EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Oh justamom really forgot the pic lol my bb still sleeping later i take photo when he wakes up and yeah better wait for the neck to be firm or use insert


lizzy2101:734124 said:
Oh justamom really forgot the pic lol my bb still sleeping later i take photo when he wakes up and yeah better wait for the neck to be firm or use insert
Lizzy.. So ur bb's neck firmed already? Approximately hw long can we expect Ah?My boy is at 2+ cmg 3mths time..nt Sure wanna buy insert nw or nt.. or Wait till at least his neck firms up.. Ya send me pic later..thanks in adv!


Justamom my bb 3 months 2weeks and i always practise him to stand up/ sit up for the neck. He's 7kg a week ago, i can carry him with one for several munutes :) think all bb has diff milestone, some early bloomer some are not, some skip some development some are on time. If you think your bb can handle neck with little assistant then should be fine in carrier without insert. :)


Meltie, u r doing great!! Baby Charlotte will definitely appreciate it.. Keep all the posts u have posted here in the forum and show it to her next time.. Haha.. U standby ur breasts when u tried bottle on her while I standby bottle when I tried my breast on my girl.. She just simply refused to latch.. Haha..

Ah Wang, great to see that u r getting some help.. I'm sure u will be happier!! Ya, I used to think what I have gotten myself to be in this state where all my freedom are gone, and have to deal with this little crying, alert baby. To think about it, hubby and I tried for almost 2 years after marriage before she miraculously appeared when we almost gg to seek medical help, and the kind of anticipation we have during the whole 9 months of pregnancy and the day she is born, how can I not accepting her existence. Before she is here, I thought I can handle everything myself. Aiyo, then I realized it's totally wrong and my mum laugh at me.. Haha, so, seeking help to make myself feel more humane..
Hope our babies will get easier each day!

My gal last night woke up 3 hourly again.. After her 11:30pm feed, thought can last her till at least 5am. Woke up at 2:30am for milk. Then again, I thought this time round can last her till 7am.. Failed, she woke up at 6am, crying and guess what, she refused to drink, she want to fart. So loud and then she relieved and smiled at me.. Haha, then I forced the milk on her. Don't waste..
Thanks erlina, eeney, justamom and lizzy! I am trying my best and staying positive! Right now my bb is back on bouncer slping.. trying to get her to slp more today as i heard a bb who slps well in the day will slp well at night? hopefully she won't wake up in the middle of the night again... hey erlina, how old is ur bb? how come start same pattern as my charlotte? 11pm, 3am, 6am... aiyooo ... i really hope our babies can sleep through the night! Just last week she was sleeping through from 11pm-5am, feed den sleep till 9am.... really hope she can revert...

hey justamom, yup we shld practice soon! =) Thanks for offering! Have u tried bringing out ur little one in car ride alone yet? =p

Hmm my hubby just said he can't take childcare leave coz he has not worked more than 90 days this year.. he's on scholarship to study.. only go back work during holidays... actually come to think of it, next year onwards my company also won't have childcare leave. It used to be that they give 6 days childcare and 4 days family care leave. I nv got to enjoy it though coz my company was bought over and merged.. next year start harmonising of benefits, everything cut...

hey ahwang, great to hear u've got some help! hopefully can regain some sanity.. hmm at least ur bb can take the bottle... mine gotta stick to me 24/7... still haven't fully accepted bottle from my hubby.. i don't dare to try myself.. may spoil the whole acceptance thingy....

By the way, as my bb pukes alot, she uses alot alot of burp cloth a day.. may i ask how u mummies clean the burp cloth? i throw into washing machine to wash with all her other clothes .. using baby laundry liquid.. but so far i think her burp cloth got smell... and the stains of milk stays on.. i got no time to sit down and scrub one by one.. any idea how to remove all the milk stains? do we soak? sigh hope my little one don't puke as much.... the smell of the burp cloth irks me, but she still chew and play with it.. gross.. anyway i bought a new pack of cloths liao... gonna change new ones!


Meltie i soak the cloth overnight before washing my bb use alot too cos i dont wanna use the one i used wif previous feed..


lizzy2101:734138 said:
Justamom my bb 3 months 2weeks and i always practise him to stand up/ sit up for the neck. He's 7kg a week ago, i can carry him with one for several munutes :) think all bb has diff milestone, some early bloomer some are not, some skip some development some are on time. If you think your bb can handle neck with little assistant then should be fine in carrier without insert. :)
I Think nw nt yet time for him to b in the carrier wo assistance ..but the bb bjorn also kinda no support for the neck..Think will Wait..meanwhile can use sling to sling him..but need rodosany help!


Meltie nt yet brought My boy out alone in the car!duno if can take his wailing or nt.. hope he b guaiguai.. My car juz came bk last Sun..maybe tmr gg bring him to My mum's place n thurs meeting My frd at vivo.. gg short short places n c hw first..ml gg end soon in Jan So must Enjoy a bit first..


