Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning everyone.. Today is monday..!! Sooo sleepy lor nari.. How i wish i can continue my sleep lahh.. Gi keje dah macam dragging myself gitu..

Chendol is back again.. Pitam2 suddenly pop out on me during wkends.. Maybe due to the HOT sun noh.. The last weekend panas terik dia ya'allah sungguh PANAS noh.. Sickness is coming back soon.. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
morning mums...howz the weekend ?

My coast not clear today and dunno when it will be clear this week. Once i know, i can make my way to the WEST with my buj and make plans to meet Han too.

Today, the guys will hang out together and the gals will do our that happy conflict of interests :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
morning mums...howz the weekend ?

My coast not clear today and dont know when it will be clear this week. Once i know, i can make my way to the WEST with my buj and make plans to meet Han too.

Today, the guys will hang out together and the gals will do our that happy conflict of interests :001_302:
Wahh!! Boleh aje korang ni smua travel from east to west or north to south ni smua ehk.. Very good..! But this few days matahari sungguh panas terik sehh.. Sakit kepala kena diri bawah matahari..

Seronok gitu kan once a while guys and guys then gals and gals.. :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Aftnn Mummies,

I'm back!!!We took the last ferry back hm yesterday...I had great fun with MAKAN,SHOPPING,HOTEL & Wats more i can said FAMILY LOVE!!!Irfan being very2 cooperate with us!!Alhamdulilah...The best things,jln till malam pun kaki tak sakit & badan tak penat seh,Alhamdulilah....Not much pics taken...

Ltr goin back my ibu plc jap to hantar her brg2...Done with cooking & hsework...Masak org malas jek,Soup Ayam!!My place ngan heavy rain..


Active Member
Hello everyone.. heheh.. ibu2 suma... saya sungguh sedih banget.. pasal...


benci sekali.. haiz..

any updates for the gatherin.. i nyer leave dah takder lerr.. macam mana nak jumpa on weekends. haiz...

baru habis makan.. so kenyang sekali.. last sat n sunday was fun.. got to see kumar show.. he is so hilarious!! i ketawa tak agak2.. sampai nangis2 sekali.. hahah.. my hubby pai lagik sikit nak terkencing.. tahan sampai their 15 mins break.. hahaha.. sunday kluar wif the kakaks beli barang skolah... haiz. "duit dah banyak habis... manisah tak pulang2 jugak.".. "azura, bapak blom kirim duit lagik azura.." (petikan dalam cerita Azura..) wa caya sama lu Jamal!!.. hahaha.. dah sot tau nie.. issyh..

y, tell me y u dun let me chit chat here anymore.. i do noting wrong wat.. issyhhh... :wefrown::wetwitcy::we3sad::wong13::wong21::wong7:


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone.. Today is monday..!! Sooo sleepy lor nari.. How i wish i can continue my sleep lahh.. Gi keje dah macam dragging myself gitu..

Chendol is back again.. Pitam2 suddenly pop out on me during wkends.. Maybe due to the HOT sun noh.. The last weekend panas terik dia ya'allah sungguh PANAS noh.. Sickness is coming back soon.. :embarrassed:

take holz nak dekat tu. Takkan nak start holiday, sakit2 kan. In the meantime, try not to stay too late gi JB ke or tengok crita momok till late nights. Kasi sihat badan tu betul2.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Aftnn Mummies,

I'm back!!!We took the last ferry back hm yesterday...I had great fun with MAKAN,SHOPPING,HOTEL & Wats more i can said FAMILY LOVE!!!Irfan being very2 cooperate with us!!Alhamdulilah...The best things,jln till malam pun kaki tak sakit & badan tak penat seh,Alhamdulilah....Not much pics taken...

Ltr goin back my ibu plc jap to hantar her brg2...Done with cooking & hsework...Masak org malas jek,Soup Ayam!!My place ngan heavy rain..
Wahh!! Seronok gitu ku dengar u having a good time noh.. Yup wit family enjoying the trip is the best of the best quality time we shud have.. Part dah holiday jalan 2hari straight pun takan sakit bebz.. hahahahahaa... Cos u are njoying mahh.. Same ar goes to me tapi later2 dah sampai spore baru aku rasa sakit2 smua start dtg.. hahahahahaa.. Itu part suami will say masa holiday tak complain dabis holiday ada je sakit tu lahh sakit ni lahh.. hahahahahhahaa...

Hello everyone.. heheh.. ibu2 suma... saya sungguh sedih banget.. pasal...


benci sekali.. sigh..

any updates for the gatherin.. i nyer leave dah takder lerr.. macam mana nak jumpa on weekends. sigh...

baru habis makan.. so kenyang sekali.. last sat n sunday was fun.. got to see kumar show.. he is so hilarious!! i ketawa tak agak2.. sampai nangis2 sekali.. hahah.. my hubby pai lagik sikit nak terkencing.. tahan sampai their 15 mins break.. hahaha.. sunday kluar with the kakaks beli barang skolah... sigh. "duit dah banyak habis... manisah tak pulang2 jugak.".. "azura, bapak blom kirim duit lagik azura.." (petikan dalam cerita Azura..) wa caya sama lu Jamal!!.. hahaha.. dah sot tau nie.. issyh..

y, tell me y you dont let me chit chat here anymore.. i do noting wrong what.. issyhhh... :wefrown::wetwitcy::we3sad::wong13::wong21::wong7:
Kecohrable betol kau nur.. Buat ku kekek baca post kau ni.. Bestkan dpt tengok Kumar's show.. Fabret aku dengan itu jan-bet.. hehehehehhee.. Sambil ku baca post mu ni boleh aku imagine kejap how u laugh siol while watch his show.. wahahahahhaa...

