EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Justamom: if bb is at home, her last Feed is 9pm and she can sleep most of time from 9pm till 3am and if I am lucky she can sleep till 5/6am. But if bb is outside, I will latch her on demand and latch her again when reach home till she sleeps..

Rodorsany, my gaL schedule is as follow: do u think she is underfed?
Latch on when she wake up for 2 first feed
130ml ebm bottle feed around 12/1pm
130ml ebm at 3pm
130ml ebm at 6pm
Latch on at 8pm till she sleeps.

I always have impression she is underfed..she is 11weeks now. She pooped every alt day but now she haven't pooped for 2days Liao :(


Lin ur bb putting on wt right? Like i say every bb is diff.. some big eater some small... dun worry... so long putting on wt n pooping will do... my girl sometimes poop once every 2 days... every once 2 days no poop...

Haha last thurs n fri no poop... then hb says on sat no poop cannot go out... she poop one big time... lmao


Active Member
Justamom.. The milk really taste like vomit ><

Now I sleep thru also no engorged :( bb keeps wanting to latch n sometimes hv to latch both sides to satisfy her, think really low on supply :(

But my bb can still poo a lot as usual >< or rather, poo a lot of times per day... Today already pooed 5 times!! But first three times like just one dot of poo on the nappy ><

Merry Christmas to u too Lizzy!! Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope all our babies enjoy their first Christmas too!! :D


Merry christmas to all of you here, your babies and your families...

looks like my littke darling is all excited about christmas too and she turned on her stomach fr the first time yday and today she turned three more times... Though after she gets on her stomach she can barely last that way for a minute amd then she starts crying for help to save her from that position..


Active Member
wow kary nice!! :D haha she's really excited~

my bb's over 4 mths n not turning yet >< but i'm totally enjoying the moment! :p guess now is the best time... nice, cuddly, chatty, not too tiny and fragile, and not worrying abt her flipping around, rolling off the bed or crawling into furniture yet... i'll enjoy while it lasts! :D


Ya im enjoying her size too now... soo cuddly and huggable now, and she can jus keep talkin non stop and soo loud. I can only imagine how much she wud talk as she grows older with words and sentemces...


Merry Xmas to all...just came bk from my aunty...took 3 glasses of white wine...the last time i touch alcohol was 1 and half yr ago LOL....feel so tired...


Baby was totally cranky these two days.. She wans to be carried all the time and hubby and me gotta take turns.. And she can't nap during the day cos she kept getting startled (arms suddenly flung out, eyes suddenly open wide and then wail loudly).. Swaddle her and she gets even more cranky.. In e end place her on my lap to let her sleep.. So tired.. Hope she gets better tomorrow!

Merry Xmas mummies and babies! It's been almost a year since this thread started! Let's keep sharing to keep this thread alive ya? :p


Active Member
nessa hope u had a great time! :D

lingz maybe carry her around in ur manduca? my bb also hv difficulty napping in the day cos she also will get startled easily... today she napped between daddy n mummy... all of us napped together. haha... i'm the one having difficulty sleeping cos weather so hot!

yea it's been almost a year~ i'm so glad i've found so many great mummy friends in this thread... let's continue sharing! :tongue:


Lingz my bb worst..nw only like to b married upright ..n worst..rejects pacifier nw.. when want Zzz I nurses him n he can fall asleep.. even replacing w pacifier also he knows.. v smart..wondering hw m I gg bk to work like that.. fainted

Merry Christmas everyone!


Active Member
Wah!! Nv take pic of ur little girl? Got dress up as santarina?

Last night n tonight nv slp thru the night :( latching her now. dunno is it Sunday stay out late make her timing haywire... Sigh~ :/


Nope... too hot... but dress her in green flowery romper...

Too busy prep then eat n cleaning up n rushing for my couplehood time.... les mis movie!


Merry Xmas to all and happy holidays. . Early morning my bb give me Xmas present by doing bb talk to me.. hehe.. I even got to record her voice. So adorable :D


Active Member
Doris wooo les mis! :D im watching w a galfriend in jan.. My hubby dunno how to appreciate musicals... Talking abt cny... My grandmother passed away this year (last among my grandparents) and everytime I asked my dad where will we be gathering for cny, he say dunno yet cos haven't discuss :/

Bbfeliz that's sweet! :D merry christmas!!!


Lin: I let baby latch one breast at first feed in morning. Then pump the other breast as it'd be too engorged if I don't pump. Second feed sometimes I pumP other breast if baby only feeds one side. By third feeding I don't pump cos baby usually feed both sides. Las night my last feed was 9.30pm and I went to bed early at 10 plus. Fed baby at 7.30am and it's fine. I don't wake myself in middle of night to pump. Hats just too tiring for me. But I make sure my breasts are emptied inthe day so milk production doesn't stop. This works for me.. I hope your milk production is fine!

Am in Japan now with baby. Not easy in the cold w a baby! And flights were quite tough