First time bringing my boy out alone taking train to my mil house and staying over for dinner till my hubby back to send us home. He so busy and curious whenever it reaches every stop as he heard the


Meltie, my girl was born on 23rd Sept, a day before Charlotte? Ya, hope she can revert back to the sleep thru and not waking up again.. Ya, baby need to sleep well. After my girl manage to sleep properly in yao lan in the day, she started to be less fussy, though cannot stay long.. I tried to powder or wipe her at 9:30pm every night before rocking her to sleep, hoping to set some routine..
Meltie, my girl was born on 23rd Sept, a day before Charlotte? Ya, hope she can revert back to the sleep thru and not waking up again.. Ya, baby need to sleep well. After my girl manage to sleep properly in yao lan in the day, she started to be less fussy, though cannot stay long.. I tried to powder or wipe her at 9:30pm every night before rocking her to sleep, hoping to set some routine..

meltie.. charlotte born on 24th?!?! same as my gal!!! hahahha..


meltie.. charlotte born on 24th?!?! same as my gal!!! hahahha..
Yup! 24th Sept same as Cayleigh! :)

Hey lizzy, so do u scrub the cloth? mine got milk curds n stains.. :p

Hey erlina, yup i also roughly got a routine unless bringing her out till night.. normally wipe her after 2nd last feed.. but her 2nd last feed seems to be the fussy n wailing hr....

hey ahwang! So exciting! Ur bb might just be taking in the world... hmm maybe he'll slp better tonight?

Sigh my charlotte just did a super wail on me.. she suddenly woke up frm bouncer n cry non stop.. soothe her by rocking n distracting no use.. carry oso can stop her afew secs.. she cried in a crazy frenzy.. dunno why she wanna cry like that every time. 0.5hr to feed time.. sigh i just latched her... coz she was attacking my breast like a shaking addict... how to recondition her man.. she used to cry n give warning one.. nowadays no warning just scream n scream.... why cry until like that sia.... :p she champion liao....


Yup! 24th Sept same as Cayleigh! :)

Hey lizzy, so do u scrub the cloth? mine got milk curds n stains.. :p

Hey erlina, yup i also roughly got a routine unless bringing her out till night.. normally wipe her after 2nd last feed.. but her 2nd last feed seems to be the fussy n wailing hr....

hey ahwang! So exciting! Ur bb might just be taking in the world... hmm maybe he'll slp better tonight?

Sigh my charlotte just did a super wail on me.. she suddenly woke up frm bouncer n cry non stop.. soothe her by rocking n distracting no use.. carry oso can stop her afew secs.. she cried in a crazy frenzy.. dunno why she wanna cry like that every time. 0.5hr to feed time.. sigh i just latched her... coz she was attacking my breast like a shaking addict... how to recondition her man.. she used to cry n give warning one.. nowadays no warning just scream n scream.... why cry until like that sia.... :p she champion liao....
No just soak, i use kodomo liquid baby detergent u are breastfeeding/ebm baby powder detergent is best. I used to use pigeon baby powder detergent then kodomo baby lquid softener when i was breastfeeding.. Now since formula and easy to remove stains, kodomo or pureed baby will do :)


Hmm i carry him to sleep, he has vices too lol must swing before sleeping sometimes, when he's already asleep i put him like that.. And wait for him to wake up lol, he's still sleeping so i guess he will skip his 4-6pm nap :-D


Active Member
Wow! Many posts... Just back from a haircut n glad bb slept through it!! Cos am at my parents place, I didn't express any milk to freeze here, there isn't even a bottle here!! Haha.. I'm so worried that she'll wake up n wail for me while I'm away but luckily she slept all the way from 12+ till I'm back at 3+... She usually doesnt slp much in the day.. Maybe she likes my parents' bed! XD

Lizzy! Cute photo of bb Bruce-wannabe n ur sleeping bb!! Ur bb so good can slp so much in the day so u hv free time to do things! :D

My little girl drools so much that now she's permanently with a bib!! XD

Ahwang hope u'll feel better with the relief from ur mil! :)

Meltie oh dear, hope baby charlotte will get better over the days...

Some days I'm thinking... Now get tired of bb wailing and wants to be carried, one year later probably bb will be wailing to get out of our arms n run about!! Haha... So enjoy cuddling baby while it lasts (and while baby is at more manageable weight!)


sighh.. i'n here to rant again...

Don't know why my bb has become so impatient and crybaby.. her crying got no buildup one.. just wail to max and cry till stiffen like mad.. screaming n screaming.. i checked all is ok.. sigh she fed at 3.30pm and just latched her again.. could not console her at all.. not to mention try to get her to slp.. she did not sleep just now.. just keep talking and crying.. haizzz what has gotten into her? i'm going crazy trying to coax her every min.... my neighbors may think i am ill treating this screaming bb .. i already carry her n rock , still crying.. :/ maybe the witching hr starts early today..... i need a break ..... haizz hubby only home later...i hope can brig bb out for awhile.. maybe she's super bored cooped up in this house w me.... :(