how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??

Yes am the same. Bb opens mouth not wide. I try to tease his chin, he will turn his head to the left or right opening super wide but my nipple is in the centre not left not right. We can try do many times he gets mad. Then I just cradle his head to be centre n I can see his mouth isn't wide. He will clamp down on my aerola and sometimes even suck my nipple in. Ouch! I hate the latch on part...really painful. If he opens wide n take my breast tissue really won't hurt but it is so hard. He is still learning too.
My nipple is very big, aerola wide though breasts small, so really sore. Thank god no bleeding nipples.

i boiled a needle n burst the blister. Wow! Milk oozed out. Whole not able to pump much out didn't know the blister can cause so much havoc. After clearing it I pumped 30ml from that side. Whoa!
my LC told me that the pain we have at the beginning of bf is due to the let down. so, got pain means got let down mean good!
I know how letdown feel like. It's not letdown, it's nipple pain cos my bb clamps aerola with gum or suck my nipple in. Sometimes I feel letdown at non feeding times, should I pump or get bb to nurse? Cos it's when milk fills the breasts right? Other times when feeding or pumping I don't even feel the letdown.


If you just pumped and she suckles, will there be milk? How long does milk get replaced/breasts get filled again? Cos even when we pump, there will come a point where we reach a last drop.

do you ladies get milk blister? I got one few days back. I thought is hygiene issue, managed to get rid of it and keep my breasts really clean etc, but I got it again. How do you clear yours? So irritating I don't dare let bb nurse cos so painful. I let him nurse left and will pump right till I resolve the blister.
Dont keep washing nipple with soap as that will dry up the delicate skin n make u get blister and cracked nipples more easily. Infact we do not need to especially wash nipples before feeding. I only wash them when bathing or if I sweat a lot that day, coz the skin around our nipples produces something that can clean the nipples.
Dont keep washing nipple with soap as that will dry up the delicate skin n make u get blister and cracked nipples more easily. Infact we do not need to especially wash nipples before feeding. I only wash them when bathing or if I sweat a lot that day, coz the skin around our nipples produces something that can clean the nipples.

I don't. I only rinse them with water in shower. And use hot towel wipe massage a bit before and after bfg/pumping.
I know it is relatively pain free if baby latches properly onto breast tissue rather than just aerola and nipple. Correct me if I am wrong.

My breasts are small but I have big nipple and aerola, at least big enough that they fit into baby's mouth just nicely. It hurts when he latches on cos his gum clamps onto my aerola and sometimes he sucks my nipple in. But I just can't get him to open his mouth wide and face centre where my nipple is.

He would turn his head to the left or right with big mouth when he's cradle-held but that isn't where my nipple is. And his hands are all over the place I cannot see at times when his mouth's open wide. It hurts most times latching on. He is able to still suck and swallow being latched to my aerola n nipple.

My question is, if your baby usually latches onto your aerola and nipple, can he/she still stimulate your breasts enough to increase your supply?

Or to achieve that, latching must be done on the breast tissue?


Active Member
Latching should be done on the areola if I'm not wrong...

I went thru that pain when latching earlier during my confinement... Makes me clench my fists n cringe so bad my whole face is twisted when she's trying to latch on and clamps down on the nipples chewing away... Sometimes made me cry... N my nipples so painful and sore that even when bathing hit with water from shower or accidentally towel brush pass will make me squirm... Now my nipples kind of toughen up already, she tug and twist and turn while latching also all tolerable... Haha... Next worrisome stage will be when she's teething!!

I also only wash when bathing, once a day, other times I don't even wash or wipe :p


Initially i taught my girl to open... She did... Just as she learned how to latch better.. She just simply suck it in... Omg! That hurts other then that still ok....

Felicity at times my nipples are super sensitive too..

Lol me too only wash when showering... Unless i sweat alot


Active Member
Oh ya if I go out come home I will wipe, esp go out sure sweat a lot... If at home I always deem myself clean enough lol... But if outside she wants latch I will just latch also...

Hope the sensitive nipples will not last long on both of u n go away soon!!
Actually I tot stimulation at areola. So as long as baby has the nipple in the mouth and catches most areola in the mouth is good enough.
Do you nurse baby to settle and for sleep? My baby always wants to 'smell' me according to my cf lady, and he wants to comfort suck to settle to sleep.


