Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
she lack of potasium... tu yg die kena warded since wednesday...

lack of potassium ??? Apa makanan tu yg dia kurang makan ???

jumpa Ayu ari tu...she still so anggun lahh, pakai kebaya confirm Saloma abis kalo dia tonggek kan rear tu....hahaha.

Ok, my coast clear for the next couple of days...darn, y has it got to be on a weekends. Baru plan nak gi East Coast on either Sat or Sun. So long neva go to skatepark.

Looks like books/ online games and kenits to accompany me. Borrrrring!


Well-Known Member
wah sedap nye roti boyan... skrg ayu tgh no mood nk mkn... pat tamp ada bazaar.. td singgah jap while sending hubby to mrt stn... tgk mknan semua no appetite... heheheh... so ternmpk plak ekonomiyaki.. aper lagi beli ar... hehehehe.. ni tgh hapi coz for d first time my kenit mkn sotong ball from old chang kee.. normali fishball, sotong ball dia tk mkn... for a moment aku pernah tink anak aku will grow up to b a vegetarian... heheheh
Finally, i can rest after a long day, layan boss, anak2 and nephew. Tough sey kalo ada anak 4....terkejar-kejar tadi nak siapkan stuff for them. Now, back to juz three stooges at home tengah ngaji at home.

Is the bazaar still on-going ??? hmm, gave me an idea on what to do tmr evening.

Wanna go kejar-kejar on my feet but weather looks gloomy here. ai ya yaiiii!!!


Active Member
enflor, maner ada anggun.. muka tgh belengas.. kekekeke... pki kebaya bukan mcm saloma mcm sarung nangka ader la... hehehehe... dah la ayu nye rear sepikul.. kekekeke

d bazaar still on.. baru jgk open tk kn cepat nk tutup... hehehe...

han, aku harap nenek ko cpt get well la eh.. Amiin...

ayu nanti nak go mum's plc ngecek lauk.. hehehe.. naufal ni slamat lerr tk ganggu ayu.. dia skrg sibuk coloring eversince i started him on kumon...


Well-Known Member
enflor, maner ada anggun.. muka tgh belengas.. kekekeke... pki kebaya bukan mcm saloma mcm sarung nangka ader la... hehehehe... dah la ayu nye rear sepikul.. kekekeke

d bazaar still on.. baru jgk open tk kn cepat nk tutup... hehehe...

han, aku harap nenek ko cpt get well la eh.. Amiin...

ayu nanti nak go mum's plc ngecek lauk.. hehehe.. naufal ni slamat lerr tk ganggu ayu.. dia skrg sibuk coloring eversince i started him on kumon...
Come on Naufal...Kumon!!! Wahhhh....bagus teaches the child to be focus and attentive tau courses kat Kumon.

Am so nak kejar2 ke tak nak, nak ke tak nak...mcm ada malas mode semenjak2 nih. (Baru nak siap, dahh ujan pun mula turun...hahaha, what a GOOD Xcuse. But tmr pagi, no excuse, kena dera nih kaki)

hahaha, kalo rear tu sepikul...JLO pun kalah babe.
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Well-Known Member
lack of potassium ??? Apa makanan tu yg dia kurang makan ???

jumpa Ayu ari tu...she still so anggun lahh, pakai kebaya confirm Saloma abis kalo dia tonggek kan rear tu....hahaha.

Ok, my coast clear for the next couple of days...darn, y has it got to be on a weekends. Baru plan nak gi East Coast on either Sat or Sun. So long neva go to skatepark.

Looks like books/ online games and kenits to accompany me. Borrrrring!
klu lack of potassium means ada link with the kidney...


Well-Known Member
u scroll up nmpk the quick links...

hahaha...baru boleh nampak...apadah tuan tanah mcm nak taknak kasi masuk some tempat kat sini. dahh lahh colour putih, font pun kicik. Rabun person like me terkial-kial. Nih notification pun i still blur sikit. I thought i was done with the notification nih...but when checked it is still the same number of notification.


Well-Known Member
oh dear....confirm ke ada kidney problem? Nih sakit orang kaya nih. Hopefully, it is juz a false alarm. Doakan dia ok and sihat.
i still havent get the latest news yet...but today doc discharge her... me too hope that not up to that extend...


Well-Known Member
hahaha...baru boleh nampak...apadah tuan tanah mcm nak taknak kasi masuk some tempat kat sini. dahh lahh colour putih, font pun kicik. Rabun person like me terkial-kial. Nih notification pun i still blur sikit. I thought i was done with the notification nih...but when checked it is still the same number of notification.
tu lahh.. the purple color almost cover the white fonts.... shld be in black fonts better... kita nie pandai2 jek eh comment... hahahhaha....

puan ina trus tak lehh masok kedai kopi... pc dia tak support....


Well-Known Member
jus now ate that samurai burger from macdonald... the sauce was so sweet.. or is it bcos of my preggy tastebud...

puan ina kata sdap tak ckop satu klu makan that samurai burger... wahahaha...

and now am eating soya beancurd again...


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

Ppl keeping talking abt the samurai burger & i been pestering hubby to buy for me..hhehehe...Most of them commented DAMN NICE!!Today,insya allah nk grab at MAc Donald Harbour Front ltr..

I will be goin for 2 day trip to Batam today..Yeay!!!Happy tk terkata walaupun setakat BATAM!!!Smlm being doing some shopping center researching at Batam..There will be 5 plcs to cover,insya allah..I want to go DC Mall,my fren ckp sane byk tradisional baju2...

Anw,mummies,enjoy ur weekend with ur loved one!!!Chat with u all next Monday!!


Well-Known Member
lack of potassium ??? Apa makanan tu yg dia kurang makan ???

jumpa Ayu ari tu...she still so anggun lahh, pakai kebaya confirm Saloma abis kalo dia tonggek kan rear tu....hahaha.

Ok, my coast clear for the next couple of days...darn, y has it got to be on a weekends. Baru plan nak gi East Coast on either Sat or Sun. So long neva go to skatepark.

Looks like books/ online games and kenits to accompany me. Borrrrring!
yes zhann, tell us... me want to know too...


Well-Known Member
lack of potassium ??? Apa makanan tu yg dia kurang makan ???

jumpa Ayu ari tu...she still so anggun lahh, pakai kebaya confirm Saloma abis kalo dia tonggek kan rear tu....hahaha.

Ok, my coast clear for the next couple of days...darn, y has it got to be on a weekends. Baru plan nak gi East Coast on either Sat or Sun. So long neva go to skatepark.

Looks like books/ online games and kenits to accompany me. Borrrrring!
fuyoh! power tu! hehehehe... :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

Ppl keeping talking about the samurai burger & i been pestering hubby to buy for me..hhehehe...Most of them commented DAMN NICE!!Today,insya allah nk grab at MAc Donald Harbour Front ltr..

I will be goin for 2 day trip to Batam today..Yeay!!!Happy tk terkata walaupun setakat BATAM!!!Smlm being doing some shopping center researching at Batam..There will be 5 plcs to cover,insya allah..I want to go DC Mall,my friend ckp sane byk tradisional baju2...

Anw,mummies,enjoy your weekend with your loved one!!!Chat with you all next Monday!!

HAve a great and safe trip dear Ana!... AND of course! HAPPY SHOPPING!!! :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Zhann, wish your nenek a speedy recovery ok... ladies, now adays kan, heard alot of sickness creaping in... care to share with me wat kind of health policy coverage u ladies took up... me no no good in these kind of things... only have the basics coverage... anyone have any better policy, please share with ignorant me... :)