how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??


i was saying constant supply which mean milk increase to the maximum as compared to birth. for the first one month maximum not more than 100ml combined breast. then gradually with the hardwork, 3hrly without fail and did not miss any night pumps at all.

when around 6 weeks increased to 150ml -180ml , then 8 weeks till maximum of 200ml.

i got to admit i scare supply fall as it is not consistent, i drank alot of water, papaya soup, red dates water.

until when i know it is stable And constant then i pump on a 4 hrly basis (max 220ml) after 3rd month.

a tip for good pumping, try to use fingers to press around the breast in order to get some more milk out from milkglands. pump really cannot clear all milk in breast, consider to hand express at the end.
I use my hand to compress during pump. Until kena a small bruise on one breast already haha...

one question. I use my right hand to do the c cup compress on the outside of my right breast, I compress and milk comes out while pumping. But when I use my left hand to c cup compress the inside of my right breast nothing comes out. Is this normal? Hope you can understand what I am describing.

another question. If you have breast milk in your breasts say before pumping or feeding baby, do they feel hard or soft? Mine are very soft. I know engorged is hard but I never experience that, only felt prickly, tingling sensations. Is it true that when bfg settles down, your breasts will be soft even if they have milk?
Rachelling, how much fenugreek and blessed thistle and goats rue are in each capsule? They are not stated on their website. I want to know before ordering. Thanks.


Active Member
Yes, they can be soft even when there's milk. Probably the breasts have already adjusted themselves. I can feel the tight, tingling n even a bit achy engorgement feeling even when they r not hard, n still pretty soft, and still able to pump out milk up to 90ml per side.
Mine are soft n I Aso can feel the prickly tingling needles in my breasts but when pump only get 10-20ml. Maybe I just don't have enough space in the breasts to make n store milk.

i believe in yr case u can get the milk, i also encounter itch from within during first month confinement. i believe the network inside is doing the work and preparing the milk.

believe me, there are cases with small cup breast getting more milk too. size does not matter, because it only mean they can store more NOT make more.

just be patient

i think u work too hard on yr breast, just slight pressure using tips of finger to press the surrounding of the breast while pumping will do, no need too much force to create bruise :)


Active Member
It will probably come if you continue your efforts.. Stay patient :) mine also initially very unstable n sometimes only 30ml combined during confinement.. (and i was all sad n whiny in my other thread, rem? :p) Only when approaching two months then I can get up to 80ml or 90ml per side when engorged...

From around 5th to 6th week onwards I exclusive latch her... And pump once a day b4 I slp cos bb can slp thru the night most of the time, if I dun pump, few hours later I will wake up w very engorged n also hard breasts that's leaking all over.. So my one pump at night I always do compressions with my fingers too when I pump, trying to empty as much as possible...


Yup. Bigger breasts may mean they have more fatty tissue not milk ducts. But for me, i grew 2 cup sizes. Very sad. I feel like a cow.

And be glad tt u can feel sth! Cos some mums din even feel any change or sensation from the breasts. Those hardly havr milk... =( so u will be fine!!!

Jia you!!!


New Member
hi mummies, any of u 90% latching baby? i've been doing so for 7wks and my boy will cry for milk like every 1.5hrs. a few days in a week will have cluster feeding for at least 4hrs till almost midnight. and then he will cry for milk every 3-4hrs in the wee hrs. i find myself not enough time to rest, dont even talk abt pumping..but i need to start storing and build my supply le. but i'm not sure how to do this..

anyone in same situation as me or had the same situation before? not sure whether to give him FM for a few days and do exclusive pumping? will pump every 3hrs help? sometimes i pump out pathetic 30ml for both sides and i don't really feel engorge unless its more than 7hrs nvr latch..


Active Member
I was in that situation b4.. That time she wants to latch as long as she's awake n I let her latch but so tiring n I created a thread on "latch or express, dilemma" I think now pushed to second page of this support group forum...

Even now she's latching every hour. I dun get to rest at all in the day but she usually slp through 5-7 hrs at night, so I only sleep at night to rest... Now 100% latching.. Pump at most once a day and not even everyday :)
Felicity, so when she latches u can see she is swallowing milk? Pump once a day won't your volume be affected? U pump at the same time daily?


Active Member
She will suckle v vigorously but will doze off in less than 10 min >< but wake up just as quickly...

I dun even pump everyday but since I latch full time i guess the supply should be ok w the constant stimulation... So far she pees n poos a lot n gaining weight so I have no issue although I seriously seriously hv no idea how much she drinks.

Usually I pump b4 I slp... If I'm too tired I just go straight to bed without pumping but means I will probably wake up w v hard n engorged breasts that will leak all over. Bb nowadays can slp thru the night most of the time. Sometimes she wakes up at midnight after I just pumped, i'll just let her latch.
If you just pumped and she suckles, will there be milk? How long does milk get replaced/breasts get filled again? Cos even when we pump, there will come a point where we reach a last drop.

do you ladies get milk blister? I got one few days back. I thought is hygiene issue, managed to get rid of it and keep my breasts really clean etc, but I got it again. How do you clear yours? So irritating I don't dare let bb nurse cos so painful. I let him nurse left and will pump right till I resolve the blister.


Active Member
Cos i read up n believe that the breast is always producing milk so it's always refilling.. Just that the pump is not efficient enough to remove every single drop, even just pumped will still hv milk.. N even when pumping or baby suckling it will auto slowly refill... So I guess won't pump until the last drop one :)


Hey.. I got tt milk blister/ bleb all the time. Tt is one of the culprit for engorgement. And usually they are common for ppl who have oversupply. Lol.. Anyway, try to clear it out!!! Bb can suck it away, or we can squeeze n dig it out.

After u remove them, no more pain!!
I agree with felicity tat we can't really empty the boobs cos they r always refilling. Even when u feel soft, u press the breast, still hv Milk.

milk blister can also b due to abrasion. Like improper latching so the blister happens. So mayb u would like to check if baby latching is ok. By rt, there should not b pain if baby latch properly


Till now i still feel pain... But latch is ok... I feel pain only at e beginning of bf.. Coz my girl nowadays dun open her mouth to suck.. She open slightly then suck in nipple area... Duh.. I tot her to open... Initially she did now when she suck in my nopple damn painful but once in she suckle its ok