EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Is checking of cervix fast? I have heard that its the most uncomfortable experience ever. Im super scared for that..

Currently in my 38th week. Gynae mentioned that baby is already engaged since the past 3 weeks. Now waiting for popping time. She asked if i want her to check for the cervix dilation but i told her no. Kinda hoping that everything will happen naturally, either waterbag burst or experiencing real contractions.

Feel very tired these days and walking is extremely difficult. On hospitalisation leave since last week.


Hey mummies, im currently 38weeks , dueing in 9 sept 2012. I keep having somehow diarrhea this 2 days.. Anybody experiencing the same problem as me now? Am i normal? Am i going into labour soon?


Active Member
tummy contracted 2 and a half hours after inducing by drip. 12:53pm i gave birth with my premmature baby (36 weeks) weighing 2.852 :) he's healthy and so stunning! one mord plus to thank, i didnt hv episiotomy :p
Wow no episiotomy! Wow wow! And although premature, that's a healthy weight!! Congrats!!

And welcome all new mummies to the sept club! :D

Now i smell like milk all the time ><


Is checking of cervix fast? I have heard that its the most uncomfortable experience ever. Im super scared for that..

Currently in my 38th week. Gynae mentioned that baby is already engaged since the past 3 weeks. Now waiting for popping time. She asked if i want her to check for the cervix dilation but i told her no. Kinda hoping that everything will happen naturally, either waterbag burst or experiencing real contractions.

Feel very tired these days and walking is extremely difficult. On hospitalisation leave since last week.
Fast but uncomfortable and I just went to do some research after getting checked this morning. Some think it is totally unnecessary (come to think of it, I agree as well). I have been having bloody discharge since the check and I am not sure if it's mucous plug. :( probably the check up has kinda dislodged the plug, not sure.


The check for cervix dilation sounds uncomfy and painful.. :( Do all gynaes perform this check? I'm gg for my 37 week appt on Thursday.. Dunno whether gynae will conduct the check not.. :(


Jesskoo, haha.. I'm still pregnant la... Baby still inside me.. It's lizzy that has given birth.. Hehe....

Anyway, when Gynae check for my dilation $3 said something that he's going to stretch me... I was in blur so I din ask him what's that and said ok... That's all... Hahahahaha


Alpha Male
Hi Mummies! Hope I'm not too late to found this Forum. My EDD is 25Sept. And this is my #2. Just delivered my #1 last year at Mt.E. Anybody at Mt.E as well?
My #1 was delivered at Mt.E, 2nd one due already, shld be arriving to this world latest by next week.


Mummies, I've been having contractions whole night... Can't sleep already now... Been tracking my contractions time... Should I go to hosp already? My water still haven't burst

5.07am - 5.09am
5.40am - 5.41am
5.50am - 5.51am

These are my contraction times... Think it's 10 mins interval already


Active Member
I think just go? That time I had frequent contractions like urs, in an hr's time already got bloody show n water bag burst, then rush down to hospital delivered in 2+ hrs.. Dunno each individual will take how long for labour one so I suggest better go bah... Smooth delivery nlipeng!!!


Lingz12:686245 said:
The check for cervix dilation sounds uncomfy and painful.. :( Do all gynaes perform this check? I'm gg for my 37 week appt on Thursday.. Dunno whether gynae will conduct the check not.. :(
i didn't check for dilation for my 1st pregnancy, everything just came naturally after 39weeks.


yea u better go, when my contraction arrived 10 mins apart and pain last 20 sec in between then when became 2 mins apart i wanna push already! better u feel the urge to push in hospital!

felicity: my baby havent drink bm to me yet, try to latch but he just suck a bit and sleep, maybe he's premmie so always wanna sleep mah, when did ur milk came out? i still havent feel anything :-( (1st time to bm)


Active Member
My bm comes 2 day after delivery... Nvm just try to let bb suckle or pump n massage also... Now I can pump around combined 90 ml per session. But left side always lesser then right side.. Later ask my massage lady if got blocked ducts.

Oh ya I engaged a malay lady for post natal massage. Mdm Suria, intro by a friend. She's v good n after my first massage really loosen up the tight muscles n even soften my rock hard breasts. Wrapped my tummy but still loose loose flabby flabby... However one time only la and I'm flabby in the first place haha... Later will hv my second massage in the morning b4 gg to visit bb in TMC.

I didn't hv dilation check b4 also.. My friend told me 37th week onwards will check but my gynae didn't even in my last visit on 38th week. Maybe cos that time from the scan is still "almost engaged" but not totally engaged yet... Though I delivered 2 days later. :)


nlipeng:686377 said:
Ya... Am going to hosp now... Had bloody show already now... Haha.. Super kan cheong already... Let u guys know
So exciting! The more mummies popping just make me more nervous in anticipation of my own.. hee.. jia you nlipeng! :D


Mummies that given birth recent days, would like to know did u all measure ur weight after birth ?? Stomach gt smaller by half after birth ?? :)


felicity:686381 said:
My bm comes 2 day after delivery... Nvm just try to let bb suckle or pump n massage also... Now I can pump around combined 90 ml per session. But left side always lesser then right side.. Later ask my massage lady if got blocked ducts.

Oh ya I engaged a malay lady for post natal massage. Mdm Suria, intro by a friend. She's v good n after my first massage really loosen up the tight muscles n even soften my rock hard breasts. Wrapped my tummy but still loose loose flabby flabby... However one time only la and I'm flabby in the first place haha... Later will hv my second massage in the morning b4 gg to visit bb in TMC.

I didn't hv dilation check b4 also.. My friend told me 37th week onwards will check but my gynae didn't even in my last visit on 38th week. Maybe cos that time from the scan is still "almost engaged" but not totally engaged yet... Tho ugh I delivered 2 days later. :)
is your baby stay in thomson? mine need to stay in hospital cos of jaundice, im checking out tomorrow but baby needs to stay till sunday... :-(