We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Yalo Lynn, dun think too much. I might ask, I might not ask... cos I myself alot of things to ask drC. I scared Later He find me long winded and charge me extra consultation how? Hehe. DrC once told me, if it's ours is ours if preggy then Good if not don't stress up cos dun have . Sometimes is the mind playing a trick and test if u are ready for this.

We are planning our trip to Cameron highlands in may for our anniversary! I might take one whole week off work to go make Baby! Lol
HI Lynn, dun be too stress up. Stress is not gd n will upset ur hormones balance. Then will be no gd. Tat y everytime i go c my tcm she will ask if i am stressed up or nt. I always have long long cycle n my gynae always say i too stress, hormones imbalance.
Juz knew today tat 2 of my frnds preggy, told my hubby abt it n he scold me say i too obsess abt it.


Active Member
Lol ya better keep to 5 questions max at DrC. Haha.

Enjoy your holiday! I really like the one week off for baby making. Sounds awesome .


Littlehamster, its ok. I think most likely all Tcm dr might say the same thing. I gave up. I actually hate to see Tcm as it is super slow. Even now I still feel bloated after taking Tcm med. I think it may be pcos that causes it. I had booked appointmt to see my gynae next wk to take pills. I hope to solve my prob in an easier way.


Hi Dragontail, soursop, apple,

I appreciate yr kind comforting words..thks all for the encouragement! :)

Dragontail, you really can read my mind! I admit that I googled a lot about pcos information n the more i read the more i scared..but none ever mentioned anovulation would lead to "pre mature menopause"! Oh well, I guess u are so rgt to say that I shouldn't ponder over somethg which may not happen to me..

I truly understand that the theory of this issue will never be the same in the concept of Western med n Tcm med. Frankly speaking, i do get much affected by this issue not because of difficult to conceive issues but because of early menopause which I never think of it at this moment..I always tell myself if i tried but in vain, at least i try, but i just cannot accept "early menopause" as i don't hv such genes! haha..If this is really true, i guess most of the females of all ages would also face the same prob rgt?? Sounds ridiculous..

I trust a lot on Western med than tcm treatment. Unless Western med cannot cure me, then i will proceed to tcm. I once heard Dr Su share this info with me.. ie if her child got fever or flu, she would never let him take panadol or flu med to solve his prob, would use natural herbs instead. At that time, I was asking myself this question.. if one were to hv very high fever, do u think herbs heal faster or western med heals faster?? Whats wrong with popping a panadol n settle headache prob within a few mins?? hehe..I guess no one would hesitate to take panadol whereby it is the fastest method to solve the prob.

I will try to clear my doubts next wk when i visit my gynae. I guess i shouldn't let my mind goes wild at this moment over views of tcm n western med. I strongly agree with dragontail n soursop that TCM won't "guarantee" that we will ovulate mthly.. n i would feel its pretty common if one is too stress up.. I also do not wish to seek long term tcm to tiao to make sure i ovulate regularly( just to avoid "early menopause") even after I have my baby ( if i succeeded to hv one). Don't think any of the gals would do that rgt? I guess its only for the sake of hving bb thats all..

Thks lots for enlightening me gals! Esp Dragontail.. a big hug to u!!

Apple, yes u are absolutely rgt.. the more i stress up, the more my hormones even unbalance..n the more i can't get rid of my pcos. I think the best is to "switch off".

U are like me, my menses tend to delay if im too stress.. like now, i kw for sure my cycle this mth may delay or skip again..cos i couldn't sleep well, keep brooding over this issue. But luckily I get to kw this forum, get to kw nice people here.. if not, I will keep "zuan niu jiao jian" if i couldn't sort out this issues. Thks again gals!!
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i went to the polyclinic this morning to ask for a referral letter and managed to get an appt on 10 Mar. shall see what the doc advise from there..


Active Member
Lynn, just go easy on yourself and this TTC journey. You can do it :)

I just did my hsg at kkh. I really don't think it's just mild discomfort. I acted hero and didn't eat painkiller lol. (Should have of course). It was like super af cramp. Definitely didn't feel good.

But glad it's over.


Hi Lynn23, Dr Su do help alot of ladies here to get pregnant and her way of communication is that she is only confident with her own herbs and medicine and all we need is to just follow her instruction.
I feel that if you can't accept the way her treatment or her "over-confident", or if whatever she say makes you even more stress, maybe you wanna consider to switch other tcm.
You need a doctor no matter Chinese or western to give you hope and not make you even more stress


Hi prayinghard,

Thks for yr kind advise. U are rgt to say that I don't really trust dr su now as she refused to give me ovulation medicine. I have polycystic ovaries. I'm different fm other ladies whose menses are regular n always ovulate. My menses cycle can skip a mth n super long cycle. I would say its quite erratic. Besides, my menses is getting lighter n lighter which is far different fm previous yrs. If I don't solve this issue fast, I'm afraid my condition would get worse. I would definitely need a stronger med to make sure my cycle gets bk to normal before talking abt conceiving. The symptoms of pcos n menopause seems similar as I got lighter menses n longer cycles which is why I'm concern if both issues are overlapping one another.My gynae already said patients like me doesn't ovulate regularly n if Tcm dr doesn't assist me in this area, I'm afraid I might really end up going thru menopause stage! That will be too late. I intend to solve my pcos thru western med as I feel its faster, then later I shall seek Tcm. I do not feel that by taking both med works. Coz if there are side effects, I would not be able to tell which one causes it since both also regulate menses.


