We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Hurrrr I'm still the youngest to have period soooo early!!!! I recall that in pri sch, all the girls having this 'girl' talk by Kotex n whisper then a lot girls was like wtf Are they talking abt.. Then I that time already knew. Why????? I still so young n cute why I come period so earlyyy. Now Lynn say I can menopause early then omg I'm an old woman soooooon?????? If one day I get all weirdo u all will know I menopause??? I hope I can preggy and pop before 30 (I say before I hope to have by 28, then by 29) will I continue every year to say I wanna pop before 31, 32, 33? Who knows I menopause next year then I won't able to preggy n have kids how ????? I not underweight also, maybe during pri sch I got slightly chubby abit. I feel I'm normal and my period always come on time. Never thought menopause will come for me so early :( Lynn u no need worry now cos I think I more will have early menopause than u


Omg! Dun think that way ok.. Littlehamster. Lets not talk abt menopause anymore.. We also not sure when will it happen to us rgt? All these just old people sayings, may not happen.. My mum also didn't hv pco but I hv rgt? I'm also puzzled why am I hving all these.. My aunties all don't hv also.. That's why I think maybe its our lifestyle.. Now I try to be positive a bit.. Though its not easy for me. So long u got yr menses regularly u are pretty safe.. I'm more at higher risk. Don't scare yrself..

U kw when I told my gynae I suspected I'm going to menopause soon coz I always skipped menses etc. She gave me a " blur" look as if I'm a " alien". Thereafter before I did the scan, she already told me most likely was pcos. N she confirmed the diagnosis. I hate this pcos coz it really makes me feel misleading!


Active Member
Still bit hard to not say leh But I kept thinking abt it every since I realised this thru all these talk . I going See kkh doc again on 2 Apr. U think I shld bring forward by appt??? I wan ask her abt this, why So long till now I have preggy. So sadded. Or Maybe I shld check with DrC? I'll bet He And other tcm Sure tell me same thing dun think So much dun think So much. I dun wan let My hubby down let his Mum down. So hard leh, being the first son's dil. His Mum always ask ask ask, luckily his side n My side No grandma or grandpa if not I cannot imagine What will happen . (*>.<*) awwwww.. I know everyone here cares for me, I appreciate all these.. somehow somehow... :'(

Lynn, since u already decided on western liao So shldnt be a problem for u right. Got root cause can get correct medicine to treat. Me duno anything leh
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yeah! We are not going to talk abt those negative thgs anymore! Lets live happily..:Dancing_wub:

Littlehamster, dont worry ok.. we are still young.. So u still need not worry so much.. furthermore u are not like me leh.. Im more "problematic" rgt?
But still i got to accept this now.. trying hard to accept it or get use to it.

Er.. i actually kw next wk when I see my gynae, she will give me hormones pills to regulate my menses, I am sceptical of taking hormones pills so I dont think i will take too long, just for a start to 'get rid " of the polycystic ovaries.. then later i continue with Dr Wu med to regulate my cycles.. i believe she can help me due to my previous experience with her. Thereafter I will do blood test to see if under her, i got ovulate or not..before i decide to go further with my gynae to do IUI or IVF.


Little hamster don't worry too much!
Is it results review for ur 2 Apr appt?

Just write down the list of questions u wanna ask
No question is silly question.
At least u ask, dr answers. Then u have an answer to your query rather than getting stressed up guessing where went wrong.

Cd24 (dpo10) today.
Think out this cycle again..
Next month going to start clomid and keeping away the opk and bbt thermometer as advised by kkh dr tan.
However hub will be overseas for work during my fertile period.


Active Member
Aww lilhammie. Hugs. Auntie loves you ok :)

soursop, it's too early to give up just for this cycle. Anything can happen ya.

Me CD14. I have been bleeding since my hsg. Think I didnt have a good experience with hsg. Anyway I am on medication (went to O&G 2 nights ago because of the bleed. Not heavy but more like af tail). Now 4 days after hsg and the bleed is definitely subsiding. No discomfort or whatsover.


Ya dont talk abt mxxxpaxxx liao lah.we are all young! Theres so much for us to do!

Littlehammie...u still younger than many of us here..don't worry and dont bomb ur doc with such questions. .go ask something else. Haha..else the doc kick u out of room before u reach main point

Yeah dragon tail jia you...eat more nourishing food.

Pcos is not a big big problem and seems to be used quite lightly. Anyway I also got friend wjo said got pcos but also preg naturally. Guess we all must continue healthy diet and dont anyhow eat. .keep tum tum warm.

Oppss am I getting too naggy


Dragontail, are u okay? Did the o&g mentioned why you bled?
i rem the dr did told me to monitor for bleeding after hsg, if there is then need to go to the 24 hr o&g clinic cos worried about infection


As to whether should I postpone clomid..... We'll I'm thinking he will be gone from my cd 13 onwards .... So I'm banking that his spermies can survive till my ovulation which is usually on cd14....

dont nut wan to postpone clomid leh


Active Member
Soursop doc seems not worried about my bleeding as she says it's not much and moreover I'm not cramping or having any discomfort. She said I could spot for a week after hsg.

Oh then don't need to postpone clomid. Sounds in time :)


Active Member
For my case, the doc who did the hsg told me the scan pics still need to go through lab. Then my dedicated fertility doc will go through the final result with me on 18mar. But I forced him to say so what he thinks about my result. :p He said it seems Ok and unblocked. Ok he did go through through the pics with me after my procedure. I do see the dye reaching the end of my tubes. Other than that I don't know how to read the scans. Leave it till 18mar then.


Sounds ok. Actually I think ur tubes aint a prob in e first place.. furthermore u get ewcm n regular menses n menses amt, so by right, u shld hve gotten preggy easily. Sigh... this preggy thing really very puzzling hor....


But dun fret... u n e rest of gals here sure will get there. Just a qns of when. In fact I got more confidence den u den myself... me really jiak luk... no ewcm n mostly dry down there. .. use preseed also no use... somemore hubs oversea... anyway me goin over to visit him soon... might hve to go there to be with him... but I jus hate leavin.. everyone n everything here... oh man!


Oh maq, u hub outstation for how long?

Is it very far? If not u have to fly over every time to bd during the fertile period also very tedious


Active Member
Hsg purpose is not just to test if the tubes are blocked. I think more than that which I'm not sure. So see what my doc says.

Maq, where are you going and aren't ya coming back?