EDD September 2013 Mummies


Haze is really bad! Please take good care of yourselves and baby. May all be safe and well. Stay indoors as much as possible.


ZPF, nutrition is very important during pregnancy. For you and your baby. The health and well-being of the baby is determined more or less by the primal period which is from conception to baby's first year of life. Health can also affect how we give birth too. Been through it before. You can read this article for reference. 6 reasons for preconception health and preconception cleansing | ChildBirth Odyssey
Xiang xiang mama, thank you for sharing the article with me! I will take note of what i eat. Sometimes I just cant stop myself from eating junk foods. :(


Hi A mummy, u could b experiencing braxton hicks...hope I spell correctly. U can google abt it
Me oso felt d same. But when I asked my gynae last week, she said it's normal as long no bleeding, spotting or the tightening or contraction not regular or consistent.. more back pain, aches r normal as our lil one is growing even faster than tri 1 n 2. But if it really worries u, go n see ur gynae..:)

A mummy:800418 said:
I have tightening.Worries me and back pain. How do i know i'm not going to go into premature labor.
Just so hard.


I also have cramps out of no where sometimes. But don't think is any big issue as long as no heavy bleeding right? My edd at 28 sep but till now I still dont know what the signs of giving birth!! Any mummies can advice?


Hey mummies! Advisory note from MOH:
Don't wear N95 masks for longer than 15 min each time when in second and third trimester.



been to see gynae on one of the worst hazy days (21 June) and he told me no N95 masks for pregnant coz there wont be enough oxygen for baby. then i asked him how about surgical masks? he says that one no use coz the particles can still enter. best is refrain from gg out.


Hi mummies, it's raining!! Thank God!
I slipped n fell yday coz I missed a step :( fell on my side I think.
Anyone knows if it's serious? My gyane is not around this week...
i did feel bump a bit pain but after that I felt bb move a bit
not sure if it's my imagination but bb seems to move lesser today.
Maybe he's angry? Ha...
anyone had similar exp n everything ok?


Hi mummies, it's raining!! Thank God!
I slipped n fell yday coz I missed a step :( fell on my side I think.
Anyone knows if it's serious? My gyane is not around this week...
i did feel bump a bit pain but after that I felt bb move a bit
not sure if it's my imagination but bb seems to move lesser today.
Maybe he's angry? Ha...
anyone had similar exp n everything ok?
I fell when I was in first trimester but didn't hit stomach. But I think you should call up the clinic to be safe. Better be safe than sorry. Take care!

And yes! Thank God it finally rained!!


Hi Sunbeams, if you didn't hit directly on your tummy then it should be alright. But I think it's better to go and have a check up. You can go to kk.. I went there when my gynae's clinic was not opened. Should be at level 2, the delivery suite. They will do a scan and monitor baby's heartbeat for an hour or so. Just to make sure everything is ok. Will pray for u.


Not very sure if it's 24hr.. But guess delivery suite should be 24hr.. The 24hr clinic at basement only accept up to 22weeks, which I went once in first trimester.. And they directed me to level 2 delivery suite when I was there at 26 weeks.


Yup, just walk in.. I went to other clinic but the doctor only did an u/s and just told me baby is ok.. So I went again to kk as recommended by friend, they will do monitoring.. And it costs around sgd200 which is reasonable.. most importantly is i know baby is ok. Hope everything is fine for u.


Yah, it's 24 hours and the upstairs is for 22 weeks and above. Tell them you fell and hit your stomach. And baby not moving as much today. Even if have to pay and find out all ok, it's worth it. Pay for the peace of mind.
Hi mummies, it's raining!! Thank God!
I slipped n fell yday coz I missed a step :( fell on my side I think.
Anyone knows if it's serious? My gyane is not around this week...
i did feel bump a bit pain but after that I felt bb move a bit
not sure if it's my imagination but bb seems to move lesser today.
Maybe he's angry? Ha...
anyone had similar exp n everything ok?
I missed a step and fell on my knees but nothing serious. Just observe your baby's movement. Feel for yourself if you need to see doctor. Take care.


Thanks guys for concern :)
all is well. Called gleaneagles emergency no. ( what my gynae) gave me before.
they did cgt monitoring n bb is ok!
thank God.

lesson learnt is to watch u r going.
I have always thought my sense of balance is good but I think preggie really makes our centre of gravity go haywire!!
take care mummies!
i just started on week 28! Last trimester! Still want to sleep as usual! Ha.. Lazy me


Thanks guys for concern :)
all is well. Called gleaneagles emergency no. ( what my gynae) gave me before.
they did cgt monitoring n bb is ok!
thank God.

lesson learnt is to watch u r going.
I have always thought my sense of balance is good but I think preggie really makes our centre of gravity go haywire!!
take care mummies!
i just started on week 28! Last trimester! Still want to sleep as usual! Ha.. Lazy me
Sunbeams, Glad to hear that your baby is ok. Be more careful when you walk. :)