EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi Lingz12, regenz and memory, thanks for sharing ur advice! I'll try the cold compress/water when i itch.. Hmm today my itch spreaded to under armpit area all the way down to waist and hips.. my wrists and inner arms too.. :( I scratch like a gorrilla.. It's our last lap.. jiayou jiayou jiayou!

I have a gynae's letter that i am told to carry with me together with the pre-admission letter in hospital bag. I peeped into it, therems this box that my gynae ticked 'shaving required'.. i'm wondering if they'll do it.. I'm planning for natural delivery with epidural..

Any mummies bought baby carriers yet? I'm looking at Manduca carrier.. costs $200+.. wonder if Ergo is better? Any comments?

Also, i'm looking for a sterilizer (my friend wanted to pass me but until now no news, so i thought i may as well invest in one). Should i go for Avent, Pigeon or TommyTipper? Any recommendations?


I went for my appointment today and it was gooood :) but yea the doctor just checked the water level and the placenta and everything was good.. The baby is quite low as well.. He didn't check the baby's weight and I didn't ask too, cos that gets me worried :D ... Had to go to labor and delivery to be put on the monitors to check the baby's heartbeat and my contractions.. Everything was normal, and the doc was like baby is happy inside will probably take 2 more weeks for her to come out. I got all excited when I went into the L & D room, and thought I was ready at that time to have my baby.. But yea when the real thing is happening I'm probably gonna be screaming in pain...

Thanks everyone for sharing your views on the diapers.. I think I'll get the goon diapers, cos come to think of it I guess my stock that I have will probably just last for two weeks.

Piglim when you say your using cloth diapers, what type are they? Is the moo moo kow or bum wear ones or the white cloth like traditional ones? I'm planning on using cloth too, but not for the beginning, cos Iwill be doing everything for the baby by myself..


Alpha Male
My boy now 39 wks....still ba long long inside his mummy's tummy.
We told him if by 9th Sept 2012, he is not budging...we are "going in"


Active Member
Wow v excited for u gals!! I'm all shagged out feeding bb... Think it's a growth spurt... She's latching nonstop!! Zzz I need slp... Now I really miss pregnancy when she was so much easier to manage! :p

All mummies if need induce dun worry k, ur gynaes will be there n u r in good hands... Jyjy!!

Kary great that ur appt's good! :) I using the traditional nappies now because I'm told modern cloth diapers may be too big for newborns... I do hv cloth diapers from bumwear, will use after confinement.. If u r planning to use later then I think can str away get cloth diapers? Save the hassle of folding the sq cloth nappies also, but much more exp la!

Meltie I hv an ergo carrier, gift from my cousins. I haven't used though so no feedback on it yet. Im using pigeon 3-in-1 sterilizer, so far so good. Need to do weekly maintenance w juice from half a lemon though. Not sure how's maintenance for other sterilizers..


Wow very excited for you gals!! I'm all shagged out feeding baby... Think it's a growth spurt... She's latching nonstop!! Zzz I need sleep... Now I really miss pregnancy when she was so much easier to manage! :p

All mummies if need induce dont worry k, your gynaes will be there n you r in good hands... Jyjy!!

Kary great that your appt's good! :) I using the traditional nappies now because I'm told modern cloth diapers may be too big for newborns... I do have cloth diapers from bumwear, will use after confinement.. If you r planning to use later then I think can str away get cloth diapers? Save the hassle of folding the sq cloth nappies also, but much more exp !
Felicity - you keep updating the forum these days in the weee hours of the morning.. Get some sleep during the day atleast, when you just finished feeding allow your mum to watch baby and you just sleep. I want my baby to come out fast, but at the same time I'm really scared about the sleeping part cos when I dont get enough sleep I am a really cranky person.

I got a couple of those modern diapers, but yea even I thought they may be too big for a new born. So got the white square cloth ones too, just dont know if I will use them though, cos all the folding is so boring.. But at the same time dont want to use the disposables permanently cos too expensive in the long run.. I guess i'll just go with the flow after baby arrives and decide on what to use when.


Went for my check up on 37weeks 4days on tuesday........baby weight at 2.65kg. Gynae said bb weight is normal, water level is good...bb head is down but not so low yet...so probably 1 more week.......I hope he can hold on after 39weeks.

