We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Soursop hugs. I really didn't know what pain it's all about before the hsg. Now I went through, I really think women should deserve a big pat on the back for going through so much more than the men.

When I was home I felt quite weak. I felt traumatised. Haa.

Hope you get your dream come true soon after the hsg :)


Hi poohy,

Thks for yr encouragement. Yes, I'm trying my best to "delete" menopause fm my mind. I'm 29 yr old. Btw, I would like to kw anyone taking western dr medicine n at the same time take Tcm med to tiao body? Can it be done concurrently?


Hi lynn..when I took dr su med..my mense sometimes also drag very long then come..thus I switch to dr wu. Though more regular with dr wu med...but also no good news. Thus I moved on to ivf.


Lynn: fwah... u r so young!!! Why u think bout menopause? Think Menopause come to me faster den to u man.. and poohy, I lk ur attitude gal. Yes, my menses also become lesser, nt dat I hve loads to begin wif, at some point I do worry but come wat may...
Think I m on e abnormal side coz normally gals start to hve their period at 12-15 in my case, I didnt get my period till I m bout 18! Scary right...


Hi Maqisa,

No la.. If im near 50s, then i wont be scared of menopause, cos i ever heard my frd telling me her colleague menopause at ard 30plus.. thats why I scared. I think it does happen but maybe rare cases..somemore Im very skinny n heard skinny gals will hv more of such symptoms. Now I just "switch off" pretending im just pco patients.. sometimes i feel being ignorance is a blessing too! Know too much will make us worry for nothg! My menses is very light, sometimes the first 2 days already no more.. thats why i worry. Now i kw pcos is like that, menses is supposed to be light..must learn to accept it. I started to hv my menses at ard 14yr old.. menses was a lot could last for 5 to 7 days.. only last yr then i realised i got this prob.

Wah, u started hving yr period at 18yr old, I heard if u started late, you will menopause late.. better rgt?


Hi poohy,

I have the same experience as u. I think Dr Wu's medicine is more heaty, when i tried for the first dose, it quickly warmed up my tummy. Thats why she did not want me to take red dates tea as she said if i got sore throat, got to stop her medicine. If under Dr Wu, she can help me see "blood" every mth within 35days, I will be very happy cos at least i kw im not going near menopause:001_302:..haha..then from there I shall see if i want to try IUI or IVF.


Lynn: think its myth... yeah dat time my mom was damn worried, tot I m those who might never get their period. I rem her bringing me to see dr aft dr n even seen a specialist once. I wasnt too freaked out thou. I just tot its nice not having any menses coz I was not comfy wif blood, pad etc.


Hi Maqisa, are u referring to my pcos? I normally don't always get menses cramp but only last mth when I took ice cream one day before my menses, then I got super bad cramp till I got to take painkiller. I think pcos symptom varies among diff patients.. cos normally is for overweight patients with high sugar level or high cholesterol, with more hair on the body etc.. but all these i don't hv. Thats why when i told my tcm dr su, she seems to be surprised.. but i just got a feeling she is not very confident in treating my condition. Esp when i asked her if acupuncture can help, she said "can try.." plus got a feeling that her med works super slow compared to Dr wu.


Hi Maqisa,

Btw when u started to hv yr menses at age 18, were u underweight that time? Coz im underweight n I heard usually if underweight, menses would come slightly later than normal females, although I got my first period at age 14 but also not regular till age 15 onwards..I envy those gals who can hv their menses on the same exact day every mth. Coz it created lots of inconvenience when im out without kwing my menses came out of sudden.( esp no signal like cramps).


Nope. Not under or overweight. N it wasnt herditary either so itz kinda mind boggling as to why I didnt get mine


Active Member
I remember exactly i had my first af on 1 Nov when I was 14 :p

My granny had her menopause in her 30s. Yup that's very unusual. But that was after she popped 8 children. But my mom meno late. And my eldest sis has no sign of early meno yet at the age of 47 now.