EDD September 2013 Mummies


Ok. I have put on 7 plus kg n bb Shld be about 2.8-2.9kg I think ... Week 36 going week 37..
will see gynae next wed. Have to control carbs!

kcws- ur first pregnancy... Do u have such issues? Was it natural birth?
My 1st pregnancy went smoothly, but I put on 15kg. Assisted birth on the EDD. But that was 7yrs ago ...


New Member
Hi, I'm 32 week. EDD on 27th Sep, Caecarean by Dr.Christopher Chen. I'm excited for my first delivery and not sure epidural will work for me since i have mild scoliosis. Anyone have experience?


New Member
Hi mummies! I'm a newbie here..am 38wks 1 day now...EDD 05.09.13..did a ctg scan on wed..everyting normal..doc checked twice, but has yet to dilate..going for my gynae checkup tmr..so excited...cant wait for baby to pop! =D

A mummy

Hmm. I don't have sleeping problem except of frequent toilet trips and swollen legs and hands. It seems that every mummy feels a bit of pain when the contraction takes place. I don't have actually. I just feel tightness of my tummy.
I see. I started feeling pain from week 37..because full term ...now i'm week 38 so i guess it's normal. Preparing. I hope it's normal.


I see. I started feeling pain from week 37..because full term ...now i'm week 38 so i guess it's normal. Preparing. I hope it's normal.
Mummy who using smart phone can download contraction timer. I downloaded but yet to try cos no contraction.


Sunbeams: same situation like u with GDM..now counting down to EDD. Did ur gynae told u that they will induce ur bb by EDD? Seems like our placenta cant go beyond thid date. Now I'm waiting doe my strep b result next week..hope eveything will b alright. Hiaz...

Sunbeams:819709 said:
I m sick of GDM diet too... Sigh..
duno how long more I can hang in there... N the pricking :(


Chweewy: my gynae did say I must pop by due date. Cannot be later. When's ur EDD?
i will check with her if need to induce if bb hasn't appeared by then! Ha. Next appt this wed.
always looking forward to gynae appt! Happy that it got more frequent but scared of labour pains!
update about ur strep B results. I really curious to see if there's a link between GDM n streps B!


Sunbeams: mine is 11 sep. Oso, remember to bring n pack ur glucose test kit in yr hospital bag hor. My gynae told me that during labour, they will continue to test ur blood sugar level... Ur EDD le?


Chweewy, really?? Oh man... Sian. Still need to prick in the midst of the pain? :(
i only taking out stuff slowly to see what I need for hospital. Haven't got a physical bag ready yet!
I know all these will pale in comparison to labour pain! That's how I persevere on man...
my edd is 17/9!
apparently LKY is 16/9!


CChweewy and kcws - do u guys use the "true balance glucose test strips" I just realized that my supply very low. Left 10! Can buy from u if u have spares?
if order from amazon... Will take 1.5 weeks!! But Duno if I will pop by then. Unless I buy from gynae which will cost at least 2-3 times more I think.
any advice if need to test for glucose level after week 37? If not then maybe I don't need buy Liao..


CChweewy and kcws - do u guys use the "true balance glucose test strips" I just realized that my supply very low. Left 10! Can buy from u if u have spares?
if order from amazon... Will take 1.5 weeks!! But Duno if I will pop by then. Unless I buy from gynae which will cost at least 2-3 times more I think.
any advice if need to test for glucose level after week 37? If not then maybe I don't need buy Liao..
I using Accu-Check. Guardian or Watson not have ar? Or u may try CGH, I saw some other brand there but not sure True Balance have or not.