Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 1


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone... :wong29: :wong29: :wong29:

I tout nari wednesday sehh.. Ada smlm bising with A cos she say tomorow i no skool then i say ar tomorow kan wednesday.. Hehehehehehe.. Step keje too stress sampai hari pun lupa.. :tlaugh:
hahaha sampai konpius Mama. Nih my bujang lahh kena antar amek adik2 dia to and back from sch. Adik2 dia excited coz abang mau antar.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
aniwae, nk tanye cket lahh..

sape yang pkai iPhone kt cni..?? ape pro(s) n con(s) of it..? then klau pkai ppd, boleh download game tk..??
Make sure u jailbreak the phone 1st baru game or anitin u want to download dapat free.. If using ppd boleh jugak download game but must use Wi-Fi.. :001_302: Now ada starhub ppd and it also contain internet services.. U can check it out pat starhub cos my bro using that.. Actuali u can d/load tru computer pe.. Easy mahh..:001_302:


Well-Known Member
OOoooohhh Betol cakap tu..!! Ikut macam mak nenek pat ofis ni.. Dia tak makan or buy stuff from CHINA.. I just dont't believe it cos most of the thing from CHINA mahh.. If people aru alek dari holiday bwk alek tidbits she will see the packaging if stated made from china, she give it a miss.. hahahahhahahaa...

Takpelah Enflor, ku dah besar dah tak payah sumbat susu noh.. If developed boobs and developed penyakit buat apa sehh... Hahahhaaaa

yahhh, most things made in China. So skarang esp toys mau cari yg made in other less developed countries with cheap labour like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Tamak haloba lahhh bizmen kat China nih. Penyakit pun banyak datang dari sana jugak.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you jailbreak the phone 1st baru game or anitin you want to download dapat free.. If using ppd boleh jugak download game but must use Wi-Fi.. :001_302: Now ada starhub ppd and it also contain internet services.. you can check it out pat starhub cos my bro using that.. Actuali you can d/load tru computer pe.. Easy mahh..:001_302:

PPD apa bende tu ???? Tak paham langsung bende gini.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
hahaha sampai konpius Mama. Nih my bujang lahh kena antar amek adik2 dia to and back from sch. Adik2 dia excited coz abang mau antar.
Wahahahaaaa... Kalau si Q tak gitu.. Dia dengar semalam A no skool kan then she say "Bsok cikgu cakap adik pun tak skolah." Hahahhahaaa.. So nari tak tahu ar she skool or not.. Tu antara dia dan nenek dia.. :tlaugh:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
yahhh, most things made in China. So skarang esp toys mau cari yg made in other less developed countries with cheap labour like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Tamak haloba lahhh bizmen kat China nih. Penyakit pun banyak datang dari sana jugak.
Betol cakap.. Maybe china too many populations kot..? I heard it is, even the people there branak pun sorang 1 ke 2 aje tak boleh lebih..

PPD apa bende tu ???? Tak paham langsung bende gini.
Prepaid Card.. I using the $30 M1 ppd.. Can last me for about 1-2mths noh.. Pakai manyak ke skit tetap that harga.. hahahahaaa Dah serik nak pakai line biasa je skali bill datang anytime boleh kena heart attack lor.. :001_302:


Well-Known Member
anyone dahh bayar niat fidhyah ??? I am settling mine today insya-allah. Contribution to Darul Mawa....later orang dtg collect in the form of $$$ which is $35 for the purchase of beras. This beras diagihkan pada fakir miskin by pihak Darul Mawa.

U may wanna contact Darul Mawa or nearest mosque if u wanna settle your fidhyah


Well-Known Member
so stressful ajar anak I bahasa Melayu, bina ayat....takkan smua dia buat in English, i gotta translate in Malay for him. I sometimes garuk kepala to think of that appropriate Malay terms....ishhh!


Well-Known Member
Gd Morning!!!!!!!!!!

Sini hujan very lebat noh!!! berdentum2 thunder..... nie yg buat nak tido alik nie.... hehehe...

