We are TTC-ing!


Oh dragontail, last time I used to apply ru yi you before sleep. It's the oil that baby and kids apply for wind.

Very comfortable but provided u and hub can tahan the smell.

I usually apply when I have bad menstrual cramp and it suppose to help get rid of wind.


Hello all...
I been missing this thread for few days cos now at bintan.. currently at ferry terminal waiting for ferry bk to sg lo.... :)

I shall try brew red dates tea when i m back to sg...


Active Member
Soursop I love the smell of ru yi you! But I used it when I have stomach ache and my hubby will apply for me. Nice feeling :)

That rise seems too little but yes sometimes slow rise may happen. The temperature may slowly climb up in next few days.


Good morning ladies..... ;)

I think i am out this cycle. my temp dropped this morning to close the red line. and its only 6dpo and 22cd. SO strange!! I never had this kind of temp before...


Active Member
Lynn, I stop the an tai med when menses come, or even the day before when bbt drop. Cod the an tai Med will make the bleeding lesser, come menses cannot make bleeding if not No clear enough tissues then No Good for Next cycle

Soursop happy 2ww! Lol. Cny alot things cannot anyhow eat! :(


Littlehamster, I just asked Dr Wu and was told to stop taking her medicine for 3 days when menses come. Can take it on the 4th day.. not sure if the same for the rest of the patients. U may want to check with her.

Anyone having constipation when taking conceive well?? Maybe it doesn't suit me as I have constipation n can't sleep well. It could be due to the high iron content..

Soursop, yes it is true that cooked pineapple is not cooling anymore. Ytd I also ate 2 pineapple tarts. I guess cny just don't take soft drinks and raw food, but not sure spicy food can or not??


Active Member
Lynn, normally when I cone menses, My med will finish or left with an tai Med (meds for after o), then I visit her at new cycle, by then will pass few days already. She No say abt the 4th day then take med thing


Littlehamster, I see. Dr Wu just gave me 2wks of medicine to last till she back. But I am not sure if the medicine is for ovulation or for after ovulation as she never mention about pre o or after o thingy. She told you ?? But she said maybe my menses will come soon..but i notice recently not much cm so can I say I past ovulation already??

I am afraid that my menses may come these 2 wks so I called to ask her staff and she helped to ask Dr Wu n was told to take on the 4th day of menses.
My temp dropped from 37.7 to 37.5 now.


Active Member
The difference with my current sinseh is he is not a fertility sinseh, compared to Dr wu. So medicine he prescribes actually is for overall Qi. Don't have pre o post o kind of medicine. He said something before about if don't have good Qi, give what medicine for fertility also won't help...He thinks acupuncture is very important for me in ttc. Oh well, 老王卖瓜 。

Today cd9 so much ewcm I'm shocked. Too early. Had wanted not to opk this cycle. Think I cannot take it...will poas later.


Yup, dragontail.. ur words reminded me of Dr Su. That time when I was with her, she did not mention about pre o or post o medicine also. Thats why Im also puzzled why got pre o n post o thingy. Im also wondering what if I gave her the wrong misconception that I ovulated? Does it hv an impact on the medicine that she tiao for me? Cos I did the bbt but realised that my temp is not very constantly high throughout when I reached 36.7. She said just take it as a reference.. but i believe she adjusted the medicine after the info i gave her. I also heard Dr su mention abt Qi not enough...etc.. but she never ask me to do bbt. Only emphasize to drink red date tea daily n bazhen per wk which i believe it helps me. Now I shall see if my menses got come or not. Today cd 30 already... don't think it will come soon.

I also believe that acupuncture will improve Qi.. works faster with medicine. I think for patients like me who never exercise needs to improve in this area.


One thing I noticed when I see Dr wu on cd 13, after i took her medicine, I got loads of CM, not sure if her medicine was really that "power" or happened that Im near ovulation..haha.. maybe she was rgt to say that my af is near, so perhaps getting lesser cm now.