will get a big bump on my back ><

lizzy how's ovaltine malt? i'm drinking horlicks! it's my new craving... stopping milo/hot chocolate because of my bad sore throat which has been lingering and hasn't recover until today!


same sentiments as ur wife! i turn around a lot in my slp, now i dun hv the freedom to do it anymore, feel so restricted! once i turn i will get a big bump on my back ><

lizzy how's ovaltine malt? i'm drinking horlicks! it's my new craving... stopping milo/hot chocolate because of my bad sore throat which has been lingering and hasn't recover until today!
Ovaltine malt is fine and not so sweet but a bit chocolaty. are you using the pillow correctly? have you seen the video how to use it? at first im suffocated with it but when i saw the video and learn how to use it, it turn so comfy!


Active Member
yup... but when i'm slping i'll just roll over... not like move into proper place on the dreamgenii... so will suddenly hv the lowerback support stuck under me... >< i think will need some getting used to...


HI all.. i'm almost 12 weeks preg... but i have been forgetting to take my folic acids for the past 2 weeks...... is it ok???