EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi mummies! I'm back from gynae.. Although water level is indeed lower, it is still not critically low.. Gynae initially recommended to induce todae since I'm there oredi.. But a cervix check showed me 1.5cm dilated! She said there is a chance that bb might come naturally on her own these few days.. Being pro natural, she suggest we give bb 3 more days.. If still not out by Tue, then she will induce me cos by then water level should b critically low oredi.. So excited now! She told me to go walk more, climb more stairs, do more squats these couple of days.. I hope bb comes naturally SOON! Preferably tmr.. :D
Hi Lingz12,

Good to hear this and good luck! Hope your bb coming out very soon. What is your water level today? My gynae did not do any cervix check on me yet. Is it very painful during the check?


Pinky32:690299 said:
Hi Lingz12,

Good to hear this and good luck! Hope your bb coming out very soon. What is your water level today? My gynae did not do any cervix check on me yet. Is it very painful during the check?
Hi Pinky,

Thanks! Water level is 5.7cm todae.. Gynae say it din drop as much as she expects.. So she tinks we can afford to wait till Tue.. I guess diff gynaes do things differently? The cervix check is super uncomfortable as it felt as though she is pushing her fingers all the way in.. The pressure of it is uncomfortable and slightly painful.. But I'm sure contractions will be worse.. Haha..


Hi mummies, anyone gave birth naturally at SGH & opt for class A1 single bedded? How much did you pay in total after all the deductions & subsidize?


Active Member
Hello altiora, welcome! Will be hearing ur birth story soon :D

Lingz! Hope ur bb comes natural too.. V soon now!

V tired zzz... Bb tekan me jialat jialat.. Suckling on and off non stop for hrs, I want slp... Put her down only cry to latch again... How can be feeding for hours?! Really treat me like human pacifier boohoo..


Eeneyminey - From cityhall to kallang? I think tat is a lot!

Hope u have a smooth delivery. :) update us when u deliver.


Hello altiora, welcome! Will be hearing ur birth story soon :D

Lingz! Hope ur bb comes natural too.. V soon now!

V tired zzz... Bb tekan me jialat jialat.. Suckling on and off non stop for hrs, I want slp... Put her down only cry to latch again... How can be feeding for hours?! Really treat me like human pacifier boohoo..
Maye baby having growth spurts! :)


Active Member
Lizzy ya perhaps.. Thanks!

But like that her growth spurts like pretty frequent, quite scary.. Now I thinking if it's a wise choice to come to my parents place for confinement.. Cos hubby not around to help I'm handling bb alone all day n night.. Damn shag and im getting a bit cranky.. Now she happily suckling again.. N I'm feeling hungry ><


Lizzy ya perhaps.. Thanks!

But like that her growth spurts like pretty frequent, quite scary.. Now I thinking if it's a wise choice to come to my parents place for confinement.. Cos hubby not around to help I'm handling bb alone all day n night.. Damn shag and im getting a bit cranky.. Now she happily suckling again.. N I'm feeling hungry ><
My baby not having growth spurts but we hv same situation :( hubby in Macau and im alone in the house taking care of baby, cant even go toilet for long! Feeding time and changing time plus pumping milk taking up my day!


Active Member
Oh dear :( I'm not that bad my mum is helping in the day... I agree feeding + changing + pumping take up all the time!

Now I just latch n latch seldom pump unless feel engorged.. But seldom engorged because she's always latching! Last night was slightly better.. She didn't latch the entire night, just every two hours.. So I get some rest in between..

Jiayou lizzy!! When ur hubby coming back? :)


Oh dear :( I'm not that bad my mum is helping in the day... I agree feeding + changing + pumping take up all the time!

Now I just latch n latch seldom pump unless feel engorged.. But seldom engorged because she's always latching! Last night was slightly better.. She didn't latch the entire night, just every two hours.. So I get some rest in between..

Jiayou lizzy!! When ur hubby coming back? :)
friday afternoon but he has school in the evening so booo!!! gonna go for bb blood test again today hope his SB is low, doctor said he jaundice still so he's monitoring his blood twice a week :(


Active Member
Wah icic.. My pd nv say anything after discharged from TMC.. So I monitor myself at home just by looking at her skin.. Get v worrying when her eyes look yellowish.. Now gg down again..

