how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??


Tt many? I think i have 3-4 cos during letdown can see milk squint out.

I read somewhere tt dummy should only use at night or as the ultimate weapon. Haha.. So i only offer dummy at night esp.when shes cranky n colicky. I feel tt she does need to learn to suckle on a dummy, so next time when u want to bring him out n when hes fussy, u can give him dummy ibstead of breast. Haha


Active Member
Actually I give boob too cos she rejects dummy, plus she always hv vigorous tongue action, not like just lips moving moving only...

Ermmm difficult to see how many holes cos when pumping some squirt out some flow out... I guess some of the "pipelines" hv better flow than others :p so depends on the ducts also. I also read/heard usually half of the holes won't really give milk anyway.. When I squeeze or pump I estimate probably abt 4 or 5 or 6 lol really not sure :p
My CF lady kept saying if he takes the dummy it would be easier for her and me, but deep inside I am happy he doesnt! He has to get used to dummy, mummy and bottle teat, not easy! Anyway he rejects the dummy atm and would CF lady always comes back to me to latch him on even for comfort and settling him down to zzz...she says he needs to smell mummy.

Good that I am normal cos I only see a few drops coming out as I pump so I dont think there are so many holes.

Sigh, been pumping for 14 days already how come still only can pump 10 or 15 or 20ml the most each session.

Msck, seems like you dont need baby to stimulate your milk to come in, I think naturally some women just have milk coming in even with using the pump. I pump and latch on and still the volumes are so pathetic and my breasts are still sore though larger. I just dont know how i can get more supply coming. They always say demand and supply but my baby and pump have already been demanding demanding and yet the supply is so slow to pick up. Sianz....

The lactation consultant told me it can take 6 weeks to establish supply. I am at week 2, hoping for a miracle.


Actually my bb only stop rejecting dummy on her 2nd mth. Before tt she refuses too, then the cl kept knocking on the door asking me to feed her. Kept complaining tt bb din sleep at night. Blah blah blah. Very annoyed. Tt was one reason why i din enjoy breastfeeding n pump out exclusively in the first mth. (n i changed the cl on 10th day).

Larger breasts mean got chance to have milk!! Dun give up la. 10ml better than 0ml!!!=) my mom din bf me n my siblings. She said she had no milk too... Plus she was kind of working from home, being stressed will reduce milk supply. Not enough rest. Not enough water also.

U got use hot towel to massage? In the first one mth, i was soooooooooo diligent. Wipe my boobs with warm/hot towels (so besides taking the funnels, i take hot boiled water with water bottle, pour into a small bucket n wash towel), massage, then pump. Every day. Every pump. Now tt i think back.... Vert impressed by myself. Haha...
Yes I started using hot towel these few days ESP at night, cos its so comfy n I can feel a bit let down with the hot towel. But I never massage, just put hot towel on breasts. Maybe I should. Aso wipe breasts n nipples to keep them clean cos I got a milk blister few days ago. Every evening bring whole BFg basket into bedroom every morning bring out basket...

my cf lady is very good though she says that take dummy is good. She cooks well n takes care of baby well too. I really am happy to have her around. She's like my mum haha.. But she doesn't do most housework though but I am not complaining.

i did what u did also:) alot of hardwork, but worth. i recall i tried all methods i know of.

my supply take almost 2 months to be more an stable, so give yrself more time :)
Can u define takes two months to become stable? Do u mean to increase? Or just to stay same volume?
Is it normal to pump out only 20ml per session now at two weeks???


Hi all mummies, on the week 2, I also pumped out around 20ml in total. Very pathetic but I didn't give up, tried fenugreek and papaya soup but it only increase to 50ml total now in 4th week.. Still very pathetic. But I will still try to exclusively pump. I only latch on occasionally when my bb wan to comfort latch..
my boobs suddenly not as engorged. and I worry my supply has dropped. dunno if it is a good thing cos it was really engorged and i think i am over producing milk. then lately cos baby only feed on one breast per feed, so each breast is emptied only after about 6 hours. i feel like pumping to maintain supply but then i also scared if i start to pump, may over produce again.

