Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 1


Well-Known Member

sini dah gelap,gonna rain..Baru tdi sahur 'sound' mother in law nak bwk dia gi GEylang,jln2...heheheh...Bkn reski dia nak jln ngan menantu hantu ne...

Lis-my cousin using iphone with ppd line...Jailbrek your iphone dulu bt becareful bila jailbreak tau ade version yg buat the iphone senang rosak tk salah Version 4...As usual you an download everything,can use the internet bt dia tkle recd mms...Ijan pun used iphone,bleh kemaruk i tgk...

Nari buka ringan2 jek...Dua manusia tk dtg buka sini so gonna buy some kuih muih & uat chappati sikt...
chappati with ape?? i klu buat chappati masak keema.... da lama tak uli chappati... shld make it one of these days.... gd idea frm Ana....


Well-Known Member
wah baik kids pun tergilakan iphone...the NENEK canggih yg pakai tauuuuu. Anak dia sendiri tak tak tau pakai, cheyyyy. kids suka main games dalam tu.Asal singgah umah my mum, dorang naik tocang ahh, Nek, can we play games on your phone ?? Nenek said OK. Ibu and Ayah, ternaik kening. :tlaugh:
my niece lebih update dr i,dia tahu segala selok belok tu iphone...My siblings+hubby used iphone,at time mcm nak aje tukar my blackberry to iphone...But i terlalu syg this BB hp..its my anniversary present...

Nowaday kids lebih bijak dr kite..terlalu advance


Well-Known Member
how you make only know got instant ones kat supermkt. See....i told you, mak mertua dia untung ada menantu cam Ana. Ana, you ada doter...i 'chope' nohhh :tlaugh:
Ade jual at supermarket the tepung chappati beb...hehehehe,malu nye kite...


Well-Known Member
wah baik kids pun tergilakan iphone...the NENEK canggih yg pakai tauuuuu. Anak dia sendiri tak tak tau pakai, cheyyyy. kids suka main games dalam tu.Asal singgah umah my mum, dorang naik tocang ahh, Nek, can we play games on your phone ?? Nenek said OK. Ibu and Ayah, ternaik kening. :tlaugh:
jgn cakap u or ur kids jek.. ape kurang nye on my side.. my bro, sil, mom & dad.. smuer pkai iPhone.. den my anak sedare yg gal pkai iPod Touch.. tgl anak sedare yg lelaki jek lom dpt.. agak nye nari dia dpt jugak uh.. coz his b'dae..

den wen Annur go over that side jek, abes.. takde hegeh2, tros mintak iPhone nk main games..~ rosak2... :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
I'm not one of dem for this year...tkde benda yg tukar for this yr,semua pakai ape yg ade..Baju raya tu,my dad last yr present me 4 pairs of baju kurung,still blum pakai...cume nak beli irfan songkok & my shawl...

I pun kdg2 heran tgk org melayu kite,klau shopping mcm dah ingat2 kemudian hari or time drg ngan sesak kocek...

banyak apa case orang melayu kita, sebelum raya beli kereta, a few months after raya kereta kena tarik coz tak lehh bayar. Kan sikit ari kluar this issue kat Detik i think.

Pandai sendiri...tanggung sendiri lahhh eh, kalo kes mcm tu. I can only say, good luck aje lahh.


Well-Known Member
chappati with ape?? i klu buat chappati masak keema.... da lama tak uli chappati... shld make it one of these days.... good idea frm Ana....
Same chappati with keema,nnti aku nak suro hubby aku singgah tekka beli ayam tandoori...Klau ade den not Kuih muih...


Well-Known Member
banyak apa case orang melayu kita, sebelum raya beli kereta, a few months after raya kereta kena tarik coz tak lehh bayar. Kan sikit ari kluar this issue kat Detik i think.

Pandai sendiri...tanggung sendiri lahhh eh, kalo kes mcm tu. I can only say, good luck aje lahh.
yah2,i ingt lagi...Ade tu sanggup nk bergaya,hutang sane sini...


Well-Known Member
help....buatkan ayat guna word dakapan...suitable untuk budak lower primary level eh...takmo powerr sangat ayat tu


Well-Known Member
ok thnx Ana.. then ijan pkai ppd ke line..??

ouh.. you mean your in-laws..?? hehehe.. actually kan nari ingat nk masak mee siam etc.. tpi tk jadi lahh.. ngah ujan.. so malas nk klua gi pasar.. rase2 nari makan burger ramly jek(goreng sendiri..).. :001_302:
Nope,ijan pakai line starhub...

Yes2,sape lagi kan...heheheh..sini pun dah hujan...


Well-Known Member
my niece lebih update dr i,dia tahu segala selok belok tu iphone...My siblings+hubby used iphone,at time mcm nak aje tukar my blackberry to iphone...But i terlalu syg this baby hp..its my anniversary present...

Nowaday kids lebih bijak dr kite..terlalu advance
yup true.. i klu tgk H bila hubby kasi greenlight to play games kat iphone die.. wah.. jari jemari die tu... bukan main lagi... scroll up n down... side kiri kanan... beh nnt change to other games... sume die tahu... tak ya nak ajar... i nak sentuh hubby nye iphone ade lahh takot2... hahaha.. takot rosak... hahaha....

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
ok thnx for the tips sayang.. :wong19: am worried coz hubby nk hadiah kn aku iPhone.. then aku bising lahh cakap nanti ppd tkle pkai.. then aku cakap beli iPod Touch sudah tok aku.. tkya buang duit bnyk2.. tpi dia degil noh..~

cakap motive dia belikan aku iPhone is to show appreciation towards me for giving birth to his child(s)..

Wah!! Good ar for u.. Don't worry even if use ppd pun boleh pakai iphone.. :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
wah baik kids pun tergilakan iphone...the NENEK canggih yg pakai tauuuuu. Anak dia sendiri tak tak tau pakai, cheyyyy. kids suka main games dalam tu.Asal singgah umah my mum, dorang naik tocang ahh, Nek, can we play games on your phone ?? Nenek said OK. Ibu and Ayah, ternaik kening. :tlaugh:
Same same wit Q & A.. Dorg sentiasa aiming for ayah's iphone.. Tapi yang dapat mama lahh.. hahahaha.. Tatut nak kasi bdk2 main ada je scratch noh.. :001_302: Then A dah ada impian.. Dia dah besar nak beli IPHONE.. hahahaha.. Time dia besar tak tahu apa hp canggih dah kua sehh..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
banyak apa case orang melayu kita, sebelum raya beli kereta, a few months after raya kereta kena tarik coz tak lehh bayar. Kan sikit ari kluar this issue kat Detik i think.

Pandai sendiri...tanggung sendiri lahhh eh, kalo kes mcm tu. I can only say, good luck aje lahh.
yah2,i ingt lagi...Ade tu sanggup nk bergaya,hutang sane sini...
ni agaknya kes, asal dapat rounding raya satu bulan boleh ahhh..pas tu nak tarik....tariklah. :001_302: ada ke orang mcm tuh ??? :err:
Betol cakap tu.. 100% setuju.. Hhahaa.. Sebab tu aku brani amek kreta yg mintak kena scrap aje.. Cos adik tatut kak..!! Kalau dah kena tarik trus bankruptcy noh tu.. hehehehehehehe.. Jangan main dengan API.. Tu smua nak berlagak ar.. Susah datang punya olang.. Dari nak step rounding je baik gi sewa kreta lagi slamat noh..