We are TTC-ing!


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Lynn I did 4 X of acupuncture (twice a week) and I have since seen improvement.

I mean ok la...its just my 2mths plus with this sinseh and can't expect bfp overnight. But overall I'm feeling really good from his treatment. So I will continue the acupuncture.


Hi dragontail, tks for yr feedback. U mentioned improvement as in which area?

Although Dr wu disallowed me to take red date tea n bazhen but i still take it wkly, i dare not let her kw in case she not happy.. haha.. I kw my body too well. I'm underweight and cold recently.. my blood pressure seldom reach the normal 80/120, alwys below. Lack of blood.. always get bloated easily n no gd sleep also.
Maybe i will consider switching to Dr su after cny..as i wan to do acupuncture. I requested Dr wu to do for me but she still said not this cycle yet.. sigh.. I think she thinks too highly of me.. Im very weak actually..haha..

Tomorrow Im going to gleneagles to do blood test..a bit scared n worried now..don't dare to think abt it, just do it for the sake of doing it. I don't even want to pick any call if Dr called me next Mon. Don't wish to receive bad news that will affect my cny mood!!:nah:


Active Member
After few sessions of the acu, I have no contispation problem anymore (used to do big biz only like 3-4 days once. Sometimes even worse). Now I can go every day or at least alternative days. And also my o is coming earlier. Used to be cd17 but like this cycle at cd9 now and I have loads of ewcm. So o should be around the corner. And generally I feel more jing shen.

Well you know your body well...still can drink those goodies. Everything in moderation will be fine.

Positive thought hey. Whatever needs to come will come....don't worry till the day comes!


Oh I see. Thks for all the positive feedbacks. U gave me an encouragement to make the next move.. cos i normally will do big biz everyday, now that i can only do once in 3days, feels weird to me. Maybe thats the reason why Dr wu advised me not to take red dates tea.. I m thinking perhaps her medication is diff from Dr su. I didn't hv this prob when I took her medication with red dates tea.. or perhaps im not suitable to take conceive well.

Oh any idea when doing blood test, can drink coffee?? The staff nurse advised me to rest for half an hr before drawing blood, don't kw why..


Active Member
I have few friends (guys too) who took Dr wu medicine last time. All also comment they feel heaty.

Hmm I don't know about the caffeine thing. If I were you just skip ba. Let the blood be as "clear" as possible.


Yup I think better skip coffee, better be less "awake" than be more "awake", so that I will be less 'Gan jiong'..haha..:001_302:


Active Member
For me I know and Dr Wu know What meds I am prescribed cos I doing bbt and My cycle quite regular, She will based on My cycle n prescribe med accordingly. Sometimes if u chat with her, She will talk more and tell u What to take note and What She is prescribing. The menses med is to help with the loss blood, then next pre o Med is to help with better ovulation and better quality eggy, post o is an Tai, to prevent miscarriage easily . I have history of 2 early mc. hubby also gets 2weeks Med, She say is to boost energy for him and better quality sperms. When hubby go See her, She usually will talk alot, Cos Maybe man will big ego and dun trust doctors easily? Sometimes I go alone, haven't 5min then come out already -.-

Before I went to Dr Wu, I went to eu yan sang with even worse body conditions (after My 2nd mc) the physician kept shaking her head, saying I got weak kidney qi , liver qi, low blood (I get dizzy when having menses) say till I like paper can get blown away or fall down anytime Lol.


Oh I see. But Im wondering if I not pregnant still take the "an tai" med? She mentioned either my menses is coming soon or pregnant. She said smethg like trying to improve my LH ( huang ti su) I think.. don't kw is to make it longer or shorter..Don't kw why I got a feeling my menses won't come and may drag for very long again..make me panick! Luckily Dr Wu got mention I can take western medicine if I need to as doesn't crash with her medicine.

