Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Active Member
morning ina!!!
aku ni mcm biskut tau jap ader jap tk da... hehehehe... org mayb hols mood or bz banget kott... niwae enflor ader ckp pasal gathering tk... we r oso tinking of gathering either on 25th or 26th dec.. wkends la.. bagi mummies2 yg tk le make it wkdays... so u guys choose either those dates or the 27th =)

ni ayu tgh malas nk breakfast tapi trpaksa jgk coz nk mkn ubat... mayb hot milo n cornflakes je la nmpknye... ina, ko anta mknan pd aku pun baik... kekekekke

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
morning ina!!!
aku ni mcm biskut tau jap ader jap tk da... hehehehe... org mayb hols mood or bz banget kott... niwae enflor ader ckp pasal gathering tk... we r also thinking of gathering either on 25th or 26th dec.. wkends .. bagi mummies2 yg tk make it wkdays... so you guys choose either those dates or the 27th =)

ni ayu tgh malas nk breakfast tapi trpaksa jgk coz nk mkn ubat... mayb hot milo n cornflakes je nmpknye... ina, ko anta mknan pediatrician aku pun baik... kekekekke
Morning Yo..!!

Kau sentiasa memang macam biskut!! Kata BUTTERFLY mahh..!! hahahahhaaa... Gathering on 25th or 26th is wkends kan?? Insyaallah tapi ku tak janji lahh.. Korang confirm time (nanak pagi2 buta noh) and date then inform gue k.. Will try to make it.. :001_302:

Apa tu pediatrician food? I no no wat kind of food is that... :tlaugh:


Active Member
ko nye insyaAllah tu most prolly ko dtg ke tk... heheheh or ko uat taik mata pat atas tilam... kekekekek

aku mmg mcm butterfly.. hari2 pki baju butterfly mah... wakakkaka... ko nk tgk aku terbang.. low jek aku fly.. tinggi2 tk bley... blakang byk load... wakakakaaka

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
ko nye insyaAllah tu most prolly ko dtg ke tk... heheheh or ko uat taik mata pat atas tilam... kekekekek

aku mmg mcm butterfly.. hari2 pki baju butterfly mah... wakakkaka... ko nk tgk aku terbang.. low jek aku fly.. tinggi2 tk bley... blakang byk load... wakakakaaka
Insyaallah try to make it bebz.. Cos 26th anniversary ku noh.. hahahahhaahaaa.. Kalau suami no plan for me baru ku lari umah jumpa korang lahh... hahahahah

Kau dengan baju butterfly tu nak terbang biar time siang takmo malam.. Ada je orang lain nampak lain cerita.. Hahahahahahhahahaa...


Well-Known Member
Morning Morning Morning.....can't stay long.
will be out of the house soon to do girly stuff with my princess. :Dancing_wub:

Madam ArabJr...sila layan kawan kita sorang tu :001_302:


Active Member
wah!!! best nye enflor.. girly time.. ayu tk bley girly time.. kesian naufal... kekekek... menjerit BOSS... hehehehe....

ina, ok jgk tu mit pat KL den shopping sakan.. woohooo!!!! 26th ko kalo free den cabut ar aper lagi... hehehe... naper aku terbang mlm2 ko takut kah.. ye eleh limit2 mcm tupai terbang jek.. ko pernah nmpk tupai terbang? senang2 aku demo eh... kekekekek


Well-Known Member

Pagi2 perut dah main music...Bedal jek cornflakes dulu...Waiting for kenit to wake up den maybe gi pasar...Nari masak ikan bawal kicap & goreng sayur!

Sorry,25th-26th dec i cant make it...My mnthly family gathering...


Active Member
wah! ana ko pun mcm aku jgk... hehehehe... sarapan cornflakes... aku stakat cornflakes wif ovaltine jek... nari hmmm... ntah eh nk masak aper.. aku nye kenit pun lum bgn... mayb tk masak lagi kottt... or limit2 aku masak mi sup je la.. lain2 malas u... kekekekke....

yg tu dates stakat another suggestion jek for werking ppl... tgk keaadaan.. enflor n me diskusi dat time... hehehhe

so d dates open for votes are: 25/ 26/ 27 dec...