Buku skolah anak2 ku smua dah settled.. Now for her bags and shoes, habislah ayah dorg pening lalat nye.. Ni kali nak cari cheap2 bags for A cos dia tu suka tukar2 bag.. Dah belikan satu bag ti she say ramai pat skolah pakai bag mcm gini ar gitu ar and request to change then ending2 aku tengok bag lain dia pakai.. Aku gi keje dah 2tahun bag keje sama dia nak lawan taukeh ni!! Nak tukar2 bag.. Chhheeeeeessseeeee!!


Well-Known Member
Aftnn Mummies,

I'm back!!!We took the last ferry back hm yesterday...I had great fun with MAKAN,SHOPPING,HOTEL & Wats more i can said FAMILY LOVE!!!Irfan being very2 cooperate with us!!Alhamdulilah...The best things,jln till malam pun kaki tak sakit & badan tak penat seh,Alhamdulilah....Not much pics taken...

Ltr goin back my ibu plc jap to hantar her brg2...Done with cooking & hsework...Masak org malas jek,Soup Ayam!!My place ngan heavy rain..
hmmm, i've neva been to Batam tau. Only went to Bintan b4. Bagus ke Batam ??


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.. heheh.. ibu2 suma... saya sungguh sedih banget.. pasal...


benci sekali.. haiz..

any updates for the gatherin.. i nyer leave dah takder lerr.. macam mana nak jumpa on weekends. haiz...

baru habis makan.. so kenyang sekali.. last sat n sunday was fun.. got to see kumar show.. he is so hilarious!! i ketawa tak agak2.. sampai nangis2 sekali.. hahah.. my hubby pai lagik sikit nak terkencing.. tahan sampai their 15 mins break.. hahaha.. sunday kluar wif the kakaks beli barang skolah... haiz. "duit dah banyak habis... manisah tak pulang2 jugak.".. "azura, bapak blom kirim duit lagik azura.." (petikan dalam cerita Azura..) wa caya sama lu Jamal!!.. hahaha.. dah sot tau nie.. issyh..

y, tell me y u dun let me chit chat here anymore.. i do noting wrong wat.. issyhhh... :wefrown::wetwitcy::we3sad::wong13::wong21::wong7:
ala more chit chat time here lahh that means. Asal ahh, maybe itz juz temporary tak ??? U kena spy tak ari tu, sebab your sup saw u ketwa golek2 masa chat ngan kita smua ???? hahahah

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
take holz nak dekat tu. Takkan nak start holiday, sakit2 kan. In the meantime, try not to stay too late gi JB ke or tengok crita momok till late nights. Kasi sihat badan tu betul2.
Thanks bebz.. Tu ar i not sure i maybe got Low Blood pressure kot? Cos i can feel all this since last week lahh.. Only yg last sat kena attacked.. Shud go checkup soon.. Tatut beta noh..!! :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Wahh!! Seronok gitu ku dengar u having a good time noh.. Yup wit family enjoying the trip is the best of the best quality time we shud have.. Part dah holiday jalan 2hari straight pun takan sakit bebz.. hahahahahaa... Cos u are njoying mahh.. Same ar goes to me tapi later2 dah sampai spore baru aku rasa sakit2 smua start dtg.. hahahahahaa.. Itu part suami will say masa holiday tak complain dabis holiday ada je sakit tu lahh sakit ni lahh.. hahahahahhahaa...

SAme here...all barang2 school dahh siap. Only needs this Mama Clause to wrap all the books with plastic cover, tag all names on the books/files. Balik holiday baru mula tu keje.

Kecohrable betol kau nur.. Buat ku kekek baca post kau ni.. Bestkan dpt tengok Kumar's show.. Fabret aku dengan itu jan-bet.. hehehehehhee.. Sambil ku baca post mu ni boleh aku imagine kejap how u laugh siol while watch his show.. wahahahahhaa...

Buku skolah anak2 ku smua dah settled.. Now for her bags and shoes, habislah ayah dorg pening lalat nye.. Ni kali nak cari cheap2 bags for A cos dia tu suka tukar2 bag.. Dah belikan satu bag ti she say ramai pat skolah pakai bag mcm gini ar gitu ar and request to change then ending2 aku tengok bag lain dia pakai.. Aku gi keje dah 2tahun bag keje sama dia nak lawan taukeh ni!! Nak tukar2 bag.. Chhheeeeeessseeeee!!

alamak my post...salah parking dahhhh....sila baca pink coloured font :)