Actually I got try to ask her questions, but she didn't explain much on my progress or my condition. Only said im too stress. She said will add somethg into the medicine to make me sleep soundly but i still didn't find it works. Yes long ago, I also had low blood pressure until to the point that I felt giddy n nauseated. I even fainted outside. Took iron n folic acid for a couple of mths then recovered. Until now, my blood pressure is always on the lower side. But at least not to the extend of fainting spells. Now that i have been taking red dates tea to maintain the "standard" haha..Lastime Dr su always tells me to put on more weight in order to conceive, till now im trying to.

Hope I can pass my blood test tomorrow so that i dont hv to take medication, cos i kw that the medicine will make my blood pressure low!:(
Hi ladies, i dunno if its juz concidence or wat. My menses used to be v irregular. but this time round my menses came on CD34! And i notice there is a big decrease on those clots which i normally have. Dunno if its because i cut down on tea and cold stuff. Hope by tiaoing my menses to be more regular will help in my journey on ttc.

Lynn, my sinseh say my huang ti v v low. so even preggy also cant hold the bb... i think i had to keep myself warm. My bbt everyday is below 36!my sinseh say its v v bad! sigh... wat remedy u gals have for this??


Active Member
Lynn don't stress Ya..haha. blood test only Hehe. I find myself at one point of time got anxiety. Then kinda affects the whole ttc process. Try press the chest bone in the middle in bet breasts slowly and gently, if u feel pain or achey, means u Quite impatient and may stress up easily. My male colleague also like that, I always angry with him Cos He does stupid things So rash haha then I ask him his chest bone rub pain or not, He said very pain then advice him to rub and deep breathing before sleep.

Apple, cold food will have more blood clots. Try cut down or No take at all. That's What Dr Wu said to me too! I got mc before So She very cautious.

Huang ti issit progesterone?
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We are on e same CD track.... highfive! I m now CD31...as usual, my mense can come anytime cos it too irregular... my last cycle was 45days sia..omg.. haizz.. i been taking cw for about 3weeks but dun seem to improve my cycle too huh... looks like only bai feng pills can regulate mense.. i took 2rounds of bai feng pills few mths ago, my mense really improved to cycle 30...

But actually its my fault too, in the past i din know its so tough to get bfp, i used to take those pills that delay menses very frequently...mayb due to these pills, made my cd all jump up....but i stop taking liao.


Hi ladies, i dunno if its juz concidence or wat. My menses used to be v irregular. but this time round my menses came on CD34! And i notice there is a big decrease on those clots which i normally have. Dunno if its because i cut down on tea and cold stuff. Hope by tiaoing my menses to be more regular will help in my journey on ttc.

Lynn, my sinseh say my huang ti v v low. so even preggy also cant hold the bb... i think i had to keep myself warm. My bbt everyday is below 36!my sinseh say its v v bad! sigh... wat remedy u gals have for this??

Apple - am sure your sinseh would have prescribed you medi to help with your cycle (ie to tiao your body) Too much clots during menses is defintely no good (thats what i heard from my sinseh) womb too cooling. So to avoid cooling stuff, like ice cream, ice water, anything from fridge. If need to eat, put outside to cool for awhile then eat. Fruits like pineapple, watermelon also no no.

My hubby bght me a bottle to keep my tummy warm and I used it before i sleep. Can buy at Novena Sq 2, got a shop selling all kinds of medical stuff.


Apple - and also if can wear socks to sleep and wear bedroom slippers. If you are those like to wear bustier, sleeveless, it might be a good thing to wear something to cover your shoulders.

Like the rest, they will drink longan and red dates tea. But check with your sinseh if you can drink or not.


Active Member
My Sinseh shares these days women like to wear sleeveless. For ladies who are weak already, that's a no no. Don't let wind blow onto your shoulder.


Hi all, appreciate all yr kind encouragement. Just done my blood test.. results will be out maybe next wk. But I hope gynae won't call me next Mon as I would be on leave for dinner with hubby, don't wish to receive any bad news..haha.. Don't really pin high hope for this test as I got a feeling that I might fail again. Already prepared for the worst.