Well-Known Member
wah! ana ko pun mcm aku jgk... hehehehe... sarapan cornflakes... aku stakat cornflakes wif ovaltine jek... nari hmmm... ntah eh nk masak aper.. aku nye kenit pun lum bgn... mayb tk masak lagi kottt... or limit2 aku masak mi sup je la.. lain2 malas u... kekekekke....

yg tu dates stakat another suggestion jek for werking ppl... tgk keaadaan.. enflor n me diskusi dat time... hehehhe

so d dates open for votes are: 25/ 26/ 27 dec...
Breakfast paling senang...Aku pun skg malas nk masak BUT kena kuat kan jgk...Klau tk kebulur org2 kat umah ne..heheheheh....

oh,i opt for 27th...Klau lain weekend insya allh bleh..


Active Member
aku nowadays hubby yg cuci kain baju... kekekek.. alhamdulillah... rilek sket aku... part masak ni aku ada malas lerr... smlm cuma dpt uat simple nasi goreng jek... cukup lerr utk isi perut hubby n kenit yg kelaparan... nari aku still tinking... mcm malas pun ader but still got to eat nohhh... tgk la kalo aku dpt rajinkn diriku ini.. kekekekeke

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
wah!!! best nye enflor.. girly time.. ayu tk bley girly time.. kesian naufal... kekekek... menjerit BOSS... hehehehe....

ina, ok jgk tu mit pat KL then shopping sakan.. woohooo!!!! 26th ko kalo free then cabut ar aper lagi... hehehe... naper aku terbang mlm2 ko takut kah.. ye eleh limit2 mcm tupai terbang jek.. ko pernah nmpk tupai terbang? senang2 aku demo eh... kekekekek
Kau jangan macam2 nak terbang sehh.. Hahahahhaa.. Terbang je pat katilmu tu.. Tak yah nak demo pat aku.. hahahahaa

so d dates open for votes are: 25/ 26/ 27 dec...
Oooooppssss!! 25th xmas kan..? Hehehehehe.. Maybe ku not in spore cos cousin dah ajak celebrate xmas pat kampung dia @kota tinggi.. But not sure i go or not cos aku ni mana duduk kampung nye olang.. Ada skit pengeli noh.. hehehehehe...


Active Member
kalo pat katil buang masa jek aku terbang... aku tau lerr ko slalu main terbang2 atas katil.. wakakakaka... aku dive tros beb.. wakakakak.. ko jgn start imagine lain eh.. otak ko tu color mcm lain sket.. ader yellowish.. kekekeke...

ko pun penggeli eh... same2 mcm aku... hehehehe... jln jengkit tros nohhh... but aku suka kampung.. rileks sket n carefree... aku le uat diri aku mcm tok penghulu jln dari hujung ke hujung smbil petik daun dari pokok org... hehehehe


Well-Known Member
aku nowadays hubby yg cuci kain baju... kekekek.. alhamdulillah... rilek sket aku... part masak ni aku ada malas lerr... smlm cuma dpt uat simple nasi goreng jek... cukup lerr utk isi perut hubby n kenit yg kelaparan... nari aku still tinking... mcm malas pun ader but still got to eat nohhh... tgk la kalo aku dpt rajinkn diriku ini.. kekekekeke
best nye,ade org tolong cuci baju....Ijan cuma skg aku minta dia mop floor & lap2 kan furniture...Malas btl nk uat keje mcm ne!!Umah mak ko kan dekat,minta lauk arh...


Active Member
mak aku lagi jaga anak adik aku... mcm ne nk masak.. budak tu very d clingy tau.. super clingy... ada youngest sis pat uma pun tk bley harap.. pas kul 12pm aru bgn... ish ish ish... kesian mak aku... kalo ko nk tau si faizal tu dia mmg washing freak.. kekekeke.. (bley ckp hubby sendiri eh).. kekadang aku yg irritated.. sibuk nah nk basuh... so far aku rasa aku ni worse case pemalas... hehehe.. hubby yg basuh, jemur, lipat kain baju.. aku biler mood ok aru lipat... den dia la yg tukang vacuum n kemas uma.. aku nye keje cuma jaga naufal coz hubby ku kekadang tk da kesabaran dgn si kenit ni... so most of d time aku lepak jek.. wakakakaka... mcm duyung... wakakakaka