Anyone knows when is a good time to start storing milk and when is a good time to intro bott so that baby will not get nipple confusion and will accept bott?
linl1n84, your output is based on 3 hourly pump? hang on there and rest well. I think rest also plays a part in producing milk.

i am not sure if i have mentioned in which thread but I think that one of the reasons why i had prob with supply for my first son was becos my boobs did not increase in size during preg. and they were not big even after i gave birth. by rt, the number of mammary glands in the boobs should increase but then for some women, din increase, so supply will be affected as boobs cannot produce/store more milk due to the small network in the boobs. so, i took this supplement which contains goat rue + fenugreek and other supplement (it's motherluv's more milk plus special blend) Goat's rue supposedly helps to increase the mammary glands. then, after taking the supplement, my boobs did increase in size and my supply came and i over produced. then cos the network is already established from first preg, my milk came and i over produced again for my second child now. perhaps, if you have same prob as me, may want to consider taking goat's rue?


Rachelling, Pre preg my bra siZe is 34b now I am wearing nursing bra of 38b and normal bra of 36c. Not much increase in boobs size, but I can see boobs become bigger.. I am trying malunggay tea today, if no result prob will try motherlove milk plus. But I read online goat rue has side effect, do u happen to feel any side effect after taking it?


Rachelleling, i started storing in 2nd week onwards. Scared suddenly no milk, bb has no mill to drink. It's quite wastw money since i used 3"bags a day to keep in freezer... But i dun wan to pour away my 'blood n tears'. So when theres excess, i give away. Very risk averse. Tt time engorged, i was thinking- lucky i.have enough milk stored if my boobs have to stop working.
linl1n84, your output is based on 3 hourly pump? hang on there and rest well. I think rest also plays a part in producing milk.

i am not sure if i have mentioned in which thread but I think that one of the reasons why i had prob with supply for my first son was becos my boobs did not increase in size during preg. and they were not big even after i gave birth. by rt, the number of mammary glands in the boobs should increase but then for some women, din increase, so supply will be affected as boobs cannot produce/store more milk due to the small network in the boobs. so, i took this supplement which contains goat rue + fenugreek and other supplement (it's motherluv's more milk plus special blend) Goat's rue supposedly helps to increase the mammary glands. then, after taking the supplement, my boobs did increase in size and my supply came and i over produced. then cos the network is already established from first preg, my milk came and i over produced again for my second child now. perhaps, if you have same prob as me, may want to consider taking goat's rue?
But order now? How long shipping??


Active Member
I'm pumping now n usually I will also do compression while pumping.. When compressing can see more milk squirting out from more outlets... I can see like at least 4-5 holes on the top half, bottom half can't see... So I'm sure it's more than just 4-5 holes only on each nipple :)
This is the one I was taking to increase my supply. More Milk Special Blend Capsules | Motherlove Herbal Company I bot it from amazon and it took about 3-5 days for it to arrive, depending on the shipping mode you taking. I heard shop in paragon selling baby stuff also sells this but i m not sure which one

Actually i din know goat's rue has side effect until you mentioned, lin. went to read up, it can cause nausea, low blood sugar. for me, i din get those effects. but bcos i was having gestational diabetics, so mayb the rue really helped to reduce my blood sugar. But i suppose in the supplement, cos it is mixed with other herbs, should be ok. I have 2 other colleagues also taking the supplement and they also din complain of side effects. So i guess it;s up to your comfort level whether you are ok to try this.
This is the one I was taking to increase my supply. More Milk Special Blend Capsules | Motherlove Herbal Company I bot it from amazon and it took about 3-5 days for it to arrive, depending on the shipping mode you taking. I heard shop in paragon selling baby stuff also sells this but i m not sure which one

Actually i din know goat's rue has side effect until you mentioned, lin. went to read up, it can cause nausea, low blood sugar. for me, i din get those effects. but bcos i was having gestational diabetics, so mayb the rue really helped to reduce my blood sugar. But i suppose in the supplement, cos it is mixed with other herbs, should be ok. I have 2 other colleagues also taking the supplement and they also din complain of side effects. So i guess it;s up to your comfort level whether you are ok to try this.
thanks. Did your two colleagues also experienced breasts getting bigger and more supply?
for my 2 colleagues, they took it when their babies were bigger like 4 - 5 mths. their supply dropped when they went back to work. One colleague said that her supply maintained and din dropped further when she took the supplement, the other said her supply went up a little. So I suppose, really heng suay. works for one may not work as well for another.