EDD September 2013 Mummies


Glad to hear all is ok! Yah, our sense of balance is totally off now. Walk slowly.

I'm 27 weeks and 3 days and am also feeling so sleepy now. Yawn. I'm losing my appetite too.


Sunbeams..pls b careful esp now the floor is wet due to rain..I also fell during my tri 1 n bruised my knees n realised tt when we r preggie, our balance go haywire...
Likewise, mummies out there..pls take care n look wherebu walking :)


Glad to hear all is ok! Yah, our sense of balance is totally off now. Walk slowly.

I'm 27 weeks and 3 days and am also feeling so sleepy now. Yawn. I'm losing my appetite too.
Raoow, I dont feel sleepy but i eat a lot. :X Sigh


I m sleepy n I can eat! What does that make me! A mother pig! Ha..
but I get full quite fast n hungry fast too :(
my tummy is getting itchy again! Sigh


I m sleepy n I can eat! What does that make me! A mother pig! Ha..
but I get full quite fast n hungry fast too :(
my tummy is getting itchy again! Sigh
Enjoy it while it lasts. After your baby arrives, you will be severely sleep deprivation!:p


Mustela is good for baby shower / products but pricey. I intend to use for first year then switch. But seems like whenever there's a sale and Mustela is marked down, must buy as it's pretty worth it.

I've not decided on baby clothes detergent. Might use Kodomo.

A mummy

Hi mummies, it's raining!! Thank God!
I slipped n fell yday coz I missed a step :( fell on my side I think.
Anyone knows if it's serious? My gyane is not around this week...
i did feel bump a bit pain but after that I felt bb move a bit
not sure if it's my imagination but bb seems to move lesser today.
Maybe he's angry? Ha...
anyone had similar exp n everything ok?
pity u...lucky everythg's well...
please take care...

i was so shocked at yr post

A mummy

I'll probably get the Medela Freestyle.
medela freestyle is good. but i can't resist the avent price. so i just get them.

But i think medela is the best. But now avent pump has petals so its less sensitive and more suction. That's why get the latest design.

A mummy

Hi A Mummy, what do you mean by the baby drop?
hihi, like the head already engage...because i can't see any spaces between my pubic hair(sorry) and the cervix...
10 steps like baby push hard against bladder and it's like so uncomfy and have to sit.
I think i'm low lying so i went for traditional massage and the 'auntie' said baby head not engage stil there's spaces. it's just that baby is heavy.

i'm confirm with gynae next week and i'll update.but definitely if you check my tummy out, it's low.
my contractions sometimes feel like menses pain but not the terrible ones.

A mummy

Perhaps its backache. It can be confusing but i don't wanna think about it.
Baby stress for nothing!
I just drink lotsa water and watch cartoon to chill myself out.
Hopefully the braxton decreases.

A mummy

anyway braxton is danger too because if its too frequent, the uterus maybe ready to release the baby out. So doc has to prescribe some medication to stop braxton if its too many in a day. mine at certain hour only like afternoon between a certain timing and at night at a certain timing. but it goes for 2 hours straight.