Betol cakap.. Maybe china too many populations kot..? I heard it is, even the people there branak pun sorang 1 ke 2 aje tak boleh lebih..

Prepaid Card.. I using the $30 M1 ppd.. Can last me for about 1-2mths noh.. Pakai manyak ke skit tetap that harga.. hahahahaaa Dah serik nak pakai line biasa je skali bill datang anytime boleh kena heart attack .. :001_302:
same ngan aku..... aku pon using M1 prepaid... aku dulu use bill kan wen aku working lahhh... beh da jadi hsefly aku tgk bill aku still the same the usage... hubby ku not agree sbb aku no working n he wonder amcm bill aku boleh over $100.... apa yg aku buat... padahal hsefly.... hahaha

anyone dahh bayar niat fidhyah ??? I am settling mine today insya-allah. Contribution to Darul Mawa....later orang dtg collect in the form of $$$ which is $35 for the purchase of beras. This beras diagihkan pada fakir miskin by pihak Darul Mawa.

you may wanna contact Darul Mawa or nearest mosque if you wanna settle your fidhyah
i lom bayar lagi.... insyaAllah will pay at masjid jek...


Well-Known Member
i juz checked on muis site about fidyah...there is online calculator to estimate. I played around with the numbers given online as an example....FUHHHH, can fetch sampai $400+...Takotnya....tak lehh lupa ahhh qada posa lagi. kena tuntut dunia akhirat babes. I cannot keep track brapa ari i lupa qada in my lifetime...but i am sure dulu i ada terlepas coz dulu zaman jahiliah sey. Looks like every year, i will continue my fidyah juz to keep off rasa tak sedap hati within me.

go to the site
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Well-Known Member

sini dah gelap,gonna rain..Baru tdi sahur 'sound' mil nak bwk dia gi GEylang,jln2...heheheh...Bkn reski dia nak jln ngan menantu hantu ne...

Lis-my cousin using iphone with ppd line...Jailbrek ur iphone dulu bt becareful bila jailbreak tau ade version yg buat the iphone senang rosak tk salah Version 4...As usual u an download everything,can use the internet bt dia tkle recd mms...Ijan pun used iphone,bleh kemaruk i tgk...

Nari buka ringan2 jek...Dua manusia tk dtg buka sini so gonna buy some kuih muih & uat chappati sikt...


Well-Known Member
jgn plak you all jadi majority percentage of orang2 kita yah. Buat yg wajib n perlu. Tak perlu tu, tunggu dulu takmo abiskan duit, unless rezeki lebih nak buat reward sedikit. Lalu kat geylang ari tu, kedai mas mcm kedai jual ikan. Showroom kereta pun mcm ada raja lelong kereta mainan...tatot tengok:001_302:....maklumlahh nak rayakan. Langsir baru so kereta and bling2 pun kena baru....kwang kwang kwang. Majulah Melayu!!!

ohh.. insya'allah i won't b one of them.. coz i'm done w ol my shopping for ari raya today..~ smuer nye da settle..

so nie kaki insya'allah da tk jejak sane lagi.. :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member

sini dah gelap,gonna rain..Baru tdi sahur 'sound' mother in law nak bwk dia gi GEylang,jln2...heheheh...Bkn reski dia nak jln ngan menantu hantu ne...

Lis-my cousin using iphone with ppd line...Jailbrek your iphone dulu bt becareful bila jailbreak tau ade version yg buat the iphone senang rosak tk salah Version 4...As usual you an download everything,can use the internet bt dia tkle recd mms...Ijan pun used iphone,bleh kemaruk i tgk...