Some gal got regular menses but does nt mean they ovulate. Me is one example. Also lynn, u r nt dat old rite? Dun fret over menopause la. Pcos also will get preggy. I read some uplifting stories on dat before. So dun think too much bout menopause n scare urself.


Active Member
Eh Maq actually I felt like crying when I started to feel the pain. I was then imagining oh my god people say labour pain is 100x more than our af cramp. Hsg feels like super duper bad cramp. So I think I will be almost dying if no epi man. I decided yesterday I wanna go c sect. Lol.


Active Member
Haha. Dragontail, for me the pain I feel like cringe up into a ball, But the nurse hold me down in the thick blanket can't move and I dun dare move lower part. Felt so vunerable. For ur age I think a c sect is a must ba.

Lynn, have u considered ivf?


Active Member
Correct lilhammie. Couldn't move and we were supposed to put our legs flat at one point. Then so tense not allowed to move. Hate the whole thing!

Yes likely don't have to act hero and go straight to c sect for me Haa!


Dragontail, sorry if i make u stressed.. i shd be the one to feel stress.. cos now then i realised my prob is slightly more serious than others hving pcos.

Maqisa, yr scan is ok rgt? My gynae told me that pcos got 2 types, one is hving nice regular menses cycle but scan showed polycystic ovaries n the other is my case, hving irregular menses with polycystic ovaries. So my symptoms resembles of menopause symptoms which is why when I couldn't see my menses coming for that mth, i fret. I scared it may just stop out of sudden since Dr su mentioned she got such patients like that.. ( if it is really true).. but i did not ask how young she was..

Anyway, I have decided to seek western treatmt, i think it works faster. Thereafter when i got my menses regular again, then i continue with TCM. Somehow I feel diff tcm hv diff treatmt, got to try out to see the diff. For me, I am not sure if my "Bazi" crashed with Dr Su, haha.. :001_302: coz she doesn't want to give me"ovulation" med despite i highlighted to her that my body cannot ovulate myself. She said im not suitable.. Im wondering if others without pcos is suitable , then why am i "not suitable"?? I hv tried Dr Wu med for 3 wks n she could shorten my cycle from 58days to 37days. When I kw i got improvement, i really felt relief n comforting.

Dr su already can read my pulse that im quite anxious.. n the more im anxious the more my menses wont come. Yet she did not want to adjust my med accordingly.
I agree with Prayinghard that I shd go to a tcm who i feel more comfortable n confident n not making me feel super scared.. if not my condition would never improve.
I am not trying to say that Dr su's words cannot be trusted but then im just a patient, i want to see "results". If there isn't results, no point talking further.. Actually, I didn't want to switch frm Dr wu to Dr su since i got see improvement in that particular mth. Just that I got bloated tummy n i want to do acupuncture.

I can really sense which tcm med works for my body.. I think its impt to see menses coming every mth before talking abt ovulation or not.. if my menses always late (exceeding 40days). Then i think its confirm that tcm med doesn't work for me.

Now i feel much better, as i kw what I can do for the next step. Im not going to ponder if anovulation would result in premature menopause. I feel that dragontail's words are really true n encouraging! An eg of people who smoke, but not everyone would get lung cancer rgt? I really cannot afford to keep hving this fear till i really reach my menopausal age. This is really torturous n unhealthy!



yes i did consider IVF. But not at this moment..cos my hubby not prepared yet. I want to make sure I settle my pco, seeing blood every mth from tcm side n make use of this time to keep fit before I proceed.

I guess if i were to conceive, I would choose c sect. Haha.. cos i want to choose "auspicous "date! :001_302:


Dragontail, yeah its more painful than af cramp.

For me the after procedure pain was worse.
Cos hsg only sharp pain for like a few min but the aftermath is more painful and it lasted for the night

Luckily we only need to go through once


Lynn..since dr su med dont suit u and dr wu one helps..then stick to dr wu lor. I also switch from dr su to dr wu. But some succeed under dr wu some succeed under dr su..some dont succeed with either. It is all abt individual body constitution. And sinseh not god so dont think they can cure all of us.

Dont keep thinking of menopause. How old are u?
My mense also getting lesser and lesser as I age but I never tot of menopause yet. So don't worry lah. Go do a full checkup with western doc.

Stress makes ur body worse...cheers :D