Felicity and other mummies whom just gave birth, are u on full breastfeed? did you bottle feed with breastmilk or substitue with formula milk in between? i hope i can on full breastfeed this time round.........:) but again sounds scary to feed every 2,3hours including night feeding as well. (Didn't managed to fully latch on for my 1st kid....only pump and formula feed)



I'm at week 38, but have bought several dozens of square cloth diapers, which I have to fold myself and wrap around my babe. I hear that newborns poop and pee very, VERY, often, so it's definitely more economical to use cloth than disposable. And as they need diaper change so often, traditional square cloth diapers are easier to wash and dry than modern cloth diapers (which are like the disposable but in cloth), which can't take too much washing etc. So I'm sticking to the traditional square cloth diapers (called 'flats') for the first few months, then will get those cloth pocket diapers with inserts later on (e.g. bumwear, moo moo kow, etc - still undecided which brand). I can even use the traditional square cloth diapers as extra inserts.

I ask about disposable diapers cos I'm afraid I won't be able to cope with cloth when I head out with the baby. plus, I've already bought so many cute little one piece rompers - I'm afraid cloth diapers mean she won't fit into them! haha.

going for my check up soon.

all the best you all!


hey mummies, i had thought of using cloth diapers (those traditional ones). Consulted most of my mummy friends, almost 100% told me to just use disposable diapers coz totally no time to conpete with baby's laundry, feeding and other more important things... they also asked if i mind scrubbing off the pee and poop that stained out of the liner onto the cloth.. need to soak and den scrub, very time consuming.. maybe most of my frens are modern mums.. they adviced me to spend abit more to use disposables to save the hassle... Not sure how the new mummies feel..

I have stocked up about a month's supply of huggies NB.. estimated about 8-10 diaper change a day.. keeping fingers cross that wun have nappy rash or diarrhoea.. haha


@meltie: it depends on what kind of help you will be having. obviously in terms of convenience, disposables win hands down. that's why they are so popular. but not only for environmental reasons, but cost saving reasons.. cloth are the way to go. but yes it really can be done only if you have help or if your baby is an angel and somehow you have the strength to do a lot!

I have a wonderful helper so she can help with scrubbing and washing the cloth diapers daily. otherwise, I doubt I can do that, though I might still try. it just is cheaper - my few dozens of cloth diapers and three snappi fasteners cost about SGD$90 in total. they would last me more than a month - they can be reused for many other things (inserts when the babe is older, for second child possibly etc).

I hear it might be more than 8 - 10 diaper change a day. could be up to 12 or more...
and of course, cloth diapers reduce the odds of diaper rash a lot!
I think if you have CL or helper that can help with the washing it should no problem with using cloth diapers. My mum also bought some cloth diapers (traditional kind) for us to use. But she just had a carpal tunnel operation recently, and her hand like swollen now, so i dun really want her to wash things with her hands at least until everything is fully recovered and normal. The plan of using cloth at day time and disposable at night time, made me bought really less of NB size diapers. I only have 1 pack of mamypoko n huggies for NB size.. I have tons of S size one though. Hopefully baby can gain weight fast and just use the S size one more.. lolz..

Btw, from a friend whose baby had jaundice recently, she mentioned that she changed diapers 16x a day max. Averagely around 12-16x a day. I think because she tried to keep feeding the baby so that the baby can pee and poo alot more often to clear out the jaundice. and plus, she changed the diapers often too, so that no rash. So far the baby still rash free despite wearing disposable all the way after around 2 wks plus of give birth..

So i think if u wanna really have precautions for jaundice.. better to stock up alot alot alot..
Hi Lingz12, regenz and memory, thanks for sharing ur advice! I'll try the cold compress/water when i itch.. Hmm today my itch spreaded to under armpit area all the way down to waist and hips.. my wrists and inner arms too.. :( I scratch like a gorrilla.. It's our last lap.. jiayou jiayou jiayou!

I have a gynae's letter that i am told to carry with me together with the pre-admission letter in hospital bag. I peeped into it, therems this box that my gynae ticked 'shaving required'.. i'm wondering if they'll do it.. I'm planning for natural delivery with epidural..

Any mummies bought baby carriers yet? I'm looking at Manduca carrier.. costs $200+.. wonder if Ergo is better? Any comments?

Also, i'm looking for a sterilizer (my friend wanted to pass me but until now no news, so i thought i may as well invest in one). Should i go for Avent, Pigeon or TommyTipper? Any recommendations?

I got manduca limited ed from a spree, cost me less than $160. You can try ergo or beco brand for comparison, boba one also not bad. I like beco gemini actually, but because this spree makes manduca one cheaper, so i just go for it. Beco gemini i think cost almost $180 on the last expo fair.

I'm using pigeon 3-in-1 now.. havent really play around with it, only tried to sterilized breast pumps before..