My hubby only comes once a week cos he busy w work n part time studies.. Miss him! Plus he gg overseas in dec for work... Then I will be home alone w my in laws..
I'm finally finally full term!!! 37wks alrd!!

Feeling such a relieve because anything from now on will be considered as labour instead of pre-term labour!! hahhahhaa.. Feeling really nervous and anxious.. keep thinking and imagining how am i gonna get the signs (water break, show, contraction), will it be at home, at work, at night, at day time ?!! Sigh.. almost gone crazy..

Anyway, I still havent decided whether to go for c sect or normal delivery, i still hope there's a chance for me to deliver normal though, otherwise my effort to walk around and climb stairs will be like in vain.. huhuhuhu.. This coming friday will be my check up day, hopefully gynae can give me a better advise whether i have a chance to deliver normal or not.. baby doesnt seem as big as i imagine her would be, only 2.5kg during my last check up at 36wk 3d.. Deep down feel a bit sad, i feel she cant really grow inside of me coz i'm too small size.. sighz..

JY to all of us who are still in the waiting line!!
Wah icic.. My pd nv say anything after discharged from TMC.. So I monitor myself at home just by looking at her skin.. Get v worrying when her eyes look yellowish.. Now gg down again..

My hubby only comes once a week cos he busy w work n part time studies.. Miss him! Plus he gg overseas in dec for work... Then I will be home alone w my in laws..

felicity, can share who is ur PD? is this pd assign to u during ur labour time or u choose urself? My gynae assigned me to janice wong, but i'm trying to find other alternative just in case i cant connect well with this pd..


Active Member
Hi eeneyminey, so excited for u! Dun worry ur bb will be bigger now n is considered quite reasonable weight.. Too big will be difficult for u to try natural birth.

My pd is Dr Vanessa Tan, Kidslink children clinic at Sengkang. Is referred to by my gynae also as we were v clueless then, n our gynae says get us somewhere more convenient for us. She is v v nice so far, although not cheap, but i think pd all not cheap one. hubby's colleague's kids also seeing her.. Say not cheap but she's very good so doesn't mind.
Hi eeneyminey, so excited for u! Dun worry ur bb will be bigger now n is considered quite reasonable weight.. Too big will be difficult for u to try natural birth.

My pd is Dr Vanessa Tan, Kidslink children clinic at Sengkang. Is referred to by my gynae also as we were v clueless then, n our gynae says get us somewhere more convenient for us. She is v v nice so far, although not cheap, but i think pd all not cheap one. hubby's colleague's kids also seeing her.. Say not cheap but she's very good so doesn't mind.

Thanks felicity, sengkang too far for me.. staying in kallang area. Was hoping to get a good pd somewhere nearby too, i get too frustated with the parking in tmc.. somemore i heard the queue is like crazy too even if u alrd made appointment.. sighz..

Jy on ur bf journey.. :)


Eeneyminey yayy for u... Im in the 38th week now and starting to get impatient waiting for baby.

Can't wait for the day just want it to be here like now itself.. Longing to sleep on my stomach and not have heart burn anymore.... But when I look at all mommies who are having sleepless nights I'm scared of baby coming out, realized I'm not so scared of giving birth anymore just more scared of the after birth..


Active Member
Thanks eeneyminey.. My bf journey is such a chore at times... Right now she's been suckling since 9am >< when she fell asleep the moment I try to move her back to her cot she cry n latch again zzz... Then my mum boiled the herbal water for me turning cold.. So she keep telling me just give her a bottle of ebm n let her slp. >< dunno how much she drank le, all my ebm in packs of 100ml n 110ml..

Kary dun worry so much just take it as it comes.. Maybe ur bb not as difficult as mine? I hope!! Looking forward to ur birth story ^^


Hi eeneyminey, same here.. So excited after passing the 37th week.. These few days keep feeling the menstrual cramp feeling on and off, and a lot of diarrhoea.. Wonder is it a sign? Do u have it? Jiayou!!!


Hi eeneyminey, same here.. So excited after passing the 37th week.. These few days keep feeling the menstrual cramp feeling on and off, and a lot of diarrhoea.. Wonder is it a sign? Do you have it? Jiayou!!!
Hi Erlina,

Im having the same feel as you.. Am wondering if its a sign of labour too.