EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Merry Christmas to all! I've been super bz n tired going out almost everyday.. was having blocked nose and sniffing .. then on sat night i got diarrhoea.. lasted till yesterday.. 3-4 times diarrhoea a day.. had to still go out to shop for presents! And to bottle feed charlotte.. she seems to only drink properly via bottle outside.. :/

Now hubby striggling to feed.. she won't even suck at the teat.. keep protesting.. this morning at 3.45am and 7.45am, i latched her and she seems to love it so much.. suckled for more than an hr... refuses to unlatch.... till she fell aslp... :p jialat..

hey justamom, i suggest you should start training bottle soon! I'm still struggling ... stubborn gal.. nv accepted pacifier and bottlefeed depends on her mood and emvironment.... :p


meltie:740054 said:
Merry Christmas to all! I've been super bz n tired going out almost everyday.. was having blocked nose and sniffing .. then on sat night i got diarrhoea.. lasted till yesterday.. 3-4 times diarrhoea a day.. had to still go out to shop for presents! And to bottle feed charlotte.. she seems to only drink properly via bottle outside.. :/

Now hubby striggling to feed.. she won't even suck at the teat.. keep protesting.. this morning at 3.45am and 7.45am, i latched her and she seems to love it so much.. suckled for more than an hr... refuses to unlatch.... till she fell aslp... :p jialat..

hey justamom, i suggest you should start training bottle soon! I'm still struggling ... stubborn gal.. nv accepted pacifier and bottlefeed depends on her mood and emvironment.... :p
Meltie this Morning tried asking hubby give feed of 60Ml bottle feed So far Lucas is OK. Initially he rejects but after awhile gt liquid cmg out he starts to drink. Hw do u pump ? Wat kinda timings? Aft latch or? One breast feed other breast pump out? But won't b alot right?


Merry christmas everyone!!!

Justamom I dont think its advisable to pump for an hour, I remember the lactation consultant sed to pump only for half an hour and not more than 15 mins each breast at a time..

Reiann - aww hope u hav a better flight going bk to SIN... With Mikaela she was good on all flights that we've taken her so far.. The only prob is she can never slp in the bassinet. I guess cos its quite small and she likes swinging her hands all over when sleeping. On our fly from Sin to Mumbai she slept on my stomach for sometime and on mt hubbys for sometime.. But she did stay awake for about 2 hours of the six hour flight, and even though she was not crying she was very loud n noisy with her chatter..


Kary2500:740076 said:
Justamom I dont think its advisable to pump for an hour, I remember the lactation consultant sed to pump only for half an hour and not more than 15 mins each breast at a time..
Oh..only pump for 15mins each breast? But will only b v Little..Think nt enough for one feed.. hw huh? Any ebf mummy here can advise?


Justamom i dun pump so long if dual pump 15mins .. if single 30mins alt each breast after 7/8 mins ..

My girl increasing her intake soon will b ard 200ml... i cant pump so much... so will combine ebm. My max only 140ml..


Justamom, I noe how u feel! I can nvr imagine how other mummies can pump 15min and yet have enuff milk for their babies.. I'm one of the rare ones who pump more than 15min.. Im using a dual pump and I pump 30min usually.. If I stop at 15min, I tink I can max collect 50ml? Tat's too little! So I jus keep pumping 30min each session.. But sometimes I still see milk coming out after 30min, so I either hand express or if I'm lazy, I jus extend another 10min.. Haha!


Sighz.. Bb continues to be cranky.. Even if she seems to be in deep sleep, the moment I put her down she will jerk awake and wail.. Carry her until arms tired so I sat down on e bed and she wails.. Put her inside my carrier and due to the close proximity to my chest she keep wanting to latch (but feeding time is still 2hrs away!).. As a result, my blouse is all wet with her saliva.. So I gave up my pacifier fight.. Went to get the free Avent pacifier tat I got from buying the steriliser and pop it into her mouth.. She frowned and then started to suck away quietly.. Phew..

Mummies using pacifiers for ur babies.. Wat brand do u all use? Wat are the things to look out for wen buying a pacifier? Since I'm gonna let her use a pacifier I tink I better give her a good one tat doesnt interfere with any dental development.. The one I'm using now is Avent silicon soother which is a but flat..


Rodo /lingz: I'm using single pump..So have to take turns for each side..do u all pump aft feed?? Or empty the other side after latching ? Cos I'm afraid that aft pumping Both sides bb wants to latch then slow in supply..nw have time build up supply slowly.. if nt returning to work afraid no milk to drink..I'm also considering taking no pay leave till he reaches six mths Cos afraid that gg bk to work there is really no Time n environment to pump..then at least fulfill size mths at least.. then aft that wean him off..but still nt Sure if my Co. Allows..