I m using those traditional cloth (fold into sq kind) then put diaper liners on top (so as to collect e stool n easier tto wash cos just throw away e liner) then use those bums wear to wear over (machaim like brief) cos if baby pee can wet ur clothes when breastfeeding. With that as protective cover I dun need to worry.

I breastfeed as much as I can but sometimes too tiring just pump. But from 12 midnight all e way till 7am I willb in deep slp so always 7am wake up automatically cos feel very engorged. But I worry that this period w/o pumping can reduce milk supply ;( no choice otherwise I'll faint man... Lately alrdy not enuff slp n starting to hv headaches... It's rreally not possible to breastfeed 24hrs...

Sigh... Hubby went back to work today after 1.5 weeks of leave... Missing him alrdy. Mayb government shld set paternity leave to 1mth...

I m using steam sterilizer from Philip avent. Idiot proof. No need maintainer just pour water n start. Done in 8mins.

Wah some of u stock up a mth of NB diapers??? That's alot... My boy was 2.91 went I delivered him... Used 1 pack of goon alrdy now using e leftover huggies from TMC.. N CL alrdy says after clearing these hv to use S size alrdy.. (for ur info NB diapers mostly up to 3kg only)

Ok gotta end abruptly.. Shower time for baby


I think if you have CL or helper that can help with the washing it should no problem with using cloth diapers. My mum also bought some cloth diapers (traditional kind) for us to use. But she just had a carpal tunnel operation recently, and her hand like swollen now, so i dun really want her to wash things with her hands at least until everything is fully recovered and normal. The plan of using cloth at day time and disposable at night time, made me bought really less of NB size diapers. I only have 1 pack of mamypoko n huggies for NB size.. I have tons of S size one though. Hopefully baby can gain weight fast and just use the S size one more.. lolz..

Btw, from a friend whose baby had jaundice recently, she mentioned that she changed diapers 16x a day max. Averagely around 12-16x a day. I think because she tried to keep feeding the baby so that the baby can pee and poo alot more often to clear out the jaundice. and plus, she changed the diapers often too, so that no rash. So far the baby still rash free despite wearing disposable all the way after around 2 wks plus of give birth..

So i think if u wanna really have precautions for jaundice.. better to stock up alot alot alot..
cloth diaper, i mean those traditional type is definately more economical ...especially the 1st 2 weeks...coz baby will tends to poo almost after each feeding of breastmilk. And sometimes is just a little bit of poo only .....and in fact not much scrubbing u nid to do, just soak with detergent...after that just wash away with water will do. Unless is a rainny days, cloth diaper not dry then use disposable diapers.

And don't stock up too many NB size diapers coz NB size is really small, very fast bb will be able to fit in small size diapers.


Ladies, so far any of ur gynae check ur dilation yet ?? Or did they ask for ur delivery option .. mine didn't mention any yet jus wor ?? Or I too gan cheong .. finally pack my hospital bag . !!


Active Member
Yea my bb change soooo often that I lost count! And didn't manage to log that down... Only log her feeding time n on which side... Now on full bm. Ytd latching whole day super tired... Think bb growth spurt... and yup, she poos almost every feed...

Dun overstock on nb size.. My friend bought one carton of goon nb size in the end got many leftovers after full mth... I bought my packet 90 pcs from her.

Now typically in the day I'll nap around 1-3 hrs intermittently when she slps, at night usually slp 2-3 hrs then wake up to feed when she cries for milk, then slp another 2-3 hrs b4 her next feed, then morning already...

Kary thanks I will try my best to rest!!

Can't wait to read more birth stories!! It's days into sep, everyone should start packing ur hospital bag! :p all the best n smooth delivery to all mummies who r still expecting ^^


Ladies, so far any of ur gynae check ur dilation yet ?? Or did they ask for ur delivery option .. mine didn't mention any yet jus wor ?? Or I too gan cheong .. finally pack my hospital bag . !!
Hi Piglim.. my gynae told me at my 37th week checkup that as this is my first baby, he wants everything to go as naturally as possible, so he only checked the position of the baby, his health and weight... doesn't want to check my dilation too soon as he said it is not necessary.. I guess they will check when it is needed bah....


Congrats Mee212. Take care and rest well.. Hope to hear ur birth story soon..

I'm into my week 36 plus and bb is at 3.1kg. Gynae was saying it's best that she can be delivered early, if not, will be too big and difficult to deliver naturally. So far, he didn't perform any swab test or any cervix dilation check. Just say if anything like water bag leak or show, go straight to TMC. Getting excited..