Active Member
she does doze off while latching in the day n will nap for a while, but for her long slp at night, usually we cuddle her to slp.. she wants to be carried n hv to walk around.. furthermore she may be cranky at night, likely due to wind. so we will try all ways to pacify her n she may still wails when trying to latch.. usually not successful at latching her since she wailing w mouth wide opened, until she settles down n stops wailing... i think during confinement she wants to latch to slp more...
My left breast is hurting like hell. I think I had some letdowns yesterday but I also had a tiny milk blister on the nipple which I tried to remove with a boiled needle. The skin just keeps growing over and forms a white spot.

i can feel the tiny milk ducts? in my breast as little lumps. They are super painful to even touch, let alone massage. To add to this, my nipple is so sore (I tried letting bub drink on this side after skipping this side for a few feeds while I pump, the pain was so so bad I want to cry, but grit my teeth and let him finish). Even when I tried pumping this breast now on the lowest setting in my breast pump it hurts so bad I have to keep turning the pump off and on. Everything hurts on this breast!

Had a hot shower at 4am cos I just could not sleep. I describe the pain much like blue black and someone pressing onto it.

Why is bfg so hard? Makes me want to throw in the towel and surrender. The suffering is so bad. I haven't slept from 1230am till now almost 5am. I am exhausted and don't know what's going on with this breast of mine. I am not having fever it can't be an infection right? Or is milk jammed somewhere inside?

my supply just increased and now my left boob hurt so bad I am leaving it alone. I know my supply will now drop but am hating bfg ATM!


Mummy2twosoon mayb u wanna hand express it out.... Or go n see dr??

I would say if u can dun give up... My supply is pathetic and im still pressing on.. My supply is abt 130 per day... Now abt 250~300 per day despite i pump every 3hrs. Its really exhausting esp i still got dd1 to care for



Sound like blocked milk duct due to the milk blister... I know ur pain...

To relieve the pain, try cold compress.

To encourage blood circulation, use hot towel on it often- before feed n before pump. And as painful as it may sound... U got to massage the hardened part violently to clear it. Squeeze.. Push... Pinch etc. Ouch... Ideally clear the blister since it maybe the culprit. U may consider feeding bb with the breast all the time. Bb can suck blister out.

I had engorgement few times. Once is due to blisters when i just started bf. Once i cleared them up, the milk flow just come.
really sound like blocked ducts. Really have no choice. You really got to massage it out and clear it. If you have prob, better see a lactation consultant. they can help you clear. If not, i know of a massage lady who also knows how to clear blocked ducts. i can give you contact if you wan. Dun leave it for long cos will cause infection if left for too long.

Actually, in a way, you shd be happy cos your hard work finally paid off as in milk supply is increasing. blocked ducts usu occurs cos you have more milk. but the irony is that you need to quickly clear the ducts before supply went down and all your efforts wasted.

bf is hard and a big sacrifice. But is a worthwhile journey to take. jia you!

I am feeling a little worried now. my gal has been wanting milk and drinking every 2 hourly. it is driving me crazy. she can be on the boobs for very long and keep tugging and pulling the nipples. I think either she is going thru growth spurt (which i really hope is the case) or my biggest nightmare - supply dropping.

usually, she will feed 10 min on a breast and can last her 3 hours. but since yesterday, she can feed 10 min on BOTH breasts and still want to drink after 2 hours! My nipples are sore and breasts painful. Worse still, breasts are very soft now. I really scared is cos i have low supply after i do block feeding and dragged each breast for 6 hours cos i wanted to relief my oversupply prob. Should I go back to pumping? realy worried about my supply now.

Sigh, perhaps I shd just go back to exclusive pumping. at least easier to manage my supply.


Rachelleling, how old is ur bb now? How many days has she been drinking like tt?

There was 1 day sth like tt happened to me. She drank on both sides stilll hungry! Omg. Then i had to take 50ml ebm n warm it up to feed her. My maid even asked why i no enough milk!!!!! So paiseh. N So scared! Luckily it was a day only. Tt particular day bb like starved for hours....

Mommy2two, call lc from ur hospital up. I calles kkh lactation consultants up so many times when i started bfing. Lol.. Calls are foc at kkh. So u may try. Otherwise, do visit one if tml still blocked! Cannot let it be blocked for long. Infection can end ur bf career, so try to clear it!!! Know it hurts alot. There was once, mine was so painful tt i could lift my arm n it was painful carrying my bb... Close ur eyes, compress n massage with hot towel. (n i let my tears flow sometimes....)