Lingz for pacifier I bought the nuk latex ones..also I used the free gift from sterilizer but nw bb doesn't want use pacifier at all! Worst! Sometimes forcing will make him cry louder..btw dl, do u following schedule?I always give on demand..cos I'm nt Sure hw much Bb takes..So when wail till uncontrollable then I will offer him..shd I go on schedule or latch on demand?


Merry Xmas all :)

Ling/justamom: me too supply quite patethic, neve pump 1hr, longer only 30min, normal pump around 20min and can get 100ml max only every 3hr :( I latch one side and pump after that for every 3hr.

We just back from stayaction and luckily bb managed to sleep at nite :)

This morning let bb played water in the bath tub and this managed to make her concuse and tired for whole day.

Ling: maybe u can try to let ur gal to swim and she will be able to rest well.


Justamom, I only latch my girl for her night feed and the first morning feed (cos lazy to get out of bed).. The rest of the day I will jus pump and feed bottle.. After pump oredi not enuff milk for bb to latch le.. So if I intend to latch, I wun pump..

So envious of mummies who can take no pay leave.. I oso wanna but hubby dun allow.. :(

Lin, I brought my girl to babyspa to swim todae oredi.. The last time she went, she concussed for a few hrs after e swim.. But todae she jus snoozed 30min and now super alert.. :(


Justamon, think you gotta start a routine for Lucas on his drinking timing... Cause if you plan to go back to work soon, have to prepare him for bottle feeding..,
As for pumping, i use dual pump and pump at least 20mins to 30mins... Every 4hours... Only let my Isabelle latch at night for her dream feed.
Don't despair if after you pump and Lucas still wana latch, you let him suckle abit and your body will try to produce, though I heard that the milk maybe less nourished.. As compared to after a few hours... Try to start a routine so you can manage better


My supply also not alot, ESP after mastitis. Used to hav 100ml after 4 hours, not only ard 80ml at most, after hand express. I pumped for 15 mins each time, coz hubby will start complaining about entertaining my girl. He was telling me that mayb I should start considering fm for my girl coz after school term start, both of us will be busy and not so much time.. Plus my girl seem to prefer FM than BM. Always need to coax her to drink BM. Such ironic, one part of me really want to continue BF, the other part of me also hope to stop so that it's less tiring for everyone, in fact, as she don't latch..

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Think is a special Christmas for everyone as this year, there's an addition to the family, though, me and hubby miss the couple time too.. Haha..


Justamom, yeah.. Like Keatbear says, if u gg back to work then mus start a routine for Lucas oredi.. And oso train him to take e bottle.. Else it will be hard for the caregiver to take care of him after u go back to work.. That caregiver would not be able to let Lucas latch on demand..


Think for nw till I return work will try to latch him unless at night when he feeds n thereaft i pump other side n on wkends when daddy is able to feed him then I will go pump n store..cos Lucas feeds almost every hr in the day duno whether comfort sucking or when wan Zzz So need to Syckle.. I try to replace using pacifier but the smarto one knows..faints..
..day quite difficult to pump..as he needs my attention..his attention span v short..puts him on playgym he plays awhile then goes to suck his fists...


Lingz12:740162 said:
Justamom, yeah.. Like Keatbear says, if u gg back to work then mus start a routine for Lucas oredi.. And oso train him to take e bottle.. Else it will be hard for the caregiver to take care of him after u go back to work.. That caregiver would not be able to let Lucas latch on demand..
But what If he cries n cries ? Juz leave him to cry Ah?


Hmm.. Maybe for me it's easier cos I have nvr 100% direct latch before.. From the first week I oredi pump and store and in between latch my girl as and wen I feel like it.. From 2nd mth after CL goes, I mainly pump and store and onli latch my girl for night feeds.. Under CL, my girl was oredi on a 2hrly feeding schedule.. After CL goes, I jus slowly add on milk every other week to see if she can take more so tat she can hopefully feed at longer intervals.. She did cry for milk wen 2hrs is up but I try to distract her, play with her, carry her, tok to her etc.. If still cant, then I will feed her.. Drag a few minutes each time until it slowly became 2hr 15min, 2.5hr, 2hr 45min and now finally 3hrs (smetimes less, sometimes more)..


Justamom.. i stop latching bb when she is 12w4d. I pump n btl feed. Substitute with 1-2 feeds of fm.

U hv to try btl feeding soon if not u will b stressed out too.

Ling12 i use pigeon pacifier so far ok. Anyway i will take it out when she fall asleep. Sometimes she dun even need it.

Erlina just do whichever u feels best... u did ur best.. yes finding someone to help out when pumping can b stressful

I pump every 4hrs. Max 140 min 80 . But my girl drinks 190ml.... i dun usually pump beyond 20mins unless its been a long interval of more then 6hrs. But i will let boobs rest half a min or so b4 continuing.. rest is very impt.
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Well somehw like ling12 i used to latch night n morning n in bet as n when or outside if she wants.

Anw bb drinks every bout 5hrs n slerps thru for bout 10hrs