Nari buka ringan2 jek...Dua manusia tk dtg buka sini so gonna buy some kuih muih & uat chappati sikt...

how u make only know got instant ones kat supermkt. See....i told u, mak mertua dia untung ada menantu cam Ana. Ana, u ada doter...i 'chope' nohhh :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Make sure you jailbreak the phone 1st baru game or anitin you want to download dapat free.. If using ppd boleh jugak download game but must use Wi-Fi.. :001_302: Now ada starhub ppd and it also contain internet services.. you can check it out pat starhub cos my bro using that.. Actuali you can d/load tru computer pe.. Easy mahh..:001_302:
ok thnx for the tips sayang.. :wong19: am worried coz hubby nk hadiah kn aku iPhone.. den aku bising lahh cakap nanti ppd tkle pkai.. den aku cakap beli iPod Touch sudah tok aku.. tkya buang duit bnyk2.. tpi dia degil noh..~

cakap motive dia belikan aku iPhone is to show appreciation towards me for giving birth to his child(s)..


Well-Known Member
ok thnx for the tips sayang.. :wong19: am worried coz hubby nk hadiah kn aku iPhone.. then aku bising lahh cakap nanti ppd tkle pkai.. then aku cakap beli iPod Touch sudah tok aku.. tkya buang duit bnyk2.. tpi dia degil noh..~

cakap motive dia belikan aku iPhone is to show appreciation towards me for giving birth to his child(s)..
Happy for u beb,kerja keras Borhan is for u & ur sons...Alhamdulilah...


Well-Known Member
Ckap pasal iPhone... hmmm for those jailbreak and update the software from apple the version 4 tu.. those jailbreaking items will be wipeout automatically.... so if u ladies tak nak korang nye tu hilang begitu saja dont update....


Well-Known Member
ok thnx for the tips sayang.. :wong19: am worried coz hubby nk hadiah kn aku iPhone.. then aku bising lahh cakap nanti ppd tkle pkai.. then aku cakap beli iPod Touch sudah tok aku.. tkya buang duit bnyk2.. tpi dia degil noh..~

cakap motive dia belikan aku iPhone is to show appreciation towards me for giving birth to his child(s)..
wah baik kids pun tergilakan iphone...the NENEK canggih yg pakai tauuuuu. Anak dia sendiri tak tak tau pakai, cheyyyy. kids suka main games dalam tu.Asal singgah umah my mum, dorang naik tocang ahh, Nek, can we play games on your phone ?? Nenek said OK. Ibu and Ayah, ternaik kening. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
jgn plak you all jadi majority percentage of orang2 kita yah. Buat yg wajib n perlu. Tak perlu tu, tunggu dulu takmo abiskan duit, unless rezeki lebih nak buat reward sedikit. Lalu kat geylang ari tu, kedai mas mcm kedai jual ikan. Showroom kereta pun mcm ada raja lelong kereta mainan...tatot tengok:001_302:....maklumlahh nak rayakan. Langsir baru so kereta and bling2 pun kena baru....kwang kwang kwang. Majulah Melayu!!!
I'm not one of dem for this year...tkde benda yg tukar for this yr,semua pakai ape yg ade..Baju raya tu,my dad last yr present me 4 pairs of baju kurung,still blum pakai...cume nak beli irfan songkok & my shawl...

I pun kdg2 heran tgk org melayu kite,klau shopping mcm dah ingat2 kemudian hari or time drg ngan sesak kocek...


Well-Known Member

sini dah gelap,gonna rain..Baru tdi sahur 'sound' mother in law nak bwk dia gi GEylang,jln2...heheheh...Bkn reski dia nak jln ngan menantu hantu ne...

Lis-my cousin using iphone with ppd line...Jailbrek your iphone dulu bt becareful bila jailbreak tau ade version yg buat the iphone senang rosak tk salah Version 4...As usual you an download everything,can use the internet bt dia tkle recd mms...Ijan pun used iphone,bleh kemaruk i tgk...

Nari buka ringan2 jek...Dua manusia tk dtg buka sini so gonna buy some kuih muih & uat chappati sikt...
ok thnx Ana.. den ijan pkai ppd ke line..??

ouh.. u mean ur in-laws..?? hehehe.. actually kan nari ingat nk masak mee siam etc.. tpi tk jadi lahh.. ngah ujan.. so malas nk klua gi pasar.. rase2 nari makan burger ramly jek(goreng sendiri..).. :001_302: