EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Lizzy: Is the 11pm feed a dream feed?

My boy turned 3 month yesterday and his naps in the day are usually not fixed. At night he will get his bottle at 6.45 pm then he goes down at 7 and these days the last bottle will last him till 1am to 2 am. After which he will get up again at 3-5am for his 2nd feed then goes back to sleep till 7am. I am quite sure he can do away with the second feed which is habitual wakening but I am afraid that offering him pacificer will make him angry and ruin his night! Yesterday we went out in the night for a party and I fed him his bottle a tad early at 6 plus, hoping that he sleeps in his stroller but he didnt manage to have uninterrupted sleep. We came home at 10pm and he took a bit of milk then went to bed till 6am in the morning. 8 hours of sleep without getting up for milk is a record!

Now I am thinking if dreamfeeding him at 10-11pm actually works better on our usual day. Is it too late to start dream feeding now? And do we ever drop the dream feed?


Uttmama yes, when bb wakes up at 6pm nap he will sleep again 7 to 8+ lol then he will dose off 9pm or earlier with 4oz milk.. 11 pm i dreamfeed him to last him till 6am!


my son is 5.7kg n my mil said is smaller then other...but she gt to knw when he was born he is just 2.4kg...smaller then others liao...
I'm so pissed!! My company is like dun wanna give me my child care leave for this year and my remaining 8 weeks balance of maternity leave!! WTH...


eeneyminey:734010 said:
I'm so pissed!! My company is like dun wanna give me my child care leave for this year and my remaining 8 weeks balance of maternity leave!! WTH...
Fight for it!!!! I hack one... Even if i change job i'll make sure childcare leave all taken too!
rodorsany and lingz..

YAA!! ficked up man!! I'm a contract staff but i believe i'm still eligible on this. based on mom website, child care leave and maternity leave is not based on whether contract or perm staff, but based on whether the child is singaporean or not.. i'm a contract based but with yearly renewal and i have worked in the company for 4 years man!!


hey lizzy, justamom & rod, thanks for offering! Really appreciate so much!! Hmm just called my mil, she is bringing lunch down later.. not sure if she's staying to help.. normally she doesn't coz she needs to go back cook dinner n train her maid.. hmm maybe we can arrange something? Justamom, my car still w mil.. :/ hmm my place very inaccessible, near the duck rice stall at the 99 bends.. only got 1 bus 200..and mrt is 15mins walk.. hmm it'll be too tiring for u gals to travel here? Hmm maybe we shld do gatherings of afew of us on n off soon! Hmm i am so called preparing to go back to work by getting my hubby to train the bottle? I think my leave ends on 22jan and gotta be back on 23rd jan.. really dunno what is going to happen.. leave bb at mil? But she can't manage? hmm most prob i will quit i think.. just tighten up finances and maybe sell my car... :p currently looking to shift to hdb near mil area.. to be more accessible too..

Hmm this morn i was abit emotional.. woke hubby up at 6am , passed bb to him, asked him to rock her to slp.. she wailed like mad for awhile and the rest i dunno liao coz i dozed off.. woke up at 8.30am and saw hubby sitting next to bouncer with bb.. bb woke up at 9.45am for milk.. i got hubby to feed before he go out..strangely not much of a fight.. :p but drank 70ml out of 100ml... after that i just bathed her and put her back to the bouncer.. this is a different bouncer as my colleague passed to me yesterday.. its a automated bouncer.. can set the speed for it to cradle the bb to slp.. got sounds, got moving mobile too.. bb has been slping in it frm 11.30am.. thank God for it.. i could go clear my bowels... just had breakfast...... so hungry...

hmm i just hope bb goes back to her so called norm? Slp n play in day, rest at night, go down to slp at 11plus and wake up at 4/5-6am... sigh dunno what got into her to have so much energy to fuss whole night, wail till end of world, and den dun slp at all frm 3-6am...

Wah all ur bbs are so big! My bb starts her 11th week this week and is 4.9kg as i measured at home... :p maybe gals are smaller.. her height only 10th percentile.. :p

k she stirring liao.. gtg...


Meltie np from me to go to your place by cab cos nearby my place :) i can help you a bit afternoon time as bb nap for so long as long as its not hot :) maybe i can help massage charlotte's tummy or bottlefeed her while you do your things :-D dont hesitate to ask for help ya im free 12pm-5pm every weekdays cos hubby at work and bb naps for very long so i just waste time watching tv or surf net. :)


Mummies thanks for all the encouragement. I today gg to start bringing bb down to mil hse every other day to get some help.
Meltie, u r just great man with such fussy bb u r still giving advice and encouraging me ! Thanks very much and I really hope our bb will get better. Believe we can make it thru !
Lizzy I'm so so envious of u. How old is ur bb can slp so long in day and night ? Literally entire day is sleeping ? Where ur bb slps at ? Cot ? Pass some skills pls! or maybe ur bb is just born gd sleeper. Mine at most 1hr nap at a time. Keep waking up and fidget.


hey Angpq, i tried cleaning my bb's ears.. only outer ear w a small damp cotton ball just remove some dirt around the ear, not touching the ear canal...

Argh.. after last night's 2am waking.. my bb just woke up at 3am for milk.. what happened to her slping thru the night? i'm sooo tired.. she already cried whole night, not tired meh... thought she'll slp till at least 4 or 5am... :(
Thanks alot Meltie. Why she cry the whole night? :(


Meltie np from me to go to your place by cab cos nearby my place :) i can help you a bit afternoon time as bb nap for so long as long as its not hot :) maybe i can help massage charlotte's tummy or bottlefeed her while you do your things :-D dont hesitate to ask for help ya im free 12pm-5pm every weekdays cos hubby at work and bb naps for very long so i just waste time watching tv or surf net. :)
Thanks Lizzy!!! When i super tired i let u know ya? Great that ur bb can slp thru the day ! I hope mine slps more.. but she normally is up in the afternn threatening to cry by coughing.. at most nap 10-15mins... as for bottle hope she takes it! i always standby just in case she on strike... sigh..

Ahwang, lets jiayou! Our bbs may be fussy now, hope they grow up easy.. haha maybe i bring my bb find urs to fight it out.. see who win the fussiest award...

hey Angpq, i also dunno why she cry all night.. her crying spells quite regular - 7pm onwards.. sometimes consolablebut past 2 nights has been inconsolable... super jialat like i torturing her at home.. cry till scream high pitch n excessively! Hubby n i rock n rock, try bouncer, toys, etc... changed diapers, clothes, put ruyi oil, etc all done but she just wana cry.. i hestitate to latch coz not her feeding time... but when i gave in n let her latch, she drinks like mad n bites alot w her sharp gums.. :( my nipples are sore at the base.. some lesions n bleeding abit.. ouch.. :( just now when i pumpas hubby fed, wah the pump made my nipples so painful!!! :( wonder how to rest my nipples..

Feeding my little one now.... :p


Mummies thanks for all the encouragement. I today gg to start bringing bb down to mil hse every other day to get some help.
Meltie, u r just great man with such fussy bb u r still giving advice and encouraging me ! Thanks very much and I really hope our bb will get better. Believe we can make it thru !
Lizzy I'm so so envious of u. How old is ur bb can slp so long in day and night ? Literally entire day is sleeping ? Where ur bb slps at ? Cot ? Pass some skills pls! or maybe ur bb is just born gd sleeper. Mine at most 1hr nap at a time. Keep waking up and fidget.
ahwang my bb sleeps on the bed wif me and hubby.. He sleeps on his tummy, he prefers it than on his back nap time on the bed too. Cos our bed has super soft mattress cover that isnt hot.. My bed sheets are all 200 thread count and all use for quite some time so it's really super soft, i think my bb likes it so he can sleep very well.. I havent tried to put him on his cot to sleep lol last time he slept there when he was still newborn now he is 15 weeks..(3 months 2 weeks). I normaly tire him out when he's awake like putting him on a gym mat for few mins, make him stand in my lap to practise his neck, put him to bouncer and chew teether and yesterday i introduce jumperoo, only 5 mins and assisted for him to get used to it.. I carry him and dance too lol so he is really KO after bathing :D
ahwang, maybe can try to let ur baby sleep on her tummy? like what lizzy said, my gal also can sleep very long if put on her tummy. normally i on aircon, make the room cooling and on the humidifier, on some night lights and i let her sleep on the bed, either my bed or my mum's bed. averagely she can sleep for a good 2-3 hours. on good days she can last up to 6 hours or even more.. i do not wake her up for feeding. i let her wake up on her own..


Meltie, u r doing great!! Baby Charlotte will definitely appreciate it.. Keep all the posts u have posted here in the forum and show it to her next time.. Haha.. U standby ur breasts when u tried bottle on her while I standby bottle when I tried my breast on my girl.. She just simply refused to latch.. Haha..

Ah Wang, great to see that u r getting some help.. I'm sure u will be happier!! Ya, I used to think what I have gotten myself to be in this state where all my freedom are gone, and have to deal with this little crying, alert baby. To think about it, hubby and I tried for almost 2 years after marriage before she miraculously appeared when we almost gg to seek medical help, and the kind of anticipation we have during the whole 9 months of pregnancy and the day she is born, how can I not accepting her existence. Before she is here, I thought I can handle everything myself. Aiyo, then I realized it's totally wrong and my mum laugh at me.. Haha, so, seeking help to make myself feel more humane..
Hope our babies will get easier each day!

My gal last night woke up 3 hourly again.. After her 11:30pm feed, thought can last her till at least 5am. Woke up at 2:30am for milk. Then again, I thought this time round can last her till 7am.. Failed, she woke up at 6am, crying and guess what, she refused to drink, she want to fart. So loud and then she relieved and smiled at me.. Haha, then I forced the milk on her. Don't waste..


Mummies here.. have ur lo neck firm yet?abt hw long we can expect them to firm up? For the ergo carrier if we don't use insert better to Wait till their neck is firmed up right??