Apple, I think yr Dr mentioned abt " huang ti" is referring to LH hormones ( Lutenising hormones) (huang ti hua ji su). Coz Dr Wu also mentioned about "huang ti" and I got my previous hormones blood test results with English and Chinese translation done at Gleneagles. Yes I think u shd stop taking anythg cold esp if yr temp is always that low. I think red dates tea does help me to achieve higher temp, if not i don't think my temp will exceed 36 as I always feel cold. Besides im considered quite skinny..

Littlehamster, Progesterone is "yun tong" not "huang ti". Yes, I think recently im too stress up..I tried yr method pressing at my chest bone but no pain at all. I think when i stress up, i tend to be more impatient..don't kw why i couldn't control myself.. maybe I shouldn't do the bbt, coz i realised doing it daily would indirectly activate my anxiety. Today, my temp is 36.7 again.. sometime 36.5.

Just now, when I reached the clinic, I took a sip of hot water and the nurse took my blood pressure and to my surprise, my blood pressure shoot up to 75/134. Aiyooo.. gave me a shock!! The nurse asked if i felt giddy, I said not at all. Is it normal huh?? Is it consider as high blood? Thought normal blood pressure shd be 80/120. Then my weight super weird also! 2 mths ago, my weight was 41kg, now 39kg. sigh...Im wondering if that sip of hot water would make my blood pressure shoot up??
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We are on e same CD track.... highfive! I m now CD31...as usual, my mense can come anytime cos it too irregular... my last cycle was 45days sia..omg.. haizz.. i been taking cw for about 3weeks but dun seem to improve my cycle too huh... looks like only bai feng pills can regulate mense.. i took 2rounds of bai feng pills few mths ago, my mense really improved to cycle 30...

But actually its my fault too, in the past i din know its so tough to get bfp, i used to take those pills that delay menses very frequently...mayb due to these pills, made my cd all jump up....but i stop taking liao.
Hi mummygirl, what type of pills were u taking previously that could delay yr menses? U taking contraceptive pills previously??
Oh so coincident! Mine also cd 31 today. The longer my menses come, the higher chance tht I would fail my blood test..I think yr cycle was not as bad as me, the longest for me is 58day..


Lynn23:853699 said:
Hi all, appreciate all yr kind encouragement. Just done my blood test.. results will be out maybe next wk. But I hope gynae won't call me next Mon as I would be on leave for dinner with hubby, don't wish to receive any bad news..haha.. Don't really pin high hope for this test as I got a feeling that I might fail again. Already prepared for the worst.

Apple, I think yr Dr mentioned abt " huang ti" is referring to LH hormones ( Lutenising hormones) (huang ti hua ji su). Coz Dr Wu also mentioned about "huang ti" and I got my previous hormones blood test results with English and Chinese translation done at Gleneagles. Yes I think u shd stop taking anythg cold esp if yr temp is always that low. I think red dates tea does help me to achieve higher temp, if not i don't think my temp will exceed 36 as I always feel cold. Besides im considered quite skinny..

Littlehamster, Progesterone is "yun tong" not "huang ti". Yes, I think recently im too stress up..I tried yr method pressing at my chest bone but no pain at all. I think when i stress up, i tend to be more impatient..don't kw why i couldn't control myself.. maybe I shouldn't do the bbt, coz i realised doing it daily would indirectly activate my anxiety. Today, my temp is 36.7 again.. sometime 37.5.

Just now, when I reached the clinic, I took a sip of hot water and the nurse took my blood pressure and to my surprise, my blood pressure shoot up to 75/134. Aiyooo.. gave me a shock!! The nurse asked if i felt giddy, I said not at all. Is it normal huh?? Is it consider as high blood? Thought normal blood pressure shd be 80/120. Then my weight super weird also! 2 mths ago, my weight was 41kg, now 39kg. sigh...Im wondering if that sip of hot water would make my blood pressure shoot up??
I m alway as skinny as u too leh......
But i think i m older than u.. how old r u?
What blood test your are currently doing? 58days! its really long.....

Cos everytime I go overseas, will always co-incidence with my menses dates... so I will always visit the doctor and request for pills to delay my menses. This happens at least 4-5times over the 12mths cycle...so I believe its really bad for me....
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